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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 840x673, scigoestoaparty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7295286 No.7295286 [Reply] [Original]

let's make on of these. i'll be in ms paint in the meantime while you niggers get started on yours. will hold discussion later tonight

>> No.7295300
File: 105 KB, 840x673, 1432953741552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7295302

Why the hat

>> No.7295304
File: 163 KB, 640x640, tip fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a meme you dip

>> No.7295312
File: 140 KB, 840x673, PARTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7295323

Someone add the PhD in math 300k starting meme

>> No.7295330
File: 41 KB, 375x375, lesquintybaseballmanofdisapproval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hard science

I miss old /sci/

>> No.7295360 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7295370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7295378 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7295382
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>> No.7295384

>these plebs dont even have markers for their windows

>> No.7295385

too soon my man

>> No.7295411
File: 24 KB, 475x475, scienceandfraternities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll appreciate this, then.

>> No.7295413
File: 151 KB, 840x673, 1432953741552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7295428 [DELETED] 


top kek

>> No.7295433

Someone make him wear a shirt with GauB's face on it

>> No.7295434


top kek

>> No.7295438


top kek

>> No.7295490

People who write GauB need to kill themselves. It's Gauß or Gauss. The letter ß literally comes from ss, so writing an ss is MUCH more correct than writing a B.

>> No.7295527

gaub is just a clever meme, hothead

>> No.7295540

Oy vey!

>> No.7295541

did the whole GauB thing just start with that thread a few days ago?

>> No.7295542

GauB has been a famous mathematician for much longer than that anon.

>> No.7295564


>> No.7295570
File: 160 KB, 840x673, tfwgeologist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For my geology bros out there

>> No.7295575

fucking saved

>> No.7295578

>gneiss cleavage
well done

>> No.7295624
File: 154 KB, 820x664, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7295635

i have some pretty good memes i've been thinking of making but i don't know if i should. should i make the memes, /sci/? let me know. i'm not saying that these will be top tier memes, but they will at least be above median memes.

>> No.7295640


ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.7295645
File: 163 KB, 900x900, chem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it. we're all friends here
>3000hrs later in ms paint

>> No.7295647

Make the memes anon

>> No.7295649
File: 713 KB, 1205x1200, 1431914379942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7295692

my post was serious. i posted a serious post about memes in the meme thread. honestly, you're the one shitposting here.

>> No.7295693

Can someone explain this?

>> No.7295696

more like /mu/ after TPAB release

>> No.7295697
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>PhD in Pure Math
>>300K Starting

>> No.7295708

Zeta Beta Tau was the first jewish frat

>> No.7295724

Go away you cancer.

>> No.7295729
File: 113 KB, 840x673, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference to a previous thread.

>> No.7295731
File: 66 KB, 333x333, top lel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel

>> No.7295738

>why are my goggle fogging up?

I know that feel so hard. It's like my face is a suana

>> No.7296005

Right, so mathematician, scientist and an engineer get a task: find the volume of a given red ball.

Mathematician solves triple integral and finds volume.

Scientist remembers basic physics, pours the ball in water and calculates it's volume by measuring the increase of water level.

Engineer opens his desk to find >2015 edition book "Spreadsheets of red ball volumes" and a dildo, and proceeds to shove the book up his ass and search the dildo for a needed value.

>cause engineers are not only fagets but also retarded

>> No.7296039

Nice. We need to keep the dum dums down so they realize who's the boss around here.

>> No.7296079

I remember that, OP was such a fucking faggot
>Bitches aren't impressed I know about the halting problem, why is the world so mean?

>> No.7296098
File: 66 KB, 600x412, 1429229765028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> so mathematician, scientist
>> implying maths is not a science
Subtle b8 m8. Bumping with the atheist-satan pope and our fellow brother - Richardo De Dawkinese, zieg heil.

>> No.7296110
File: 112 KB, 625x538, 1430186826410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7296145


There was a "gaub" comment at the start of this month in a thread where OP called him Gauß.

Then an OP yesterday or whenever (as far as I am aware) just copied the post and called him Gaub

>> No.7296155

I had a german professor and he said "scheibe" all the time.

