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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7324442 No.7324442 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I'm free all summer and am going to be self teaching myself various concepts, here is my list so far:

-Calculus 1/ Precalc concepts
-Physics 1
-Biology 1 (not actually memorization just to get to know some things)
-Russian language

Any other suggestions? What are you guys learning over the summer?

>> No.7324453

Oh and my fields of interest are:
-Computer science
-Aerospace engineering

So if anyone can recommend some good subjects to learn that would be great.

>> No.7324470

x86 assembly, Japanese, Mandarin, electromagnetism, ER modeling, Ubuntu variants, Krav Maga, complex analysis, experimental physics, emacs, Standard ML, SQL injections

>> No.7324497

Analysis, measure theory, graph theory, juggling up to 5 balls, Fourier analysis, and differential geometry

>> No.7324499

-Introduction to Dank Memes
-Computer Assisted Dank Memes
-Design of Dank Memes
-Higher Order Dank Memes
-Dank Meme Theory

>> No.7324506


Jacob Barnett?

>> No.7324526

Finish up Calc II and dive into III before the school year starts
QM and QP
Maybe a little intro to astrophysics.

Obviously not gonna get through all of QM/QP, but I wanna get as far as I can. Astrophysics will more than likely have to wait.

>> No.7324557


>> No.7324559

No I'm a kid with no social life with autism.

>> No.7324562


>> No.7324566

Yeah, Jacob Barnett

>> No.7324568

just go on edx or coursera and find something interesting

>> No.7324570 [DELETED] 


>> No.7324602

Japanese and since we got winter here in the southern hemisphere I'll stikl be studying at med school

>> No.7324616

kek enjoy your ban

>> No.7324648

German. Just German.

Shit's time-consuming on its own.

>> No.7324650

>supplying your real age
moron. if youre not smart enough to lie, then youre not smart enough to even be on this site

>> No.7324668

sound like a fucking "i just wanna make games" boy

>> No.7324672

Calc 3a (multivariate), linear alg, and 1st semster phyics ). Maybe some introduction to proofs or abstract algebra or analysis if I have time.

>> No.7324678

general proof techniques AKA reading proofs
generating functions
most of the front end web design, and maybe some server side stuff if i feel like a god
maybe art? idk

>> No.7324773

>self teaching martial arts
>krav maga
that is the biggest waste of your time. not only will you not learn a thing, you're studying an ineffective art, so even with "proper" instruction you would still be as defenseless as a karate white belt

>> No.7324805

Looking for a post-doc spot in PhysChem soon, many places ask for experience in programming. What's the best language for science? FORTRAN?

>> No.7324850
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Going through two books, Leinster's "Higher Operads, Higher Categories," and MacLane/Moerdijk's "Sheaves in Geometry and Logic." Next will be two of Lurie's books, "Higher Category Theory," and "Higher Algebra."

Currently my research is aimed at developing my theory of spaces as a more natural foundation for cohomology theories, and then I will be attempting to develop a motivic cohomology theory for my spaces.

I am also working on what I call "lensing," which is where one uses a single object in a category to construct a binary relation on the entire category, and look at everything relative to that "reference frame." The goal there is to come up with a clean definition for how complicated rhe objects in arbitrary categories are, with the hope of generalizing Leinster's magnitudes of metric spaces and graphs, as well as the cardinality of sets, Euler characteristic of topological spaces, and dimension of vector spaces. It's been a long project. I want to then use my definition at the crux of finite model theory and categorical semantics, to classify problems in arbitrary languages into computational complexity classes.

Also, I am working on a notational system for small categories, so that we can start dropping the myriad of terms used in the field right now.

Another side project has been developing a theory of an equivalence hierarchy in infinity-categories, because things like adjunctions, equivalences, isomorphisms, identification, et cetera, can all be generalized as existing in this hierarchy. Then we can classify infinity-categories up to various types of equivalence based on their n-core, for all n less than some fixed natural number.

>> No.7324855

>-Russian language

Kill yourself ruskie

>> No.7324871


>> No.7325118

and last, but not least:
-Applied Dank Memes

>> No.7325120

Probability and statistics

>> No.7325146
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Fell for the /sci/ meme and actually bought Spivak and Velleman earlier today.

