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File: 44 KB, 611x435, highEnergyLaserMobileDemonstrator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7292600 No.7292600 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody who's recieved a M.Sc or Ph.d in Physics be qualified to develop weapons like these?

>> No.7292625

No, physics is for theoretical wankery. The laser was designed by electrical engineers.

>> No.7292643

The foundations of lasers were laid by physicists though.

>> No.7294266

So I take it's not possible?

>> No.7294329

No, absolutely not.

>> No.7294355

10KW solid state lasers that can fit in a small turret don't design themselves man. Engineers specialize in design unlike physicists. There is the option to double major if you're up to it.

>> No.7294401


that's not really a physics problem, it's an engineering problem.

i mean theoretically speaking
some chinese child probably produced the nuts and bolts

but the design and shit, that's mostly optical engineering.

>> No.7294464
File: 20 KB, 272x400, 9200000020048718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool meme friend

Yes, physicist are very wanted in the defense industry.

>> No.7294476
File: 2.90 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150515_093207853_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High-power laser physics student/researcher here. My lab is funded heavily by the U.S. military to do the basic physics research of plasma channels inducing lasers that will one day be weaponized. Once the basic research is published here, engineers and researchers in classified labs are tasked with packaging the laser system, making it durable and efficient, and pretty much transforming it from pic related that takes up half a room to something you can mount on a ship/truck/airplane. They additionally have physicists (my P.I. is one of them) doing basic research that stays classified until the public science community catches up.

>> No.7294480

>plasma channels inducing lasers
Plasma channels induced BY lasers*. This just means there's a threshold power density that, when reached, ionizes the air and strikes a balance between focusing caused by heat increase and defocusing due to the nature of the forming plasma. This keeps them from diffracting over really long distances, and they conduct electricity as well.

>> No.7294505

Defence industry doesn't really hire Physics. Look into EE or MechE instead.

No, it's extremely hard for a SS PhD to be hired and even then your research group will be led an engi. Don't make crappy recommendations on /sci/

>> No.7294517

But you couldn't be more wrong; quit driving people away from interesting career ideas with your ignorance.


This department is mostly physicists working for the US military in directed energy weapons. If you look at Division overview, you'll find other physics-related departments. Militaries do science, too.

>> No.7294526

>This keeps them from diffracting over really long distances,
That's really cool, I was just wondering if something like that existed today, great to read that it does.

>> No.7294542
File: 57 KB, 620x600, Real-Genius1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. It's actually their specialty.

>> No.7294614

Are you retarded? Just because a department has "physics" in the name doesn't mean it's composed of "physicists".

>> No.7294653
File: 23 KB, 600x338, Mount-stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, why do people try to sound smart about shit they know nearly nothing about? Are you going to tell me that these are engineers as well?


The army needs both physicists and engineers, and yes, probably more of the latter than the former, but there are plenty of physics positions available nonetheless.

Please enlighten me otherwise when you have evidence to back your claims. Otherwise, climb down from mount stupid and do some research before you post.