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7278674 No.7278674 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

Are there any hallucinogens in the UK that are legal and actually worth taking in your opinion? I've seen San Pedro and Peyote around a few places, but they're pretty expensive (£40 for a single peyote button, for example).

Are there any that you would recommend? (Including those aforementioned if a good dose is attainable somewhere at what you consider to be a fair price).


>> No.7278707

Look for morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor, I. violacea or I. purpurea) seeds.

>> No.7278727

I've read about them, very mixed opinions online, I'm looking for a classic psychedelic experience, would they deliver it?

>> No.7278765

Salvia is legal in UK isnt it?

>> No.7278967

It is bit I'm looking for a more visual experience

>> No.7279059

Salvia is very visual.

>> No.7279089


Also just extract your own dmt there's plenty of plans online

>> No.7279369

I've just taken 2 whole nutmegs. What should I expect?
I'm starting to feel shit going on.

>> No.7279376


expect to feel EXTREMELY delirious for at least the next 36 hours and up to 72 hours. Expect TRUE hallucinations, not colors and shit, but talking to people that don't exist, trying to eat from a plate that isn't there, petting dogs made out of thin air shit like that

and expect to be stuck in bed

nutmeg is not fun, lol


Salvia is way too intense to be used recreationally, it's like having a trip at 250 miles per hour in a language you don't understand

>> No.7279377

>What should I expect?
A genuinely terrible experience of you becoming totally retarded in a very unpleasant manner.

>> No.7279379

>way too intense to be used recreationally


It really is a kind of shaman tool. Alternatively you can just go ahead and wait to peak on some psilocybin and then pick up the pre-packed bowl of salvia divinorum and explode your brains all over the rest of everything.

>> No.7279383


Don't be surprised if you've accidentally overdosed and sleep for the next 24 hours nonstop.

It's real easy to do if you're not careful.

>> No.7279385

>Salvia is way too intense to be used recreationally
It works pretty well with pot when taken in relatively low doses.

>> No.7279387



if you enjoy your nutmeg experience, look into deliriants specifically DPH (benadryl)

It's like the horror movies of drug trips

>> No.7279392

>relatively low doses

You're doing it wrong. If you still haven't soared above the 5th dimensional space time and literally seen the fabric of reality, you need to rethink your methods.

>> No.7279395


how much are we talking here.

I can handle the fever.

>> No.7279403


At least 700mg DPH, no more than 1g.

Some people recommend at least 800mg because there's a threshold for which it becomes a deliriant, and below that threshold you run the risk of merely feeling uncomfortable for hours (the uncomfortable feeling isn't there if you reach the threshold)

If you are truly a brave enough soul to /del/ve and become one with the spiders head on over to http://boards.420chan.org/del/ to learn more, read some experiences and prepare for your journey.

>> No.7279405
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Much appreciated.

>> No.7279414


Reading through 420chan /del/ it seems as if they've become pussified in the last 3 years since i've been there

Do NOT take between 200-500mg, that's a definitely "feel uncomfortable for hours" zone. You WILL not get any of the hallucinations unless you hit the threshold

>> No.7279428


did you know that pure cocoa powder is actually a powerful stimulant? Like that Hersey's unsweetened stuff.

Sure, just three or four tablespoons mixed into a cup of steaming milk in the pot, stir, and drink. Don't add sugar by any means, although chiles, cloves, and vanilla have been known to lend a subtle flavor. The milk is sweet in itself, and this is perfect for a refined chocolate lover.

Not to mention it's quality as an aphrodisiac.

>> No.7279465

>You're doing it wrong. If you still haven't soared above the 5th dimensional space time and literally seen the fabric of reality, you need to rethink your methods.

Large doses shifts me into a state that's almost entirely identical to dreaming with the same amnesia and lack of orientation in the real world.

But it's not particularly pleasant.

>> No.7279516

this place is getting overrun by druggies

>> No.7279522

Is that poppy seed going to squirt it's opium any time soon?

>> No.7279544

Not sure if san pedro cactus is legal, but just buy a cactus of around 50cm and have it shipped to you, then prepare it yourself.
Bonus, plant a chunk of it to make more.

>> No.7279646

4 aco dmt + mass in b minor

>> No.7279661

>no i don't want that
>no that's not what i'm looking for
>no i want more of an experience like this

god damn it OP, beggars can't be choosers.

if you want a good drug experience you're going to have to go illegal. the only legal plant worth growing is poppy, its expensive but you can get a decent personal supply of morphine going

>> No.7280405

I'm still trying to understand what the fuck just happened. At this moment >>7279369 I had been awake for more than 24 hours and I barely had any control over my actions. This Sunday I have to attend to an important social event (failing to attend to it can be penalized with jail time) and next week I have a couple of final exams, and for some reason I can't even begin to explain I decided to swallow 4 cups worth of coffee with 2 grinded nutmegs. Talk about self-destructive behavior!
Thank god I eventually came to my senses and managed to throw up most of it before it could be absorbed by my organism. I didn't experience anything abnormal other than a fast heart rate, warping sensation whenever I looked at something with a marked texture and having the wildest mental images and thoughts whenever I closed my eyes (I had been studying Botany so I saw myself being "reborn" and growing up as a liverwort).

I want to safely experience the effects of nutmeg, but not anytime soon.

>> No.7280415

Yes and if you want to go all vegan on it you can use lemon juice as an acid to make the mescaline extraction. Or you can do it hardcore bonkers like me and eat the slimey cacti as a whole, expect nausea and throwing up but after that it's like the door of perception by aldous huxley.

>> No.7282534
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>> No.7282536

sorry disregard that I thought you meant highs in general, not just hallucinogens

>> No.7282596

Oh boy, enjoy your invisible spider problems. Seriously, enjoy them.

DO NOT TAKE BENADRYL. It is just a stupid bad, horrible, idiotic and sad idea. Jesus christ.

>> No.7282617

Go pick yourself some shrooms this Autumn. What part of the country are you from?

>> No.7284189


According to erowid if you extract correctly it is much easier to take.

Mushrooms are very easy to grow. I just got some sterilizing alcohol, a needle and a pressure cooker and all my inocculations were successful. And even if I had a lower yield it wouldnt matter cause it was really simple