>> No.7325163

Vector calculus
Aerodynamics and fluid dynamics
Abstract algebra

And read a ton of history books, novels and maybe musicology.

>> No.7325165

You won't be disappointed lad. Just do ALL proofs.

>> No.7325189

Weiss ich doch schon... Ich studiere Deutsch seit mehr als drei Jahren und ich kann Nachrichten noch nicht verstehen, wenn ich sie nur höre, und Nachrichten oder Bücher lesen geht sehr langsam, besonders wenn sie schwerer zu lesen sind... Aber ja, ich hab fast keine Praxis, denn ich lebe in einer Stadt, wo nur ich, mein Lehrer und ein oder zwei andere Personen Deutsch sprachen. Ich hoffe nächsten Jahr, wenn ich umziehe, kann ich mehr Deutsch mit andern Leuten praktisieren. Aber für jetzt bin ich wie in einem Insel, ohne irgendmann, mit wem ich übungen kann

>> No.7325198

Shit, I don't know. This year will be my first year at college (I had to save up my own money) and I want to learn a few things just so I won't have too much trouble later learning them. [spoiler]I've always had a little problem with ADD.

>> No.7325207

>learning Russian

>> No.7325274

fuck up

>> No.7325279

That chart is half right.

Whites = Cro-magnon + neanderthal
Asians = Cro-magnon + Denisovan
Aborigines = Homo Erectus + Denisovan
African = Homo Erectus + Cro-magnon

>> No.7325315

With the hope it'll help you in your quest for improving your German, I took the liberty to correct your post:

>Weiss ich doch schon... Ich studiere Deutsch seit mehr als drei Jahren und ich kann Nachrichten noch nicht verstehen, wenn ich sie nur höre
Weiss ich doch schon... Ich studiere seit über drei Jahren Deutsch und kann die Nachrichten immer noch nicht verstehen wenn ich sie nur höre.
>Aber ja, ich hab fast keine Praxis, denn ich lebe in einer Stadt, wo nur ich, mein Lehrer und ein oder zwei andere Personen Deutsch sprachen.
...Deutsch sprechen (you still live in that city, and these people still talk German so you should use present tense).
>Ich hoffe nächsten Jahr, wenn ich umziehe, kann ich mehr Deutsch mit andern Leuten praktisieren.
...kann ich mehr Deutsch mit anderen Leuten praktizieren ("üben" is probably more natural than "praktizieren", which is very Academic vocabulary)
>Aber für jetzt bin ich wie in einem Insel, ohne irgendmann, mit wem ich übungen kann
Aber zur Zeit (or "im Moment") bin ich wie auf einer Insel ohne jemanden mit dem ich üben kann.

Let me take the opportunity to congratulate you for getting where you are, though. German is difficult...

>> No.7325319

One more thing I overlooked:
>Ich hoffe nächsten Jahr...
Ich hoffe nächstes Jahr

Have a great day!

>> No.7325414

Where is the best place to get started with the whole "category theory" thing? I know a little about it from general algebra but as a physicist I have not gotten far into the fields that make use of it heavily like algebraic topology/geometry. Should I just read MacLane?

>> No.7325420

More chemistry
Physics, because my grade is [-3, 00, 02, (04), 7, 10, 12]

>> No.7325423

smoking copious amounts of weed and hanging out with friends

>> No.7325426

od pierdol sie kurwa polak

>> No.7325452

Just go over calculus, linear algebra, some trig and whatever interests you in physics.
Don't go all the way, just whenever you wan to.

>> No.7325459

german and somewhat advanced programming in c#, any advice?

>> No.7325461

Is kurwa the only insult in polish?

>> No.7325477
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>mfw I literally write the simplest thing ever and get everything wrong

>> No.7325488

Ich werde es hinzufügen, dass meine Situation noch schlimmer ist... Mein Lehrer ist kaum ein Lehrer, er hat nie wirklich Deutsch studiert, sondern ist er ein Italiener, der in Deutschland geboren ist. Also bin ich sicher, dass ich viele Fehler mache, wenn ich mit ihm rede, ohne dass er sie bemerkt. Er ist offensichtlich dran nicht schuld, aber eh... was kann man machen, wenn man in solcher Situation wie meine ist.

>> No.7325543

Why do you say that?

