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File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7310318 No.7310318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /top50/ uni here?

non top 50 peasants do not apply


im 43

>> No.7310323

lol, 27 reporting in

>> No.7310326

13 reporting for duty

>> No.7310327
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>grad student at 20th University
>tfw not even top 15

>> No.7310331

ayy UofT, skule?

>> No.7310333

fuck you guys its not my fault i am canadian

>> No.7310334

>tfw #1 for MDMA use

>> No.7310338

>what is UofT, UBC, McGill, and Waterloo (which im mildly suprised inst listed).

seems to me your nationality isnt at fault here.

>> No.7310343

I'm a canadian born in western canada, I went to the best uni i possibly could (costs way too much money to go cross-country to a uni). I go to UBC and we are #43 and i am definitely top 20 worthy (i got into UofT but i dont have the practical means to go there)

>> No.7310348

According to that list I am 20.

>> No.7310349
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ITT: Canadians

>> No.7310355

McMaster > Waterloo

>> No.7310356

My school isn't on that list. But it is in the top 20 on this one, and thats all that matters.

>> No.7310357

388. Come at me.

>> No.7310358

>mcmaster > waterloo
not for engineering, the only discipline that matters

>> No.7310359

not for engineering, which is objectively the best school for any uni

>> No.7310361

>tfw #2 uni in canada on that list
a small victory.
>only 30 worldwide

>> No.7310364

Actually for undergrad its not true.

>> No.7310366

who fucking cares about undergrad lol

>> No.7310369

Most people are undergraduates.
For graduate school, UW > Mac engineering but not as far as research goes. Also UofT > UW.
My school reigns supreme in all of Canada.

>> No.7310370

You can undergrad anywhere, it doesn't matter except if you go to a good undergrad school it will look better for grad school. A lot of people do half of their undergrad at a CC just because it is cheaper.

>> No.7310371

Do you really believe this shit? It's like IQ for unis.

>> No.7310372

Top 100 here and comfy as fuck.

>> No.7310373
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non top50 peasant detected
enjoy your state uni?
enjoying your cc?
enjoying being a literal fucking peasant?

>> No.7310377

lmao come back when you know what you're talking about

>> No.7310378

This doesn't apply to Canada. College is something different.

>> No.7310380

no university of Washington

>UW created a fusion reactor

>> No.7310382

>American/Canadian dual citizenship
>go to ubc engineering for undergrad
>want to go to MIT or purdue for gradschool engineering

how do i do this?

>> No.7310383

skule reporting in

ayy lmao

>> No.7310384

tfw top liberal arts college

>> No.7310385

Google it fucker. This has been asked a million times before.

>> No.7310386

but they give me bullshit
how do i REALLY do this

>> No.7310389

For fucks sake, go to gradcafe, look up previous profile threads.

Are you sure you're cut out for research when you can't be bothered to even look up how to get there?

>> No.7310390

no but how do i really do it

i know how to do it, but nobody gives the redpill

do i needa suck a dick ? do i need connections? do i have to be a minority?

>> No.7310393
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>anything outside the top 10

Cambridge masterrace reporting

>> No.7310396

dont, unless your family is filfthy rich.

american here, got accepted to UofT (only applied because forced by gf since she goes there). ended up not going as i expected because of how stupid the financial aid system works for international students (they give you no chance for any scholarships and grants). I think it was close to 55k what i wouldve had to pay for each year.

>> No.7310398

>tfw dont go to a fashionable prestigious uni
>tfw uni is #43
>tfw its fillde with ugly rich asian kids
>tfw ;_;

im not going to be international mate, im american

>> No.7310399

Cal, reporting in
Nice silver spoon

>> No.7310401

>tfw 601

>> No.7310407

oh my bad, for some reason i didnt notice you said dual citizenship. you should be good then. my gf's brother got graduated from Waterloo and went onto MIT for post-grad.

>> No.7310409


>> No.7310414

>caring this much about uni rankings
/sci/ confirmed for ultimate plebs

>> No.7310418

cc student detected

>> No.7310428

I went to a state school, my parents grew up in social housing etc. I got in by doing well in the entrance exams

But sure, make all the excuses you want as to why you never made anything of your life

>> No.7310435

I'm a Berkeley engineering student. Not exactly "nothing".

