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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7236394 No.7236394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again. Time for a tier thread.

Elder God Tier---

Computer Science
Mechatronics Engineering

God Tier---

Pure Math
Biomedical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering

High Tier---

Applied Math
Electrical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Mid Tier---

Software Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Shit Tier---

Civil Engineering
Materials Engineering
Industrial Engineering

Stop Breathing Tier---

Audio Engineering

>> No.7236429

Ridiculously incorrect.

Elder God Tier---

Nuclear Engineering
Chemical Engineering

God Tier---

Electrical Engineering
Pure Math
Applied Math

High Tier---

Materials Engineering (for undergrad only because watered down)
Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Mid Tier---

Computer Science
Civil Engineering

Shit Tier---

Software Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering (watered down EE and MechE)

Stop Breathing Tier---

Industrial Engineering
Biomedical Engineering

Not a university STEM degree Tier--

Audio Engineering

>> No.7236462

fuck u faggots genetics will be important some day

>> No.7236465

Beats All Of You Fucking Socially-Awkward Nerds And Makes Millions Doing It---
Social Engineering

>> No.7236470

>Architecture is STEM
What are you huffing m8? A lot of my friends at university are architecture students and they are the least STEM-y people I know. They're basically Fine Arts students. All of their classwork is making little craft projects and such. Nothing against architects, but it's not a STEM degree.

>> No.7236472

>Elder God Tier---
>Computer Science
>Mechatronics Engineering

He's fucking joking in every sense
3/10 most won't even bother

>> No.7236477

>EE higher than Mech E
>EE highly ranked at all
>Civil ranked higher than "shit"

You still have much to learn.

>> No.7236487
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mech eng here
we are the goat, along with aerospace

lata faggets

>> No.7236509

EE is miles higher on the hierarchy than vanilla MechE m8, vanilla MechE barely ratea above civil.

>> No.7236519

>mech comparable to civil
we're not talking about money or starting salary you fucking moron, we're talking about superiority. Any engineering major is superior to a fucking civil engineer because you have to be a fucking money hungry personalityless loser to go into that, it's not even STEM

>> No.7236542

>we're talking about superiority

MechE is shit, everyone can do any job a MechE can, but the reverse is not true. Both legally and in terms of competence, maybe civil is the only lacking momentum transfer/continuum mechanics and heat transfer.

MechE is like an intro to real engineering, they need to go to grad-school for aero etc. before they become more valuable than vanilla engineers.

>> No.7236549

> they need to go to grad-school for aero
you mean
> they need to go to grad-school to be seasonally employed for whenever the political climate favors the aerospace industry

>> No.7236557

>ece can do mech jobs
what do you think an ece is going to do at an aerospace design corp? or an auto design corp? design their fucking radio?

top fucking lel, enjoy your programming monkey jobs. You're talking about engineers like there are any that matter outside of mech/aero/ece

>> No.7236567

eces end up sitting in a computer chair at a desk all day, mech embraces the hands on component of engineering like a real engineer. Why do you think so few electrical engies go into space compared to mech and aero? because ece aint hands as hands on. They're little coding theory monkeys

>> No.7236596
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>mfw just got accepted into mechatronics engineering
>mfw best uni in canada for engineering

>> No.7236600

>he thinks uw > ubc and uoft in 2015
>being this deluded
keep riding on that past fame

>> No.7236638

>everyone can do any job a MechE can
Its a generalized field
ME is the most jack of all trades really
Its quite the opposite

Saying anyone can do what an EE/ME/CE can do is fucking stupid just because they are root branches

>> No.7236645

aero here, agree with this pretty much
he's right about EE m8

>> No.7236650

>agree with materials engineering and statistics on the level of mech and aero eng

>> No.7236659

Let me try!