>> No.7296161

Epic picture, I might frame that and hang it on my wall

>> No.7296163

>triple integral

Quite the sphere we've got here

>> No.7296189

top kek

>> No.7296232

> implying
What are you implying, retard?

>> No.7296260

>no one references high IQ

>> No.7296311

fucking this

>> No.7296314


I was thinking, "no one referencing Feynmans "if you buy a girl a drink she won't sleep with you".

>> No.7296326

Also, you people are terrible at drawing.

>> No.7296343

Heh that reminded me of something...
>study mathematics
>be at party
>drunk as fuck
>friend who was an engineering student was also there
>wake up next morning
>no idea what happened that evening
>see table
>table scribbled full of formulas, triple integrals and other stuff
>one half of it was my handwriting, the other one the handwriting of the engineer
It can't get more autistic than this.

>> No.7296358

did you also wake up with your dick his mouth?

>> No.7296359
File: 48 KB, 1043x690, SciDoesn'tParty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7296362
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x750, dlk5ps2_1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if serious or... Smoking too much the grass... Anyway Neil degrab Tyson

>> No.7296366
File: 215 KB, 1199x520, 1416923579983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, he actually was gay.
>The memes are real.

>> No.7296368
File: 125 KB, 840x673, legentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7296372


>> No.7296382

That was a bit anticlimactic. After
>drunk as fuck
>no idea what happened that evening
I expected worse. Especially since the other dude was an engineer.

>> No.7296383

And he can fly!

>> No.7296387

nah, he randomly jumped when pic was taken

>> No.7296417

Looks like Benedict Cumberbatch.

>> No.7296449


>> No.7296459

Underrated post.

>> No.7296463

This is clearly an experiment conducted by a /sci/entist inside a cube

>> No.7296517

>wake up next morning
>no idea what happened that evening

I expected surprise gay sex with the build up.

>> No.7296915


>> No.7296928

>nuke engr
>would get drunk as shit with EE roommate
>nights would end up turning into drunk shouting matches about religion and physics and shit, with scribbles on our whiteboards and shit
>other pleb as fuck phys ed roommate complains about us being loud as fuck the next morning
>we look over the bullshit we scribbled up
>mfw i know i'm always right but ee pleb doesnt want to admit he's wrong
i'd never do that shit at a normal party tho

>> No.7296930

Remember the thread too. The Halting problem is so fucking basic, everyone should know it. My sister in high school knows it.

The mathematician made a mistake arguing with the engineer at all.

>> No.7296936

He sounds gay.
Our maybe you're gay. What straight dude drinks and talks about trivial formulas at a party with another dude. I would have been trying to meet some girls.

>> No.7296942

scribbling arguments sounds fun

>> No.7297036


Public back of the envelope scribbling can be pulled off if you do it with confidence and minimize autism.

>Be ChemE grad-student eating brunch in cafeteria.
>Explaining a problem to a bunch of 3rd years in a class I TA (fuckers follow me all around campus).
>Use blackboard marker I stole from my lab to jot down equations on a napkin as I explain.
>Everyone around us obviously understanding fuckall seem to be staring with interest.
>As autistic as this sounds I have no doubt I look boss as fuck seamlessly explaining chem thermo PDEs in a casual setting.
>After students are satisfied and leave, yoga pants wearing qt. I recognize from my gym comes to say hi.
>Pretends to be interested in the math.
>Swing topic to gym stuff, after a brief chat while I finish my food, I write down my number on the napkin and hand it to her.
>Lights up.
>Leave feeling smooth as fuck.

Yes, this actually happened whether you believe it or not, deal with it.

Yup it definitely happened 100% exactly as I greentext it.

That was alpha as fuck right guys?

OK fine I'm totally bullshitting, I didn't have enough balls to write down my number like that, but there was some light flirting sparks and she's def interested and still comes to greet and chat with me every time she shes me at the gym. Gonna make a move soon I swear.

>> No.7297106

But psychology isn't a science
t. Bio major

>> No.7297122
File: 24 KB, 496x499, 1427915438280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoiler tags
>most definitely an /a/utist or /v/irgin
>implying you as much as had a conversation with a woman

Too. Fucking. Funny.

