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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 510x474, cks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7265568 No.7265568 [Reply] [Original]

post your favorite fucked up science. since I'm a math gradfag most of mine is math

> Owen Maresh/tsungfruve
A mathematics sorcerer. Found out about him when he contacted me, has some kind of background in math but isn't associated with any uni, posts weird replies on stackexchange and overflow. He likes pictures of complex analysis and seems to be recruiting for some kind of program that visualizes functions with a didgeridoo


not kidding, this is him blibbling


> Rational Trigonometry
This guy Wildberger (employed at some university in Australia) doesn't like real numbers and wants to do trig over the rationals. He wrote a textbook for it called Divine Proportions.

I found out about him a few years ago and thought he was harmless. He clearly knows at least the basics of some hard topics like algebraic geometry. He has a blog https://njwildberger.wordpress.com/ that's pretty tame, and a youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/njwildberger/..

The thing is, he's been uploading videos for the past 7 years and now uploads a few a week. No grad student would be able to take this guy seriously, and no undergrad stays in school for 7 years. This guy is recording himself for 30-40 minutes on different topics multiple times a week.

Here's my favorite

>> No.7265572
File: 126 KB, 499x667, Russell_P_Blake_Rodi_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dhushara

Found this guy when I was interested if anybody had implemented the zeta function in UltraFractal. Absolutely fucking insane, but has unbelievable amounts of content on his site and actually has a few working programs for plotting weird fractals.

Like lots of people thinks he's solved the Riemann hypothesis.


> Rodin Coil
Just found out about this from the images posted on /v/


looks like another timecube

>> No.7265593

LOL 32:50 he spends time reading the first ~50 digits of pi.

This guy is too good

>> No.7265613

in the comments somebody mentions Chaitlin, which is funny because I picked up a book he wrote about Chaitlin's constant at a used bookstore once. I actually bought it twice by accident, each time I tried to read it I couldn't keep going become of how awful it was. He kept comparing doing math to "passionate" things like making love or something. Literally the nigga couldn't stop talking about fucking women for like two pages.

>> No.7265620

I was looking up people who implemented the Izhikevich spiking neuron model, and I found this fucking weirdo

This is probably the most schizophrenic thing I have ever witnessed, just look at some of his videos


>> No.7265625

the fuck

>> No.7265629
File: 21 KB, 400x400, p194v94n6u1t521sgj12e8dt71l8i9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7265630

It looks like he actually has implemented some reinforcement learning techniques, but this is the most mind fucking thing I've ever seen

>> No.7265631


>> No.7265639

So how long until he makes national headlines for a mass shooting or something?

>> No.7265643

what the fuck is this

>> No.7265649 [DELETED] 

I'm just a /v/ guy that browses this board.

But, my favorite was these:

>David wilcock
Wrote a long book that he claims to have more than 1k cientific citations.

Most of what I understood was that his scientific evidence was mostly conspiranoic scientist in russia.

Pretty interesting overall books (he wrote a few), even if for the wtf factor.

>Keshe foundation

Another conspiranoic scientist who claim to have "ET/Tesla/sci fi" technology.

There's more, like Biblioteca pleyades or Project camelot.

Look up Benjamin Fulford.

But those are into conspiranoic illuminatti red pill stuff.

>> No.7265654
File: 60 KB, 500x646, SSSatorSquareMERGEDwithTwistorStringTheory-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Rodin thing is pretty big actually


at37.wordpress.com itself is nuts but the main page won't load with all the fucking shit running on it

> Life history of a meandering river on the left.
> Type 1 strings – string theory on the right.
> IMHO it is hard to tell them apart.

>> No.7265655

Its the TempleOS of AI

>> No.7265656

same vid twice?

>> No.7265661

forgot about templeOS


> (Praise the Creator--what would teenage male video games be like if never war?)

>> No.7265664 [DELETED] 

Oh, sorry.

here is the one of the Keshe foundation

>> No.7265679

I was going to mention Spirit "Science" but it's babby tier schizophrenia compared to the stuff in this thread.


>> No.7265680

>Interplanetary climate change

>> No.7265691 [DELETED] 

Schizo here.

Fuck you.


>> No.7265693 [DELETED] 

maybe sci will enjoy reading david wilcock blog.


>> No.7265695

Dude needs to bulk badly, looks straight up Auschwitz mode, would recommend doing SS+GOMAD.

