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File: 128 KB, 985x985, pia19568_main-1041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7320692 No.7320692 [Reply] [Original]

Get hype! http://www.nasa.gov/jpl/bright-spots-shine-in-newest-dawn-ceres-images

>> No.7320698

Reminds me of my face as a teenager.

>> No.7320700

I'm guessing it's the setting of THX-1138.

>> No.7320770

Thats an Ayy lmaos base

>> No.7320771

Those images look better but don't really shed any more light on what we're looking at. I wonder if the really close shots later this year will.

>> No.7320775


Very excitings! :3c

>> No.7320819
File: 57 KB, 800x593, ceres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it all over the surface looks like a rocky surface, then the surface around the lights look smudged, blurred and smeared?
>inb4 light smears texture
yeah, no. Something's up.

>> No.7320909

Dawn's orbit will decrease and decrease and we still won't know what the fuck it is. Then in 2016 the mission will be over and we won't still get answers.


>> No.7320910

Maybe the camera is still insufficient or it's exaggerated by the compression.

>> No.7320915

metal confirmed

>> No.7320917


I'm staring at it and I don't see any smearing.

>> No.7320918

Yawn. Crystallized nitrogen from surface outgasing fed by capillary exposed by decompression fracturing at the bottom of the crater.

>> No.7320919

Why don't they use color cameras? I mean it could be red hot molten lava. Shiny metallic object. Or the headlights of a UFO. The photo just doesn't tell enough. A million words my ass, this photo says nothing.

Can we at least tell how bright or how many lumens it is?

>> No.7320925

Because scientifically a higher resolution is more important than color. They can get color information by through a filter wheel. As far as we know Ceres isn't going to show much color, just like Mercury, the Earth moon, Vesta or Ganymede.

>> No.7320931

hmmm Dawn has a visible and infrared mapping spectrometer. They should be able to identify what the composition is, shouldn't they?

>> No.7320936

>Why don't they use color cameras

A "color camera" is just three cameras with filters at specific wavelengths within the visible spectrum, to mimic the information gathered by a human eye. That doesn't actually tell you much, compared to more separated wavelengths. The purpose of the mission is to gather data, not take pretty pictures.

That said, we do know what it looks like: it's gray. Happy?

>Can we at least tell how bright or how many lumens it is?

It's not giving off any light. It's simply lighter colored than its surroundings. Specifically, it has an albedo of 40% vs 10% for most of the surface. In other words, most of Ceres is dark gray, and the spots are medium gray.

>> No.7320999

Ask Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, it's their instrument.

>> No.7321046
File: 186 KB, 700x700, Babi_and_Aten_NavCam_node_full_image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceres is dark gray
like the Moon, superdark pic:
Comet 67P/CG (4%) at 0.75m/pixel
similar camera I think, much closer

>> No.7321057
File: 138 KB, 358x366, Wow it's fucking nothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a rock crashed into a bigger rock
lmao you guys are retarded

>> No.7321065

Now explain why the debris is so much more reflective.

>> No.7321069

maybe it was a metallic rock and it broke cleanly or something
ever had one of those rocks that looks like a boring rock on the outside but it's really colorful and shiny on the inside?
I know there's a name for it but I can't think of it off the top of my head

>> No.7321110

>Unexpected, unexplainable results
>"Clearly it's God or something supernatural"
>No evidence to support theory
Lol, religious nuts
>Unexpected, unexplainable results
>"Clearly it's Aliens"
>No evidence to support theory
Clearly it's Aliens

>> No.7321117


Then why do no other craters on Ceres look like this? What makes this one spacial?

>> No.7321129

>falling for the ayy lmao troll

>> No.7321210
File: 4 KB, 200x200, ceresman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still tiny images but it will get better
we'll finally see the devilish details of the ayyluminuum

the framing camera has an angular resolution of about 9.4e-5/px
converting that to m/px is left as an exercise to the reader

there are cool image processing techniques to create synthetic high resolution output by using multiple source images. even stereoscopic stuff should be possible because orbit.

ayyluminuum - the game; wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen.

BTW: The prestigious Chourfan Institute of Astronology (CIA) proposed that a certain ice mountain on Ceres be named "Mount Gerda", after H. C. Anderson's 1844 fairy tale The Snow Queen (who is beset by evil trolls).

>> No.7321346


They already measured the temperature of the feature, it's the same as the surrounds.

>> No.7321569
File: 404 KB, 919x470, CeresTT02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be because the impact blurs the ground closest to the site. That or light from Venus is reflecting off of a high-altitude weather balloon charged by ball-lightning and that's producing the glowing, blurred effect. Obviously, It's just a plain-old boring mountain of ice and that's why NASA hasn't bothered to share a clear image.