>> No.7297134

Or /lit/... I don't play video games or watch anime.

>> No.7297142

Go to her and say
>Ayy bby, I'd like to be your derivative so I can lie tangent on your curves.
Works every time.

>> No.7297149

You might want to shut up about it, or head to >>>/x/ for more elaborate discussions. The only type of cross-boarders appreciated here are the patrician tier baneposters.

>> No.7297165

Why do you assume I'm crossboarder? Why do you assume anyone cares about your autistic #chan politics? I might have browsed /lit/ years ago or solely went there to shitpost in the name of /sci/.

I do frequent /fit/ though and /x/ on rare occasions for the campfire stories.

Baneposting is cancer of the worst kind, take your shit back to >>>[s4s].

And the porn boards of course, let's not pretend we don't all intentionally miss click board links on lonely nights.

>> No.7297173


leave any time

>> No.7297181

>>>[][]chan/fem/, >>>/hm/
>>>/x/ and enjoy your prostate cancer.

>> No.7297212

She's a kinesiology major I don't think they even do baby calc, correct me if I'm wrong though.

>> No.7297240

Ladies, please shut up and learn your place

>> No.7297243
File: 39 KB, 575x500, forchins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you shitting on [s4s]?

s4s-shitposters are geniuses. real geniuses. they know things before you even hear about them. they don't need information ressources, they calculate knowledge and chances like a savant.
the disadvantage is, to keep sane, they have to keep informaion low, and stick to tight patterns, so they won't get lost in a vast storm of incoming information inside their head.
what they do is post memes to keep the creativity and productivity busy, and check dubs to keep precise analysis of values warmed up.
it's all brain exercise.
why I'm able to explain this, is, because I am a drooling, nonsense-bubbling moron compared to them.

>> No.7297256
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7297265

You can't even post quality bait.

>> No.7297267
File: 201 KB, 1180x1204, 1392404935891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best of these party things is still the /lit/ one

>> No.7297296

Why do you have this?

>> No.7297307

because I browse /lit/ maybe?

>tfw I told myself that studying liberal arts is worthless when I was 18
>study maths instead
>all people left in my courses at uni are super into maths, really motivated
>I still read >3h a day and barely pass the exams


>> No.7297317

>study arts, fuck dumb whores
>finally find a job at 27, get paid minimum wage for rest of life. live a sitcom-like life

>study math, fail, kill self

Great job, cuck

>> No.7297324

some poeple where hats

>> No.7297329

stem will never impact people and the culture in a way the arts do. The fact that people who study arts get less money on average should make you respect their choice.

>> No.7297481

what a blockhead

>> No.7297501


>> No.7297547

top kek

>> No.7297828

That guy has my hair, dresses like me, listens to the same bands, and drinks cheap bourbon like me. It's uncanny.

>> No.7297852

>that ACS emblem on his coat


>> No.7297903

I went to a small gathering at my friend's house once. They all crowded around a tiny laptop watching Jerry Springer videos (I recall a "redneck ninji[sic]") and I just sat on the floor and played with their dog.

Seriously, they were huddled around a small laptop. I offered to connect it to the TV for them, but they asked me what was the point and went back to it.

It was pure hell. The only other time I went to an actual party was when someone I knew had a friend and he had a birthday party. We were invited and there was beer and a band, but this other guy, myself, and a girl went to go chop down trees for firewood. That was actually pretty fun.

>> No.7297908

Scheibe means disk, can be an old way of saying ''record'' (like Platten)

>> No.7297921
File: 74 KB, 500x458, 1408569402906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stem will never impact people and the culture in a way the arts do.
i'm a huge fan of the arts, and youre still a retard. without technology you'd probably be illiterate, working on a farm, and the biggest impact art would have on your life is cave scribblings

>> No.7297922

It's sheiBe, you illiterate fucking cucks.

>> No.7297935

>When you have to samefag people laughing at your shitty joke

>> No.7298042

Retarded beta with economics or law major I bet. Fuck off to where you came from, butthurt faget.

