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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7259465 No.7259465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7259479

Graduate Topology 1
Intro to Measure Theory
Intro to Abstract Algebra
Intro to Transnational Women's Studies
Maybe Intro to Hamiltonian/Largranian Mechanics

>> No.7259486

>expose 80% of this board for the frauds that they are
these threads always make me feel awful knowing that the majority of everyone posting are plebs taking calculus

>> No.7259488

How are you taking topology without abstract algebra? I assume you have analysis since you are taking measure theory, which in that case makes sense.

>> No.7259492

Yeah, I keep forgetting that majority of the people here are between 18-20. I'd wager most people here aren't over 24 or 25.

>> No.7259494

First few weeks are in-depth point set topology and the rest is intro to algebraic topology. I told my professor I'd study abstract over the break and be familiar with everything come fall.

>> No.7259495

NUCL 510: Reactor Theory
NUCL 470: Fuel Cell Engineering
NUCL 449: Senior Design Proposal
NUCL 402: Engr of Nuclear Power Systems
MA 303: PDEs and Analysis of Nonlinear Systems

>> No.7259512

What book are you using to study Algebra (self-study) and what book is your topology course using?

>> No.7259517

Munkres Topology and Hatchers Algebraic Topology
My course is using Galilean (if I spelled that right) and I also have a pdf of dummit and foote.

>> No.7259525

Functional analysis
Numerical mathematics 2
Experimental physics 2: Electrodynamics

Yeah I'm a pleb

>> No.7259530

What edition of Galilean do you have? I have like a 3rd edition copy

>> No.7259533

Haven't purchased a copy yet. Ordering my books on amazon this weekend probably.

>> No.7259545

Quantum Mechanics
Advanced Thermodynamics

Hopefully they don't cancel QM since no one enrolled in it yet and it's only offered once a year, but grad students tend not to register until a week or two before classes start.

>> No.7259549

My Physics professor is doing a course that covers some Modern Physics and teaches Mathematica (it's a community college so not the full course obviously)

Calc 2
Physics 2
Linear Algebra
US History

>> No.7259551

Differential Geometry
Advanced Optics
Continuum Electrodynamics
Control Systems
Machine Design

Should be fun, as long as machine design doesn't suck.

>> No.7259553

ECH 3264 - Elementary Transport Phenomena (how hard is this class? i'm guessing it's the dumbed down UG version of big boy transport phenomena?)
CHM 4411 - Physical Chemistry
COT 3502 - Computer Model Formulation
Bullshit Gen Ed Elective

>> No.7259583

Discete Mathematics & Probability
Intro to Computer Architecture
EE 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I (basically intro to circuits)
Engineering Ethics

>> No.7259665

-Graduate Gravitation and Cosmology (Probably going to get absolutely wrecked)
-E&M 1 (Griffiths/Jackson)
-Stat Mech
-Mathematical Physics III (measure and probability theory applied to physics, I think? Only taking it because the professor is really good)
-Introduction to Research I

>> No.7259680

18, graduating hs next month and taking these at a cc during the summer:
Vector Calculus
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
English Composition II

>> No.7259681


>> No.7259683

English 1
Astronomy 104
6th semester and still taking pre-reqs

Going part time at 2 classes a semester because of work.

>> No.7259693

Engineering Economic Analysis
Mechanical Engineering Lab 2
Analysis for Mechanical Engineering Design
Principles of Automatic Control
Advanced Dynamics with Applications to Aerospace Systems

>> No.7259698

nothing, I'm graduating bitches, suck shit nerds

>> No.7259699

Differential equations
Linear algebra
Electricity and electromagnetism
Advanced programming

>> No.7259706

Fiber Optic Communications
Light-Matter Interaction
Imaging and Displays
Frontiers in Photonics
Optoelectronics I

Pretty hyped tbh

>> No.7259710

I can't tell what you're studying. Engineering Physics?

>> No.7259772

Don't waste your time with 303. Take 304. Unless you just want an easy A, then take 303. Most of the material is just a rehash of 266 for the MEs who took 262.

>> No.7259779

Intro to philosophy for dumb fucks.
statistics for liberal arts fucks
intro french for fucks
(I just changed majors so I have to grab a bunch of fucking gen eds to graduate and I'm getting it over with.)
Some intro stats class
Real Analysis

>> No.7259796

Summer: REU

Fall Semester:
Graduate Abstract Algebra
Miscellaneous core

I don't know how some of you guys take so many major-related courses at a time. One semester I got wrekt taking 2nd semester abstract algebra, differential geometry, and mathematical methods in physics at the same time.

