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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 948 KB, 3500x2625, Questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7316300 No.7316300 [Reply] [Original]

Give /sci/ a challenging logic-based riddle, we try to solve it.

Make it up by yourself so people won't just google the solution

>> No.7316304

i have stored a secret phrase in the country name uruguay

can anyone figure it out

>> No.7316307

yur gay

>> No.7316319
File: 22 KB, 256x192, Fish riddle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you weren't looking, someone came by and gobbled up your fish dinner. The three brothers near the scene of this dastardly crime had this to say:

A: "Me? Oh yeah, I ate it. It was good too!"
B: "I saw A eat that fish right up!"
C: "B and I didn't eat that fish."

One of these three brothers is lying to you, but which one is it?

>> No.7316326

Obviously B... that one is a bit too simple. Any more like it?

>> No.7316333

Since you state there is only one liar -

If A was lying, it means B is lying too, so it can't be A; so A cannot be the lier

If B is lying, it is possible that he is the only liar. (he haven't saw the crime happening)

If C Is lying, it's also possible that he is the only liar (maybe all of them ate the fish together).

So the only viable options are either B or C

>> No.7316336


Any of them could be. A might be lying about it tasting good. B might be lying about witnessing it. C might be lying if they shared it.

>> No.7316340

Oh, i haven't thought about that A could be lying about the taste of it.

>> No.7316363

i think the real question is how are they brothers?

>> No.7316380
File: 251 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7316382

A is lying. He ate the fish but it wasn't good.

>> No.7316387

Sorry to ruin the fun, but I found an explanation for this one online.

>> No.7316392

It's not mine, bby

Try again

>> No.7316412

Factorize 292460559187231854498581220557832651952063893258012733

>> No.7316419
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x960, logic solved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see a certain pattern if we divide it into groups diagonaly like in pic related

The diagnoal groups are alternating between groups of:

group 1: one horizontal arrow and one vertial arrow

Group 2: two diagonal arrows

Group 3: two vertical arrows.

With this logic, it is clear the missing square belongs to the "two diagonal arrows" group, and since there is only one solution from this group, this is the right answer in my opinion

>> No.7316421

Meant to quote >>7316380 since i think i solved his riddle

>> No.7316425

I think bittom row, third from left.

>> No.7316463

67676767676767676767676779 x 4321432143214321432143214327

>> No.7316493

That was my logic too when I solved it. I just wasn't sure if there was enough correlation.
I'll see if I can ask the person who sent this to me if they have the actual answer, but this logic seems sound

>> No.7317277


>> No.7317301

Wolfram Alpha.

>> No.7317306

x^2= 1000000

The value of x is neither -1000 nor 1000

What is x?

>> No.7317307

Three men sit down at a table with the intent of starting a conversation, however:
One man speaks without the letter A,
another speaks without the letter E,
the last speaks without the letter O.

The first is named Edward Orlean
The second Oliver Aarone
and the third Ethan Elaone

If the conversation must start with one man addressing another by their first and last name, how does it begin?

>> No.7317308

in vitro + genetic engineering

>> No.7317315

There can't be any other solutions in any field above <span class="math">\mathbb{R}[/spoiler].

>> No.7317321

Not the infinite extensions either?

>> No.7317323

Doesn't work for me. What have I to do?

>> No.7317327

If A is lying than B is lying. If B is lying than A is lying. C is the only one without a stake in his statement, so I'm guessing he ate the fish with A making him the liar.

>> No.7317339

Nope. x^2 - 1000000 has two roots counting multiplicity. So i'm guessing >>7317306 meant 1000000 to signify something other than 1 million. I'm guessing binary. Solutions are 8 and -8. The crazy part though, is that 8 in binary is 1000, and I'm not sure if that's forbidden.

>> No.7317343

If you really did mean to forbid both one thousand and eight (the latter being "1000" in binary) then I have to say this is really clever

>> No.7317346 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 2624x2264, crazyaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off homo jew

>> No.7317353

Neatly done

>> No.7317359

Hmm, according to wikipedia, a polynom of degree n can at most have n solutions in a field, so I guess it holds for fields of infinite degree too.
But you could consider finite fields: e.g. in <span class="math"> \mathbb F_{2^5}[/spoiler] you have the solution <span class="math"> -1000 \neq x=0\neq 1000[/spoiler].