>> No.7298052

top kek

>> No.7298062

top kek

>> No.7298073

top kek

>> No.7298084

top kek

>> No.7298085

>ß is not ß
ßut its clearly a fucking ß. What the hell do you want?

>> No.7298281

top kek

>> No.7298289

this was all me tbh

>> No.7298369

top cuck

>> No.7298380

top kek

>> No.7298384

top kek

>> No.7298390
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, michio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u fuckin mental m8

>> No.7298444

That was so unfunny I actually got second hand embarrassment for you.

>> No.7298447

What would you find funny then? PewDiePie I'm guessing.

>> No.7298448

Prove it using triple integrals

>> No.7298457


>> No.7298475 [DELETED] 

A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer go on a trip to Paris and all decide to meet at Disneyland at 6 PM

The mathematician shows up with a 10/10 Francoise fluent in English, the physicist shows up with a da Vinci drawing, but the engineer does not show up. After 45m of waiting, which is approximately 147 feet, the mathematician, a physicist and the physician simultaneously recieve a video message which the engineer squatting in a back alley wearing sissy clothing and sucking multiple dicks.

>> No.7298476

A mathematician, a physicist and an engineer go on a trip to Paris and all decide to meet at Disneyland at 6 PM

The mathematician shows up with a 10/10 Francoise fluent in English, the physicist shows up with a da Vinci drawing, but the engineer does not show up. After 45m of waiting, which is approximately 147 feet, the mathematician, a physicist and the physician simultaneously recieve a video message with the engineer squatting in a back alley wearing sissy clothing and sucking multiple dicks.

>> No.7298569
File: 2.92 MB, 1306x720, 1424724770955.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7298581
File: 65 KB, 840x673, 1432953741552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7298589

So ebin...

>> No.7299395

>the fuck

>> No.7299403

>le jealous boyfriend sitting in the corner

>> No.7299407

>stem will never impact people and the culture in a way the arts do


>> No.7299411

Yeah, no. If anything, that's probably that one black guy that posts here.

>> No.7299416

There is nothing inferior about agriculture. Agriculture is the reason civilizations were born. Pls don't compare to the 'arts'

>> No.7299421

> that one fat white girl

>> No.7299423
File: 43 KB, 631x640, 1414973656987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gneiss cleavage
my sides

>> No.7299958
File: 91 KB, 375x318, 1366498376014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7300017


Anyone have an archive link or can explain what happened?

>> No.7300018

top kek lamao

>> No.7300069


>> No.7300079

it takes courage to say this on /sci/, you have my respect

>> No.7300440
File: 72 KB, 173x184, 1426702924499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7300678


>> No.7300848

your mom is such a SiO2

>> No.7301068


>> No.7301073

thank the jews for this

>> No.7301212

Lol, it's like this kid is a product of a nigger and Putin m8ing.

>> No.7301242

>that girly handwriting

Yeah, that's a biology major alright.

>> No.7301257

that's fucking bullshit, name one fucking thing that "art or culture" has ever done? did art make civilizations, technology and make our lives great? fuck no. i'd like to see your paintings make a objective difference to anything

>> No.7301258
File: 30 KB, 210x144, americasnext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work. The only correct response.

>> No.7301292

nice meme :^)

>> No.7301305

>Being a graphologist

>> No.7301696

>not piece of schist

>> No.7301956

Captured my life

>> No.7302194


but wear do they get them

>> No.7302216

>are we out of ether again
>not acetone

>> No.7302346

>i masturbate to pure math

>> No.7302614

Masterb8 from a /lit retard working at Mcduck.

>> No.7302633
File: 159 KB, 840x673, sci at a party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7302657

>letter ß literally comes from ss
no, it literally comes from sz
but ss is the common replacement
btw: swiss german knows no ß

>> No.7302732
File: 158 KB, 900x750, engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


General engineering reportin.

>> No.7302746

Noice. Good when lesser people can make fun of themselves like that, appreciate it m8.

>> No.7302761


Why are math and phys majors so bitter here?
In my country STEM people get along perfectly fine, is hating on other majors an American thing?

