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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7226713 No.7226713 [Reply] [Original]

Just passed Calc 3. Whoopdeedo.

Hows Intro Differential Equations /sci/? What cool shit am I in for?

Pic unrelated

>> No.7226725 [DELETED] 

They're are only ordinary.

>> No.7226746



>> No.7226748

>Intro Differential Equations

The most boring math class I ever took in undergrad.

>> No.7226757

return of taylor expansion, integration by parts, and partial fractions. intro to ODE's is Calc 2: Return Of The Integrating Factor.

>> No.7226759

I'm in diff eq now.
Expect a lot of linear algebra.

In my class we probably spent more time covering linear algebra than actually differential equations and it's not even supposed to be one of those mixed classes.

>> No.7226760


learn quaternions when you get the chance. They're cool as fuck.

>> No.7226761


My penis was the integrating factor used in solving your moms orgasm equation.

>> No.7226786


Completely different, better

>> No.7226788

Take linear algebra before differential equations

>> No.7226795

To put it in technical terms, ODE's was poopie-doo-doo

>> No.7226800

Yeah they are. What a useful group.

>> No.7226805

Calc 3 was the hardest math class I ever took. Diff Eq was a joke compared to it.

>> No.7226979

Bag of tricks the math class.

Springs, springs and oscillations everywhere.

>> No.7226982

intro to differentials is literal bullshit, it is such a joke

differentials doesn't get interesting/hard until pde and bifurcations

>> No.7226991
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I plan to be taking Linear Algebra at the same time. Unfortunately since I'm poor I will be taking both Diff. Eq. and Linear Algebra online this summer.

Why do people recommend linear algebra first? I was told it would be helpful in my studies but the content seems like its mostly flipping/rotating vectors in different dimensions and I dont see the connection to Differential Equations

>> No.7226993

Calc 3 was mostly linear algebra and vector mechanics. How is that hard?

>> No.7226995

basically to have an idea about eigenvalues/eigenvectors

>> No.7226997

unless you're a retard you can do diffeq first, it won't matter.

>> No.7227005
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>return of taylor expansion

>> No.7227006

learn to love the taylor expansion, so incredibly useful in math

>> No.7227016

they're not always so great. for example when you use them for maxwell's equations not everything translates. you get undefined answers when maxwell's equations used with out quaternions return an actual value.

>> No.7227216

Fuck off you filthy freshman undergrad.

>> No.7228936

Poor magnet :(

>> No.7228942

Intro Diff Eq is useless. You should skip straight into a PDE Analysis class.

>> No.7228944

Hey I just want to ask, I'm doing the Khan Academy math stuff now.

Are they missing anything in their math section? Aside from the next hardest thing, mostly in between?

>> No.7228995

basically the only connection to Lin Alg for my class anyways. Mostly just learned different methods for the kinds of ODEs at my school. Personally I found the course tricky.

>> No.7229002

for my class anyways, Linear Algebra (and Calc 3 which were both prereqs) didnt really take any stuff and apply them to Diff, with the exception of eigenstuff. mostly its the conceptual things (3-space from Calc 3 and Lin, etc)

>> No.7229062

Just finished my diffy Q final (pro tip: don't put it off 'til your senior year). I'll give you a list of the topics we covered:
1st order: Homogeneous, linear, separable, Ricatti, various other special types of nonlinear equations.
Higher order: constant coefficient and variation of parameters, power series solutions, finding differential operators whose kernel is a given function
special 2nd order ODEs.
Laplace transforms: computation and properties thereof, computing the inverse Laplace transform using the Residue theorem. Some extra topics on holomorphic functions including some conversation about the Cauchy theorem.
Linear systems of ODEs: Basically just exponentiating matrices until your eyes bleed. Dat Jordan form, tho. It's nice to have seen a proof of the Jordan theorem since we didn't have time for it in my linear class.
Nonlinear systems of ODEs: the Hamiltonian, classifying equilibria, some basics of the Grobman-Hartman theorem, intro Lyapunov theory
Total and partial differential equations: How to solve the world's easiest PDEs, linear PDEs and some approaches for nonlinear equations.

To be honest, the latter half of the class was wicked cool theory-wise, but it was taught at such a low level and there was so much obnoxious busy work that I had a tough time appreciating it.

Nice b8

>> No.7229071

ODE is not boring. It's actually pretty interesting. I have my final Monday. I'm talking Calc 3 alongside, and a lot of the stuff is concurrent. Like determining a potential function for a conservative vector field is literally just an exact equation.

>> No.7229093

I'm curious, what grade did all of you get in your college math classes?

>> No.7229121

>college math classes

>> No.7229137

Whatever classes you took.

>> No.7229143

well I passed them, and that's all I'll say

>> No.7229149

This is an anonymous Mongolian imageboard, what do you have to lose?

>> No.7229155

i only said it because i'm too lazy to list them all.

I will say I always laugh when I think about when I was in 7th or 8th grade and they made me re-take algebra because I got a D. Now I'm 2 semesters away from a Bachelors in Mathematics and I was just inducted into the Mathematics Honor Society, Pi Mu Epsilon.

>> No.7229159

I'm just a freshman, but so far I've gotten:
Calc I - A
Calc II - A

I just found out about my calc II grade today and I'm pretty happy about it, I got a 96 in the class overall.

>> No.7229544

I'm taking calc 4 (in vector integrals, multiple integration, integral theorems) and also taking my first course in ODE.

