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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7319385 No.7319385 [Reply] [Original]


math majors BTFO

>mathfags will defend this

>> No.7319391
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>tfw graduate student in top 5 hardest degrees

>> No.7319393

autism is a mental disorder (one of the many exhibited by most math majors, as well as sperg NEETs that just jerk it to math like faggots). of course its not surprising to see how delusional they are

>> No.7319418

Newsflash, people that do math tend to actually like it and are smarter, thus reflecting the higher grades.

Unlike on other courses, where you have a bunch of plebs that have no idea what they want and are dumber than rocks.

>> No.7319427

no. math is for basic bitches that want to teach math and fat weird spergs with autism

>> No.7319432

You're just mad that you failed a basic math class that didn't even grade on correction.

>> No.7319433
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>we choose the easy major because we're smarter
confirmed woman


>> No.7319436

Yeah pretty much.

Getting an undergrad math degree is a joke, but actually succeeding in doctorate / post-doc level math is pretty tough.

>> No.7319441

engineering confirmed true master race

>> No.7319443

The methodology in this article is ridiculous.

>> No.7319448

>300k starting
>any job you want
You've just proved that math is even better than it was before. Unless you like sucking balls.

>shit pay
>no women
If you're gay, maybe.

>> No.7319450

>literally the most meme-dense post in the history of memes.
be careful, that level of meme-density could cause a singularity

>> No.7319451

>determining the difficulty of a major by average gpa
Simply absurd. The relative difficulty of majors change between programs.

>> No.7319456

Don't worry, I'm a trained specialist in meme-handling.

>> No.7319459
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>choosing a major even women can do

>> No.7319462

It doesn't really state a degree in math is easy just that people major in it have an easier time than non majors.

Also while not the main topic of the thread is there any reason for there to be a bachelors in education if the main things you learn in it is oral techniques and child and material management?

I can see an argument for a masters in education since that actually has specified focuses with wider implications like special education and training/ instructional design.

But the bachelors seems like nothing is gained.

>> No.7319465

That article is fucking retarded. I'd like to see a business student try to do a math course, they would get absolutely BTFO.
>gpa within the major is what they used to rate difficulty
The problem is that only fucking retards choose business and social science so that even in their easy degree for retards they barely pass

>> No.7319466

>he prefers being surrounded by fat neckbeards than women

>> No.7319467

>either too stupid to understand the point or understand his autistic faggotry and the lack of effort required for his shit degree so begins to deflect
either way your major is shit

>> No.7319469

>Engineering is #1 hardest
>breezed through my undergrad m.engineering degree at berkeley
does this means im smart??

>> No.7319471

only if you did nuclear

>> No.7319472

>i totally don't like sucking dicks all the time in the engineering department
Nice try with your damage control.

>> No.7319474

ayy lmao more fallacies. typical mathfag lack of intelligence

>> No.7319477

fucking ridiculous
http://www.statisticbrain.com/iq-estimates-by-intended-college-major/ is what should be used to rate the relative difficulties of each subject,
physics, mathematics, philosophy and engineer are what require the most intelligent people, so they must be the most difficult subjects.

>> No.7319479

>iq estimates
>based on fucking SAT scores
thats as bad if not worse than the methodology of the OP

>> No.7319480

>philosophy are what require the most intelligent people
>learning about other philosophers requires intelligent people
real philosophers arent paying for a degree that shows youve learned about other philosophers

>> No.7319482

Nice try, but I don't actually do math.

I'm simply stating the obvious as to which degree is superior.

>> No.7319486

>philosophy is just learning about philosophers
guess you think physics is just about learning about physicists too
tbh it's a shame philosophy students waste their intelligence on philosophy when 99% of them are only ever going to use their degree to get a minimum wage job at starbucks

>> No.7319509

>muh opinion as a NEET means something
except it doesn't

>> No.7319510

in physics you learn to solve problems
in philosophy you learn about how other people solved problems

>> No.7319514

>solving problems

You clearly don't know what you are talking about

>> No.7319520

>anyone on /sci/
>knowing what theyre talking about
case in point: people that unironically and without intention to meme, actually believe math is the most difficult degree

>> No.7319532

>Soft sciences as difficult as hard sciences
Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.7319810

Threads like this almost make me want to major in women's studies

>> No.7319817

>With the third-highest rate of GPAs in the 3.5+ category and tied for the lowest median completion time, math lands in the easy category

First one I looked up, and stopped reading there.