>> No.7265703

not /sci/ but still good


>> No.7265736

Do people like this realize how crazy they are?

How can such smart people be rational in some things go completely wrong in others?

Also /x/ would love this thread.

>> No.7265744


this guy is by far my favourite

he looks so normal, then there's thousands of these videos, several each day

>> No.7265748 [DELETED] 

what I don't undestand is how chanelling is seen as a legal source of information.

>> No.7265762
File: 47 KB, 400x402, 1353020381231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy

>> No.7265767
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7265779

I'm fucking dying

>> No.7265786

I wanna know what music this is.

>> No.7265788


youtube poops, it's the perfect platform for conspiracy theories if you think about it

>> No.7265804
File: 92 KB, 1220x934, rodin coil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



2 = 2
4 = 4
8 = 8
16 = 17
32 = 35
64 = 71
128 = 152
256 = 314
512 = 628



>> No.7265813
File: 110 KB, 1238x882, rodin coil 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then he goes on to mention 3 and 6, which in base 9 have "0" as their last digits for all powers beside the first

3 = 3
9 = 10
27 = 30
81 = 100

6 = 6
36 = 40
216 = 260

Hold me /sci/. Have I discovered the MATHEMATICAL FINGER PRINT OF GOD?

>> No.7265825
File: 774 KB, 1368x939, rodin coil 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When I say the oscillation between the 3 and 6 what I mean is that 3 doubled is 6 and 6 doubled is 12, but 1+2=3, and then 12 doubled is 24, but 2+4=6 and 24 doubled is 48, but 4+8=12 and 1+2=3. So the 3 and 6 go back and forth in their own separate dimension. This creates the other important pattern of (3,9,6,6,9,3,3,9). "


Was I destined to stumble upon this man's work? On a indonesian cartoon imageboard?

>> No.7265830


this interesting as hell

>> No.7265846
File: 14 KB, 565x230, Metal Gear Solid plot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are MEmes?
I'm pissing myself

>> No.7265851

>Can it be shown that there exists a meme language?
I've known this all along, I'm fluent in meme language.

>> No.7265855

2+5+6 would be 3 though

>> No.7265875

what are you referring to?

>> No.7265876
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, 20140820_202948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a nutjob in my town... he kept saying he had unraveled all of the secrets of reality by studying this "circle matrix fractal." As I'm sure you guys can see, each "form" corresponds to a physical phenomenon. I felt so stupid when I had to ask him to explain the entire thing again... when I explained that I am a mathematician, he asked me to "help him with the math of it." (kek)

In the end, I decided to decline his offer to coauthor FOUR books on the topic. What the hell, man?

>> No.7265878

Terry Davis of TempleOS

>> No.7265893

You might be somewhat interested in >>7264478

>> No.7265899


it actually doesn't have to be caused by the fact that the ring has 9 points, it's because the 9 appears in the digital root formula

and he uses the digital root to count on that fucking circle of his

he was basically onto discovering the formula for a digital root of a number, but went insane along the way

>> No.7265908 [DELETED] 

What I found funny is that as drawfag, I love such geometry man.


is beautifull.

>> No.7265912

>It's that simple. God ordained Chicken McNuggets long before the foundation of the universe.

I don't have a suitable reaction image for this. In fact, I doubt one even exists. I can't even rationalize this as trolling when he uploads so many videos.

>> No.7265915

what happened with the v threads?

>> No.7265917

There were four total. There were fifths but each was deleted mid-thread.

Not much has happened regarding new information besides a twitter account posting strange tweets for the first time in a year or so.

>> No.7265922

this shit is (n)spooky(n+2)me, and the n is approaching infinity very, very fast

but maybe I can make some mathematical sense of it, and then with enough luck get to participate in one of the thread

>> No.7265923

at first, i thought it was trolling too, but if you look into it he's got 1 (2?) other account with just as many vids

there must be some sort of illness at work here

>> No.7265924

By all means, go for it. If you find anything, post in that thread. I'll keep monitoring it periodically.

>> No.7265940

how, just how did you find that?

>> No.7265963
File: 571 KB, 2389x2306, 1425413680715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody listen the fuck up and bump this thread.
You keep us posted or make a new thread if this schizo mental masturbation can actually be refined and made something out of it.

>> No.7265968

>one big gene-MEme Dream

>> No.7265973

trolling or illness, this needs to be supported.

