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7313880 No.7313880 [Reply] [Original]

Is a fetus basically a parasite?

>> No.7313884

A parasite is, by definition, harmful to the host.

>> No.7313889

Well, it gives the woman morning sickness, back pains, emotional irritability, surges of hormones, and stretch marks. That's kind of harmful in a way, right?

>> No.7313893

A child is basically the same thing as a dog who learns to speak over time, costs you more money and starts to talk back at a certain age.

Why would anyone have kids.

>> No.7313904

Those symptoms are independent from the fetus, and are more a consequence of pregnancy. It's physiological natural to experience all that.

Besides, a fetus, unlike a parasite, is actually being technically kidnapped, as he was put there against his will and he can't possibly leave until after 9 months.

>Why would anyone have kids.
Mainly because all living beings are genetically predisposed to reproduced.

>> No.7313913

>Why would anyone have kids.
Kids are the greatest thing ever. I hope you don't learn this too late bro.

>> No.7313914

>by definition, harmful
Nonsense, most parasites do not harm the host.

>> No.7313918

guest =/= parasite

>> No.7313921

Well, the fetus doesn't really offer any 'benefit' to the host (Mother) and it does take up resources. However, it doesn't actually harm her, and the host(mother) is biologically designed to accommodate a fetus, so the species can survive.

So, even if a fetus can share similar attributes to a parasite, it is not a parasite in itself. Unless a baby crawled out of it's mother and infiltrated another creature an siphoned off nutrients from that creature, it's not a parasite.

>> No.7313923

Explain please. Something more than "lol u just don't get it"

>> No.7313924

>Why would anyone have kids.
It was originally described as "the biological imperative", but modern biologists prefer "biotic potential" as a term for the urge to reproduce.

>> No.7313926

Do you ever think it's a little depressing that the only reason we're alive is because of the biological urge to procreate?

>> No.7313928
File: 69 KB, 1400x1400, drahtb_gel-k-form-2_7-mit-rockkerbe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it's curable.

>> No.7313930
File: 97 KB, 660x421, InsectEye-660x421[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all living beings are genetically predisposed to reproduced

>> No.7313931

Well, no. Better to live and exist without purpose and create your own purpose rather to have not lived at all.

>> No.7313933

Well shit, by this logic bees, are robots.

>> No.7313935

of course

>> No.7313936

amensal, commensal and mutualistic organisms =/= parasites

>> No.7313937

lrn2 MRSGREN m8

>> No.7313940

Don't forget the surprise body shot.

>> No.7313944

All higher forms of life are robots developed to serve the immortal lineage of the germline. The ones that don't have the instinct to reproduce usually have an instinct to support those that do.

>> No.7313963

>Kids are the greatest thing ever. I hope you don't learn this too late bro.

Care to give a reason?

>> No.7313980

Yes, it's co-evolved but yeah it's a form of parasite, the placental growth is actually invasive and will invade any tissue next to it even outside the uterus. The uterus is just a specialized containment organ that can deal with it due to the co-evolution.

>Those symptoms are independent from the fetus
No they aren't, kill and remove the fetus and they go away. The fetus causes major homonal and physiological adaptations in the mother much greater than most regular parasites.

>actually being technically kidnapped
Are you literally retarded or have you drunk too much of the SJW poison well?

>> No.7314030

>an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.

>> No.7314044

They have a smile that hijacks your brain and pumps it full of chemicals.
It's pretty ridiculous.

I don't know if everyone is susceptible though.

>> No.7314065

Fetus is a long term investment. High risk high reward type of thing.
If fetus is a parasite, then so is all work on Earth in the first few seconds of it.

>> No.7314066

I think you guys are forgetting that childbirth can kill the mother. Also, having a kid is great because you can see yourself in the child and it's almost as if you are reliving your childhood.

>> No.7314903

bees and ants that don't reproduce themselves are still spending their whole existence assisting another organism (the queen) in reproducing

>> No.7315401

Kinda. It's good for the species though so the relationship between the fetus and the host is different.

>> No.7315403

>a fetus, unlike a parasite, is actually being technically kidnapped, as he was put there against his will and he can't possibly leave until after 9 months


>> No.7315753

then Lrn2parasitology

>> No.7315757

Procrastinat-masturbator pls go

>> No.7315763

its an investment
>Give food, water, blood etc.
>Get continuation of one's genetic material.

>> No.7316624
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For all those who didn't know. If the host, mother, gets hurt the fetus will actually use some of its stem cells to help the healing process.
A fetus is not at all a parasite.
The only reasons why you think this is because
1: You never had a child of your own (that you cared for anyway).
2: You're a faggot neckbeard and hate kids taking up games at your local chuckie cheese.

>> No.7316633

>Well, the fetus doesn't really offer any 'benefit' to the host (Mother)


>> No.7316678

Only if you are a cuck. Then it most certainly is.