The author is clearly mentally disabled for not seeing the flaw in his "logic".

>> No.7319844

It's almost like he wrote this article specifically to troll /sci/ with the dumbest arguments ever.

>> No.7319864

The article's entire argument falls on the incorrect assumption that GPA scores and major difficulty are inversely proportional.

To be fair, my mathematics bachelors was easy as fuck, but then again, I'm relatively talented at math and most of that shit comes to me intuitively and with relative ease.

>> No.7319898

I was always under the impression that math didn't get "hard" until graduate school. And to be fair you guys do have a fairly light amount of credits.
To be fair, I did meet a math major last semester that took 4 chems, 2 bios, and 2 physics, she was clearly the exception though.

>> No.7319903

>deadlift 140
Christ's sake. It might be visibly fake, but that doesn't mean it won't still crack me up.

>> No.7319929
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he expects to believe THAT'S natty

>> No.7319931

>I was always under the impression that math didn't get "hard" until graduate school.
Where are you at now?
Because unless you have a real aptitude for math, math is always hard. It gets exponentially harder depending on shit teachers, or failing to understand previous material, which makes it a constant game of catch-up fuckery, half the time you don't even know you should have known before going onto the next level.

>> No.7319978

Don't get me wrong. Doing analysis proofs and numerical analysis in matlab was made possibly only through lots of late nights, coffee/adderall, and collaboration with other peers. A lot of my high level mathematics courses did require 10 hours each a week to keep up with the material, but I rarely had to study because the assignments kept me regularly up to date. I ended up taking a lot of high level Physics courses and the requirements were a little bit more demanding, but it wasn't too much of a difference.

I still think it was all easy because being high on adderall was always a fun time no matter the amount of studying I had to get done.

>> No.7320032


>behavioral sciences

look dude that's my shit, but even I know that math majors work much harder than psychology majors.

>> No.7320035

>relative difficulty of majors change between programs

the first reasonable post


>> No.7320041


how the fuck is women's studies not on the easy list.

I literally got 100% on two exams in my global feminissues bullshit requirement without even reading the goddamn book.


>> No.7320053

>3ed hardest Business & management
Don't really trust this list

>> No.7320080


>> No.7320105

this is idiotic. it actually conforms perfectly to the memes that float around here. math and cs majors don't get good grades because math is easier, they get good grades because they're smarter. social science majors get bad grades not because the major is hard, but because fewer smart people major in social science.

>> No.7320117
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>math and cs majors don't get good grades because math is easier, they get good grades because they're smarter.

lel. I mean they get better grades so the MUST be smarter right?

>> No.7320128

pretty much

>> No.7320145
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So they think higher GPA implies easier material?
I'm loving the circlejerking.

>> No.7320153

I know, right? This is supposed to be a science and math board, yet no one points out that the article results are meaningless because the results don't take into account:
-Grade inflation through departments in each college
-People who considered majoring in X, but decided not to because they thought it might be hard
-People who switched out of the major because it was too hard
-Majors that normally take a light courseload with a few very hard courses a semester
-whether or not people who are less academically capable tend to cluster in certain majors.

And about a hundred other things. The article just presents some measures on average GPA and average workload, which is pretty meaningless.

>> No.7320160

>People who switched out of the major because it was too hard
they do note this for engineering

>> No.7320164
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Mathfigs getting #BTFO

>> No.7320174

They mentioned it, but I don't think it has anything to do with how they ranked engineering. Read the article.

>> No.7320183
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, arri_alexa_xt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understood the math.

I understood the physics.

I understood it all.

It wasn't hard.

I simply didn't like it.

I loved doing pic related instead.

I now do pic related.

It's incredibly technical.

It also practically takes a stemfag to operate.

I really like it.

>> No.7320186

are there any books you would recommend?