I honestly do not get your obnoxious memeing.

>> No.7302805

They are bitter everywhere, it's just that irl you don't have much opportunities to tell the truth, while AIB is the best place to call some category of people cocksuckers. I get along with engineers too, not without some edgy comments now and then, but you know. The real difference is, on the internet you don't have to pretend like it's a joke at all.

I wouldn't hang out with someone like you, you're clearly too insecure.

>> No.7302817

You're a lot more insecure than he is and I doubt you any real friends.

Being a beta in real life and then spouting delusions of grandeur on the internet is not very "secure". You're like a business majors who secretly thinks he's better than a law student is going to make lots of money. In the real world everyone respects the law student more and in analogue to you every thinks you're destined to be a high-school teacher because you couldn't get into engineering.

If you were secure with yourself you would've laughed it all off and moved on, but you're clearly bitter and need to lash out on the internet because you now you'd get crushed if you tried this bullshit in real life.

>> No.7302858


Well, whether you would hang with me or not does not concern me, but it really interessts me why this board is so hostile.
It is filled with the smarter part of 4chan, is it not? I understand having fun and all, but this stuff is not even funny, it just reeks of bitterness. I normally would call it off as memeing retards being retards, but I actually thought I am speaking with people who have a brain to call it their own. Too bad you had to dissappoint me there.
>you dont have much opportunities
Nice to see that people even here throw around statements without proof.

>> No.7302865

They ones that get involved in major politics on the internet, even on a subconscious level, are all just kids who haven't realized how unimportant your degree is to the world yet. They tied their ego their major so they feel the need to "defend" it because they have little else in their life.

And you're right it isn't funny or original, it's just bitter autism. Just goes to show how little communication skills they have.

The entire /sci/ isn't like that at all though, you can immediately see that in more serious threads with people from different backgrounds behaving more like functioning adults, though those area becoming exceedingly rare.

>> No.7302872

>Go go projecting powers

>> No.7302897

> You're a lot more insecure than he is and I doubt you any real friends.
Sure, whatever belief makes you comfortable.
> Being a beta in real life and then spouting delusions of grandeur on the internet is not very "secure"
What makes you think I'm beta irl and why is delusion of grandeur is insecure for that matter? Because it's not.
> You're like a business majors who secretly thinks he's better than a law student is going to make lots of money. In the real world everyone respects the law student more and in analogue to you every thinks you're destined to be a high-school teacher because you couldn't get into engineering.
Actually in the real world all that matters is the bottom line, which in this case is a pay check. Nobody gives a flying shit about "respect", aside from autistic people, because it means nothing at all.
> If you were secure with yourself you would've laughed it all off and moved on
Laughed what off?
> but you're clearly bitter and need to lash out on the internet
I don't know why you attach some sort of stigma to the word "bitter", but let me just tell you that stomping insecure losers - or insecure people in general - is fun. Now if someone is a loser in any aspect, but ignores whatever insults he gets, because he simply doesn't care, there's nothing in it for me to insult him on. With people like this I make friends - no matter how low they are, as long as they are interesting or at least share the same views, while insecure fags I just have as buddies to monkey around calling them fagets and what not, while looking better in people's eyes relatively to them.
> because you now you'd get crushed if you tried this bullshit in real life.
By "this bullshit" you mean honesty I presume? Well, it tends not to work in general, so it's not like I'm really losing something here.

>> No.7302910
File: 58 KB, 545x566, Top Graduate degrees by salary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If paycheck is the bottom line to you then why don't you suck your engineering masters dick who will be the one signing yours one day anyway? Even graduate engineering degrees are worth more than whatever inferior STEM you're studying. You're trying to make fun of people who are better than you by every objective measure and it just looks pathetic which is what people really mean when they say "bitter".

> let me just tell you that stomping insecure losers - or insecure people in general - is fun.
Yes you're right about that, it's been really fun stomping on you. Cheers.

>> No.7302914

>What makes you think I'm beta irl

>pretend like it's a joke at all.
>not without some edgy comments now and then

Being a passive aggressive little bitch is pretty beta.