>> No.7317873

Retarded, if it's binary ^ is XOR.

>> No.7317888

solve Zeno's paradox by changing it a bit.

>> No.7317927

can't be solved, any of them could be lying and it wouldn't be a problem (maybe the fish didn't taste good, maybe B didn't see A eat it, maybe all three shared it)

>> No.7317930

aaah this one has one of those really stupid tricky answers doesn't it?

>> No.7317932

Once again:

If A is lying than B is lying. If B is lying than A is lying. C is the only one without a stake in his statement, so I'm guessing he ate the fish with A making him the liar.

It's totally solvable.

>> No.7317938

Nope. A added that "the fish tasted good too", but he could be lying there, and it wouldn't imply the others had lied
B added that he had seen A eat it, and that could be a lie: A could have still actually eaten the fish but B closed his eyes or something.
C could be lying too: They could have shared the fish. Neither A nor B would be lying then, just C

>> No.7317945

>Officer I didn't see the murder
>yes I was in the room
>no my eyes were closed

>> No.7317953

many of this riddle have shitty answers like that. If you want to be really logical about it, B could have not seen A eat it and still have it be true

>> No.7317978

Real logic would state A is obviously not a brother as he is a different race, the fish dinner was eaten to cleanly for not having utensils, and you were gone way to long for your dinner to have been picked clean, you would have come back and caught the culprits in the act if you had any intention of eating before it got cold. "Real" logic is just lazy cheating, the only flaw I can see is that A could be lying about liking it, but according to you I can say: Why would he eat the entire fish if he didn't like it?

>> No.7317992


It's a Professor Layton puzzle.

>> No.7317997

That's stupid. It's not a logic riddle at all.

>> No.7318009

b is the liar.
if a is the liar b can't be correct
if c is the liar either he or b ate the fish and a is incorrect
if b is the liar a might have still eaten the fish (i dont know if this is allowed on the riddle, but just because b didnt see a do it it he couldve still done it) so a can still be correct. c is correct too in that case

>> No.7318020

Let's see how you all fare with these one:

There are 50 prisoners who are one day away from being shot. A guard comes and tells them that they will be given an opportunity to be free and then proceeds to explain them the procedure that would take place next day:
"Each of you will be given a hat that will be either black or white. You will be put in a row so that the last one can see the rest of you, the second to last can see everyone except himself and the last one, etc.

Starting from the last, each one of you will tell me 'black' or 'white' and if that's the color of your hat you'll be free."

Knowing all this the prisoners generate a tactic that will ensure that the maximum possible number of prisoners will be free. Which is it?

>> No.7318047

Forgot to add, The prisoners who are first in the line are able to hear the answers of the prisoners behind them. If a prisoner is executed everyone else hears the shot.

>> No.7318077

Last prisoner says the color of the hat he can see an odd number of
50% chance he dies, but everyone else will be able to deduce the color of their hat.

>> No.7318083


Best I can do off the bat is a majority guaranteed.

The last prisoner, or the first one to be tested, says the color of the hat of the next in line. Then the third the color of the fourth, that way every other prisoner is garunteed survival.

Unless we are assuming these prisoners are capable of defining and memorizing an equivalence relation for the possible sequences generated by the order of hats, two eqivilant ones that can be selected based on what the first prisoner sees deciding between the black or white sequence leaving only him with a 50/50 chance and saving everyone else.

>> No.7318126

Very good!

>> No.7318128

C because I isn't in the equation?

>> No.7318147


Le thinking outside the box asinine puzzle face xDD

What is it, did the fish taste like ass, indicating A? Did several people eat the fish? We may never know!

>> No.7318151

Early morning and the army is ready to march. The sarge in the rear wants a message delivered to the sarge in the front as the army starts moving at constant speed. The rear sarge sends a runner to the front sarge and tells him to come back when he has delivered the message.

The messenger delivers the message, and when he gets back the rear of the army is where the front of the army was when he started running.