>> No.7320193

>presses enter after every sentence.

End your life

>> No.7320201




and nofilmschool.com

Theres a PDF book you can download if you provide an email. I recommend giving them your actual email because the updates are filled with neat and useful stories.

I'll be here for a little while, so ask me any questions.

>> No.7320243

You can't compare the difficulty of majors by comparing people who already successfully study it. That is selection bias.

The proper way to do it would be to have a group of n random 18-year-olds for each major, and see how well they fare.

>> No.7320411

Not a Math major (Physics), but the criteria of this write up is idiotic. Also at my school you could get a general degree in Math that is shit easy, though to get a specialization or honors degree is no joke.

>> No.7320487

No, I do physics, you know, the major for people that find things for engineers to put on their formula sheets as if it were the word of god.

>> No.7320613

>most engineering students are retarded and barely get through their degree.
>most math majors are geniuses who perform well.

>> No.7320621

>Also at my school you could get a general degree in Math that is shit easy, though to get a specialization or honors degree is no joke.
Yea, at my school the math degrees are split up into General Math, Applied Math, Pure Math, Statistics, and Actuary Science degrees. General math is really easy as far as requirements but it's open ended enough that you sometimes run into those general math students in some nontrivial classes.

>> No.7320631

That engineers use as rough estimates for actual engineering stuff.

>tfw physics majors think their highly controlled lab experiments translate directly to real world applications.

>> No.7320637
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>Business is more difficult than higher mathematics.
> Computer/information of science is more difficult than Social/behavioral of sciences

The Western civilization swiftly degrades

>> No.7320649

No wonder mathfag so mad at engineering

>> No.7321134

majority of those math majors majored in like...math for education or whatever it's called.

>> No.7321191

>math major
>switched to CS
>study math as hobby instead
They are both in the easy category but I'm content. TBH, why would I do something that is hard? I ain't gay nigga

>> No.7321197

I switched because I like applying math, CS majors are awarded math minors at my uni

>> No.7321239

>failed to control for the students taking each major
There metric is made meaningless by confounding variables. If the average health student attempted a math degree, you would see math degrees are harder to get.

>> No.7321307
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, Illusion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see engineers and biofags finally vindicated.

>double majored
>biology (life science) and geology (physical science)
>at the University of Chicago, a top-tier uni famed for how grueling its coursework is
I finished on time with a 3.0 GPA and proceeded to spend the next two years working a mediocre day job while dealing with my newfound anxiety disorder. just got accepted to grad school. feels Goodman.

>> No.7321335

which grad school?

>> No.7321430

Midwestern State University, in Wichita Falls, Keksas. The city is the home of the World's Littlest Skyscraper.
So yeah, not nearly as prestigious a school as UChicago. But it's got good programs in bio and geo, it's a pretty diverse community (especially for Keksas), and there are research opportunities there that relate to my interests in paleontology and ecology and cool shit like that.

>> No.7321444

>hooray, bio students get bad grades! We're so smart!

Either math is easy or the average bio student is an idiot, I wonder which /sci/ agrees with.

>> No.7321445

Is this for real, people are just fucking morons in that major and just try to memorize everything because theyre medschool fags
Biochem here

>> No.7321480

enjoy your grade inflation fgt

>> No.7321523
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>Social/behavioral "sciences" ranked 5th hardest

>> No.7321544

Enjoy your stupidity.

>> No.7321597


currently a biology major

I don't think what I do is especially hard, but it does require a lot of studying for memorization.

currently have a 3.7gpa

>> No.7321607

Wait, so they decided the hardest majors by looking at average GPA? That's beyond retarded, fuckin' dropped.

>> No.7321973

>graduating on time
>didn't step on the seal

anon plz

>> No.7321996

I always enjoyed taking math classes in college because I thought they were easy as hell compared to my engineering classes.
This doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.7322001

>tfw physics majors think they will have any impact on the science community whatsoever

The vast majority of physicists just repeat the experiments that other scientists thought up.
I doubt most of you will ever have an original thought.

>> No.7322050

If physicists that's what physicists are, then engineers are the equivalent of highschoolers learning physics.