>> No.7310436

believe what you want anon but I'm actually in a top 5 uni

>> No.7310446
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How are you number 43
I'm number 43

>> No.7310449

no bitch you're #44 fuck off australia

>> No.7310451

Can you not see those gold stars your shitty fuckin university doesn't even have 1 shut up you low iq pleb, eh????¿

>> No.7310460

lmo the gold stars means how many cocks u took last night

>> No.7310469


>> No.7310470

my nigga

>> No.7310475


>> No.7310481

then why the fuck aren't you joining the circlejerk?

>> No.7310482


>> No.7310486

> non top50 peasant detected
so it's literally the same as the IQ thread circlejerks

>> No.7310488

IQ is the #1 measurable predictor of success in life

>> No.7310503

i think inherited wealth is more of a predictor

>> No.7310505

So you're saying the amount of inherited wealth has a correlation greater than success and IQ

>> No.7310509


>> No.7310511


LSA or CoE?

>> No.7310516

you're fucking retarded

>> No.7310522


>> No.7310540

and when you're comparing two siblings with the same socioeconomic status? Predicting a group of people with similar socioeconomic statuses? Your reasoning for inherited wealth being the best predictor of success makes no god damn sense because it applies to a small niche of people
good argument lol!

>> No.7310544

and you think iq is more reasonable than a person having a fuckton of wealth inherited and being successful because of that wealth

>> No.7310546

Sorry OP, I'm not a rank whore.

>> No.7310549

I fucking wish.

>> No.7310550

because IQ is independent of all other statuses? IQ is the best and most efficient predictor of success.

What you're trying to say is like saying the amount of postgrad schooling at a top 10 school is the best predictor of success, its completely redundant

>> No.7310553

because i'm not a fucking pleb

>> No.7310554

If you were to go on ONE thing only, one thing that is unique to everybody no matter who they are, IQ is the most stable and efficient way to predict success. A group of 100 people with 120 IQ born into the same society will thrive greatly compared to a group of 100 people with 100 IQ. The only measurable difference is the IQ.

Even when your a kid your IQ is pretty much the same. It's a great measurement of potential and how you're able to adapt and take advantage of the world

>> No.7310557

lol fine if you suck iq's dick all day is your iq high and are you successful in life?

>> No.7310563

> IQ is the best and most efficient predictor of success
wow. you might be retarded. Read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

>> No.7310564

I have 129 IQ, I have 4 siblings, I am attending purdue for aerospace grad studies (#13 in the world for mech/aerospace, most astronaut graduated program in the world)

My dad is works in construction and my mom deals blackjack at a casino. Out of my 4 siblings, I am the only one in university (2 dropped out)


>> No.7310567


you think i give a fuck

message me the next news article you're in

>> No.7310569

sure, check purdue aero dpt publications, I've posted two thermo related papers already

also, nasa internship reps coming in this next year, you bothered?

>> No.7310570

>tfw terribly underrated university

>> No.7310573

No one cares about your life or what's happening with your career. You've turned a discussion about IQ into a dick measuring contest.

>> No.7310574


i'm sure you are very happy and successful

you're actually kinda making me feel bad now

>> No.7310575

"lol fine if you suck iq's dick all day is your iq high and are you successful in life?"

>> No.7310580

that's not me. >>7310563 is me

>> No.7310581

why are you quoting me

how are you going to do any successful if you use my quote in a retarded way

>> No.7310584

anyway instead of blabbering about how i'm wrong provide a counterargument or fuck off

in a group of 100 people born into the same socioeconomic position, how would you best predict success in life?

you can't just say "hurr the ones born into the richer families, obviously!"

>> No.7310586

oh that reminds me

quote use is the #1 predictor for success in life ignoring all socioeconomic standings even though they have more of and affect on the real world

>> No.7310587

> provide a counterargument or fuck off
I did moron, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

>> No.7310590

how is fancy land

are you one of those retarded people who think communism is the best idealogy?

>> No.7310592

> in a group of 100 people born into the same socioeconomic position, how would you best predict success in life?
that's not what you claimed though.
you said IQ was a better predictor than socioeconomic status

>> No.7310600

Hello top 3 here, where do I collect my circle jerk?

Sir are you the "circle"?

>> No.7310607
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>tfw didn't get into University of Waterloo for grad school
>tfw I lacked research (experimental) experience even though I applied for condensed matter theory
>tfw UBC was the first one to accept me and is my safety
>tfw I'm at UBC now grading some fucktard kids' exams
At least the gym is well-equipped.