>> No.7321572

>What makes this one spacial?
It is 3 dimensional

>> No.7321578
File: 37 KB, 450x456, CeresHST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gray now? Then why does this image from Hubble show color? Gee, too bad Hubbles planetary and wide-field camera can get shots of nebula light-years distant but couldn't and still can't get Ceres in clear focus.

>> No.7321604

>It's gray now? Then why does this image from Hubble show color?

Looks pretty gray to me. Would you happier with brownish gray?

>Gee, too bad Hubbles planetary and wide-field camera can get shots of nebula light-years distant but couldn't and still can't get Ceres in clear focus.

If you're implying there is some contradiction in that, you are wrong. I'm guessing you are simply greatly underestimating how large an object like a nebula is.

>> No.7321629
File: 180 KB, 1770x1701, CeresBWTrueColorInfrared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of Dawn's southern hemisphere. The top image is the same kind of black and white we've been seeing in other updates. The middle image is approximate true color, while the bottom is an infrared image. No, they're probably not going to release an infrared image of the bright spots for another few months because :lolproprietarysciencedata:

>> No.7321637
File: 37 KB, 688x670, 1419689013247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why does this image from Hubble show color?

Probably because contrast and white balance has been adjusted to help stop the thing looking like a lump of coal.

Be very careful when assuming things about images from space. What the image shows doesn't always correlate with what you would see if you went out there and looked at it.

>> No.7321676

>What the image shows doesn't always correlate with what you would see if you went out there and looked at it.
>doesn't always

Try never. 100% of the pop-sci images that show up on the news are color-shifted and weren't even generated with conventional photography.

That's not to say that the patterns of gamma rays and x-rays are any less beautiful, but people are fags and only want things they can see with their eyeballs

>> No.7321714
File: 665 KB, 2400x3000, CeresHSTgallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Implying we want to see gamma and x-rays.

>>Hey plebs! Check out the black-and-white images we are giving you of Ceres! Isn't it being in false-color and cell-phone camera tier focus worth it for all the totally legit extreme raw scientific data we are getting! Who wants to see color images of Ceres where you can clearly examine surface features! What are you? Some kind of anti-science mental-defective who needs pretty pictures before you take interest?

>> No.7321740

>Implying we want to see gamma and x-rays.

Where do you think the color in galaxy pictures comes from? I hate to break it to you, but literally no galaxies look purple and blue and green.

>Hey plebs! Check out the black-and-white images we are giving you of Ceres! Isn't it being in false-color and cell-phone camera tier focus worth it for all the totally legit extreme raw scientific data we are getting! Who wants to see color images of Ceres where you can clearly examine surface features! What are you? Some kind of anti-science mental-defective who needs pretty pictures before you take interest?

I hate to break it to you, but you can't get HD quality photos of tiny ass space rocks from that far away. There is no telescope big enough to accomplish that. The only way to get good images is by sending a spacecraft on a flyby and having it take the photos

>> No.7321758
File: 462 KB, 579x482, 1341108208230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enceladus-chan is pretty.

>> No.7321762
File: 95 KB, 800x549, hs-2008-42-a-large_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to dodge the point. Also, it seems like you show up in these threads often to make this claim that the HST wouldn't be able to get clear in focus-shots of Ceres. Something that goes against It's actual imaging capabilities.


>> No.7321817

NASA isn't in charge of the public image releases, because they didn't pay for the cameras. The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Physics has proprietary rights to the data, which they are taking advantage of so they have first crack at science papers written about the data that they paid to collect.

>> No.7321826


>> No.7321838

disgusting, there must be a shit ton of confidential and altered released data just because those faggots put money before science, those selfish fucks.

>> No.7321847

So it's some sort of cold flame then. Maybe Ceres is an failed ice star, just like how Jupiter is a failed sun.

>> No.7322096 [DELETED] 

Absolute cock suckig bull shit. I new this image was BS because something with that much mass would become round under its own gravity. the real comet is only a couple miles wide

>> No.7322110

Please tell me this is bait. No one can actually be this retarded. Right?

>> No.7322111

Wow didn't know the moon was about the same size as earth!

Looks so tiny from here but that's probably because it's so far away.

>> No.7322115


Yes, there are people that stupid. Then they pretend it was b8.

>> No.7322120 [DELETED] 

lol trolled u fagit!

>> No.7322158

>it can't possibly be ET structures
>because aliums don't exist
>QED :^)


>> No.7322169
File: 1.57 MB, 580x433, 1393205144852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>circular crater
>debris only on 1 side

>> No.7322177


>makes a huge crater and splashes a nice dot in the middle

>> No.7322184

Ball lightning ignited swamp gas and created a temperature inversion. An obvious misunderstanding it could never be aliens there are no such thing.

>> No.7322769
File: 329 KB, 998x1174, Eosapien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you came to the wrong dwarf planet