I would recommend Mac Lane merely because that's what I learned from, but there are also books by Borceux as well as Awodey. Because categories are used all over, many books on a variety of topics will have an introductory section for teaching categories. Never forget, though: there exists a website called the nLab, which is a research-level group wiki for topics in mathematics, physics, and philosophy, all centered around category theory. It will be an excellent reference for you if you decide to study the subject.

If you are interested in QFT, you may also be interested to know that categorical quantum mechanics is a thing, but you will want to get the basics down first in category theory.

>> No.7325582

Ich bin ein Hitler Jugen. lol

>> No.7325587

learn to internet

>> No.7325606

german native here.
Ive had the pleasure of meeting some nonnatives who live here. (and arent (sand-)niggers/roma)

1) there is no way you will get grammatical gender right everytime
2) it is extremely unlikely you will get the vier fälle right (even natives fuck this up frequently)
3) nobody is going to care

just focus on speaking fluent. ignore small irrelevant grammatical errors.

>> No.7325739
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danke anon

>> No.7325742

>Implying Jacob has no social life

>> No.7325921

-GR and Special Relativity
- Differential Geometry
-Getting more into a quantitative approach to relativity and cosmology

>> No.7325943

Python & C++

>> No.7325976

Weeaboo detected.

>> No.7325978
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>> No.7326130

dumb teen

>> No.7326150

I'm gonna work on some sort of programming language like python. Perhaps some ontology or corporate finance as well.

>> No.7326165

>-Getting more into a quantitative approach to relativity and cosmology
Is there a non quantitative approach to GR?

>> No.7326184

Going to watch some Khan Academy lectures on chemistry. Trying to get used to the concepts before I take my Gen-chem class next semester. I need a good GPA.

Any recommendations on the best way to do this?

>> No.7326279

Yes I have come across the nLab but it seems basically unreadable unless you are already "initiated". I'll just go with MacLane then.

>> No.7326296

What should someone who is interested in Mathematical Physics read upon?

I've only done Classical Dynamics and Fluid Mechanics

>> No.7326317

Quantum Mechanics, Griffiths

>> No.7326376

Get an intro to proofs book (I read "How to prove it") then get A course in modern mathematical physics by Szekeres. That'll give you a very broad over view of the subject but it will leave you wanting in a lot of places, from there you need to read more specialised books.

>> No.7326412

doubt it
Arnold - Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
Spivak - Physics for Mathematicians
Scheck - Mechanics - From Newton’s Laws to Deterministic Chaos

>> No.7326417

Orgo, I have work so it's the only thing I have time for

>> No.7326422


I should have added that I've already done a lot of math courses (Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Numerical Methods, etc)

Can't I just skip the math books?

>> No.7326431

Arnold is a graduate mathematics book.
I think you might have enough math for it.

Spivak requires at least what you listed (not sure about the real analysis)

Scheck...I still haven't read yet, but I see recommended next to these.

>> No.7326434

What's the best way to learn orgo?

>> No.7326448

How are you learning python? i signed up for code academy. How can I learn java from home?

>> No.7326515

Don't start QM until you learn linear algebra.

>> No.7326538

I am reading through the book "how to think like a computer scientist" thr interactive Python guide. Sorry on mobile do can't provide a link. Look into it, seriously one of the best beginner programming books over ever read. In supplementing that text with the projects in class for the course I'm taking in the fall. Java has the same version if that book sans interactive part.

>> No.7326669

That part was directed more with Special Relativity

>> No.7326971
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Same thing I've been studying for months, the Susskind Lectures. These things are great

Pic related: notes from most recent lecture I watched

>> No.7326989

Why is penmanship so shit these days?
Do people not get taught to write properly in elementary school?

>> No.7326991

If you don't memorize you won't be able to make the critical connections between concepts

>> No.7327017
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Once you turn traitor

>> No.7327048

I'm guessing you're a sophomore or junior.
Mine are:
>Advanced Theoretical Memery
>Advanced Pepe Studies
>Problems in >that feel when no gf
>Greentext Literary Theory

>> No.7327051

>implying he doesn't have no social life

>> No.7327052

people type now, and are taught how to type in school. no one is taught penmanship anymore

>> No.7327098

Feel like I'm teaching myself calculus even though I'm taking it as a class online. The website I have to go through has PowerPoints for the chapters but they don't explain crap, just offer practice problems. The video lectures just repeat what the slides say orally. The homework questions don't match either the PowerPoint or the lecture examples. At least I'm learning though.