Elder God Tier:
What I'm doing
Something that interests me

God Tier:
Related to what I'm doing

Meh tier:
Slightly related to what I'm doing

Shit tier:
Other fields and things I don't like

Die-you-fucking-pleb tier
Things I wish I had done in hindsight

>> No.7236670
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Out of my way, impractical fucking shits

Elder God Tier---

Nuclear Engineering
Math/Physics majors (Theoretical)

God Tier---

Electrical Engineering
Neuroscience/Marine biology (Very niche biology fields)
Aerospace Engineering

High Tier---

Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering (Can also be mid tier depending on area)
Engineering Physics
Computer Science

Who cares tier

Civil Engineering
Materials Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Everything else

>> No.7236676

The only field that you can name outside of engineering is Marine Biology? What are you, 8?

>> No.7236680

Engineering is the only thing that matters because I'm in engineering. I only referred to neuro/marine because those are just the majors of people i've come to respect because they're actually passionate about what they do and it's fucking cool. There are other niche programs, but those are just among the coolest programs that weed out those without passion.

Math/phys and nuc eng at top of my list because those aren't money or practicality driven majors, they're for people following their interests and dreams which is always high tier in my opinion.

>> No.7236688

>Math/phys and nuc eng at top of my list because those aren't money or practicality driven majors, they're for people following their interests and dreams which is always high tier in my opinion.
but on top of that, nukes can work in a variety of industries or do research in many fields, and they also make mad dosh

>> No.7236689

Patrician tier:
Engineering Physics

Stamp Collecting Tier:
Everything else

>> No.7236694

i'm not saying nuc doesn't do that, what i'm saying is anybody that just wants money or a job can just go into ece or compsci, they have no reason to go into something infinitely more specific

>> No.7236695

>Engineering Physics

>> No.7236697

ignore him, the engphys kids at my school have aspergers

a few of them go off and work with tesla which is neat but they aren't getting a lot of technical skills that make an engineer

>> No.7236699
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Elder God Tier---

Computer Science
Mechatronics Engineering

God Tier---

Pure Math
Photonic Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering

High Tier---

Applied Math
Electrical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Mid Tier---

Software Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Shit Tier---

Civil Engineering
Materials Engineering
Industrial Engineering

Not STEM Tier---

Audio Engineering

>*Tier of Physics is calculated by averaging the worth of its subfields (see: next post)

>> No.7236701
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>Elder God Tier
Optical Physics

>God Tier
Computational Physics
Atmospheric Physics

>High Tier (gap)

>Mid Tier
General Physics

>What the Fuck Are You Doing With Your Life Tier
Engineering Physics

I know I'm missing some, but I'll let someone else deal with it.

>> No.7236702

>look mom i posted it again!

>> No.7236703

>Mechatronics Engineering, cs, photonic engineering, BME, math, and aero all above nuclear engr
lel no

>> No.7236707

I just took OP's and added photonic engineering. What really matters here is the physics subcategory power rankings.

>> No.7236709

>popsci fag that doesn't know shit about science
>no high energy density phys
>no plasma phys
>no warm dense matter phys
>no condensed matter phys
>muh astrophys
fucking ultimate pleb tier you are

>> No.7236714
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>"photonic engineering"

>> No.7236717

Aero should be god-tier or higher, but I didn't want the inevitable butthurt from the vanilla mech tards yelling


>> No.7236724

nah, aero would be god tier or higher if it referred specifically to space engineering, but too many asian kids screaming BOEING BOEING saturate the field

astronautical engineering would be god/high tier

>> No.7236726

This is the most childishly naive thing posted on /sci/ in years.

>> No.7236729

>what is hep-ex
>what is hep-th
>what is cme
>what is cmt
>what is heliophysics
>what is nuclear physics
>what are the a and m in amo

I don't even know what "general physics" means. It's like you think that professional physics is based on the chapters in your Applied Physics for Engineers 101 textbook.

>> No.7236730

>astronautical engineering
Is this a major anywhere? Would be cool. Also yeah I'm aware of some of the more mundane subfields of Aero...like bloody air traffic and other planeshit barely related to aero design itself.

