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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7279505 No.7279505 [Reply] [Original]

What up /sci/

SAT was a long time ago for me and I was wondering what made it such a determining factor in measuring a student's aptitude rather than intelligence

I've used many SAT Formulas and strategies but I know that various arcane strategies do exist

Let's get this going:

Anybody have any strategies for these:
-Ratios, Rates, & Fractions?
-Probability and Statistics?
-"If Train A is going 90 mph and Train B is going 60 in one hour how far .., etc?"
-How many digits from 0-1000 are even or odd or something

If you have anymore solutions to the problems above and/or really useful strategies then post them

>> No.7279508

>Anybody have any strategies for these:
Basic high school mathematics.

>> No.7279515

>hard problem

>> No.7279519

Those last page on the gridded always stumped me

>> No.7280404

>tfw made 1 mistake in math
Still beat myself for it. SAT math is fucking easy.

>> No.7280406

iktfb. It was a simple question too.

>> No.7280736


Strategy # 0: Don't be an idiot.

>> No.7280783
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>mfw ameritards find sat math hard
Fucking kek. This is the type of questions the college entrance tests in my country had:

>> No.7280807

I only speak American, europoor

>> No.7280844

>SAT was a long time ago for me and I was wondering what made it such a determining factor in measuring a student's aptitude rather than intelligence

It doesn't.

>> No.7280848

The language you speak is called English, you prodigal autist. Deal with it, ameritard.

>> No.7281118


How well do kids typically do on that kind of shit?
Most of it is still easy (but clearly harder than SAT shit), but some of that stuff requires math tricks I don't know or remember.

The bright side of going to school in America is that you don't have to try very hard to stand out.

>> No.7281333

This makes me wish for a math education reformation in America.

>> No.7281389

sparknote that shit

>> No.7281417

The math was intuitive for me, but I practiced for 4 months or so to get an 800 in reading.

If I had any suggestions to give for the math portion it would be to just do as many practice exams as you can. It's easy stuff. Know 30-60-90 triangle rules, Pythagorean theorem, etc.

>> No.7281719

That guy's entire fucking business rests on the idea that an SAT score is something that can be increased upwards of 20% simply by taking his shitty clasess. Of course he doesn't want to admit that SAT scores are heavily dependent on something unchangeable like inherent intelligence. It would lose him business. Meanwhile, other parties have actually researched this shit and have found that SAT scores are not a bad prediction for how someone is going to turn out

>> No.7281722

Restrict your model of logic to Horn clauses, then you can satisfy formulae in polynomial time via depth-first-search.

>> No.7281785

Anyone who thinks that the SAT is a measure of intelligence is actually showing how retarded they are. Its something you can study for. People who study for it do better than people who don't.

>> No.7281882

what is SAT exactly ? A high-school exam in north america ?

>> No.7281968

If I would take and ace the SAT as a eurobro would I be accepted into MIT? Doing undergrad in physics right now and SAT seems piss easy. There are many centres across Europe to take the test, should I try it?

>> No.7282734

The SAT means fucking nothing in top schools, half of the applicants with full scores get rejected

>> No.7283080

Then how the shit do I get into MIT? What do you have to tell them to get in?

>> No.7283086

Build a cold fusion reactor.

>> No.7283088

You do realise this is still very very easy.

Look up the STEP 2 and 3 papers, or the MAT. They are proper university entrance exams

>> No.7283091

I can give them something that fuses bullshit stories with empty promises, but I doubt they would be interested in politicians.

>> No.7283092


>> No.7283096

>ther parties have actually researched this shit and have found that SAT scores are not a bad prediction for how someone is going to turn out

not the guy you're arguing with, but the obvious conclusion here would be that they turn out better because they did well on the SAT, not because they were smart to begin with, i.e. if a very intelligent person continually bombed exams they would not be admitted to universities and thus not go far in life

so do you have a link to the studies

>> No.7283105

Who studies for the SAT?

>> No.7283124
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>> No.7283835

Who >1950 here?

>> No.7283946

I don't care who you are dumbfuck. Your position is a stretch and a half. You are effectively claiming that the results of the SAT are more significant in a person's life than their intelligence. If you want to believe this, fine. But you sound like you just got out of a psych 101 class and are trying to reinterpret the results of things because that is oh so fucking smart.

And i'm not going to re-research and spoonfeed you. Wikipedia is 1 click away. Just type in s, a, and t

>> No.7283968

i.e. babby mathematics
It's borderline middle school.