>> No.7327302


>> No.7327353

Christ, I'm a board full of children.

>> No.7327413

>no mention of denisovans
Shit picture

>> No.7327418

Linear Algebra and Linear Space Theory, Calc 2 and 3.

>> No.7327526
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>tfw all of this means nothing without real world meme experience

>> No.7327527


>> No.7327628

I'm going to try and immerse myself into designing programs before I learn to code, study more genetics, catch up on primary literature, and git gud at soccer

>> No.7327632

cyka blyat

>> No.7327643

Oh, you are?

>> No.7327664


How to use SAS and STATA.

>> No.7327678
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I will learn more about various connectionist models of machine learning.
Also I will read about computational neuroscience, neuroscience of learning and memory and experiments on animals that measure their learning and memory.
I need this knowledge to do some simulated experiments with virtual creatures.
If someone is interested in these things we can discuss them in more detail.

>> No.7327741


>calculus 1
>biology 1
>physics 1

what are you, 16?

>> No.7327753

Calc 2 and when I finish that I'll either start Physics 2 or Linear Algebra.

>> No.7327765

>Physics 1
>Physics 2

Study specific topics, don't try and learn shit out of some general physics book.

>> No.7328018

I want to learn how to draw, animate and model 2d and later on 3d - but I've also been wondering where I could find a hub or "seat" of knowledge where I can find knowledge of my own interests. I aspire to many things, great things, I want to know a lot of things but I don't know where on the internet I can find them, where to start and how. Been to the library but they haven't had much books on animation for starters, that's why I need to search somewhere else, but I just don't know where and I don't even know what my options are, then there's this problem where I have to learn over and over again, twice the time wasted than the normal human being needs.
I don't want a job I just want to live and learn about life, this body and the strength within feelings

>> No.7328172
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The typical high school summer break is 10 weeks. The typical university summer break is around 14-15 weeks, although usually university students will be doing internships or summer classes.

Ten weeks is 1680 hours. Assuming you sleep 10 hours a day over the 70 days, that's 700 hours. That leaves you with 980 hours. Assuming an 80% self-studying time efficiency (you can't comprehend the material as quickly without a teacher), and that you spend 40% of your waking hours self-studying (and that's generous), then you will have 980*(.80)*(.40) = 313.6 effective study hours.

Over a ten week academic quarter, you would presumably spend at least 10 hours of time per week per class, including attending lecture, solving problems, etc. That's at least 100 hours per class per quarter.

Therefore an extremely dedicated high-school student on break could teach themselves at least three quarter-long classes worth of material over a break. In addition, one shouldn't attempt more than three classes.

However, high school students typically lack discipline. I believe a realistic factor of safety for this analysis is 2. That puts the effective study hours at ~150. Realistically speaking, even the "above average" high school student should only attempt to master one subject over a summer.

In conclusion, I find many of your choices of study to be unrealistic. You should not try to learn basic biology, physics, calculus and Russian. In attempting to be master of all, you will end up as master of none.

>> No.7328183

I'm really interested in sound waves, but feel like it would be better to just focus on next semester's material first since I'm a slow learner with physics.

>> No.7328415

Self study always seems so magical, except when the semester hits they're so fast they blow past everything you studied in a few weeks.
Experienced it last year with anatomy .

Hoping to get an edge in pharmacology this summer, maybe sharpen up on my French. Biggest goal though is getting reading journals into my normal schedule and finding a good idea for my PhD thesis.

>> No.7328456

I just checked, and there's an abundance of animation textbooks on torrenting sites. Furthermore, there's also plenty of books on drawing and art fundamentals. If you want some advice, you should focus on studying the fundamentals of art first. By that, I mean focus on understanding line/shape , light, perspective, etc. Keep grinding out still life perceptions and random anatomy portraits until you feel comfortable with art mechanics, and you'll be able to make a smooth transition into doing what you really want, which is animation with your own style.

>> No.7328468

What do you plan on using for pharmacology? I want to be a pharmacist but I won't be applying to pharmacy schools until this fall. Never too early to start learning though.

