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7307498 No.7307498 [Reply] [Original]

Why have we given up space exploration? After we landed on the moon weve just been throwing a bunch of satellites up, looking through telescopes, and nothing else.

>> No.7307501

why should we pursue it?

>> No.7307505


We know aliens are out there and the government doesn't want us to find out.

>> No.7307521
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Governments can't make space exploration into something useful within their lifetimes. It's selfish but you can't really expect our leaders to go the extra mile

>> No.7307609

future space travel belongs to the realm of AI

our soft fleshy bodies aren't suited to rigors of space travel

>> No.7307618

too expensive. americans really arent in favor of space exploration, they rather spend their money elsewhere.

time for the russians to step up again

>> No.7307623


potentially infinite mined materials in space

>> No.7307624


and aliens

>> No.7307625

Because while the study of how to go to space lead to the incidental discovery of useful technologies, there isn't anything in space itself valuable enough to justify the expense of finding it. Basically there's no reason for people who won't go to space to support you going to space, you'll send back nothing of value.

>> No.7307627

I would prefer never to find alien life as advanced or more as we are. I do not want to become a lab rat

>> No.7307628


No, there are aliens there

>> No.7307631


We've already found aliens, they're just kept secret dude.

>> No.7307666

Space is big. The solar system is big. Fuel and time are precious.

>> No.7307670



nice try shlomo, you're not fooling me with your zionist lies

>> No.7307676

I heard if we could somehow tow the smallest asteroid in the nearest belt back to Earth we'd have enough metal to build a city the size of New York.

>> No.7307677


We'd also find aliens

>> No.7307707

but we haven't given up space exploration! We just finished the first complete survey of Mercury, are exploring the two biggest asteroids, flying by Pluto, circling Jupiter and Saturn, and crawling across Mars! Not to mention all the space telescopes. This is a wonderful time for space exploration!

>> No.7307711


We're spending more time worrying about everyone's gender identity issues.

>> No.7307720


>> No.7307721

oh, are you confusing space exploration with space settlement?

That is a totally different topic, but we are working on it, getting data from the ISS. Not that we should be working on it; it will certainly be more worthwhile to go transhuman for space adaptation than to figure out expensive ways for water bags to live off the Earth.

>> No.7307885

>Why have we given up space exploration?

Because we obviously have no intention of colonizing Humanity into space. There's no point in exploring stuff when you don't actually go there to live, work and play.

Humans are 99.9% controlled by ECONOMICS. And there's no extant valid economic model that permits space colonization. We're stuck here on Earth, pretty much for the rest of our time until Humans become extinct. And that just handily happens to explain why we see no galactic empires, no Dyson Structures, and in fact hear nothing at all from other civilizations. Lifeforms that achieve sentience then technology, are probably also trapped by ECONOMICS.

>> No.7307897

Because we still cannot find cosmic junk-dealer for purchase the draft of spaceship.

>> No.7307968


>> No.7307971

Because we were never on the moon. The simplest answer.

>> No.7307979

Man, the earth core is full of metal... We dont need space to mine

>> No.7307981


>> No.7307984

too pricey

>> No.7307988

Humans just have too many life support requirements to explore space directly without tremendous waste. Our probes are constantly getting better for what it's worth.

>> No.7308094

Because human life span.

Shits too far away.

>> No.7308189

Do mean mean given up as in not enough money is going to space programs? We're arriving at Pluto and Ceres soon and Europa in 2020 I think it was. I don't think we have given up unless you're talking about manned exploration?

>> No.7308204


>> No.7308208

China is widely suspected of wanting to put men on the Moon (but they are slow as fuck about it). SpaceX will very likely colonize Mars within a couple of decades. The US's SLS / Orion program is continuing and projected to send Americans to the Moon and asteroids within a decade.

We operate on time scales of decades. So instead of asking why have we given up (because we haven't), you should instead ask why we are so slow at it.

>> No.7308233

Nothing inhabitable for lightdecades
>implying there is currently any fucking benefit you could find in going to space now

>> No.7308242

But how else would we build a big enough shovel to excavate the earth?

>> No.7308258
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This. Is why! Motherfuckers dont want us to know the truth. They haev even closer footage of this now and not showing us! Why?