>> No.7302919

> but it really interessts me why this board is so hostile.
Because it's anonymous and people are fucking cunts inside, whoever you look at. Simple as that.
> I understand having fun and all
Do you though?
> but this stuff is not even funny
Well not to you m8.
> it just reeks of bitterness.
> I normally would call it off as memeing retards being retards, but I actually thought I am speaking with people who have a brain to call it their own. Too bad you had to dissappoint me there.
Ah, the classic >arrogant=idiot.
> >you dont have much opportunities
> Nice to see that people even here throw around statements without proof.
Well if you're generally nice and people know you as someone who enjoys throwing spikey jokes and being cheeky in general, they'll just assume you're joking when you call someone pretentious cunt or retarded loser, or whatever. But there needs to be this context and if it's not present, you have to always end with "kidding" and/or offering a handshake, which kinda ruins it for me.

It's better here, because people are left with very little room to rationalise their weaknesses when they are confronted. You can't stick to someone's avatar, nickname or karma, nor can you find anything shameful about your opponent to use it instead of a real argument. You're only left with pure insults or projecting.

Wow, it's like you're talking to yourself.
> you actually are

>> No.7302922

>Wow, it's like you're talking to yourself.
Never said I wasn't.

>> No.7302934

It's bottom line to most people, whether they accept it or not, unlike respect which no one really cares about aside from being a mild painkiller. Me, on the other hand, I live for doing science, it matters to me more than money.
> You're trying to make fun of people who are better than you by every objective measure
Really? They are less intelligent, care about more primitive stuff (money) than me and are more insecure. Yeah, they are better all right.
> and it just looks pathetic which is what people really mean when they say "bitter".
> > let me just tell you that stomping insecure losers - or insecure people in general - is fun.
> Yes you're right about that, it's been really fun stomping on you. Cheers.
See it always comes down to either projecting or parroting back. You just admitted that you have nothing valuable to say, all you're good for is repeating. Says something about you, doesn't? Either you lack creativity (read: intellect) or you're too insecure so you repress it, which is perhaps even worse.
Right, so then every politician ever aside from tyrants is also beta, because they have to do this to (more than anybody else really)?
Edgy comments are now the property of betas, are they? What a fascinating imaginary world you live in.

>> No.7302938

Not the guy you are responding to but you sound extremely insecure. You try too hard man. Sounds like you are also a bit autistic and will be the type to die a virgin because you sound insufferable.

>> No.7302950

Please. You don't know what insecure is, or at least you believe it's something entirely different than what it actually is.

I was actually the first one to lose it, but hey, you're free to fantasise.
I know for a fact that you are the type to die a virgin, because you're boring as fuck and don't even have balls to start a conversation with the opposite gender. You're the type to be silent while walking in a park on a date, because you're too afraid to open your mouth. People like you never get any.

>> No.7302970

>I live for doing science, it matters to me more than money.
Oh wow, nice job changing your self imposed goal posts you moron. How do you justify the fact that private R&D labs pays them more for doing the same job? They're doing doing science too, they're just paid way more to do it.

Are you now going to imply you specifically want to be in an environment where you need to teach a bunch of snot nosed undergrads? Yes, lets see how you move your goalposts this time.

>See it always comes down to either projecting or parroting back. You just admitted that you have nothing valuable to say, all you're good for is repeating. Says something about you, doesn't? Either you lack creativity (read: intellect) or you're too insecure so you repress it, which is perhaps even worse.
Crushing your delusions with cold hard data is hardly nothing. You're just refusing to comprehend what you're reading and using mental gymnastics to try and view yourself in a better light even after you've lost the argument. Trying to shift the reality of the conversation like this is easy and any clown can do it. I bet you do this in real life too after all people put you down for being both an asshole and a loser, and all those "jokes" you think you're one upping people with are really just you retreating back into your mental safe house and pretending you're better than anyone, all while having no real tangible achievements other than being accepted into a sub par degree programmer than millions of other students got accepted into as well.

Did someone bully you in school or something? I'm sorry man I'd give you a hug if I could, it's sad to see insecure little kids like you. You're really damaged beyond most people's ability repair, but I hope you find a way to let go of your shameful past causing this toxic, insecure behaviour.

