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7237529 No.7237529 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think most underachievers or slackers are bad in classes because they don't have a good sleep schedule? There has been mountains of research suggesting sleep has an important role in learning and memory, but do you think the schedule and constant routine of a good nights rest is more important than the amount of sleep.

Anyone have personal experience with changing their sleep schedule/routine to maximize their learning/studying?

>> No.7237534

Getting the right amount of sleep still won't motivate underachievers to achieve something

>> No.7237542

Oh yeah yeah, there's a huge amount of reasons to explain why people just "seem" stupid.

I mean they're actually geniuses. Everyone is! Everyone is in the top 0.1%!

>> No.7237580

neither of theses are related to sleep routine and maximizing learning.

>> No.7237593
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I'm at the top 1% of intelligence and always score within that range in standardized testing and iq tests and my lack of sleep destroyed my sensibilities. I used to stay up for as many as 5 days in-a-row until I passed out or had a breakdown. Sleeping will help you to become more balanced and stable, but won't help motivate you to do shit.
Pic related to manic days without sleep.

>> No.7237595
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I'm an underachiever, and it is entirely due to me being lazy and disinterested.

I loathe busywork and will avoid it at all costs. Rarely do I find things within coursework that actually interest me. I've actually not done work for classes so that I could work on "recreational math" instead.

It's 100% my fault.

>> No.7237596

i practice getting proper sleep every night. i can wake up with out an alarm everyday at 7am.

I take my sleep into srs consideration and i believe it improves my performance.

i luv naps too ^_^

>> No.7237613

I'm one and every time I start reading a book information literally doesn't enter my head. I'll usually find myself staring at a single page for more than half an hour and daydreaming about something irrelevant to the topic without even realizing that I'm doing it.

I think that I might have ADD

>> No.7237629

I only do this when I'm completely exhausted.

>> No.7237632

>I've actually not done work for classes so that I could work on "recreational math" instead.
Same shit here man.

>> No.7237637

Are you me?

>> No.7237640

I do that too. I've gotten all through undergrad without studying because i couldn't keep focused on what i was reading. I would just do the homework and listen in class. This works most of the time but now that i'm in grad school i can't do that. It just doesn't work.

I never got diagnosed with ADD probably because everyone saw that my grades were still well above the average in the class. I don't think my parents wanted me on meds either. So i've never seen a psychiatrist. Should i just make an appointment with my doctor to get a referral to see a psych?

>> No.7237650
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I don't ever study or take notes. I pay attention in class, and do some sample problems every now and then to reinforce material.

I'm pretty sure that the only reason I haven't been diagnosed with ADHD is that my performance has always been at or near the top with almost no effort on my part.

I have found that recreational use of stimulants really helps me though. Of course, the research shows that stimulants help everyone.

>> No.7237652

>Do you think most underachievers or slackers are bad in classes because they don't have a good sleep schedule?


>> No.7237672


there are a lot of intelligent underachievers, I think the downside of being an information sponge is that you get very accustomed to doing things the easy way.

when it comes to actually using that raw intelligence, they only use the bare minimum.

if anything, it's the real idiots who have no problem sitting for hours on end, willfully wasting their 20's sitting on their asses and losing their hair over dry, old science that we doesn't even have modern applications anymore.

>> No.7237677

What is this from? I vaguely remember something longer, not sure where

>> No.7237685


>dat elitist tone
>Dunning-Krueger bias

There jury's out on intelligence being a direct link to success you know.

Just look at mensa, not everyone is a rocket scientist, a lot of times they live simple lives.

People with high IQs are often quite depressed, dat existential weight makes it hard to stay on task.

>> No.7237686

It's not "almost no effort", the effort you do to understand everything intuitively and completely (enough to perform without memorization) is tremendous, and since you have grown used to doing it since you were young, you do it unconsciously throughout the day. Push the boundaries and you'll notice it.

I'm like this and got to realize it through the years. Started in elementary school as "pfft, I can do this shit without studying at all" cocky shit and became "i have to understand all of this perfectly so I can replicate it at will or im fucked". When you reach the limit your brain melts all week long and leaves you in a state of uselessness lmao.

master race

>> No.7237687
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if you're talking about the qt pic, then idk do a google image search.

smaller res but not choppy

>> No.7237689

I don't understand this. Are you trying to bait? What's this mensa shit? Are you replying to the right post?

>> No.7237697

>here here, a perfect example of a dis correlation of sleep and performance

>> No.7237713

Allow me to shed some light on you other lazy motherfuckas in this thread.

