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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7239730 No.7239730 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to explain why neuroscience isn't the greatest interdisciplinary field of study out there.

>encompasses all of the following: biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, medicine
>relates to the following: psychology, sociology, linguistics, computer science, statistics, philosophy, anthropology, mathematics
>intertwined with interesting concepts such as free will, artificial intelligence, consciousness, emotion, memory, morality, solipsism

>> No.7239757

You mean....


>> No.7239779
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don't neurons rearrange when you learn things and practice learning? or learning a skill? Is it true you can rearrange your neurons to perfect skills while lucid dreaming? such as riding a bike or mathematics? As suggested in this video here:


>> No.7239809

>literally the science of everything

gtfo neuroscience fag

>> No.7239917

Not the P word!

>> No.7239921

Keyword: interdisciplinary

>> No.7239932

>contributing to neuroscience and AI research
pick one

>> No.7240111


your field is so intelligent they recently found out that small humans feel pain. World changing. I never knew why they screamed till now.

>> No.7240146

If that's you're takeaway you should consider reading the paper, available here:

>demonstrate for the first time that most (18/20) of the brain regions involved in pain in adults are also activated in healthy full-term newborn babies

Why they screamed was never a question. Try to be less superficial.

>> No.7240179

>Try to be less superficial

Try to pick a better field.

>> No.7240185

>Try to pick a better field.
Uh oh, someone's projecting.

>> No.7240195

not op here but if you get correct feedback to your actions and your actions are valid, I can see it working.

>> No.7240289

My sister brags constantly about her neuroscience program. She's in fourth year now. Her courses are basically all psychology; she is miserable at ochem, has never done any biochem, can't into anatomy or any sort of biology, and couldn't pass a stats course to save her life.

Oh, and she's one of the star students at a top tier university.

>> No.7240292

Neurons don't rearrange. The existing links between them are strengthened as they (the links) are used, and weaken as they are not.

>> No.7240296

>can't into anatomy

The brain isn't really that complex.

>> No.7240323


> he thinks gyri and sulci dont have individual roles

>> No.7240407

at the core of neuroscience is the mystery of consciousness. if we can solve that, we have solved the greatest problem facing mankind.

>> No.7240411

I can't its a very brilliant area of study and wish you luck

>> No.7240753

That's exactly why it's such a fedorable, pretentious field. It tries to accomplish so much with such a stilted, confused understanding. It tries to do philosophy but doesn't know where to start.

>> No.7240810

>the implication that pain didn't necessarily involve the brain regions associated with feeling pain
Never go full retard.

>> No.7240843

>The brain isn't really that complex.
On the gross anatomy level. But when you get down to neurons and their individual interactions its the most complicated thing on the fucking planet.

>> No.7240865

"I don't like it so that makes you dumb."

>> No.7240873

Hm. I know a phd physiologist who said that the hardest class she ever had was about the differential equations that model neuron behavior.

>> No.7241245

In my university neuroscience programs are graduate school, they generally start from CS/mathematics/physics/cognition sciences, some ones come from Biology/Medicine (generally go to the wet labs). More than half the labs are computational, there's nothing about psychology there.

>> No.7241578

i can't

>> No.7241896

Ya I've noticed that as well. There are a lot of neuroscience programs that have high percentages of women, and end up being more like cognitive science. The one at my school is like that, they don't do real neuroscience, they just do psychology and call it neuroscience.

>> No.7241928

Forgive me for my pleb tier understanding but what element of physics is involved in neuroscience.

Something to do with electricity..?

>> No.7241941

I learned to be a good kisser in a dream. To bad I still haven't kissed a real girl.

>> No.7241948

lol what a retard.

I read that shit on wikipedia and made functional models in C++ in an afternoon.

>> No.7241952

>If that's you're takeaway
Stopped right there. Learn to be literate before posting on a science and math imageboard you fucking moron.

>> No.7241961

Because who even gives two shits about humans? Bacteria 4 lyf

>> No.7242144

>what element of physics is involved in neuroscience.
Lots. Way more than you could likely learn if you're asking that question.

>> No.7242167

Nice non-example genius.

>> No.7242172

How about the fact that chemistry is physics and neuroscience is chemistry

>> No.7243250
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Don't you have ap calc to study for?

>> No.7243322

Neuro"science" isn't really science because it's not mathematical and rigorous enough. It's an interesting field of study, don't get me wrong. But it's not scientific.

>> No.7243531

>Neuro"science" isn't really science
Most retarded autistic thing I've ever seen posted on /sci.

>> No.7243537

>Nice non-example genius.
If you don't think voltage gate ion channels aren't chemistry or physics then you're just too stupid to even hold this conversation. Why can't u into bio?

>> No.7243538

It's completely fucking retarded. You're studying the structure and mechanical action of antennas as though they are self-contained autonomous mechanisms without ever entertaining the possibility that maybe they are picking up a signal.

>> No.7243546

Where in the scientific method does it say that all theoretical models must be mathematical?

And even so there's plenty of mathematical modelling in neuroscience.

Please educate yourself before opening your mouth.

>> No.7243561


>> No.7243582

Does CNS still post?