>> No.7236734

some places that teach specifically space engineering call it that, but aerospace is the general name. You usually diverge at gradschool or something into a specificity (into aeronautical or astronautical)

two best space engineering schools in the US, i'm going into mits ma program for astronautics next year

but if you take aerospace engineering at whatever state uni it's going to be really basic shit, you probably won't even touch on space

>> No.7236738

>i'm going into mits ma program for astronautics next year
Nice, grats anon. See you in space cowboy.

>> No.7236739

the thing is to even get into any kind of space engineering you need fundamentals they teach in undergrad. You won't get into any space stuff until grad school because you need to learn really indepth thermodynamics/fluid dynamics

>> No.7236743

Aero undergrad programmes are more packed than vanilla MechE because it contains a lot more material science and more detailed continuum mechanics and thermo.

>> No.7236749

yeah thats true, currently im a mech eng undergrad because theres no aerospace engineering here in western canada. I'm really pissed that when i apply to aerospace grad schools i'm going to be at a disadvantage

>> No.7236794
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ITT: undergrads with no job experience making up shit about other majors

>> No.7236933
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>too many asian kids screaming BOEING BOEING saturate the field
true, they're the worst
>Is this a major anywhere? Would be cool
as already said, it's mainly a grad school thing. It's something I hope to study after I finish my undergrad in aerospace
>but if you take aerospace engineering at whatever state uni it's going to be really basic shit, you probably won't even touch on space
idk what shitty unis you're thinking of but there's a pretty decent space focus where I am (university of illinois)

here's some of the tech electives that I like a lot

>AE 402 - Orbital Mechanics
>AE 403 - Spacecraft Attitude Control
>AE 434 - Rocket Propulsion
>AE 435 - Electric Propulsion

anyways grats on MIT man, I'm hoping for grad school at stanford because the program is good and I really like the area

gl man, I have a lot of mechE friends and the core curriculum is very similar to aerospace so you'll probably be fine

>> No.7236948

Seriously though. Wtf is happening in this thread?

>> No.7236955

I'm curious as to why psychology has a bad reputation here. Could anyone explain?

>> No.7236962

I think it's because people act like it's hard science when it's not and that bugs people here

>> No.7236964

yeah go over to /k/ and start talking about bb guns

>> No.7237041
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>mfw 3.58 GPA junior in Civil Engineering at GTech

You all can suck a fat dick, assuredly there are some brilliant people on this board and in this thread, but you come across as pedantic children

>> No.7237142

it has a lot of baggage to account for. Most of the blame should be placed upon philosophy and psychoanalysis which hijack psychology for ideological reasons.

>> No.7237246
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Physics subcategories:

God tier:

Particle physics
Nuclear physics
Mathematical physics

High tier:

Solid-state physics
Low-temperature physics

Med tier:

Fluid mechanics
Engineering physics

Cease-to-exist tier:

Medical physics

>> No.7237248

>in fucking engineering
what, were you dropped on your head as a child?

>> No.7237256
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>no Chemical Physics

>> No.7237261

you literally don't have a right to speak in this thread

>> No.7237268

Switch plasma physics and nuclear physics.

>> No.7237296


I'm a grad student there.

All you undergrads are complete babies, and with a 3.6 GPA in civE you might as well be failing.

>> No.7237309

>Chemistry completely ignored

>> No.7237326

>Not realizing that all forms of engineering make important contributions to the way we adapt our surroundings to fit our needs
>Arguing which one is "better"
>Not just letting people who want to do something feel good about the fact that they're doing good work in an important field
You really have a superiority complex, don't you?

>> No.7237327

They fucking murder their undegrads.

>> No.7237333

>xeno tier
anything driven by interest and discovery
typically physics, theoretical chemistry, pure math, teaching, CS, robotics/AI, mechanical engineering (depends on the person), environmental engineering

>> No.7237344

Post your accreditations friend, I am sure that they are impressive

What major m8?

>> No.7237370

I'm in purdue's aeroeng masters program. Graduated with a 3.8 from the school most known to not inflate GPAs. It's typical for classes to have 30-40% averages.