>> No.7328472

I'm in med-school, so I highly doubt whatever we use to learn pharmacology is even close to the level needed in pharmacy schools. I was just thinking of using next year's textbook which is Goodman and Gilman, The pharmacological bases of therapeutics

>> No.7328478

Ive be studying for two years but very very casualy
Now that Im done with school im going to pick it up

>> No.7328487

Ah man. Make sense you're in med school to want to study that over the summer. Best of luck to you!

>> No.7328574

genetic engineering and psychopharmacology hopefully

>> No.7328592

This, take a course in Muay Thai or Brazilian JiuJitsu, or boxing

>> No.7328595

Criminology and criminal psychiatry, anatomy, muai tai and kick boxing, general and organic chemistry, pharmacology.

>> No.7329289

we are all aware that this thread is self masturbation

>> No.7329319

French, reading the Greeks and getting /fit/ no homo

>> No.7329325
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Should be able to do it in a month even though I am a polsci student. Any recommendations for literature on finance?

>> No.7329336

Spanish, Quantum Mechanics, Computational Chemistry, Basics of Relativity and String Theory. Maybe a bit Mandarin.

>> No.7329348

Thanks a lot for the info man, it would be easy if I had a mentor who would just know where to start and give me assignments that would gradually improve my skills and I regret I didn't do anything about it in my teen years, I've just been admiring every piece of art and life but done nothing about it - fear of going in the wrong direction was too strong - now I have new fears of losing memory, being too late to start this profession, fear of failure and doubt - I'm too sensitive man.
The only inspiration I have is the inner will of creating masterpieces to inspire the masses.
Thanks a lot again, I will not let your help be in vain!

>> No.7329351

>just learning calculus
Are you underage?

Learn multi variable calculus, eigenvalues and vectors instead.

>> No.7329475

Klein Organic Chemistry
Best text on the subject and very user friendly, lots of pictures and examples after most topics. not to mention a study guide supplement if you want. The first chapter goes over the gen chem you will need.

>> No.7329503

Why the fuck would you learn foreign languages unless you're going to move to the respective country? This is so retarded and pretentious. And in this particular case retarded is even worse than pretentious - you are being manipulated by the "higher educated community" to fill your head with rubbish you don't need, because otherwise you're primitive and uneducated properly. That's what soviet government did, incredibly pathetic. And English isn't my native fyi.

>> No.7330521

For one thing, learning foreign languages is fun. And a lot more content that you might be interested in is available (ever since I learned Japanese I've been able to enjoy some of my favorite authors in their original form, which is a whole different experience, and I've even taken a liking to Heian period Japanese poetry).
Languages allow you to communicate with people around the world, which can also be a great advantage (since I've studied French I can understand my neighbors a whole lot better than before and I've found good friends in them).
Not only that, it could be significant for your occupation (I see a lot of people who speak Arabic as their mother tongue as a med-student, learning Arabic allows me to speak to them more freely and improves communication significantly).

There are many other advantages to learning other languages, but personally I've found the biggest merit to be increasing my scope of thinking. When I learn a language I learn new manners of thinking. It's in the syntax, the words, everywhere. Consider that there are no two words that are identical, not in a single language and not in two different languages. Every word comes with its own range of of connotations and normal use. Sometimes I think (in Hebrew generally), and I realize I'm using words in German for some things. The words are supposedly "identical" to other words in Hebrew, but in every context of thinking there is a reason a certain words come to my head and not others. I really feel this has allowed me to think in different directions and be more specific when considering concepts.

Just some random thoughts, sorry for the long post.

>> No.7330541


>> No.7330551


>> No.7330554

Get more advanced with Python, a framework like flask, get more caught up with Calc I since I suck at math. Biology I, weight lifting and lifeguarding/first aid

I've made some heavy progress on Biology and Calc, and I got both my lifeguarding certificate and first aid certification so I'd say I'm doing pretty well.

>> No.7330555

> being this mad

>> No.7330558

Python, but Julia might take its place in the future

>> No.7330568

>Learning a Language

Please, if someone doesn't speak American they aren't worth speaking to.

>> No.7330598


no wait

Microsoft Excel

>> No.7330619

if someone is as close-minded as you they aren't worth speaking to.

>> No.7330634


another piece of advice: practice figure drawing on your own.

just google "figure drawing" - there are loads of sites with people & objects in poses photographed from every angle.

if you can spend an hour or two a week doing a few sprints and a few long sessions, you will improve fast.