>> No.7259805
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>tfw finally transferred and starting anew on my course to be an architect

ARCH 100: Architectural Making I
ARCH 102: Architectural Thinking I
ARCH 350: Greening [City I Will Live In]
MATH 117: Trigonometry
ART 150: Multicultural Diversity in America

Feels good man.

>> No.7259809

art vandelay pls go

>> No.7259814

Law and physics dual degree.

Semester 2 2015 (July-November here in Aus)

> LWB482 Internet Law
> LWB407 International Law
> PVB204 Electromagnetism
> PVB303 Nuclear and Particle Physics

Hoping to get into intellectual property with my degree combo.

What do you think, /sci/?

>> No.7259827

Ah man, I know that feel anon. Just hang in there, we're all gonna make it.

Next Fall:

Food Chemistry/Lab I
Food Packaging/Lab
Food Microbiology/Lab
Physical Chemistry/Lab

>tfw only aggie in /sci/

>> No.7259828


Sure, right after I design your campus's research laboratory.

>> No.7259829
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PHYS 415: Intro to Condensed Matter Physics
PHYS 420: Computational Physics
PHYS 458: Special and General Relativity
PHYS 472: Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 481: Electromagnetic Theory II
Winter (next year):
MA PH 451: Mathematical Methods of Physics
MATH 417: Honors Real Variables I
PHYS 485: Introductory Particle Physics
PHYS 495: Special Topics in Physics (gives profs chance to teach courses on random stuff if they want, I don't know what the topics are yet but I'm probably taking one of these)
PHYS 499: 'Special Projects' (i.e. undergrad research project + mini thesis type thing)
Well the way I can do it is because for me, honestly the less relevant something is, the worse I do in it. I did worse in my physics lab courses because the moment they began I realized I HATED doing experimental physics and just wanted to stick with theory (my best grades have usually been in my proof based math courses + more advanced physics courses because they went beyond high school physics). Of course it helped that all 5 or so of the people in my specific physics program banded together so that we could survive the harder classes.

>> No.7259837

>make shitty sketch of a building that will be changed 20 times so it can actually be built so that real scientists can do real scientific work
whatever floats your boat

>> No.7259840

All these good classes and then

>Intro to Transnational Women's Studies


>> No.7259842

How are you taking linear algebra while taking calc 2? At my school i have to wait until I take calc 3

>> No.7259847

meh. I've had worse schedules than this.

>> No.7259849


>I have no understanding of how architects design buildings

>> No.7259852
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lol oops forgot pic.

>> No.7259858
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>> No.7259867

This coming semester (Ausfag here),

Physics II
Complex Analysis
Integral Transforms
Measure Theory
Differential Equations with Modelling

Semester Afterwards,

Partial Differential Equations
Differential Geometry
Advanced Real Analysis
Advanced Abstract Algebra I
Advanced Number Theory I

Semester Two, 2016 (last semester to complete my pure maths major, time to finish my comp sci major):

Database Management
Programming Fundamentals
Advanced Functional Analysis
Advanced Abstract Algebra II
Advanced Number Theory II

Semester 1, 2017:

Discrete Mathematics
Computational Mathematics
Computers: Networking
Algorithmic Problem Solving

Semester 2, 2017:

Systems Development
Project Management (Summer)
Information and Network Security (Summer)
Algorithms and Data structures
Theory of computation
Computational Science

2018, Semester 1:

Advanced Computer Science Project
Advanced Programming
Parallel Computing

Fin. Also going to graduate at 24 lol *laughs* work for two years, do a masters in pure maths at a UK university, and do a PhD in Pure Maths LOL.

>> No.7259871

26 year old middle schooler here guys (mexi-fag here guys)

Life Science
Fine Arts
Social Studies

>> No.7259874

... How?

>> No.7259876
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>Life science

>> No.7259885

Intro. to Computer Programming
Calculus III
Algebraic Structures
Foundations of Geometry

>> No.7259888
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>> No.7259898

Sets and Logic
Intermediate Microeconomics
Intro to Stats (lel)
Intermediate Arabic 1

Math/Econ double major

>> No.7259956

Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry I Lab
Calculus II

Organic Chemistry II
Family Economic Issues (lel)
Scientific Writing
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I.

>> No.7259972

Modern Physics
Data Structures & Programming
Probability & Statistics (Upper Division)
Western Civilization (GE)

>> No.7259990

Machine project (create a computer, worth twice the point of a regular course)
Processor design (Goes with the machine project)
Parallell computing

Probably gonna add some AI course too