>> No.7265974

that's the kind of attitude we need

>> No.7265979


I don't understand the pattern. He's listing sequences of numbers where each time he multiplies by 2, mod 9 (same as the digital root). He's right that 3-6 ping pong, but how does he get the 393696393696... pattern? And how do you get that torus?

>> No.7265988

I'm just a first-year undergraduate math student! Even though Number Theory portion of his work should be a piece of cake, I don't know enough about Geometry and nothing at all about topology (unless he talks about the torus exclusively in geometric sense).
It will take me some time to read up on it, but I will try.
And of course I could use help from someone more adept in these fields, if there's anybody like that reading the thread.

>> No.7265996

Oh well, I went overboard. I'm studying too much fluid dynamics now and I'm frustrated as fuck. I guess it was the first hint of accomplishment I saw today.

Keep working on it mate, who knows!. I think the crazy would never find out something a competent mathematician already did, but that obsession of pattern-searching can be useful and can bring something very little maybe.

Try refining the postulate with proper notations and ask your professors what's that all about.

>> No.7266007

I will look at it later, mate

Telling my profs and doctors about this sounds like a lot of fun, I will consider it.
Good luck with your... fluids

>> No.7266045

>declining the opportunity to unravel the secrets of the universe


>> No.7266061
File: 109 KB, 350x440, 1425865480473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the baldy: you
>the dog: the nutjob

but seriously
how could you turn that down? it looks awesome

>> No.7266101

Because I would like to be taken seriously by my peers.

>> No.7266109


Why are you lumping Wilderberger in with the nutjobs?

The guy seems like a respected academic who has to be accountable for his claims and views. I have yet to see anyone refute his ideas using mathematical rigor.

If he is a crackpot, as you imply, why haven't we seen the proof that his ideas are misguided? "Fucked up science"? Really? Well care to share your proofs that demonstrate that Wilderberger's ideas are "fucked up"

In fact it seems he has gone as far as questioning the fundamental premises of mathematics, picking holes in the underlying assumptions that so many of us take for granted.

I wont pretend I am in a position to make any verification as to his points, but I find his videos thought provoking and possibly revolutionary in our perception of numbers and their meaning. I believe the guy makes some excellent points and, until someone can prove him wrong, he opens up and interesting and possibly rewarding line of inquiry.

>> No.7266138

How does one use "mathematical rigor" to refute someones personal preference?

Wildberger doesn't like the fact that there are reals with which we can't define algorithms to do arithmetic with, because we allow reals to be arbitrary decimal expansions that are not specified, an in principal may not be specifiable by any algorithm.

Although I agree this is psychologically unappealing, none of this is "logically weak" as he endlessly claims. Can you perhaps provide a logical contradiction in the modern development of analysis? Can you explain how modern analysis doesn't defacto subsume any theory of analysis restricted to computable sequences of rationals?

>> No.7266141

>In fact it seems he has gone as far as questioning the fundamental premises of mathematics, picking holes in the underlying assumptions that so many of us take for granted.

I don't buy into his rational trigonometry shit, but I respect him a lot for bringing rigor issues to light.


>> No.7266145

I'm not that guy but whether or not it subsumes another topic isn't really a good argument. One could similarly point out that intuitionist mathematics subsumes classical mathematics but it is unlikely that will convince any classical mathematicians to convert.

>> No.7266149

Why not? One develops the theory in full abstraction, and simply ignores the meaningless shit of non-computable reals. I don't really disagree with Hamburger in principal, it's just that nothing whatsoever is lost by developing the general theory and then applying it to the non-pathological mathematical objects I care about.

If my last sentence is false, however, I would like someone to explain why. I'm perfectly open to hearing why.

>> No.7266151

Also, I am an amateur in logic, but isn't your statement backwards? Intuitionists only admit law of excluded middle for finite sets or some shit, no?

>> No.7266153

lol that berger guy is a piece of work.

I like his refutation of "what about the easter bunny?"

>> No.7266162

what's berger's opinion of inductive proofs? Since he clearly doesn't understand infinite recursion...

>> No.7266463
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OP here, I'll take the bait.

Wildberger's issues are ideological. My big problem is that the issues he brings up might be confusing for an undergrad taking calculus, but are addressed in terms of analysis as a whole.

Analysis principally concentrates on putting topologies on algebraic structures, especially vector spaces. To this end we need to talk about topological properties like completeness, and it turns out that we can prove lots of results when completeness holds. For instance, if you have a mathematical model you want to prove existence/uniqueness of solutions, and this is dependent on some of the underlying spaces being complete.