IRL generally, to warm up, you will go through 5-10 "thirty second" poses - meaning you have 30 seconds to draw whatever you see. From there, you draw about three "five minute" or "three minute" poses; finally, the "long pose", during which you spend 30 minutes drawing the pose. At most, people sit for two of these. Then class is over

A real live model in a figure drawing class is better than relying on photos, but you can probably mimic it by picking a model and drawing them in completely different poses for the sprints, drawing the same pose from *different angles* for the short draws, and picking a challenging pose + angle combination of that model for the long draw(s).

>> No.7330648

This. All countries that don't speak American English deserve to be invaded.

>> No.7330652

well, so far this summer I have learned how to buy weed, roll and smoke a very decent blunt, and various other useful skills related to getting high on weed.

I have about 20 seeds, so I'm going to try to grow my own. Only the female plants produce buds with THC, and about 50% of the seeds will develop as males (useless unless I want to retire a female plant for breeding).

Since human female hormones are released in female sweat (women's menstrual cycles can be changed just by having them regularly smell a cloth that another woman sweated on), I'm going to see if I can increase the yield of female & hermaphrodite plants by sewing the seeds into a small muslin satchet & wearing it in my bra or pants while I work out for a week or two.

I'm not planning to be especially rigorous, of course, because it'd be a waste of my limited number of seeds to establish a control group, but it struck me as an entertaining summer project.

(I also have a large house to clean up and put to use, since most of the rooms are full of clutter. "growing weed" is an excellent motivator to get the house nice and tidy.)

>> No.7330654


>> No.7330656
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>> No.7330711
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yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a KV homo autist if it helps.

>fantasize about impressing a qt by rolling one for her at a party and maybe sharing it
>haven't been to a party in 3 years

>> No.7330779


>> No.7330789

看看这黑鬼 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

>> No.7330798

>thinks estrogens are phytohormones
top kek femanon

>inb4: "But muh phytoestrogens!"
No. Read more relevant literature, summerfriend.

>> No.7330954

A-algebra II

>> No.7331050



plant seeds are large, totipotent stem cells, and can be chemically feminized; a lot of the cell organelles are common to humans and plants. hormone chemicals are also substantially smaller than plant or animal cells, making it more likely for them to be able to cross the cell wall; finally, human estrogen is, obviously, not identical to the corresponding plant hormone, but the two structures are evolutionarily speaking either homologous, related to one another, or a case of evolution producing both separately to fulfill the same role

given the available data on feminization success rates, experimental results of a 70-30 ratio of male to female plants would indicate lack of feminization. experimental results of a 90-10 ratio of female and hermaphrodite plants to male plants would indicate successful feminization. either result would lead to a fragment of evidence about the evolutionary history of both hormones and the possible time period in which both emerged.

i also don't have any lab equipment to try to isolate or analyze the hormones in any meaningful way. there's nothing wrong with experimental data.

>> No.7331056


addendum: i couldn't tell if you were mocking me for a glaring error in thinking, talking out your ass, or just misunderstanding my post; sorry, rekt, & typical_physicist.exe.djvu, respectively

>> No.7331778

Ross's Corporate Finance is the standard MBA Finance textook. That should be a good foundation on finance. If you are thinking of quantitative finance then you should focus on mathematics, mathematical statistics and programming and then the quant stuff.

Source: physics and finance double major.

>> No.7332180

>If you are thinking of quantitative finance then you should focus on mathematics, mathematical statistics and programming and then the quant stuff.

Any particular books that you can recommend?

>> No.7332267

The following three books:
Pattern Classification (Duda ...)
Collective Robotics (Kernbach ...)
Computer organization and design (Hennesy...)

Also implementing stuff like genetic algorithms and graph search algorithms in java

>> No.7332336

intro to proofs/discrete math
algorithms and data structures
probably some linear algebra before next semester

>> No.7332348

>Russian language

И вoт нaхyй oнo тeбe cплющилocь?

>> No.7332724
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, 212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C++ Primer
Algorithms, solve Codeforces problems
Compilers course on Coursera
Something about computer & OS architecture
Game theory book
Category Theory book

>mfw I have no face

>> No.7332729
File: 27 KB, 260x325, 51BiLRYZu1L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant this