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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7262169 No.7262169 [Reply] [Original]

Physics majors vs. Biology majors

which is more difficult?

>> No.7262192
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physics u pleb

>> No.7262193
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>> No.7262194


>> No.7262218

>Believe in the "children can't learn because they're children" bullcrap by the quack Jean Piaget

You should kill yourself.

>> No.7262794

coming from a biology major. physics is more difficult by a landslide. some people find physics easier because their brains are more logical/mathematical, but those are a minority.

>> No.7262801

>their brains are more logical/mathematical
Multiple intelligences bullshit. There's no such thing.

>> No.7262830

depends hos good you are with chemistry, if you are good at chemistry biology is pretty easy, but if you suck at chemistry, biology will roll you over and fuck you in the ass without lube. physics is just applied math, which is its strength and weakness.

>> No.7262847

it's called autism nowadays

>> No.7262853


what is the XKCD's guy's major?

>> No.7262877
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>hard science

>> No.7262885


>> No.7263143


That's not what Piaget meant, and children at certain ages are unable to understand certain complex thoughts.

>> No.7263240

the difficult is relative to the person
that goes for most majors
don't listen to /sci/, they're extremely biased towards the highest paying majors and calling them the hard sciences

>> No.7263245

>That's not what Piaget meant, and children at certain ages are unable to understand certain complex thoughts

No, they aren't. All he does is ask vague questions of "which is more" and concludes children are unable to understand something when they misguess what attribute "more" applies to.

>> No.7263256
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Physics will always be Starbucks tier

>> No.7263263
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>not starbucks tier

>> No.7264029

biology is rote memorization, it doesnt require any complex thought or calculation

>> No.7264131

physics is rote memorization of formulas, it doesnt require any complex thought or calculation

>> No.7264135

I find memorizing tedious shit difficult, so I'd say biology.

>> No.7264138

>No complex thought or calculation

>> No.7264330

The complex thought part comes when you have it all memorized and can make the connections.

>> No.7264493

I never knew NASA hired NEETs.

>> No.7265191
File: 190 KB, 601x572, biovsphys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking time this thread is posted you fucking autists say the same shit.
>Hurr durr biology is a soft science and takes no skill
>Hurr durr physics is just math and has nojobs
I fucking hate all of you so much

>Fuck it, I'll bite

>> No.7265204

lel neurotypical
proper science is aspergoid and doesn't reference human beings in any way except as experimental substrates

>> No.7265207

There are different mental abilities and preferences regardless of the existance of any psycological shit theory and if you don't know this evident truth you need to be less autistic and go out to the world and actually meet people. For my physics is easier because im not that good at learning and memorizing shitload of qualitative information which you need for chemistry and biology, but learning few principles, the maths and following logical/mathematic deduction/induction scheme works for me

>> No.7265217

They are biased for a stupid and somewhat arbitrary criteria about which major's subject of study precedes logically and which one is more abstract than the other, ignoring that each major has its own inherent difficulties and requires a set of abilities which they could not have. Aint nothin but a circlejerk

>> No.7265232

>implying shitload of memorization isnt tedious

That's why is so hard

>> No.7265233

To an extent he was right, but it had also been shown that things like conservation of mass/volume and non-egocentric thinking develop much earlier than he thought. His experiments were awfully designed for the most part, but he was far from a quack.

>> No.7265268

>physics has no jobs

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.7265314

Are you angry because you are too stupid for STEM?

>> No.7265329
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>he's too stupid to be an autodidact

>> No.7265332

physics is the hardest major

t. math major

>> No.7265336
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>> No.7265360

80% of this is painfully accurate while the remaining 10% a sensible chuckle-tier at best

>> No.7265414 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 680x454, mathematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without chemist and physicist, there would be no biology, biology is just an artifact subject were chemistry and physics is the birth right of the universe. For example english language is an artifact while the mathematical language is built into the system language of the universe.

>> No.7265417
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without chemist and physicist, there would be no biology, biology is just an artifact subject while chemistry and physics is the birth right of the universe. For example English language is an artifact while the mathematical language is built into the system language of the universe.

>> No.7265421
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>> No.7265446

what's so funny

>> No.7265456
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>> No.7265465


Physics, because so much of it contradicts common sense. In Biology, things work pretty much how you'd expect them to. In physics, not so much.

>> No.7265882

>too stupid for stem
do people actually believe this?

anyone with 100 iq points and determination can do undergrad in literally any subject.

>> No.7265938


>> No.7265942

If we go with your definition, that still leaves literally half the population too stupid for it.

>> No.7266052

I think physics is probably the hardest undergrad course. In my experience maths is easier, chemistry is easier but more work.

I dunno about engineering and all that but anecdotally a lot people I know doing engineering courses find some basic maths hard.

>> No.7266077

I used to believe this. Then I started teaching. This semester I have numerous students who can barely even repeat a sentence after me. After repeated attempts.
Definitely a few cases of insufficient ability from people who otherwise seem perfectly normal.

>> No.7266082

undergrad physics = nap time

>> No.7266087


I don't know why, but chemistry majors just seem fucking impossible. I used to love chemistry, and then it was just different in college.

I'd rank it

Whatever else

>> No.7266089

>harder than chemistry

You faggots have mathematics and numerical methods to fall back on anytime something unintuitive or confusing pops up. Chemistry students for the most part don't (aside from analytical and physical chemistry). Not to mention our labs are significantly harder.

>> No.7266564

too bad theres no money in chemistry unless you want le tube engineering

>> No.7266585


Bit of a leading question too.

Should design some test with needing to raise a floating thing to get a treat like they do with ravens.

>> No.7266592

Well, yes, but they can nearly certainly still do undergrad in a useless subject with enough effort until IQ90

>> No.7268269

Biology. Physic follows cut and dry rule. I.E. Acceleration equals the change in velocity over time a=(Vfinal-Vinitial)/Time ) Biology follows generalized trends.

>> No.7268308

Yes they are.
> mfw I learn more English in a month than any kid has ever learned in their first year

>> No.7270294
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Daily reminder that Physics is Starbucks tier

>> No.7270304

I swear, this is the worst fucking board in existence. Why do you people feel the need to foster divisiveness in the sciences? Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of science?

>> No.7270398

You do realize the people posting in these threads are just undergraduates? You shouldn't even regard them as scientists.
The word "major" should have tipped you off.

>> No.7270405


Biology because the classes are boring as shit.

>> No.7270408


>mfw you might as well change the line to go "by autism" instead, since only autists could come up with the idea to order fields by "purity" while no one else gives a shit

>> No.7270500

>biology is just applied psychology
psychology is just made up bullshit

>> No.7270715
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Hahahahhaa classic thread!

>> No.7270782

Chemistry is brutal.

Freshman Me: why did I get a 50% on my 15 page lab report? I spent 30 hours writing it and explained all of my data, why did I get such a low grade?

TA: Isn't it obvious, you fucking idiot. You didn't remove the light gray border around your plots. Do you think it is alright to have a fucking gray border around your plots? Who the hell are you? do you think that is an acceptable publication quantity plot. Do you think any journal would publish that sad excuse for a plot. Do you think you are better that the ACS and can just make up the formatting that you chose? What type of pathetic human being are you!

Hell, the highest data point you have is 8 pH but your axis goes to 10 pH. I should of failed you for that, but I gave you a break and only took of a percentage point per plot. You also wrote "Figure 1:", instead of "Figure 1." for your figure caption. What type of retard are you that can't tell the difference between a period and a colon?

You deserved that low grade you worthless idiot.

>> No.7270788

Wait why does an axis going to 10 when the highest data point is 8 constitute a problem

>> No.7270791

That's a little exaggerated in my opinion. Usually professors disregard trivial errors in favor that they make sure you understand where your data came from. That's performing arts majors with a general chemistry required course that get the salty professors most of the time.

>> No.7270793

>tfw first year physics student
>tfw course about ethics in science
>last assignment is an essay that determines 60% of final grade
>get failed because i used bitmap instead of vector graphics

>> No.7270807

Biology because I can't bring myself to remember all the stupid names and shit. I probably could if I wanted to but I don't.

The "freshman" courses are awful anywhere. In physics I skipped to the sophmore to junior level courses, which turned out to be a good idea. Freshman courses often skimped on derivations or didn't use the proper mathematical setting, which made it harder to follow.

