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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7243175 No.7243175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's this african child that I'm supposed to give guidance to.
Anyways, he's lived all his life in a super isolated low-tech african area where they only have the most primitive satellite phones and nothing else.
He told me with disbelief that his teacher claims humans are related to monkeys, and was astounded when I said I believed the same. He was intrigued and wanted some kinda material explaining this.
What is some nice documentary or other material explaining this in a way that isn't so complicated it blows his mind?
Pic related, intelligent design

>> No.7243193

Very difficult task OP, perhaps you could just write to him with simple words? I would also have a hard time thinking up an idea

>> No.7243196

Maybe copy some wiki stuff and dumb it down for someone without any scientific background?

>> No.7243206

You could start off with all life coming from the same origin. Pretty sure some mythologies even have this already.

>> No.7243211

I generally don't have that much time with individuals, delegating material is much more useful. I also think it would hold more authority if it came from some professional source.
pretty sure islam doesn't.

>> No.7243219

Apes, not monkeys, though we are related to them to as well, just not as related.

>> No.7243220

His words, not mine, kek.

>> No.7243228

Maybe you should isolate their specific problem so that rather than giving a video that goes over every aspect of evolution which will either be so long it might bore them or so brief that it glosses over their main concern, you could instead give them a video that addresses their specific misunderstanding.

For example, is he fine with the concept of evolution as a whole, but just finds it strange that we in fact shared a common ancestor with apes?
Or is his problem more with not accepting evolution

>> No.7243232

I don't think he's really familiar with evolution at all, hence why the claim that we have a common ancestor is ludicrous to him

>> No.7243246

Maybe something like this then?

maybe start it at around 9min to make it shorter

>> No.7243253

The average IQ of subsaharan Africa is 65. His IQ is propably going to be even lower seeing as how he comes from the lower class of Africa. You really shouldn't waste time trying to explain something like that to an African kid. Most Westernizers don't even understand what natural selection really is, they generally have only the most vague understanding of evolution and common ancestry. The chance that some Black African kid is going to understand it is basically 0.

inb4 social science graduates claiming that IQ doesn't mean anything. It's a better predictor of life outcomes, criminality and SAT scores than education level.

>> No.7243256

It is a very difficult thing to explain to someone who has no idea.

The first thing I'd do is family descent. If he knows his father (or mother), his father's father (or grandmother, whichever is easier), cousins, and work in the idea that all humans are actually distantly related. If that concept is too much, there really is no reason to continue.

Then, bring up sons looking like fathers, daughters looking like mothers, and the idea of family trait inheritence.

From trait inheritence, and universal descent, the step to small differences leading to big differences. If all humans are descendants of the same people, and some are black while others are white, and there are people in between, indians, arabs, whatever, just in terms of skin tone, that is the basic process of evolution.

And then with all of that in mind, tell him to imagine what he would look like covered in hair.

>> No.7243258

I'm not going to dispute the claim that IQ is useful

but thinking that IQ is 100% genetic is just retarded.
If you're right about their IQ being that low in africa it's probably due in large part to their environment. An environment where they're not exposed to ideas like evolution

It has to start somewhere, and educating children is the best place. Even if it just starts off by getting them to accept science/math/evolution without really understanding it, that will put their children in a better position to actually understand it themselves because they'll grow up in an environment that teaches them those things early on

>> No.7243259

Actually he's descended from a line of kings in somalia. That's why he had to flee, his lineage has been attacked since they lost power.
Not exactly a lower class. Not to mention that IQ isn't entirely based on genetics, and since he's had an academically active lifestyle dealing with tasks, he's a perfectly competent person. The fact that he sought knowledge rather than getting angry when his beliefs were challenged makes him quite spectacular in my eyes. That's certainly not the american approach to evolution

>> No.7243263

Skeletal structure and anatomy is similar. If we were unrelated, then why the fuck are we virtually of the same layout?

[pol] send him a mirror [/pol]

>> No.7243284


People like you really make me angry. You could invest the same time and effort in educating a White child or an East Asian child, and you would have an infinitely higher chance of success and really finding a dormant genius. But of course, helping White children isn't as "trendy" as helping some random Third World kid with no chances whatsoever, and you can't brag about it as much to your friends on Facebook.

>> No.7243286

I'm not a teacher. I give guidance to a lot of immigrants, many of them white.

>> No.7243296
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That's kind of inspiring in a way. I mean considering that this kid is legit interested while I know dumbasses out here who take offense at the idea of human evolution.

>> No.7243302

jesus christ you're a moron
I would honestly think there are children in africa more deserving of an education than you are since it appears you haven't put yours to good use

>> No.7243342

I'm no missionary "moralfag" as the /b/tards put it, but white and east Asian kids can just fucking Google anything they want to know, not to mention public schools. Go back to /pol/

>> No.7243344

What's there to brag about if they have an "infinitely higher chance of success and really finding a dormant genius"? Way to be the type of person who makes himself angry.

>> No.7243355

10/10 most retarded post on /sci/ this week.
Can't be any better than that.

>> No.7243368

You're a fool if you really believe that.

All IQ does is test how well you can take an IQ test. It's just ignorant to believe that something as complex as the human mind can be summed up in a simple 2 or 3 digit number. Plus your view is clearly racist, and wrong because there will always be high-IQ Africans somewhere that will be an exception to that rule, even if it may be true of the majority.

Neuroscientist here.

>> No.7243373
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>mfw all these delicious redneck tears
Now fuck off to your racist /pol/ hugbox where you'll get the retarded affirmation you're looking for. There's nothing worse than you idiots trying to spread your cancer everywhere.

>> No.7243379
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Biologist here.

OP you could try to explain by showing him skulls or skeletons of human's closest ancestors and show how they are similar. That's pretty much how we (scientists) established that.

Say that humans aren't really descended from monkeys, but that they are kind of like our cousins. We were once on the same evolutionary path until we diverged. While we are kind of related to monkeys, it's more accurate to say we are related to the great apes, which are larger and more human-looking. But again, they are like our cousins. There is no direct descent, we're all just evolving in parallel.

If you look at the complete skeletons there are a lot of similarities, more than any other animal. Plus, I doubt he knows about genetics if he's just a kid but you can say that this has pretty much been confirmed by many many years of intense research from really really smart people.

You could maybe explain that this is a controversial view that not everybody believes and is based on the assumption that humans are animals too. Oddly, lots of people still refuse to accept this basic fact.

>> No.7243408


Again, IQ is a better predictor of positive life outcomes, criminality, future socio-economic status and job performance than education level, and IQ correlates almost perfectly with SAT scores. So do you consider all these metrics which I just mentioned to be useless as well? If not, you are just being a hypocrite who exclusively applies this sort of hyper-skepticism when it is politically convenient for him to do so.

>Plus your view is clearly racist, and wrong

As opposed to what? Racist and correct? If it was correct, would it still be "racist"?

>there will always be high-IQ Africans somewhere that will be an exception to that rule, even if it may be true of the majority.

Do you know what "average" means?

>Neuroscientist here.

lolno. If you were a neuroscientist, I'm sure you would have already heard of a mathematical statistical concept which we call "average". But of course, this is the internet, so you can just make up whatever bullshit you want and those who already agree with you will just buy into it because a supposed "neuroscientist" said it.


Nice ad hominems you've got there, baba. Go call me an evil wicked "racist" a few more times. Then you'll really have me pwn3d ;^)

>> No.7243433

Why are you on /sci/ if you don't understand statistics?

>> No.7243456


I'm not the one who claimed that Africans were just as smart as Europeans just because some of them may have higher IQs than average. That would be the egalitarian morons in this thread.

>> No.7243522

why are you so quick to jump to the conclusion that europeans are genetically smarter than africans just because of the average IQ? You're obviously not using plain scientific evidence, rather wishing to reafirm your racist views using anything you want. Please consider fucking off

>> No.7243539

>why are you so quick to jump to the conclusion that europeans are genetically smarter than africans just because of the average IQ?

Because again, IQ correlates highly with a whole lot of measurable and meaningful stuff that I have already repeatedly mentioned in this thread. But of course, you chose to ignore this argument, and at this I don't expect you to change this practice of yours in favor of a more intellectually honest approach. You're obviously just interested in your moral crusaderism and calling me a "racist" repeatedly, as if that proved or disproved anything. Fuck off.

>> No.7243549
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>Nice ad hominems you've got there
As great as it is you've learned this phrase, it's a non sequitur here because I'm not debating with you.

>Go call me an evil wicked "racist"
Why the quotes around racist? Does this word trigger you? I'll use a trigger warning for you next time if you'd like.

>> No.7243559

Shame you on fucks.

Humans are primates, not monkeys.

>> No.7243569

Yes, but what makes you jump to the GENETIC explanation? That's my question, you conceited imbecile. It's fucking obvious IQ usually correlates to life quality, but what I'm asking is:
>why are you so quick to jump to the conclusion that europeans are GENETICALLY smarter than africans just because of the average IQ?

Could you answer that, you retard?

>> No.7243581
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>People like you really make me angry. You could invest the same time and effort in educating a White child or an East Asian child, and you would have an infinitely higher chance of success and really finding a dormant genius. But of course, helping White children isn't as "trendy" as helping some random Third World kid with no chances whatsoever, and you can't brag about it as much to your friends on Facebook.
b-b-but I am a humanist, b-b-but the efficiency is for the despicable ultilitarians, I-I do not care to spend a ridiculous amount of someone else ressources blindly, I-It makes me feel better about myself

>> No.7243583

>intelligent design
top kek

>> No.7243588

why are you wasting your time with niggers? fucking liberal piece of shit, tell that little niglet that he is a monkey nigger piece of chimp shit and then move on with your life

>> No.7243591

pick one

>> No.7243593

wow since when is /sci/ /pol/? this is getting very uncomfortable

being a white supremacist is probably great though, you get to feel superior to more than a billion people just by being born white
it's probably a good pat in the back for retards

>> No.7243597
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racial science is true science

>> No.7243600

It's the fate of all of 4chan, man. Their cancer has already destroyed my previous home board, and there's nothing they like more than preaching their dogma to people who want them to fuck off. They jerk off to it.

>> No.7243601
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you think you are so smart, but the jews who rule over you keep calling you dumb as fuck for failing to acknowledge that they clearly rule over you

so who's right?

>> No.7243603
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>> No.7243604

lmfao you're extremely dumb or uninformed if you, a person of the year 2015 a.C., think Ancient Egypt was caucasian. Every single new studies show it was an empire made and ruled by black people. Get over it, dude. Black people can be just as smart, competent, sensitive, whatever, as white people. You are not special. You are not superior.

>> No.7243605
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this board must be cleansed of liberal idiots like yourself with your nigger afrocentric pseudo-history


>> No.7243614

There is a pretty big amount of evidence that Egypt was black, ranging from lingustic studies to melanin samples, to greek literature, and even the paintings they did of themselves. A single article of yours, that does not prove anything so conclusive, will not persuade my readings on this subject (and also won't persuade the biggest part of the scientific community.
It's obvious Egypt was not only black, but it's also plainly obvious that it was not "white" or ruled by caucasians.

>> No.7243623
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>to melanin samples
>muh melanin

I bet you think more melanin makes you have magic powers or something fucking niggers how do they work LOL

cite a non-afrocentric source proving that ancient Egypt was black.

>> No.7243625


i am curious about this as well

i haven't seen anything on egyptians being black but i have seen multiple articles on them being white

>> No.7243628

Egypt wasn't black and you know it. Stop being fucking retarded.

The Egyptians were Egyptian. Egyptian isn't a thing any more because the entire population of the country was basically supplanted by Muslims along with all the other conquerors since Egypt ended.

Just as most assuredly they were not white, they were not black. They had black slaves, they were in contact with black civilizations, but Egypt was not one.

And you can convince yourself but if you're seriously going to pretend anything more than a tiny minority of the scientific community believes the Egyptians were black you're just burying your head in the sand.

>> No.7243633

You're a top retard. Stay in your containment board,


>> No.7243644

shill detected
nice try ridiculing any pro racial difference disucssion

>> No.7243655

Please do not disregard the rest of the post. I quoted a lot of areas where one can prove that egyptians were dark-skinned/black.
And no, I do not see melanin as some kind of special substance.
You see, the statement that Egyptians were black is mostly a counter-statement to what was previously said, aka that egyptian rulers were mainly "white" or that white/european people have a strong descendence from ancient egyptians. Our cultural notions of what is Black and what is White have obviously changed since then, and I'm obviously not saying that the entire egypcian empire was made out of the fathers and mothers of all blacks in the world. I'm only stating my point that, as some studies have shown, egypcian rulers were also black. And not only Egypt was a black empire, but there were also other empires.
Sorry if I cannot provide a lot of sources, a lot of what I've read came from articles on the internet (not just any amateur blog, really, those were people I knew that read a long list of books on those matters). Cheik Anta Diop is probably the biggest name out there that provides several arguments to prove Egypt was black (even though his point is the different than the one I'm trying to make, since he's afrocentric and pan-african etc.) If you want more sources, I recommend searching on the internet. Sorry for not being able to provide much help on that though
Also, btw, still waiting for you to answer me on that question about how did you jump to the conclusion that europeans are definetly genetically smarter than africans. Not that I expect you to give me a proper answer on that.

>> No.7243662
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Kill la kill yourself, asshole.

Evolution was part of the standard curriculum back in Ghana.

>> No.7243679

>I'm only stating my point that, as some studies have shown, egypcian rulers were also black. And not only Egypt was a black empire, but there were also other empires.
But that's wrong dude. That's fucking retarded. There were black empires and Egypt was not one.

You've clearly read up on this. You've clearly read a lot of evidence stating the obvious truth that Egyptians were not black, and a lot of stupid shit by white people claiming they were greek or some nonsense, and a lot of stupid shit by black people claiming they were black, and decided to go with the latter theory because it fits your narrative of the world better. Well, that's good and all but it's wrong.

The fact that the one person you are able to actually quote is a dead afrocentric revisionist historian and not a modern historian or anyone with any sort of scientific qualifications speaks volumes.

I understand that it's the reflex to white people trying to claim Egypt. Because the Egyptians were not white, it was an entirely different race and civilization and the only claim westerners have to it is through the Bible story of Moses. And white people are really fucking annoying. But none of this changes the fact that the Egyptians were not black.

>> No.7243692

I'm not even black
I've known afrocentrism for like a couple of months
I'm in no way an expert, and I don't want to tell you that Egypt was only black. I shouldn't have said it with such emphasis before, but I only did it because the other anon was trying to argue that Egypt was caucasian, which it obviously wasn't. I agree with you though, Egyptians were Egyptians, as simple as that.

>> No.7243713

dark skinned doesn't necessarily mean black btw

>> No.7243721

>still waiting for you to answer me on that question about how did you jump to the conclusion that europeans are definetly genetically smarter than africans.
that was some other anon, but isn't it obvious niggers are dumb as fuck?

>> No.7243729
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no. :^)

>> No.7243778

That dawkins video where he talks to black kids

>> No.7244255

Does this child have access to video devices? Also, how old is this kid? I would recommend the following video for middle-school kids in 5th-6th grade.


>> No.7244289

How about you introduce him to a few white blonde girls and encourage them to reproduce with him?

>> No.7244634

The IQ of white kids and Asian kids had continued to increase with each generation as their cultures and languages sum of knowledge has increased. This is called the Flynn effect, and we are on the end of the s curve for that. Sub Saharan Africans have a much smaller sum of knowledge, and are behind in the Flynn effect, hence, a lower IQ. You can find 1000s of texts in your native language, like any other European or Asian, but there are comparatively few Bantu calculus books, considering they never developed written language.

>they never developed writing, proof of inferior intelligence

Read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. You will discover how geography and bio geography determined the fate of nearly every race of people on the planet, with much greater predictability than skin color or gene pool.

Further, nutrition is a large factor in IQ, and malnutrition is insanely high in Sub Saharan Africa, as well as in poor black families in America.

Generic race is not what decides IQ, rational factors are.

>> No.7244656

>Generic race is not what decides IQ, rational factors are.
this is what liberals actually believe

>> No.7244778

>Read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond

This book has been unanimously shit on my historians, although I agree with you, this isn't a good book to recommend; HOWEVER, he actually amended and conceded many of the mistakes he made in an updated tome of the book. Not sure of the name, but definitely something to pick up.