And you. You're in fucking civil engineering. You're literally a construction worker with a calculator. Why do you think you've earned any say in this thread?

>> No.7237379

>No Electrical Engineering anywhere in the list

It's like you intentionally make whoopsies

>> No.7237383

>Can't read
It's like you intentionally are a moron

>> No.7237384

Congratulations m8, you are genuinely probably smarter than me and most people in this thread.
Except for,
>You're literally a construction worker with a calculator

Which is a platitudinous statement: you know I could say the same thing for you and have it be just as satisfyingly unqualified?

>> No.7237385

>babby engies being this deluded
you're not even really an engineer

>> No.7237387

What a boy

>> No.7237390
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I can't hear you over muh rankings and muh ROI

>> No.7237391
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>> No.7237394

Holy shit she's ugly. She's like an alien

>> No.7237395

>thinking rankings matter in undergraduate
you're getting the same education as somebody at an unranked shitty state school, except you're paying 5x more

have fun akfag

>> No.7237396
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>botany higher than biology

>> No.7237397

Holy shit the average grade awarded is a C plus? Do they put gotcha questions on all the tests or something?

>> No.7237398

>average grade awarded is a C?

You do realize C means average, right? Nowadays schools have "exceptional" (B) as an average, which is ridiculous

>> No.7237403

Keep them coming friend, you might land a good point if you extrapolate enough

>> No.7237404

more like a B- but yeah

>> No.7237405

At first I was mad. Now I'm not sure. If you separate cosmology from the rest of physics-based astronomy, what is left? I mean, unless that bottom tier is just meant to be "not really physics."

>> No.7237406

what is audio engineering that shit sounds cool

>> No.7237407

So...they do put gotcha questions on all the tests?

>> No.7237411

I don't think C means average in conventional parlance anymore.

I'm not sure it ever did, as average is relative. I think C customarily meant a grade of 70-80 percent. I could be wrong though. I think grading systems that go off a curve rather than a set percentage make more sense, or a system whereby the top 20 percent in the class get a '1' about 60 percent get a '2' and the bottom 20 a '3'

>> No.7237413

sometimes in first year shit but not really after that. the exams just arent babby shit like do this derivation/proof/problem that we've gone over 20 times in class and had assigned for homework. and it only looks low because other schools inflate the shit out of their grades. a 3.5 from harvard, duke, yale, etc is like a 2.5-2.7 from Purdue

>> No.7237419

Top tier:

Shit tier:
-Everything else minus engineering

Engineering tier:

>> No.7237423

where is geology motherfuckers

>> No.7237427

physics + chemistry masterrace

>> No.7237428

>tfw isotope geochemist and laughed at by socially inept physics nerds

>> No.7237429

plen here, is Organic Chemistry I or II as difficult as I constantly hear it is? What is a College of Engineering equivalent, if there is one?

>> No.7237447
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> be English Literature major
> get $80,000 a year job as a lobbyist first year out of school
> have a lot of fun
> recently moved to major cyber security firm's government relations shop
> techs are polite, but don't seem very friendly

Just wanted to say that you STEM bros are appreciated. Anything I can do to help reach out to my new colleagues?

>> No.7237452

you off yourself for being a gluttonous maggot on politics

>> No.7237460

In the woods, getting drunk and banging biologists.
>tfw when laid back science that gets to do all the fun bits from the other fields

>> No.7237461
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Lol, right now I'm working on adding STEM scholarship riders to incoming appropriations bills. Lobbying is much less sinister than everyone would have you believe.

>> No.7237462

probably more accurate than I'd like to admit.

>> No.7237469

>tfw geology major with 10/10 bio major gf


>> No.7237476
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Know that feel well, my friend.

>> No.7237779

Can someone explain why Civil Engineering is low-mid tier?

>> No.7237972


>> No.7238097

> biophysics

>> No.7238113

civil engineering is engineering without the "difficult" parts. Just some mechanics the first few semesters and basic FEM...