>> No.7303029

> Oh wow, nice job changing your self imposed goal posts you moron.
Don't put words in my mouth.
> How do you justify the fact that private R&D labs pays them more for doing the same job?
It's not the same job. You're clearly far from science. If R&D research satisfied me, I'd pick an engineering major indeed.
> They're doing doing science too, they're just paid way more to do it.
There's science and then there's searching for a material 0.000000000000001% better in some aspect while worse in others, than the one we use.
> Are you now going to imply you specifically want to be in an environment where you need to teach a bunch of snot nosed undergrads?
That sucks, but whatever.
> Crushing your delusions with cold hard data is hardly nothing. You're just refusing to comprehend what you're reading and using mental gymnastics to try and view yourself in a better light even after you've lost the argument. Trying to shift the reality of the conversation like this is easy and any clown can do it. I bet you do this in real life too after all people put you down for being both an asshole and a loser, and all those "jokes" you think you're one upping people with are really just you retreating back into your mental safe house and pretending you're better than anyone, all while having no real tangible achievements other than being accepted into a sub par degree programmer than millions of other students got accepted into as well.
> Did someone bully you in school or something? I'm sorry man I'd give you a hug if I could, it's sad to see insecure little kids like you. You're really damaged beyond most people's ability repair, but I hope you find a way to let go of your shameful past causing this toxic, insecure behaviour.
Wow, I see I struck a nerve there.

>> No.7303036

Here's what everyone this is thinking: You two honestly have nothing better to do, do you? You're children.

>> No.7303043

>on /sci/
Fuck off, /b/

>> No.7303053

>Don't put words in my mouth.
>>7302897 in the real world all that matters is the bottom line, which in this case is a pay check. Nobody gives a flying shit about "respect", aside from autistic people, because it means nothing at all.

Fucking retard, you can't even remember the constant bullshit you spew from your own mouth.

Right, I think we're done here, time to get back to some productive work. You need to cut this toxic attitude of yours, you're only making yourself more miserable and just because you put a proverbial "lol" after your insults in real life doesn't mean people can't see through your facade, the truth is you're not any better then the people you look down on and you're never going to get that faculty with such an unlikable personality. You should get a girlfriend, preferably one with a healthy mind. Cheers m8.

>> No.7303086
File: 59 KB, 625x416, 11225600_10204688796564025_1474514821_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my entrance examination for geology is at 10.6.
wish me luck

>> No.7303112

> You two honestly have nothing better to do, do you?
> You're children.
> implying it follows
> implying it's bad
> implying you're better, when clearly you aren't
I should know what I meant. Money rule, that's true. And if something is to happen to me, be it disease or disaster, I'll get worse treatment than people who are significantly more rich. I'll get worse treatment period, in fact. But being rich wouldn't be worth it, since I'll from boredom just making money - unfortunately it takes all your time, so unless you're born rich you have to choose.
> Right, I think we're done here, time to get back to some productive work. You need to cut this toxic attitude of yours, you're only making yourself more miserable and just because you put a proverbial "lol" after your insults in real life doesn't mean people can't see through your facade, the truth is you're not any better then the people you look down on and you're never going to get that faculty with such an unlikable personality. You should get a girlfriend, preferably one with a healthy mind. Cheers m8.
Don't let my words hurt you too much, you wouldn't wanna change or something after all.

>> No.7303114

Confirmed raging buttmad.

>> No.7303117

>since I'll die from boredom

>> No.7303300
File: 74 KB, 1019x584, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to share a pic of my art class quiz. Have a good day everyone

>> No.7303303

you are stupid beyond belief holy shit.

>> No.7303306

>not all of the above

>> No.7303307


>> No.7303364

needs more comments on reinforced concrete

>> No.7303370
File: 955 KB, 960x676, 1371415923093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I forgot my name box I hate this

>> No.7303701

your data is really old check out the few study on majors. Physicists can work literally anywhere and get pretty high paychecks unless they go full spergmaster and venture into the deep realms of circle jerking

>> No.7303708


>> No.7303752

It's 2014 data.