Let's say the completeness guarantees a unique solution to some problem you have. At the end of the day you are allowed, of course, to approximate the solution by elements in a dense subspace of tractable objects.

For instance, suppose you want to minimize |x^2 - 2| where x is a rational. In the completion of the rationals x^2 - 2 has a root and we can then pass back to the rationals to approximate.

The process of completing a space using Cauchy sequences is incredibly intuitive, and is more or less a formalism of what I've just described in terms of introducing the concept of approximating solutions to problems with arbitrary accuracy. What's not intuitive is many properties of rational numbers, like the intersection of countably many nested closed intervals being empty.

>> No.7266480


Obviously this goes a lot further. Functional analysis is a powerful tool for solving PDEs, and uses big guns in order to prove many of its theorems. There's nothing that stops someone from actually solving PDEs computationally though, and in fact since there's more grant money in applied math I would argue that there are MORE people concerned with proving computationally tractable results than there are otherwise (this does not imply that there are more results in this area, which is certainly not true).

If you don't like topology in general, tough shit. It is hilarious to see Wildberger criticize epsilon/delta proofs, since they are essentially a byproduct of the "hard" definition of continuity. Continuity using open sets relies on the topological axioms, which are explicitly designed to demand only what is absolutely necessary to make sense of approximating elements by sequences (or generally what are called nets).

In the end, spaces need to be complete in order to make the proofs shorter and the setting clearer. In the video I linked to he talks about pi as a meta-number, since he can't get away from the fact that it's useful. At this point it is a battle of semantics, because there isn't much of a difference between a meta-number and an equivalence class of Cauchy sequences.

>> No.7266563

Would love to see the weird plasma bottles explained and debunked.

>> No.7266573

>then he goes on to mention 3 and 6, which in base 9 have "0" as their last digits for all powers beside the first

>Hold me /sci/. Have I discovered the MATHEMATICAL FINGER PRINT OF GOD?

This is a trivial property when you're allowed to use an arbitrary base. Try 4 and 8 in base 16:

n=2: 10
n=3: 40
n=4: 100
n=5: 400
n=6: 1000

n=2: 40
n=3: 200
n=4: 1000
n=5: 8000
n=6: 40000

1: Think a few seconds about what the word "base" means in this context, it will let you realize why this happens.

2: "Base" is a human construct for understanding numbers, it doesn't actually exist. As such, any pattern we find that depends on a base is an artifact of human math use, not part of the underlying structure.

>> No.7266597


For obscuring the point with your mumbo jumbo you awarded "Missed the Point Retard of the Year"

But we should not be surprised, Wilderberger is the scientific variety of Mathematician, you are the engineer variety, a lesser species. Notions of scientific "truth" does not concern you, so long as buildings continue to stand and airplanes fly, then that's all fine. But stick with that, your poor attempt to discredit a superior thought process merely demonstrates to the world the lack of inquiry within your limited mind.

>> No.7266600

thank you, but I was mostly taking a piss at that point
I realize that base is arbitrary, and figured it happens because all powers of 3 and 6 beyond the first are divisible by 9
my ego almost wants to find your post insulting, but I realize that it's not common knowledge, and you can only assume that I didn't know it as well
hell, I was thinking up a way to explain positioning systems to a layman just yesterday
but again, thank you

>> No.7266603

oh god, this is comedy, what is that laughing behind the camera "hihihihi" jesus christ

>> No.7266623

>my ego almost wants to find your post insulting, but I realize that it's not common knowledge, and you can only assume that I didn't know it as well

Haha oh God yes I know that feel too. All the time I was writing that post I was thinking "he has to know this already doesn't he? He's on /sci/ he must be smart"


I'm sorry, I can't hold it, I honestly thought you were a tard, there are so many of them on here you can never know if people are trolling or retards. I should have given you the benefit of the doubt.

