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File: 3.71 MB, 2981x1676, 2015-06-09 21.55.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7319693 No.7319693 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ any electronics people in here? If so, how do I properly troubleshoot a circuit? More specifically, my servo motor is oscillating/jittering rather than rotating in steps. Pic related.


>> No.7319703

First check the supply waveforms are correct as they're a bitch to find later.

Then just trace the signal through your circuit from the input to the output. Motors can be tricky to sort out as the inductance gives really messy waveforms.

It might be better to disconnect it and give the rest of the circuit a check for anything obvious, then test it with the motor connected.

>> No.7319705

Delete Sys32 from your computer. This should free up all oscillations.

>> No.7319710

op here,

i meant a stepper motor, not a servo motor

>> No.7319711

google will help you so much more than /sci/ will OP

>> No.7319716

hey, thanks for lmk that. I went through google, and I honestly could not find much info concerning the operation of steppers.

nice dubs btw

>> No.7319729

fuck off nigger

>> No.7319732

Same fag.

>> No.7319763

I can't troubleshoot a circuit I can't see.
Give me a diagram.
What's the part number on the chip?

What are you trying to apply to the motor?

also >>>/diy/ and the arduino forums could be more helpful.

>> No.7319823

The chip is a uln2003, as of now I don't have a schematic but I could possibly provide one if thi thread doesn't die by tomorrow.

>> No.7319860

A few possibilities. One of the windings is reversed, or you need to invert your end stop signal. Or you're not getting enough torque to get over the tooth (due to inappropriate voltage or pulse length too short or too long). You might have a current limiter (trim pot) that will help? Pulse mode could be set incorrectly (depends on your specific motor, if it has one).

Anyway, those are some ideas.

>> No.7320109

>putting bare electronics on carpet

pls stop triggering me

>> No.7320150
File: 1.10 MB, 250x333, 1417300828635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your timing for the driving circuit is off. Make sure you are following the spec for the motor.

>> No.7320171

Are you driving that stepper straight off the arduino?

You really should be using transistors/mosfets

>> No.7320179

Yeah that's what I thought too.
Apparently that chip is a set of transistors.

Don't you typically need a heat sink for motor controllers?

Also are you getting power for your motor via the arduino and your usb port?
That's dangerous.