>> No.7310626

>University of Calgary

Welp might as well kill myself

>> No.7310636

I think he gave up

>> No.7310649

no? I'm a libertarian

>you said IQ is a better predictor of success than success~!


>> No.7310652

I fucking hate you. And all the TAs at ubc. You fucking assholes. Learn your god damn english. I can't fucking understand you. God damnit where you are from? India? Pakistan? China? I CANT FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOU. Why the FUCK do you get hired to do this shit?

>> No.7310655

I'm born here, mate. Complain to your prof if you can't understand English.

>> No.7310681

Don't lie to me buk lau

>> No.7310685
File: 635 KB, 3008x2000, McMaster_Uniersity_Health_Sciences_entrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into UBC for science but I chose to go to McMaster for their Health Sciences program (doing the biochemistry specialization) living in BC would have been awesome though

>> No.7310688

>living in vancouver
60% gook population

>> No.7310693

im not racist so it wouldn't bother me

>> No.7310694

MIT reporting. The best part is bragging on the internet like a big faggot!

>> No.7310696

whatever you say cuck

>> No.7310697


>> No.7310702

I'm not white ;^)
>tfw pakistani heritage

>> No.7310704

rofl then of course you dont care about the gooks because youre just as bad, even worse actually

of course immigrants dont have a problem with immigration

>> No.7310706

ubc math grad

shit sucks lads

>> No.7310710

im not an immigrant though I was born here
also health sci at mac has a 4% admission rate so you better watch who you're talking to buddy. i'll hit you in the cheekbone

>> No.7310711 [DELETED] 

>im not an immigrant though i was born here

that just goes to show how long canada's been fucking up on immigration policies, just cause your parents are from bangladesh and popped you out before they could get deported, doesn't mean you're canadian and "not an immigrant"

fuck off smelly cunt, even the gooks are better than you fucking shitskin pakis

>> No.7310716
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just because a bunch of underachieving 2.x gpa cucks apply to your school doesnt mean its good, get cucked fuckboy. My school doesn't even have an exceptional health sci program and we're still ranked 30

as i said, back to bangladesh or whatever third world dumpster you crawled out of

>> No.7310717

are you jealous because I study in a highly selective program meanwhile you study at a typical canadian program that accepts everyone? ;^) lmfao

>> No.7310719
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>highly selective
>not even top 50 much less top 100

>> No.7310720

people with 90s get rejected from health sci at mac lmao
mac is known for medicine/health sci. i got into ubc and mcgill. i chose mac though! :D

>> No.7310721
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>UBC engineering
>2nd best engineering school in canada
>40th worlwide, compared to fucking mcshitter at 140 ROFL
haha good one! oh wait you're a health sci major, so you don't even matter! ROFL! ROFL! LEL! get cucked shitskin

>> No.7310722

oi lad mcgill health sci is the real deal, not your shit program lol

>> No.7310723


>> No.7310724
File: 244 KB, 1468x718, vada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, sure you did peasant
oh wait you're not even in medicine! you're a fucking arts major in health sci!

>> No.7310725

>mcgill health sci
no such thing
i dont wanna be an engineer i wanna be a neurologist LOL

>> No.7310727

>a highschooler on an internet academic forum in 2008 said that his shitty #200th ranked program was the hardest to get into
sounds similar to what you're sayin lel

>> No.7310728

>Caring about prestige
>Not about the program.

University of Wisconsin Madison here. 41 on that list. Incoming freshman thinking of majoring in computer science and minoring in mechanical engineering but I might double major computer science and computer engineering.

I don't know.

>> No.7310731

I'm in top 500

>> No.7310732

uhm ;) you have to do an undergrad before med and the health sci program is all science based if you do the biochem specialization
also ubc only accepts BC residents to their med school anyways so it lessens my chances

>> No.7310734

sorry lad, it was life science my mistake

>94% min avg

stay cucked

>> No.7310735
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Those are the canadian school rankings for both health/bio sci and medicine.

You are objectively much worse of a school than ubc, mcgill, uoft

You are a reject school. Where those who get rejected from the big 3 get accepted. How are you enjoying your ignorance?