>go home captcha you drunk, biscotti is not bread

>> No.7267050
File: 80 KB, 602x308, electromagnetic coil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay I'm back

basically 3 times 2 is 6, root of 6 times 2 is 3, root of 6*2*2 is 6, and so on
but in his ying yang 9 represents the curve that goes between 3 and 6
so when he goes from 3 to 6, there is 9 along the way
3 goes through 9 to 6
6 goes through 9 to 3
3 goes through 9 to 6


which is of course ARBITRARY AS FUCK

now the way he maps the torus, is he has these 3 cycles:
1) 124875
2) 215784 (which is the first one inverted, but it starts with 2 for who knows what fucking reason)
3) 396693

he then wrties them onto the skin/net/map/array starting with the first one, then with second then third, then again with the first cycle from the moment he left off (in first row he wrote 12, in 4th row he continues the cycle from where he left off, beginning with 4 and going through 8751248, so in the 7th row he has to start with a 7, and it goes on for all of the cycles)

now here's the part I didn't understand:
how does he translate the 2D map into a 3D Torus?
that map surely isn't a net akin to polyhedron net, as assembling a torus isn't as simple as folding a fucking parallelogram

so I decided to google "Rodin Coil" and I found AN ACTUAL EXPLANATION of what the coil is supposed to do and a couple of yt videos of people making an electromagnetic coil as per Rodin's blueprint

explanation is here: http://www.seri-worldwide.org/id117.html

"The Rodin Coil is a toroidal—or doughnut-shaped—form wound by wires in a pattern consistent with the number patterns discovered by Mr. Rodin. Toroidal shapes wound with wires are commonly used for inductors in electrical circuits, often for use in transformers. However the pattern of winding in a Rodin Coil is radically different from conventional toroidal coils."

pic related is just a regular electromagnetic coil coiled around a torus

cont. in next post

>> No.7267075

now here's the rodin coil (provided these people understood Rodin correctly):
you can easily google more of them

here's another article on the subject: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/01/the-rodin-coil-is-it-the-greatest-discovery-of-all-time/

>As stated by Marko Rodin and his volunteers, the Rodin Coil has the ability to completely transform our world given what it is capable of.

>Practical Implications Of This Technology

Inexhaustible free energy
An end to all disease
Produce unlimited food
Travel anywhere in the universe
Build the ultimate supercomputer
Obsolete all existing technology

In conclusion, mr Rodin thinks modulo 9 is God, makes up an arbitrary blueprint for a electromagnetic coil that according to him "produces unlimited free energy.", and said coil may or may not be useful is some way, but nobody fully capable of testing it knows about it or cares enough to try.

It's just fucking numerology and muh infinite spiritual energy. Here, I cracked the case.

>> No.7267090
File: 54 KB, 1716x777, vedic square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also going the Digital Root path, I stumbled upon Vedic Square, most notably its algebraic properties

notice the 1 2 4 5 7 8 again
Rodin would have a field day if he knew about this

>> No.7267302

The link between the 2D/3D makes sense. Even though the Torus shape is supposed to be a donut, it's usually more convenient to think of it as a parallelogram in the plane whose edges are connected. The slope of the parallelogram (assuming one of the edges is flat on the x axis) determines the ratio of the inner/outer edges of the donut.

See this
As the answer mentions, you obviously can't get a piece of the torus to lie flat because of its curvature, but there is a conformal map (preserves angles, sort of the next best thing) between the torus and the plane.

Obviously the numbers themselves are bullshit. Once you have a torus with those numbers at specified positions, how does that tell you anything about making a coil?

>> No.7267315
File: 139 KB, 441x573, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to bed norman

>> No.7267438


aren't 1/3 of all integers divisible by 3? can't be hard to find 3s everywhere....

>> No.7267545
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1344208544711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for pointing out the bullshit. We al knew it was, but didn't take the time to see it closely.

>> No.7267609


You misunderstand. The difference is that the law of the excluded middle isn't assumed, but by adding it you get all of classical logic. Intuitionistic mathematics is like someone developing a theory of rectangles while everyone else (classical mathematicians) have been sitting around working on a theory of squares.

Similarly though, working from the much broader assumption that quadrilaterals need not have all equal sides one may miss some of those finer theorems that only work for the special case where everything is a square.

>> No.7267625

He's got nothing on terry.

>> No.7267665

Thank you. I imagined it might work if the "material" is "flexible" enough to stretch it in some places and connect into a torus, but I didn't see how at the time. This is pretty neat

>> No.7267680

literally Deus Ex Machina

>> No.7268089

> real numbers are not practical enough
> oh I see you're one of those retarded practical mathematicians
> also ad hominem

literally what are you doing

>> No.7268861

I really hate to see this thread die on such a slow board

>> No.7270232


terry always delivers

>> No.7271850

love this thread, I love reading/watching the ramblings of people too intelligent for their own sanity

sadly I can't think of anyone that hasn't already been mentioned already

>> No.7272146

Tell me this is some teacher messing around.