Say the army is 1000 meters long and they're moving at 5km/h, how much distance did the runner cross?

>> No.7318163


>if A is lying then B would be lying too
>"One of these three brothers is lying to you"
>one liar

And yet somehow you flawlessly try to explain to us why "C" is the answer, while examining both A and B would make more than one of them liars.

>> No.7318173


Fairly sure the catch is that A might be lying about the taste.

>> No.7318193

This "riddle" is stupid

>> No.7318203


Why? Is it poorly worded or too easy? I guess adding values isn't necessary but I figured it would be asked for eventually so I added it.

>> No.7318277


>> No.7318278
File: 191 KB, 873x881, Tim Teitelbaum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best new post

>> No.7318283

how can everyone else be saved? i understand that every prisoner can accept 50/50 chance but save the guy infront of him so you have 50%+ alive prisoners but how can one save everyone else?

>> No.7318299
File: 23 KB, 357x430, 1349020676007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zyz and Scooby go to a gay bar together. Inside, Zyzz get alot of mires from skinny twinks while Scooby gets approached by bearmode-gays. Both head off to the rest rooms to engage in sexual activity with patrons at the venue. Just before climaxing, Zyzz utters "n-no homo".

So the question is:
Are Zyzz and Scooby equally gay in this scenario?

>> No.7318328

scooby is a dog

>> No.7318345

no, he is the natty lord, anon

>> No.7318348

Either the question hinges on the part where "one man" can be the same guy as "the last", or it hinges on the fact that Edward Orlean doesn't have an ayy and an oh sound.

>> No.7318390

Let twinks be gayer than bearmode gays buy a factor of X
Let saying "n-no homo" reduce the gayness of a situation by a factor of Y
Assume n twinks mire zyzz, and m bears approach scooby.
Let z represent zyzz's initial gayness, and s represent scooby's.
Let Z represent zyzz's gayness at climax and S represent scooby's.
Z=Y(Xn+z) and S=m+s
Plug n chug

>> No.7318446

Say the last prisoner sees an odd number of black hats, so he says black.
Doesn't matter if he dies or not.
If the second to last prisoner sees an odd number of black hats as well, he knows his hat is white, and if he sees an even number, he knows his is black.
Prisoner in front of him now knows the color of the prisoner behind him's hat, and how many black hats he sees in front of him, so if he the total number of black hats of the other 48 prisoners (not counting the last guy, he doesn't matter) is odd, he knows his hat is white. Otherwise it's black.
Similarly everyone else can determine the color of their hat since they can see the color of all hats in front of them and know the color of all hats behind them from what all the previous prisoners said.

>> No.7318642


>> No.7318681
File: 10 KB, 134x179, luketritonfacepalm_8198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you weren't looking, someone came by and gobbled up your fish dinner. The three brothers near the scene of this dastardly crime had this to say:
>A: "Me? Oh yeah, I ate it. It was good too!"
>B: "I saw A eat that fish right up!"
>C: "B and I didn't eat that fish."
>One of these three brothers is lying to you, but which one is it?


Game reconizes C as the correct answer. How have none of you played Layton?

>> No.7318714

<span class="math"> \infin [/spoiler] and so on

>> No.7318730
File: 6 KB, 186x264, 1386243141703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7318744

old puzzle is old

>> No.7318765

What number comes next in the sequence?

13, 74, 290, 650, 1258, ...

>> No.7318779


>> No.7318788


>> No.7318821
File: 23 KB, 392x545, Riddler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this /sci/ if 2 objects never truly touch, why does tapping my foot make a sound?

Was just about to make a thread too.

>> No.7318823

are you high?

>> No.7318829

actually sound is produced from the vibration of air molocules vibrating. those vibrations reach your ear drums and your brain converts it into sound

>> No.7318835

All the time why

>> No.7318867

If liking a man with a vagina is considered OK, then why is liking a woman with a dick considered gay? :^)

>> No.7319473

Since when has liking a man with a vagina been considered okay by society?

And yes, I'm into traps. Only if they actually look cute though.

>> No.7319488

What's a man with a vagina? You seem to get sth. wrong: Just because your dad is a pussy it doesn't mean that he has one!