>> No.7322057

I bet you wouldn't be able to do the excercises of chapter 1 of spivak

>> No.7322061

except they're literally responsible for the development of civilization

>> No.7322071

Not the guy you're respond to but

I'm halfway through self studying Munkres. I've got all the time in the world to study whatever I want now that I've got a steady, well paying job that leaves me with plenty of free time.

AeroE btw

>> No.7322073

Turns out developing civilization is not very difficult and any physicist could do it.

>> No.7322075
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>mfw 3 engineers won the Nobel prize in physics last year

>> No.7322077

>physicists cant even beat engineers in their own field

>> No.7322078

So after you have finished your degree and then got a job you are finally learning undegrad math. Impressive.

A long way from the 300k starting.

>> No.7322079

that is an important function though, just like the engineers who spend their time testing the strength of bolts and other mundane things.

>> No.7322080

And how many physicists work in engineering? That's right, a lot more than 3.

>> No.7322082

>mfw in the entire world of physicists not one can make a larger contribution to physics than a group of engineers
you'll always be second to the true master race engineers

>> No.7322085

>mfw from the entire world of engineers they can't replace a physicist on their own job

>> No.7322086

That's because they don't give nobel prize for theories, they give the prize to people who showed experimentally the theory is true so it's not that surprising.

>> No.7322087

Chin up. Maybe a physicist will win this year, you never know.

>> No.7322088

Except the year that before it was awarded to Higgs and Englert, two theorists.

Do you know anything?

>> No.7322090

>That's because they don't give nobel prize for theories
>einsteins discovery of the photoelectric effect

>> No.7322092

he proved it

>> No.7322095

Proofs are theoretical, not experimental.

>> No.7322098

Look at all that experimental data


Protip: stop posting.

>> No.7322099

you dont get a nobel prize that hasnt been proven by another experimenter. his paper was a theory that made sense of experimental data regarding light. why is /sci/ so fucking stupid and stuck up its own ass? you're fucking wrong faggot

>> No.7322105
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Nobel prize has gone to the dirt. They gave one out to a fucking cunt who made cat chasing LED lights. Absolutely pathetic.
The only thing worthwhile is working towards the Yang-Mills existence/mass gap problem.

>> No.7322106

>the field of physics has gone to shit

>> No.7322113

Do you have a link to a pdf copy?

>> No.7322122


>> No.7322135

That's it? This is just freshman level Calculus.
Every engineer can do this.

>> No.7322147

>Every engineer can do this.
then do it, just the ones that are marked with *

>> No.7322148

Pay attention to what you're reading, spivak is a far cry from the books typically used in calc 1 for engineers.

>> No.7322195

didn't step on the seal
dun boyir pls go

>> No.7323451

I graduated math at a top 20 school and now have a TAship at a state uni and the students here are lazy, unmotivated retards. The entrance requirements are so low every "I'm so nerdy xD" loser with no direction in her/his life can get in. It's disgusting how my prof. boosts their grades despite how easy his tests already are. The students here have no self respect or passion, most of them don't even want a math career, most of the girls here are blatantly just looking for a husband.

Math is more difficult than any other discipline, but getting a math degree is ridiculously easy. Grad schools have a much higher standard. People here at least behave more professionally like in the engineering departments.

>> No.7323474

what's the graduation ceremony like

I gotta sit through it in 2 days

>> No.7323479

You can actually become a teacher after doing a small certification course as a math major (I forgot what it's called) Ed. Bachelors as you'd expect is mostly a bunch of gen. ed. classes, baby psychology and then the board writing and oral bullshit. Ì think the general idea is everyone wants "university educated" people to be teaching high-school, the ed major is just there to give these peolle the easiest possible route.

>> No.7323540

This just proves people in math are smarter and engineers are stupid.

>> No.7323553

Why are we considering this as credible at all. They put business as a difficult major.

>> No.7323563

What methodology? They used some secret formula on some (who knows which) of many variables from an official dataset and then wrote a little story that sounds coherent to explain the numbers the formula spat out... What methodology?

>> No.7323569
