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File: 141 KB, 640x480, girl-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7285370 No.7285370 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't our feet evolved to face the elements?

>> No.7285381

Because one of our asshole ancestors put on shoes at one point, and from then on our feet, much like a lot of other structures in the human body, were allowed to devolve to the soft, squishy versions we have today, instead of adapting.

Also those are some fat feet, 4/10 would not suck on.

>> No.7285382

Because that's not how evolution works.

>> No.7285394


Wrong, our feet ARE adapted to "face the elements." If you never wore shoes in your life you would be totally fine going barefoot all the time. In fact you would probably be better off. There are still to this day societies that have no shoes, and they have far less foot injuries than we do.

>> No.7285396

If you went barefoot all the time you would get hobbit feet. It's easy to adapt in that way.

>> No.7285406
File: 364 KB, 1404x936, a442[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you walk around with bare feet a lot you can take a lot of punishment on them no problem. A lot of africans go barefoot for their whole life even to this day.

>> No.7285408

Because we didn't evolve.

>> No.7285413

This, I walk barefoot when ever I can simply because I find it more comfortable, the skin under my feet have become insensitive and much thicker almost like leather.

>> No.7285417

I dare you guys to walk on foxtails weed and see how your feet's feels.

>> No.7285418

same here, I do asian martial arts as a hobby, and I have pretty damn tough feet from practicing barefoot and kicking things.

>> No.7285759
File: 463 KB, 581x332, get-thee-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we didn't evolve
thank you, William Jennings Bryan

>> No.7286095


>> No.7286151


fucking hippies

>> No.7287861

They have, but they can't properly adapt to your environment because you wear shoes most of the time. So they adapt to that environment instead. Go 3 months without shoes in the summer and see what happens to your feet. It will be painful for the first week or so but by the end of 3 months they will tough enough to walk on broken glass without sheding a drop of blood.

>> No.7287893

Because these were enough

>> No.7287928

>Why haven't we evolved gills?
>Why haven't we evolved wings?
>Why haven't we evolved eyes that can see outside our current visible spectrum?

Evolution only occurs if there is selective pressure. We live in a world where we wear shoes and drive cars. There is no living benefit to having really tough feet besides maybe being able to avoid tetanus sometimes.

>> No.7288194

You're partially right.

The feet stopped adapting to the ground and started adapting for sexual pleasure.

>> No.7288215



>> No.7289637

I have often wondered why 'big toes' are inboard and not outboard, seems it would aid balance the other way round.