>> No.7310736

need 90%+ to be considered (95% to be competitive)
need a supp essay
only accept 4% of applicants
LOL. also i could always apply to mcgill or something for med school anyways, i wanna try and get into uoft's MD/PhD program though. alsi if you look at Mac BHSc alumni on linkedin there's people who went to yale law, stanford med, and john hopkins for grad studies

>> No.7310737

>94% min avg for health sci
94% in 4 grade 12 courses, thats 94% in english, bio, chem and fucking music theory lmao

UBC engineering is 97% cutoff for avg in math/calc 12, physics 12, chem 12 and eng 12

seriously, keep living in your little deluded world where you think your school is relevant

>> No.7310738

>implying any top schools are going to accept a McCuckster student
why would they do that when they have better qualified students that were in a decent program?

>> No.7310741
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damn homie you cant fight those facts


>> No.7310745
File: 32 KB, 553x442, puking-pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uoftfag here

is somebody in this thread actually trying to say mcmaster is a good school? If you live in ontario, you have no excuse to be going to mcmaster when there are better schools in your immediate vicinity, unless you're just too dumb to get in of course

>mfw i see somebody with a mcmaster hoodie

>> No.7310747
File: 77 KB, 900x492, super_buu_restored_by_kingvegito-d52zpbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this exactly

it's not even a top 100 uni god damn how is this nigger so deluded by what some dumb highschoolers said on a forum 8 years ago

>> No.7310752

I got into mcgill's life sci program
the mac health sci is program is better though. as an overall school i know mcmaster is not as good but for medicine/biological/health sci it does pretty good research. also i could always apply to MD/PhD programs at higher ranked schools
the goal is med school which is really hard and like 40% of mac health sci graduates get to med school so it's the best choice
mid to high 80s, so you need low to mid 90s to be competitive. it's the same as health sci
also it's not hard to get above a 90% in the ontario calc cirriculum anyways you don't learn any calc beyond deriving trig and exponential functions

>> No.7310755
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>The ranges below are not minima but recommended ranges to be considered for admission. Some programs may require higher averages than the ranges stated below.
How do I know you go to McMaster?


>> No.7310756

>it does pretty good research
you do realize you're an undergrad right
you dont do and do not associate with any research

>> No.7310757

i got into uoft life sci
it has grade deflation though. i've heard of people with 95%+ averages who go there and have their med school dreams ruined. uoft's med school had an average GPA admission of 3.94. uoft doesn't guarantee you getting that
it's not just that it's the fact that it has a 4% admission rate

>> No.7310758
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>deriving trig and exponential functions
how do I know you go to mcmaster?

>> No.7310762

>4% admission rate
can you stop saying this? of course people apply to mcmaster as a backup because they know they can get in. more people applying = lower admission rate. I know you didn't pass highschool math but this is pretty straightforward.

Also, the proof is in the pudding. Links have been posted. Mcmaster is a tier 2 canadian school.

>> No.7310763

to get into med school you need extracurricular research to look good to the interviewer
also mac is well ranked in canada, not world, but it's good for canada.
also: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=80598422&authType=name&authToken=B19a&trk=prof-sb-browse_map-photo
this guy got into stanford med from mac health sci and he has a lot of research published. im not aiming for the US though I want to go to mcgill, uoft, or mcmaster for an MD/PhD program

>> No.7310765

i got into ubc engineering in 2012 and the cutoff was 95% or so, i had to appeal with 95% cause i got denied initially but after saying i had related work exp and stuf i got in

engineering highschool avgs are harder than any other program too, cause they have to look at math chem and phys

>> No.7310769

>it's good for canada
it's not even top 3. Are you seriously trying to argue that getting into the 5th best school in fucking bangladesh is an achievement?

>> No.7310771

that's the ontario curriculum. for 6 weeks we do analytic geometry and then we only do differential calculus up to trig/exponential functions. not my fault the ontario curriculum is easy lol. I wanted to do AP Calc but no schools in my area offered AP courses and I didn't wanna self study
idk maybe the BC curriculum is more rigorous but that's out of my control

>> No.7310772

can you just stop posting dude, its already been established your school is not on the same level as the others

you can leave now, prakesh

>> No.7310774

no but canada is a first world and developed nation. academia here isn't on the same level as the US but it's still a solid school for my field. if i were studying engineering or business at mac i'd get saying that it's shit though. also my goal is professional school so I have to take into account what school will allow me to maximize my GPA.