>> No.7272240

Math graduate student here. You might think this guy seems crazy, but I just want to let you know that this diagram looks almost exactly like the visual interpretation of geometrically constructing boundaries for Ramsey numbers in the context of few distance sets in Euclidean space.

Looks like he's doing it by taking a geometric interpretation of a van der waerden number, (i.e. a fixed distance point set of fixed size) along the real line and "pulling" the points off the real line (while preserving the carnality of the distance set) until the rotational group is maximal and symmetric.

If that sounds anything like what this guy was talking about, he's probably not actually as crazy as you think. Or maybe he is crazy. But he might also be right.

>> No.7272288

Are you retarded? That's money for free, that's like pretending to be a medium for 15 minutes to take a couple of hundreds of bucks. Amerifacks.

>> No.7272303

I just went to /x/.

They act like they believe in rituals and ghosts and haunted things.

Is this a meme?

>> No.7272377

it's like every board. Half of them do and half don't.

you do realize that half the people on /sci/ are grad students and the other half is barnett samefagging right?

>> No.7272393

What about people who never went to uni?

You're talking to one of them

>> No.7272518


Ken Biegeleisen is crazy as a loon. He thinks DNAs helical structure is an artifact of the crystallization process. If you let him in to your lab for just one day, he swears he'll rewrite structural biology.

>> No.7274010

>tell him you just want to help but don't want to be credited
>write these four books with him and reach the next level of conciousness
>weep when he is the only one credited for unlocking the secrets of reality

>> No.7274762
File: 21 KB, 356x481, ss+(2015-05-21+at+12.00.12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ this is a very serious case of complete utter plain severe insanity right there

>> No.7275428

He pulled the diagrams from an old book by some guy named Wheeler. I looked it up, and its a real physical "theory." Not supported by any experimental evidence, yada yada. I snapped the picture because I found it geoemtrically fascinating, and worth studying lightly in my free time, but when a guy approaches you and says that God is showing him the fractals of our universal black hole, I extend the rule if thumb regarding putting one's dick in crazy to putting one's time in crazy.

>> No.7275530


Somebody make that "let me in!" comic, but with this guy

>> No.7275537


I've known a few nuts like that from working with the public. They love buckminster fuller let me tell ya.

>> No.7276309

I feel a bit crazier after this thread.

>> No.7276321


one of these fuckers will unleash skynet soon

>> No.7276329
File: 572 KB, 1792x2000, sdfefw3fw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't math, but geometry is easy to understand, it's all visual and in front of you, the patterns can be pointed to... i felt bad about staying in for weeks at a time calculating areas and finding ratios for useless shit

this thread makes me sad, but i found a pretty pattern with binary things in relation angular rotation a while ago

>> No.7277470

Sounds like 'agoraphobic nosebleed' based on the electric drum sound and the guitars but I don't know which album

>> No.7277502


I hear you, the guy is clearly focused as shit.

>> No.7277803


There are two type of mathematicians.

There are the ones that are exclusively "doers". They work with established mathematics. They can understand how it is derived. Talented "doers" have the ability to refine existing maths.

Then there are the ones who are the "finders". They look for meaning in mathematics. They constantly question established "mathematical truths". They are just as capable as the "doers" but they go one step further, they investigate, they seek out new ways of understanding. Very rarely do they succeed, but when they do the results are frequently revolutionary.

The "doers" are the peasants of the mathematical world. You OP, are clearly a peasant.

>> No.7277817

haha second video weakness in a number, WUT.

>> No.7277832

space as fixed time in 3 dimensions, teh ability to move in time is your pshycic ability kek

>> No.7278060

I think Poincare (maybe) wrote about that, calling the former analysts and the latter geometers.

>> No.7278161

Can you help me find that? I'm not getting anything.

>> No.7278205
File: 120 KB, 535x798, 1423605418140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wildberger getting salty guys

>> No.7278267
File: 429 KB, 499x330, 1408449384760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got a McDonalds to treat my self for solving this

>> No.7278295

Had it bookmarked. Here you go!

>> No.7278991

nothing tops the concave earth theorist steven
he also has a video where he "explains" the nature of dark matter with an experiment in his bathroom

>> No.7279509


Maresh? Yeah. A nutjob. Obviously. So that you smart huh?

