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7310256 No.7310256 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>botched cirucmsision
>numb dick

When will this be possible? Will it be before I bring out the gas and off myself?

>> No.7310258
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>beliving in regeneration of any body parts
>2010 + 5

Please, you should just kill yourself you american,jew,muslium.

>> No.7310270

NSFW: http://tlctugger.com/wp-content/uploads/VLC-Hanger-SG-extender.jpg

>> No.7310281
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>doesnt regenerate the nerve endings

try again negroid.

>> No.7312360

it scifi, mark my words, it will never be possible.

have fun never expirencing sexual pleasure

>> No.7312364
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>not believing in stem cells

Are you a christian?

>> No.7312367

Foreskin restoration works. Just stretch it out for like 30 minutes a day and eventually the skin will stretch and new nerves will regenerate in the skin via mitosis.

Oh nvm your circumcision was botched? Holy shit how do you manage to not track the doctor down and strangle him?

It's funny how many people cry about female genital mutilation but it's still perfectly acceptable to chop off the genitals of men without their consent. Top kek.

>> No.7312373


If you still have a penis, it wasn't botched you retard.

>> No.7312440

Holy shit how do you manage to not track the doctor down and strangle him?

It might be more practical to track him down and sue him for malpractice.

>> No.7312460

>3d plot
>no error bars
>implication of quantified measurements of an unquantifiable property
what a garbage figure

>> No.7312475

I'm missing most of my glans, the morgan clamp fucked it up pretty bad

Parents tried a lawsuit I guess, they said to go after the clamp manufature, they settled out of court for 10k

Its sourced, go read the fucking study

>> No.7312477
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>implying skin streching regrows the glorious nerve endings

Man its nice being unmutilated.

>> No.7312481


>your penis is worth less than what a minimum wage mcdonalds worker makes in a year


>> No.7312483

>they settled out of court for 10k

Did YOU get any of that money? If not, time to sue your parents!

"Something bad happened to someone else; give me some money!"

>> No.7312494


>In a case in which 85% of a child's glans penis was accidentally amputated, and could not be reattached, a lawsuit was filed against Miltex Inc., Miltex Inc.'s parent company Integra Life Sciences Holding Corp., and the doctor who performed the circumcision. Miltex Inc. and Integra Life Sciences Holding Corp. were ordered to pay the child and his mother $4.6 million.


You got screwed, OP.

>> No.7312502

Its hard to do that when my parents are dead now. I got dealt a shitty life hand.

>> No.7312767

you will never ever feel what it should feel like you filthy jew jew amierican jew

>> No.7312904

not possible

>> No.7312983

I'm circumcised and my Penistone is pretty damn good, used to be abit insensitive but then I got a better diet and slept more and now it's 10/10 walking madness

>> No.7313021

>not being scientifically literate

>> No.7313026

Nice sig figs retard

wait, that was the joke.

>> No.7313806

btw, even if it does get regernerated, the foreskin part of the brain has likely been repurposed.


>> No.7313821 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 408x210, 7b63c027326f6807c8f8051a64e4d8a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is... Neuroplasticity

Also theres no dedicated foreskin part of the brain retard.

>> No.7313853

Every part of your body has a dedicated part of the brain.

People who get a part of their body cut off at a young age can't just get it reattached later. Yeah, neuroplasticity is a thing, but it's not a magic all-powerful thing that can fix any problem.

Also, OP, have you considered estim machines? Supposedly they can give you crazy orgasms from sticking things up your urethra, or sticking things next to your prostate. It seems like sex could still be enjoyable even with no glans.

>> No.7313953

>sticking things up your urethra
Oh god. I had an STD test where the genius in charge used the female urethral swab then proceeded to totally botch the procedure. Red piss for days, man. Whenever anyone mentions "sounding," all I can do is scream internally for the next couple of minutes.

>> No.7313962

>People who get a part of their body cut off at a young age can't just get it reattached later.

Citation required. People have gotten cochlear implants at a late age and can hear to a degree.

>> No.7314384

If it can be created once it can be created again. Our DNA has the code to create an entire person, why do you think it's impossible to create a foreskin?

>> No.7314398

you moron. the part of your brain that is dedicated to your foreskin is the same part that is dedicated to the rest of your cock. jesus christ...

>how does the nervous system work

>> No.7314403

>our DNA has the code to create an entire person

only if you feed that DNA into a special person-copying machine. the DNA itself doesnt actually encode everything, and attempts to recreate a human outside of this very specific environment invariably will lead to abortions.

>> No.7314507

If you're trying to say we cant regenerate organs, I hate to break it to you, but you're totally wrong.

>> No.7314690

prove it fucker

>> No.7314743


>> No.7314902

>citing theguardian

Try again

>> No.7314919

>Its sourced, go read the fucking study
i dont care if it's sourced. it's still a shit graph.

>> No.7315051
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It will never be possible


>> No.7315064

The person affected by a neonatal circumcision has a very small window after turning 18 to file a lawsuit before statute of limitations rears its head

>> No.7315118

i'm 19 and circumsized, but it wasnt botched, is there any chance of me winning a suit.

>> No.7315124

What state was the procedure performed in?

>> No.7315140


>> No.7315178

Seems once you turn 18 the clock starts for the normal medical malpractice suit timeframe - 2 years for nominal and 4 for something left inside body cavity during surgery. Thing is circumcision alone isn't enough for a lawsuit, need to get your parents to claim they were not given full informed consent and were coerced into a non lifesaving procedure purely for the profit of the medical parties involved. May be able to claim some stuff if you can't feel anything at all with your peep though.

>> No.7315191

Also take a look at this, it may be helpful. http://www.cirp.org/library/legal/

>> No.7317264

Everyday this thread pops up

And everytime the awnser is the same



>> No.7317738

but your wrong

>> No.7317746

Citation needed

>> No.7317751

And the thread begins a new

>> No.7317791


You're a fucking retard, I hope you never procreate.

>> No.7317796

>implying those can be transplanted
>implying neruons can regrow
>implying CNS can repair

if the CNS could repair we could regrow whole brains.

>> No.7317810
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>> No.7317883
File: 235 KB, 1318x732, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7317889

Two words: robotic penis