>Physicists can work literally anywhere
So can all other STEM, what's your point?
>and get pretty high paychecks
Of course they do, it's just not top 10 range.

>> No.7303980

top kek

>> No.7304153
File: 930 KB, 320x240, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use the pick for smashing, not prying

>> No.7304282

ask her to coffee bitch nigga

>> No.7304290
File: 118 KB, 768x1024, 1387753277617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I like a bad 4channer for not being weird like this at parties?

>> No.7304292


>> No.7304308

you just don't go to the right parties. I have been to multiple parties with zero liberal arts majors, where we discussed spaceX and cool science shit, bashed psychologists, and got really drunk.

Partying with scientists is pretty great

>> No.7304321
File: 47 KB, 800x1000, CIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baneposting is cancer of the worst kind
get this hothead outta here

>> No.7304688

kek, best one so far

>> No.7304734

>smoke cigs & fuck sluts
all basic teenager shit
top kek

>> No.7305620

>those vibrations cant be good

>> No.7306563

top kek

>> No.7306567

top kek

>> No.7306700

>100k starting for comp sci

>> No.7306853

hahaha envy on engiwhore.

>> No.7306873

In my country there's one single handedly most famous and best faculty of math and physics in the country's oldest and prestigious university. Everebody in here knows the name when people talk about the faculty. It's only focused on math and physics. And people who grad from it get even engineering jobs or whatever the fuck they want around here. Imagine that levels of elitism.

>> No.7306875

This is how it should be everywhere.

>> No.7307522

I would if I was actually interested, which I'm not, I don't really see myself ending up with a bimbo-tier girl. Hot enough to flirt with, not interesting enough to waste coffee on.

>> No.7308733

Pls. Bimbos are to fuck, not to "end up with". Fuck the bimbo, while you search for your lovemate or whatever.

>> No.7308756

I'm /sci/, I didn't go to prom because I was too focused in studying, but I've gone to many parties in high school 6 or so, all of them cops showed up or fights have happened.

I've received UNI nudes through friends so connections matter a lot if your into this snapchat shit

I got my first kiss in 6th grade when I was WAY Nerdier than now to some blonde girl who I awkwardly still go to UNI with.

I slid to home base when I was 17 at one of my friend's parties and I felt like I had to get it before my 18th birthday y'know

All in all, I hope you guys don't have such low self-esteem in picking up women, they have extremely shitty social skills and it's up to you to make the first move. When you make the move though, make sure your confident in doing so because if not it's technically your fault in leading your rejection. Recently you can break through her rejection by having a strong comeback (even if it's lame) they're so dumb at buying into you and are hypersensitive so even if you're acting like an asshole they will take what you say very seriously

>> No.7308764


>> No.7308796

That's called cringe, faggot.

>> No.7308805

Back to Reddit.

>> No.7308817

>tfw this is literally me
How can I stop being such a faggot?

>> No.7308834

thanks m8

>> No.7309356

Thread de fucking railed

>> No.7309371

Start lifting faggot.

>> No.7309390

>triple integral
if you triple integrate length, you get length^4
(I can't LaTeX)

>> No.7309394

excuse me, I meant triple integrate with respect to length

>> No.7310217

Get a high school diploma.

>> No.7310223

top kek!

>> No.7310237
File: 543 KB, 960x640, RatherSmashing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, that pic is rather smashing...so is this ass.

>> No.7310640
File: 141 KB, 840x673, se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7310870
File: 126 KB, 840x673, 1432953741552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never realized how much of an alcoholic normie slut I am till now.

>> No.7311164

> faggot
> normie
Pick one. Gays are less intelligent than normal man and lesbians.

>> No.7311693

[Citation needed]

>> No.7311762
File: 107 KB, 847x678, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft science master race reporting

>> No.7311813

kek prteey good drawing

>> No.7311845

> physics equation on the back of a shirt
> sack with 300k $
You had one job anon. Clearly a biology cunt.

>> No.7311909

Should've had a beer in his hand.

>> No.7311999

the equation is wrong right? but yeah that was a legit mistake