>> No.7270824

that doesn' t makes chemistry brutal, your TA is just an asshole

>> No.7270828
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oh im laffin

>> No.7270829

There is useless, extra space on your plot.
I didn't have professors grading my lab report, I had CA/TA's. These CA's would be other undergrad students who had to go through the same hazing process a few years earlier. They were especially harsh because they had been subject to the same treatment a few years before.

Anything that they perceived as a mistake I would lose points for. For example, I lost points for putting my 1H-NMR line listings "in the wrong order" or putting a space between the percent and the yield (e.g 40 % yeild instead of 40% yield).

If I forgot to put a space between the units and the amount of a reagent (e.g. In ethanol (50mL) instead of In ethanol (50 mL)) I would also lose a point. Because lab reports would be graded out of 10, 20 or 50 points five minor mistakes (including repeating the same mistake) would result in a significant loss of points. If I were to include a scheme that was acually a figure or a figure that was acually a scheme then I would also lose points. If I had any vertical lines in my table, that was a definite failure that would knock my lab report down to at least an 80.

Now the ACS guidelines don't even say that there is a proper order for HNMR line listings, but the CA has an idea of what is the proper order and has absolute authority in determining my final grade.

Usually the lab reports aren't even read, they were graded on rubrics that would decide if I talked about certain things or not.

In order to get good grades I ended up having to format everything correctly and write ridiculously long, (50 pages with figures) lab reports in order to get a decent grade in the courses.

I know if I am ever a TA or CA I will subject the people under me to the same treatment, because I had to deal with it.

This went on through physical chemistry lab. In inorganic lab there was never any formatting bulllshit, but my cancer risk was significantly increased which makes up for it.

>> No.7270907

Not funny dude.

>> No.7270954

physics is the highest IQ major according to most studies

>> No.7271137

>le mature sjw

>> No.7271211

Chemistry is hardest

>> No.7271263

I laughed

>> No.7271266

Studying chemistry at Purdue, I have to say, is really cozy. Nothing like what you're describing is anything I've ever heard of happening to a student, and I'm not even taking the faggy engineering chem courses.

>> No.7271454

Rote memorization my left testicle
That's like the greens fees at your local golf course; you gotta pay to play but it doesn't mean you're any good

Once that is settled, now it becomes a battle of inferences, hypotheses and technical skill to accomplish the goal. Looking at some of the top biologists in the field is incredible in regards to how efficiently they can complete the scientific process
All we lowly biologists on the lower-tier can do little but fill in the gaps and decorate the roads the top professionals build

>> No.7271469

Physicists and mathematicians are just mad that you can't express everything in numbers in biology, so they become useless.

>> No.7271489

Define "difficult," and start with the course level.
Undergrad biology courses are the worst fucking chore ever. I'd rather be playing with a fucking torsion pendulum with weights than go through that shit again.

>> No.7271772
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>> No.7271954

Physics is definitely the more challenging major, however biology is likely narrow the gap in the near future as new theory makes way and it becomes more formally grounded. Check out this paper


If anyone with knowledge of category theory has time to give this a glance please comment as to your opinions on the feasibility of this approach

>> No.7271961

The guy is too dumb to just say "object oriented programming can be applied to biology"

>> No.7271991

I study Microbiology and Chemistry.

I haven't taken many physics classes, but the ones I have I found to be enjoyable and surprisingly easy to pass. I had a harder time in classes like immunology.

I think whichever one is more difficult will depend on your individual personality. How you think and deal with problems will determine your aptitude. Personally I never did well in biology in high school, I just thought it was the most interesting field so I studied that. Everyone has different reasons for doing what they do, none are illegitimate.

That said physics is probably harder because it's generally more math intensive.

>> No.7272004

Has anyone ever calculated anything of physical interesting using categorical "viewpoints"?

>> No.7272625
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Where do I fall?
>tfw when Genetics Grad

>> No.7272639

Bio, memorization is fucking hard
with physics you don't have to memorize a bunch of dumb shit, just a few simple rules and you can figure everything else out.

>> No.7272727

I'm a molecular bio major. its just memorizing stuff. not hard at all unless you can't read

>> No.7272866

>psychology is just made up bullshit
>this is what /sci/ actually believes

>> No.7272875

What area?