>> No.7310775

>hahaha, look at all these schools ranked higher than mine! I got into them but i just wanted to go to the worse school lol xD ... cuz it was more competitive hehe :P lol...


uoft/ubc reject spotted

>> No.7310777

>academia here isnt on the same level as the us

uoft is ranked 20th worldwide, thats on the same level as some of the ivy leagues
ubc is in the 30s or 40s or something, which is on the level of NYU and UCLA
your school is not even top 100

>> No.7310779

my university isn't even ranked kek

>> No.7310780

im sorry

>> No.7310781

it's easy to get into UofT for the program I applied to, which was life science. everyone gets into that. uoft is only competitive for engineering, which i don't want to do

>> No.7310783

lol w/e you say peasant arts major

>> No.7310785

okay so canada has 3 great schools whereas the US has like 30
like i said, canada isn't on the same level

>f you’re never heard of McMaster University’s Bachelor of Health Sciences Program, you should know it is one of the “elite” undergraduate programs in Canada. With an applicant pool of over 2000 students for 150 spots, getting into McMaster’s Health Sci program is as competitive as getting into medical school.

>> No.7310787

if biochemistry/molecular bio is art then fine lol

>> No.7310789

>listening to a site that says "It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go for Your Education, It’s What You Do There that Matters"

pretty much is, biology isn't considered a science here

but you can go back to your fairytale world where you think youre doing a good job becoming what your parents want you to

>> No.7310795

>biased perspective from somebody who got rejected
>calls it elite and pulls numbers out of his ass

good link, is that how you justify your existence? that you got into a second rate reject school and somebody even dumber wrote an article about how he got rejected from it?

>> No.7310797

yeah i know it isn't but it's just a meme
biochemistry is as rigorous as any other field of chemistry
also if you're planning to go to med school it really doesn't matter where you study all that matters is GPA, as far as Canada is concerned.
and most pre-meds agree that mac's health sci program is the best (http://forums.premed101.com/index.php?/topic/84709-should-i-accept-my-offer-to-mcmaster-health-sciences/)) since it helps develop a lot of the soft skills that med schools are looking for

>> No.7310800

>he thinks memorizing the latin names and memorizing what things are called and how they operate is "Doing science"
science is problem solving. Experiment and observation. Prediction. Not memory. That's bio. A soft science at max. Half of your curriculum is memorizing shit.

>> No.7310805

I wasn't rejected from UofT life science. it's not a hard program to get into and Mac health sci has the highest number of graduates going on to med school out of anywhere else I got in so that's why it was the obvious choice
if you look through these (http://mdphd.utoronto.ca/affiliations/graduate)) there are quite a few mac health sci grads. getting into uoft's md/phd is my actual goal. mac health sci is just a stepping stone towards that

>> No.7310807

now you're pulling my leg, chem is a soft science and still much below math/phys/engineering

why do you think so many girls have chemistry degrees? rofl

>> No.7310808

> Experiment and observation. Prediction.
all of that goes into discovering biological truths?

>> No.7310812

you're not discovering biological truths, you're memorizing them, theres no creativity or critical thinkign required, you literally memorize how to do shit other people have figured out for themselves

>> No.7310813

wrong link

>> No.7310814

14 on this, 61 on this. Seattle BTFO ;_;

>> No.7310817

yeah well i guess that problem solving will have to wait for when im a practicing neurologist :^)

>> No.7310819

typical 2nd year engineering project at UBC: with a team of 4, build and program a robot that can perform X function using these materials only

typical 2nd year biology project:
oh wait there are no projects, you literally just show up to class and write down notes that youll regurgitate on your exam later

>> No.7310821

>he thinks hes going to be able to critically think after years of scribbling down what to memorize

>> No.7310824

that's what different about the mac health sci program. it's very project and group based and research intensive. that's also why I chose it. i like problem solving, im good at math and physics. I got higher grades in those courses than all of my friends who went on to study engineering or business

>> No.7310830
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whatever, you'll forever be irrelevant anyway

I'm finishing my engineering undergrad at ubc then heading over to MIT, good luck doing that from a no name no rep canadian school, peasant

>> No.7310835

planning on staying in canadian MD/PhD programs anyways as I don't plan on leaving this country. i have a good shot at mcgill or uoft

hope you have fun at MIT though.

>> No.7310952

thank god

>> No.7310954

Better guide for knowing how big your internet academic penis is: http://www.metauniversityranking.com/

>> No.7310955


>> No.7310981

>That feel when designing the framework of a company that will eventually pop the education bubble.