>> No.7308329

We explore space with telescopes, satellites, and unmanned probes. Just because you have a romantic idea of how we should explore the universe doesn't mean we don't already do it.

Also, look around you. The Earth and our solar system are pretty far out in space to begin with.

>> No.7308385

It's only as expensive as it is because we launch our rockets from the surface of the earth. Escaping earth's gravity requires an incredible amount of fuel. This is why we should be building a base on the moon. All of the materials necessary to build and launch rockets exist there and it has 1/6 the gravity so launching them would be much cheaper. Space exploration is resumed, asteroids are towed and mined, and hell we might even be able use the He-3 on the moon to power a way more efficient reaction for nuclear fission. The last one's a long shot but it's just gravy anyway.

>> No.7308413

Asteroids are often cubic centimeters in size, so I really doubt that. Perhaps a large asteroid you heard.

>> No.7308458
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>UFOs arent real

>> No.7308478

and where did you get this pic? any idea on the coordinates?

>> No.7308481

Because nothing fun will happen until we get warp drives.

>> No.7308492

>octillians of variables, possibly infinite oppertunities, completely different enviroment
>Still developes stocks
How autistic are you to think that economics are something thats intrinsic to life wherever it exists?
Its possible that alien species won't even rely on mathmatics or comprehend the concept of life/death and you think they will have an economy?

>> No.7308493

Yeah, but big oil won't let us have dilithium crystals.

>> No.7308499

Not same anon, I think it's a reasonable assumption that they would also be constrained by economics. Anywhere you have resources and life forms using them, the laws of supply and demand are gonna emerge. The question is it possible to develop technology sophisticated enough to make it economically feasible. And civilizations THAT advanced would likely be few and far between. Finding one another would be virtually impossible. Needle in a haystack doesn't even begin to describe the situation.

>> No.7308529

#1 Unmanned space exploration continues apace, as others point out. I'd rather the West spent more money on probes and less on spying on its own people, but it's happening.

#2 Manned space exploration is much more expensive than unmanned exploration because you have to bring a habitat and have extremely redundant systems to not kill everybody. It won't be long until an unmanned bot can repair satellites as well as a human either, so toss out those missions in the near future.

#3 There is nothing on the Moon worth returning to, unless its "50 years" from now and we need the Helium-3 for fusion.

#4 As cool as a colony on Mars or the Moon is, in terms of cost, available local minerals and raw survivability, building habitats on the ocean floor make much more economic sense. And not many people are pushing for that.

#5 Expanding into space will never be a way to tackle overpopulation on the Earth. Consider how many people are born worldwide every day. You would have to launch at least that many into space (and find air, food, jobs, and homes for them) every day, just to break even.

>> No.7308542

well meme'd my fellow intellectual

>> No.7308605

Because we already know enough of the universe than we know of our planet and the humans themselves which are far more important than finding extra-terrial life.

More biology and less universe exploration.
>Regenerative Medicine.

>> No.7308881

Watch Moving Zeitgeist Forward... it is two and a half hours answering this exact question.


>> No.7309649

>UFOs are alien spacecraft

>> No.7309675


UFOs are Unidentified Flying Objects.

Alien crafts were UFOs, but are now identified. And thats why they are named "Alien" (otherwise why give those crafts a race's name who is driving it?) this and given such connotation.

>> No.7309779
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>> No.7309787

for fusion
also its not a longshot

>> No.7309876

are you implying im not right?

>> No.7310159

Mankind was born on earth. It was never meant to die here.

>> No.7310184

I think it's a waste of time at this point in history. We need to focus on solving problems at home before we attempt to venture out into the cosmos. I say that because the technology we have and our technological progress is severely hindered by problems we have, such as religion, war, poverty, disease, etc.

We would just end up setting up a long voyage to another star that will take the occupants of the spaceship a dozen generations. Then when they are not even 1/4 of the way there, another, technological superior spaceship from earth that was created when we got our shit together will pass them

>> No.7310192

Or the several generation ship will never be surpassed by a superior ship from earth because we might killed ourselves. But the several generation ship will accomplish its work slowly.
We can take care of home and do space exploration, dont fool yourself with a false dichotomy