>> No.7238119

==Elder God Tier==
Pure math

==Elite Tier==
Bio* Engineering
Computer Science/Engineering

==High Tier==
Mechanical Engineering
Materials Engineering

==Mid Tier==
Software Engineering
Applied Math

==Shit Tier==
Civil Engineering

==Why-don't-you-just-kill-yourself-right-now tier==
Fem* Studies
Liberal Arts

>> No.7238123

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA

>> No.7238348

I took psychology as a padding course because of its piss easy reputation and I was forced to call it a real science in the same category as physics and chemistry in one of my essay papers. It was physically painful to do that and I stared at my word document for 10 minutes before I could swallow my pride and do the dirty deed.

>> No.7238354
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>tfw Comp Sci major
>no one on /sci/ respects you
>your courses are filled with man children,autistic sociopaths, and a few sjws
>tfw I just want to make robots or do other cool shit with what i learn
>as an undergrad, i wont even get a cool job with my degree probably
Have I made a mistake? I dont think im smart enough to do a double major in something else to complement my comp sci one. Help

>> No.7238416
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>all these retards telling comp sci/software engys to drop out and learn on their own
Have fun getting a real job without a degree

>> No.7238428

Don't understand why both math's aren't in Elder God tier

>> No.7238438

Cant you always become a code monkey?

>> No.7238443

Is that all i can be? I wanna do some cool sciency shit but that looks like its exclusive to graduates or people that get their phds in other sciences.

>> No.7238488

>God tier
>Shit tier
Everything else
>Kill yourself tier

Behold and see the truth.

>> No.7238535

Condensed matter is probably one of the mist useful subfields we have.
Definitely got tier.

>> No.7238539

Mathematical physics doesn't belong in the physics subtier, it's math.

>> No.7238574

Why is materials engineering so low? Is OP just a faggot or does it have a poor reputation around here?

>> No.7238589

>Mechatronics Engineering

I respectfully disagree with you placing pure math above applied math.

Actuarial Science and other forms of Applied Mathematics should definitely be above pure Math because of their usefulness and wage benefits.

>> No.7238628

Where does Agricultural Biotechnology fall into this?

>> No.7238631

August Derleth was the faggiest fag of all the possible fags.

>> No.7238638

Elite tier:
Pure math

Top tier:
Applied Math
Computer Science
Engineering (all)

Mid Tier:

>> No.7238645

lel tier

>> No.7238698
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Mid Tier: Philosophy

>> No.7238816

You just created a hord of rage you fool.
You better run and not look back now.

>> No.7238819

Run and don't look back or they are gonna catch you.

>> No.7238827

Literally dirt tier.

>> No.7238885

Then go to grad school and stop being a bitch.

>> No.7238902


>> No.7238904

d-does neurology with a focus in behavioral psychology (BS degree in psych, post-grad neuropsychology program) c-count as stop-breathing tier?

>> No.7238920

What about rating individual sub-fields?

Elder god tier:
Mathematical biology, Bioinformatics

God tier:
Molecular biology, Cellular biology, Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics

Top tier:
Physiology, Population Biology, Pathology, Neuroscience, Microbiology, Evolutionary biology

Mid tier:
Botany, Zoology, Reproductive biology, Developmental biology

Shit tier:
Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Morphology

Kill yourself tier:
Taxonomy, Etology

>> No.7239178

Computer Science is in god tier because we gonna make all other forms of engineering obsolete in 20 years.

in b4
>code monkey
>muh video games

>> No.7239184

Ok this will sound REALLY dumb but is bio-chem mid tier? I know it's literally biology and chemistry but It's fucking harder than botany. What the fuck.

>> No.7239191

>Kill yourself tier:
Could not be more correct. Fuck plants.
Also pop virology on that list. Fucking love virology.