If you think you have ADD, and you just CAN'T focus or sit still, make an appointment with the doctor for a psych referral. CNS stimulants go a long way in balancing the neurotransmitters in your brain to allow you to work around this condition. Judging from personal experience, if you're brilliant but have no motivation to keep yourself working, or you physically can't, maybe meds will give you that extra push.

>> No.7237731

I want Adderall, but I'm pretty sure I'd never get the prescription unless I went to a shady as fuck doctor.

>> No.7237734

holly earl

>> No.7237739

Just talk to your doctor and express yourself sincerely. That's what I did and I got my drugs the day of my psychiatrist visit.

>> No.7237744

I'm in this boat and I would definitely attribute it to my lack of sleep. My lack of a sleeping schedule in turn throws off my whole day and can definitely cut into schoolwork, as well as my motivation. I have no problem focusing though.. I've had this problem since middle school and am really starting to feel and see the effects of it now that I'm through my sophomore year in college. I'm having to retake two classes this summer because of my lack of a proper sleeping schedule and am beginning to take active steps to fix this problem because if I don't I'll be fucked for life. I had the highest GPA and ACT score of my high school class btw.

>> No.7237844

What if I cant even begin to get myself to do work?
I just browse r9k and run a couple D3 rifts throughout the day

>> No.7237870

I'm an underachiever and a slacker. I have a regular routine sleep schedule where I get 6 to 8 hours of sleep. I'm 26 and taking calculus II. Yes, I have come to the realization that I'm just a fucking idiot.

>> No.7237905

i find that i don't begin my work until i decide to cut myself off from the activities that i procrastinate with. I decide that day i'm gonna go out and find a solitary spot in the library (i study in my office now). I bring my notes, scratch paper, and netbook. I tend to procrastinate with more powerful computers, but with a shitty netbook i can open up a pdf of the book and its pretty hard to do anything else other than 4 tabs in chrome for further resources. ALSO stimulants (adderall or vyvanse). The stims just make it easier to focus once you've started to focus. Stims won't make you want to study (although it does give you some confidence to start). You need to literally move to someplace that promotes focus.

when i'm at home i can't start to study/do HW because of vidya games and entertainment.

tl;dr: go to the library.

>> No.7237909

>Do you think most underachievers or slackers are bad in classes because they don't have a good sleep schedule?
no its because they're fucking retarded. being retarded leads to bad decisions like a shit sleep schedule, shit diet, and no exercise. which leads to retards being retards at everything else and that includes learning anything.

>> No.7237912

>mountains of research
[citation needed]

>> No.7237918

thats a very linear opinion.


>> No.7237940


very scientific of you doctor

>> No.7237945

What is a good sleep schedule OP?

>> No.7237957

Know a kid who's an undeniable genius but fails out of all his classes. His sleep schedule is ridiculously random. He'll wake up at 10 am, go to sleep at 5 pm, wake up at 2 am, take a load of adderall, stay up for two days straight and then spend the rest of the week napping.

>> No.7237988

If you have a seriously fucked up sleep schedule it does affect things: I used to go to sleep every other two days and the second day I couldn't do anything productive because I was so tired. Then I usually couldn't wake up until like 15 hours of sleep. Depression, mang.

>> No.7237993
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>be semi-autistic dude that is always on time
>join an international course
>haha, time for group work
>motivate group to work with a project i chose
>give out homework to group members
>report ready almost two weeks before hand-in
>group members face when
We got a couple slackers too, but with the right motivation you can make them see the light.

>> No.7238011

No. I basically don't have a sleep schedule and I kick ass.

They're bad because they're bad.

>> No.7238042

its true, it always comes down to people being retards in some form or another.


>> No.7238049

it doesn't matter how useful you are to the society, do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.7238091

The new problem with most students, from what I've seen, is that their daft enough to come to class and just look at their phone or websites, then once the test comes complain about their results.

>> No.7238093


I'd say personally a good night's sleep helps me think clearly and quicker than if I was groggy. It also helps me stay in a good mood, as opposed to being cranky.

>> No.7238118



>> No.7238122

My advice is to just take a few droppies of speed and you can revise for like 70 house solid without fatiguing. Also what goes in your brain on amphetamine stays in.

I hate sleeping so this works for me.

It's not good in the long run so only do this for exams otherwise you'll probably die young - unless you want to burn out bright and early and be remembered always as your youthful beautiful self.