WIlderbeger? No fuck you.WIiderberger is da bomb. You are just a fucking retard who cant think for himself.

>> No.7279736
File: 68 KB, 1097x666, asasas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7279938

anyone know this uni?

>> No.7279994

do you remember the name of the book?

>> No.7280108
File: 40 KB, 509x429, yee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the everloving fuck did I just watch?

>> No.7280111

>I think Poincare (maybe) wrote about that, calling the former analysts and the latter geometers.
grothendieck too I bet

>> No.7280163

Man, I wonder what it feels like being inside his head. This guy must be walking around all day, summing up letters and thinking of ways to relate them to jesus.

Pure insanity.

>> No.7280765

He looks good, i wonder if he would got a gf when he was around 16-20 years old he would still end up like this or would be a normal, well adjusted person.

>> No.7280826

He's got an other channel too


>> No.7281293



Skip to 1:26

>> No.7281415

I did an intro to Dynamical Systems/Chaos Theory course with the guy in that picture, Chris King. He teaches (taught?) at the University of Auckland.

>> No.7281454

> Chaos Theory
So it is a thing? Freeman said it was nonsense.

>> No.7281466

>is it alive? Is it conscious?

>> No.7281491

>an autistic Chad

>> No.7281508

someone needs to make a webm of that

>> No.7281645

Please send this to Tosh.0

>> No.7281651

No, you'd just have him and a traumatized ex girlfriend.

Who in all probability, is out there, somewhere.

>> No.7282987

Neither of these dudes are Math Sorcerers or Science Magicians.

However, they're fucking insane

Ray Snipe: Uploads loads of cryptic as fuck videos per-day doing crazy shit. I don't think this dude is legit, but wtf mane.

John Inghle: Some 50-60 year old British ABDL. Fucker uploads several vids per day of them singing really bad and shit. Each vid averages <30 views.

>> No.7284007

>Chaos Theory
>So it is a thing? Freeman said it was nonsense.
Are you fucking kidding me? You seriously didn't know it was a real thing until just now?

>> No.7285765

just imagine he's right and god seeded all those 3's in our language and everything.

>> No.7285875

As much cancer Tosh is, I like what he did with DA POO POO video, so this might have potential.

>> No.7285892

Seems like this has been mostly cleared up, but I'll just say a word to the "powers of two mod 9" "phenomenon."

In a way, the pattern you found is nothing less than expected. The integers mod 9 form a group of size 6 (with respect to multiplication), and it's cyclic (as you found a generator!). In a group, an element of finite order will eventually cycle back in a pattern of length equal to its order. So in Z/9 (integers mod 9), we see that the powers of 2 will cycle back after hitting the identity (1) with length equal to its order, which you demonstrated to be 6.

You can do this for literally any integer modulus and integer relatively prime to it (i.e. 3 mod 10, 7 mod 17, etc.). However, the not-so-trivial theorem from basic number theory is that this group is cyclic if and only if the modulus is a prime power or 2*(a prime power). Check out some examples to convince yourself!

>> No.7286748

If the Devil is 6,

>> No.7286776

my sides

>> No.7287000

So casinos are God's work?

>> No.7287052

Wait... What the fuck did I just

>> No.7287070

its by Pig Destroyer, song is The Diplomat i think

>> No.7287390
File: 20 KB, 472x248, stupid-scientists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can such smart people be rational in some things go completely wrong in others?

do you ever think that maybe you are the dumb one and they just can't explain their wisdom on your level because they are too smart?
I myself atleast try to consider the possibility

>> No.7287483

Lol I would waste a good chunk of my life if I did that. Labels exist for a reason. Of course, there's always a chance someone crazy and/or retarded might be right, but it's incredibly rare and almost always it's just a coincidence - in a sense that they are right, but their argumentation/factual examples are wrong. People who are right - in their reasoning - on seemingly unbelievable things always provide logical arguments and the only reason their theories seem implausible is because of people's natural close-mindedness, "common sense" if you will. There's no such thing as "wisdom levels" - either you explain something logically, after which it's clear for everybody, because you're literally connecting dots for them; or you don't.

>> No.7287485

I love this thread

>> No.7287493

Yes, I see the pattern. You are going crazy like him.

>> No.7287528

those guys are being ironic just fyi

>> No.7287743

The fuck is this shit?

>> No.7288762

what software is this?