>> No.7239240


Elder god tier:
Metamathematics, Proof theory, Category theory, Model theory

God tier:
Universal algebra, Algebraic geometry, Algebraic topology, Functional analysis

Top tier:
Complex analysis, Linear algebra, Measure theory, Analytic number theory, Field theory

Mid tier:
Real analysis, Group theory, Probability theory, Differential equations, Combinatorics

Shit tier:
Statistical analysis, Euclidean geometry, Numerology, Sacred geometry, Arithmetic

>> No.7239249

>no set theory
>group theory, DEs and combinatorics that low
But the rest is pretty alright

>> No.7239256
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Davide is that you?

>All these people talking shit about Civil
I just want to build bridges guys.

>> No.7239257
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I'm picking between Comp Sci and Aersopace Engineering major at UofT right now

Which one should I go for? Thinking of trying for a PhD in either

>> No.7239260

Set theory is the study of the full subcategory of Cat generated by the discrete categories.

>> No.7239263

>no one on /sci/ respects you
>your courses are filled with man children,autistic sociopaths, and a few sjws

So you want to be respected by autistic sociopaths but your don't want to be in the same room.

You might be an autistic sociopaths.

I don't think you made a mistake, sure everyone can become a code monkeys. But YOU are the leader of that group of monkeys.

>> No.7239280

Arithmetic can't decently be lower than Field Theory or Analytic Number Theory, and should actually be on the same tier as algrebraic geometry (hint: arithmetic over polynomials is a thing, and an important one).

Likewise group theory should at least be as high as Linear Algebra and Field Theory, and actually closer to Algrebraic Topology. If you weren't a shitlord you would have put Measure Theory, Group Theory and General Topology (which is missing) on God Tier actually.

Complex analysis should be at least god tier no matter what method of tiering you use, and with the one you're using it should be exactly god tier.

Combinatorics should be Top tier. Probability should be at least Top tier. Also what is "Statistical analysis" ? If you mean the branch of Probability that deals with estimators and tests it should be at least mid-tier.

Numerology isn't math. I dunno for sacred geometry.

Also where shouldn't be there something about calculation theory ?

Agree on the rest however.

>> No.7239300

Adding some more:

Top tier: Virology, Parasitology

Mid tier: Community ecology, Biogeography

Kill yourself tier: Psychobiology, popsci stuff

You-must-be-fucking-crazy tier: Entomology

Seriously, how would anyone study that shit is beyond me.

>> No.7239301

if you have not even started university yet, why are you worrying about a PhD right now? You should figure out what interests you more, since a decent graduate of both fields will have plenty of opportunities to make money. Though I would say if you take Aerospace try to fit in a few Comp Sci course early on to get familiar with coding and algorithm/numerical methods. These skills are incredibly important and will provide a lot of utility.

>> No.7239305

Where would Environmental Engineering be located on there?

>> No.7239306

nuclear engineering is supreme God-mode tier, all others can fight for lesser spots

>> No.7239315

what about set theory?

>> No.7239324

Fundamental enough to be at least mid tier I guess.

>> No.7239333
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>But YOU are the leader of that group of monkeys.

>> No.7239344

What is the difference between software engineering and computer science?

>> No.7239348

>No mention of Biochemical Engineering

Overlord Alien Planet Creator Tier looks down on all of you.

>> No.7239353

Comp Sci has you learn a bunch of theoretical and math based computing shit, along with programming concepts.

Software Engy teaches you the practical application of programming and software/web design.

>> No.7239908


Waterloo is a dangerous place if your resume isn't good enough for co-op postings. My buddy has 0 experience on his resume when he applied for January co-op terms and when he didn't get hired for any, he came back home and sat on his ass for 4 months.

You're gonna have to step your shit up and compete against cut-throat chinese kids who were presidents of their robotics team in high school and student council etc.

>> No.7239937 [DELETED] 


A chemical engineer approves.

>> No.7240503

You must be a top 5% Salesman in your industry. What industry are you in? Or do you own a company?

>> No.7240510
File: 62 KB, 300x260, 1386889914394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Chem eng

>> No.7240514

I've got a better one

You have a job and are wanted

You aren't wanted

You know that if your degree doesn't immediately get you a fucking job you've wasted tons of money.