>> No.7238408

>look at any problem involving anything other than numbers
>brain fogs over
>My eyes can see the equation but my brain can't
>can't make myself even begin to try solve the equation
>get angry with myself and try not to cry in class
>fail everything


>> No.7238411

I believe it's a good discipline schedule is what they lack...
A slacker could be da Vinci if you threatened him everyday with a gun to study and memorize a couple of theorems and proofs.... Fucking Geneva Convention and shit human rights....

>> No.7238417

>tfw used to be over achiever so I never learned study/sleep habits thus I amounted to nothing

My current life plan is suicide. Decapitation by train.

>> No.7238418
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sour grapes: the post

>> No.7238434


but anon that what the GPA is. It is a gun pointed at your future ready to blast a cap right in your future self's dick.

>> No.7238437
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>willfully wasting their 20's sitting on their asses and losing their hair over dry, old science that we doesn't even have modern applications anymore.

>> No.7238466


Don't die a slacker

>> No.7238481

Mensa has inflated tests and everyone knows it. It's the definition of an underachiever club.

>> No.7238494


>> No.7238820

Nah, I'm just lazy and unintelligent. I really only browse /sci/ because I'm slightly curious about the topics posted here, but I lack true understanding.

>> No.7238821

Sleep is very important if you want to learn and retain info, as well as be calm and collected for tests.

>> No.7238896

Or the crack head who OD'ed on speed studying for his linear algebra exam

>> No.7238935

I started college while working full time. Eventually I transitioned to a full time student and, even though I continued to be successful, I noticed that during the period when I was working full time and was on a much more regular sleep schedule I performed best. I also seem to remember being able to stay on task easier during that time period.

Then again, I was only taking all the easy classes back then. I wasn't straight A's anymore in my 3rd/4th years but I still got A's in the most difficult classes (pchem) and classes with much larger work-loads than anything I took in 1st/2nd year.

It seems completely obvious to me from my day to day experience that sleep is hugely important for performance, but it's unclear if/how it actually affected my grades in the past.

>> No.7238949

>tfw your maths abilities peak at around 24 hours no sleep and last for a few hours but you can't work for 2 days after due to exhaustion and 3 days after that due to lack of motivation

>> No.7238957


I'm worried about becoming dependent on a drug to accomplish anything.

>> No.7238968

pretty much this. You can give me twenty years to study for a test and I'll still only do it a couple of days before the date.

If only I was actually intelligent so I could justify this behavior.

>> No.7239035

I only use the stimulants maybe 2-5 times a week they last about 5-8 hours depending on which stimulate i got.
Once i don't need them i don't use them. They make me grind my teeth if i'm not careful. I research without stims because i genuinely love my research and can work on it all day with a smile.

Sometimes i stay up all night writing on scratch paper or making models in matlab without any caffeine or drugs. Its because i like what i do. However memorizing all the different kinds of bessel functions and relations doesn't interest me so i use stims to stay focused while i study them. I said "memorize" because you can't spent 30+ mins on a test deriving something when your test covers way more stuff and you have a time limit.

>> No.7239052

what specific stimulants do you use? And can I order them in EU?

>> No.7239083

haha it's probably hard as hell in the EU.

in the US we have to go to a doctor to get a referral to a psychiatrist that can write prescriptions for adderall/ vyvanse/ ritalin. You see the psychiatrist and genuinely tell them you can't focus on your work and you're failing at life because of it. If try to diagnose yourself and ask for the medication, they will think you are just another drug dealer trying to make money.

With decent health insurance they are either free or dirt cheap. adderall and vyvanse are both good but i prefer vyvanse since i don't feel jittery or twitchy.

>> No.7239117

Yeah it works for the first month or so, until you start taking it to feel normal and you derp so fucking hard when you're coming down. Don't even accidentally talk to your professor or any of your colleagues when you're coming down or all of them will think you have an IQ of 80.

>> No.7239125

I used to think that I was lazy, but then I realized that the things I was trying to get myself to do were bullshit.

>> No.7239136
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>> No.7239434

Welp, looks like it's silk road for me

>> No.7239659

I used to be an underachiever in high school. Now I'm in college with a 4.0 GPA and I just took differential equations/linear algebra my freshman year. Not sure what happened.

>> No.7239705
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I have to try twice as hard for a passing grade compared to my peers while they just retain everything without effort. That's the impression I get when I observe them. I hit the lecture off giving conscious attention to the subject and then out of nowhere my focus happens to slip away and I work much slower.
I hate it, I'm far behind my friends at this point and it pains me every night as I lay in my bed why I can't have this amazing cognitive capacity. I browse this board oftentimes and It reminds me more how dumb I am.

Forgive me for being a bit dramatic fellas.

>> No.7239727

I'm interested, and I don't think you're being excessively dramatic. What stage in education are you at? What are you studying?

>> No.7239728

I'm graduating in 5 days with a degree in Mathematics and a 4.0 in my major. I dropped out of high school because I couldn't get enough sleep.

Moral of the story: when you aren't forced to get up before 6 AM everyday, you can accomplish some pretty mediocre things.

>> No.7239780

I have that problem but it's less severe. I either forget what I just read and have to reread several times, or the info on some rare occasions just won't enter. And there's also the blank staring/daydreaming too.

I did get diagnosed with ADD last year though. Tried adderall and that didn't do anything. Now waiting for authorization to get Vyvanse.

>> No.7239781
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Image related.

>> No.7239810

ugh, general ed man.
I dropped out the first time because I couldn't manage going to morning classes after working from 10pm til 645. I was always tired during the day and the sleep pattern continued making negative impacts on me.I pass out coming home from lecture making the assignments pile up further. it was awful

>> No.7240204

Nice perfectly looping gif, op. That is one of the smoothest I've ever seen.

>> No.7240218


stop jerkin it so much

>> No.7240223

i can tell you right now, you're not gonna do any better till you actually commit.

Save up the money till you can take off time from work to go to school. Thats pretty much the honest truth. Don't ever take school loans. They'll pile up just like your homework. look for scholarships (millions of them).

i've never had to do this, but the people in my classes that did, really committed to it and it forced them to make good grades.

>> No.7240265
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you're not a fucking idiot bruh. We all learn and develop at different speeds.

>> No.7240279

Elon musk said he sleeps an average of 6 hours a day and works 100 hrs/week.

>> No.7240294

> gustav graves is a real person

>> No.7240301

I would really like to know if he;s serious about those claims. I've tried pulling those hours before and felt like I had cancer, my eyes were bloodshot everyday and I started getting random bloody noses.

>> No.7240303

right, but the ones who learn and develop at the slow speed are called fucking idiots

>> No.7240315
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>I'm at the top 1% of intelligence

>> No.7240369

The thing about group projects is that it's really important to have a strong leader. When I was in first and second year, I did a lot of shitty projects where nobody was willing to take a leadership role. Nobody did any work, we never met up, and the final results were usually shit-tier C level work.

After a while, I stopped being a stupid faggot, and decided it was time to carry the team. I gave every one a specific job (research this, write a program to do that, etc) and told them when I wanted the jobs done by (obviously far before the final due date of the project.) Everyone did their job, even the slackers, because they didn't want to be the one person who let down the group. Then it was just a matter of getting together on skype for a few meet ups and putting everything together.

Obviously I also had far better people in my groups than I did in first and second year, because once you get to third year, the fat has really been trimmed, and most of the slackers and stupids have dropped or switched their major to psych.

>> No.7240412

underachievers are result of lack of drive and lack of intelligence. incase of the former, its a result of failed parenting that did not impart the ability to work without receiving immediate gratification. in case of the latter. its a result lacking behind the proper development goalposts which are again, the result of bad parenting.

>> No.7240827

This is my life in every chem lab

>> No.7242047
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This is me also
>tfw I don't have enough drive to get shit done and would rather rely on pills to give me my boost than through effort

>> No.7242162

No correlation. My ability to study is tampered when I feel sleep deprived but the decision to study is not effected by it. If I don't want to study, I won't do it with the best sleep in the world.

>> No.7242184

I was 'gifted and talented' when I was young, shit my way through high school by barely paying attention in class, NEVER learning study habits because lol why bother if I can get A's while sleeping.

Now I'm suffering in Uni because I have spent my entire educational life being lazy and its ingrained and I don't want to put the effort into changing, and also I suck shit at coming up with study habits. More OChem flash cards that don't help me ahoy

>> No.7242188

Should have also mentioned I get 6-8hrs of sleep a night these past two semesters, and I'm doing worse than I did getting 4-6hrs a night. Not that less sleep means I do better, just that more sleep didn't make me do better

>> No.7242358

Are you me?
Do you wwant to be bros?

>> No.7242365

I used to do this. I got used to doing this. Then they started throwing more information than I could absorb quickly enough (along with readng shit in textbooks instead of just paying attention in class) and I was basically fucked.