>But I got a math degree
>And I still work at a coffee shop

Your degree should funnel you into a position where you are specifically trained for a specific position.

I have a friend who is an electrical engineer. He worked at a power plant and was booted for not having the skillset they were looking for after 2 years working. He started working at a motorcycle company (one of the big ones) doing electronics for them and got fired because he wasn't intrinsically familiar with motorcycles after a year.

Thank god I got into radiation instead of that shit. There's like 10 jobs total for that.

>> No.7240521



>> No.7240526

>I have a friend who is an electrical engineer. He worked at a power plant and was booted for not having the skillset they were looking for after 2 years working. He started working at a motorcycle company (one of the big ones) doing electronics for them and got fired because he wasn't intrinsically familiar with motorcycles after a year.

That is harsh, went through same thing with my CS degree. Where I live it is generally an employer's market, you better be quick at adapting or already have the knowledge/experience.

>> No.7240531

>That is harsh,
No it's not, he's supposed to be a professional. It's his job to study up on new material. He should've been fired sooner.

>> No.7240533

Yeah, it feels like he's getting fucked.

I feel sorry for him.

The job is in Wisconsin, and if you don't know much about wisonsin, it's of like Ireland.

They hired him for that shit and every time they ask him to do X he has to interview A, B and C about it. And all they said was wrong.

I would go further into it but engineers are so boring I stopped paying attention to him. I honestly don't even like the guy but I hung out because I'm not sure if I'm the only friend he has.

>> No.7240535

Huh I am doing EECS at UC Berkeley. Average gpa in it is 2.7-2.8. I wonder what the inflation is from, probably humanities.

>> No.7240538

i know a biochem engineer
he analyzes bacteria in labs all day

>> No.7240544

yeah i was wondering this as well. Do architects have to understand physics and engineering or do they just draw cool buildings, show them to engineers and let them work out the logistics and math?

>> No.7240640

Why don't mods ban these threads?

>> No.7240703

>tfw uni only has a minor in nuclear engineering
Feels bad man

>> No.7240719

Or to be more precise:

Elder god tier:
You have a job you personally love and you are wanted.

Shit tier:
You have no job, or aren't wanted

Kill yourself tier:
You have job that you hate.

>> No.7241096

>no biochemistry

>> No.7241103

Mechatronics is basically "educated technician". In theory it's good because it's an advanced form of tradesmanship, but it only exists because trade schools aren't costly enough pieces of paper.

>> No.7241106

Well Architecture would probably be an art or design degree, Architectural Engineering is the design aspect, Civil Planning is a psych field, Civil Engineering is I think more the city-wide aspect vs the buildings themselves.

>> No.7241172

As a nuclear engineer, I don't know why it's so high on so many posts. 80% of the field is shit from other fields done very incompetently (statistics, physics, CFD, materials science, chemistry, etc.). The things that are unique to us are sad:
> criticality safety
Job includes running SCALE from ORNL over and over forever and filling out paperwork.
> nuclear data
"Fuck, we can't get experimental data for Fe56 to fit into R-matrix theory" "Stick a square wave in it, no one will notice!"
> design
Pretty much nothing unique or interesting will ever be built for a long time.
> simulation
All the mathematicians abandoned us because the linear Boltzmann equation was so fucking boring.
> weapons
Having never worked "behind the fence", I really can't comment on whether or not this field is actually interesting or just tedium and soul crushing isolation.

Sure, the average NE needs to know a lot, but their knowledge in any specific field is just enough to seriously cock it up whenever they try.

>> No.7241189

>microbio major

>> No.7241203


>> No.7241238

So we don't need people creating buildings? You ignorant bitch

>> No.7241355

This thread scares me, I'm struggling in precalculus of all things. How do I into math?

>> No.7241367


Keep working the problems. You'll learn to apply the Math in your engineering courses.

>> No.7241377

I understand. It kinda sucks, because I am legitimately fascinated by what I'm learning, and I want to know nore. I just take to it like a stone to water.