ODEs is a class where you do nothing but look at implications of linear algebra and calculus. you learn a bunch of techniques to done there's equations. my favorite part so far is potential functions.>>7226746

>> No.7229559

I don't get it.
Do you americans learn integrals first, and differentials & linear algebra afterwards? or is it more advanced differentials & linear algebra

>> No.7231219

A+ in calc 1,2 and 3, linear algebra, and ODE. my schools math program is notorious for low grades so I'm proud if it.

>> No.7231522

I want to imagine that that gif is at normal speed, but then, that apple flies off into space..

>> No.7231545
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How's this textbook, guys? It's the one my professor will be using but the Amazon reviews are pretty bad.

>> No.7231575

>Into into diff. eq.

>> No.7231581

The best ODE book is Gerald Teschl's ODE. It's available online for free

>> No.7231621

Don't judge my lower starting point:
Intermediate Algebra: A
College Algebra: A
Business Statistics (shitty intro course, no calculus): A-
Trigonometry: A
Calc 1: A
Calc 2: Hopefully I get at least a B, the final wrecked me hard.

>> No.7231627

Ok I gotta ask.
How are math subject divided on your universities?
In my country on my first year of physics I had:
Mathematical Analysis 1&2 - sets, field of complex numbers, functions, rows, continuous functions, limits, derivations, integrals, arrays, rows and arrays of functions, Fourier, functions with 2 & 3 variables, double and triple integrals
Linear Algebra 1&2 - sets, functions, relations, groups, homomorphism of groups, fields, vectors, scalar&vector product, plane and line equations, vector spaces, subspaces, linear operators, matrices, determinants, rang, invers, changing bases, similar matrices, linear equations, Cramer, Gauss,characteristic values, invariant subspaces, Hayley - Cayley theorem, minimal polynomial, Jordan form, inner-product spaces, Schwarz-Cauchy-Bunjakovski, norm, metrics, orthonomal basis, Gram - Schmidt, ortogonal complement, adjunted operator, hermit operator, normal operator, similar operator (maybe missed something)

That's mathematics on my first year as a physics major, just wanna now how similar the systems are.

>> No.7231650

how the fuck do you niggers all get A's on Calc tests, noone in my class got an A (which is 9 or 10 here), and Calc 2 is designed just so half of us don't pass it.

>> No.7231697

It's actually the most boring class you will take.
Seriously, until you get to second order linear nonhomogeneous equations, every second of the work is just
so fucking boring

>> No.7231704

American "education".

>> No.7231746
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This is some bait I dont mind taking

>> No.7231754
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>> No.7231769

Where's the bait, as I understand your calculus should be the same thing we call Analysis here, and the highest grade one kid got was 9/10 which is like A-.
And I study mathematics btw, not engineering.

>> No.7231780
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>> No.7231796


It's because the american system is more lenient. When the people from san diego, a world class uni (CS ranks 15th) they straight up told us a Norwegian (NTNU) C is like an american B. These were people from the uni, not necessarily the comp sci department though, so maybe it doesn't apply, and maybe it only applies for undergrad stuff, I dunno.

So it's not necessarily bait, it's just a joke on "everyone knows the american system is lenient", but I havent personally experienced it and I dont really care, I just wanna shitpost

>> No.7231799

>Linear algebra 2

>> No.7231810


>> No.7231959

There is nothing cool about math. Its the most mind numbing boring shit on the planet. Chemistry and applied physics is where its at.

>> No.7232593

Haha jesus christ I love how the amount of force involved in this gif is enough to make the magnets fucking explode in a shower of sparks and yet the apple just fucking glides upwards with absolutely no signs of damage whatsoever.

>> No.7232679

>the corner of the magnet fucking flies off and is pulled back

fucking awesome

>> No.7232707


>> No.7232711

What do you mean with mmmmm?

>> No.7233529

congrats, man
it's encouraging to hear hard work paying off

>> No.7233554

Underrated post

>> No.7233581

>uses Newton notation instead of the infinitely superior Leibniz notation


>> No.7233592

Calc 2 was the hardest based on rote memorization aspects. Calc 3 was a fucking breeze, DiffEq was easy once you got to understanding the proofs after the "Just do these things, don't ask why, and the problem is solved"

>> No.7234266

I'm not sure we took the same calc 2 because I don't recall needing to memorize anything through repetition. I remember calc 2 being like DiffEq was for you

>> No.7234297

A. You can't do any math without a good understanding of linear algebra, it's literally everywhere.
B. Linear algebra allows you to fully understand the dynamics of linear differential equations which in turn helps understand nonlinear differential equations (hell, the whole idea of differentiation is to approximate nonlinear phenomena by easier-to-understand linear phenomena)

>> No.7234330

Because we're actually intelligent. I got a 99% in calc 1 and a 95% in calc 2.

>> No.7234381

Im from NTNU and currently at an UC school, I'm only taking grad courses in the ECE and ME departments. I got A or A- in 5 of the 6 classes I've taken here, B+ in the last one.

Back home I'm a B-student, so there is definitely a different grading scheme over here. The quality of the courses and lecturers are better here than at home though, it's just inflation in the grades for some reasons.

PS: some of my friends are C-students or below back home, here we get the same grades

>> No.7234804

he means he like cock

>> No.7234815


taking calculus 2 and 3 at the same time?

yes or no

I'm signed up for both in the upcoming fall term...

>> No.7234819
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I just mastered every single KhanA course from Arithmetic to Linear Algebra in ~1 week.

How fucking intelligent in this nigga right here?!

>> No.7234827

Is this really possible

Like, why even finish HS. My country is a mess

>> No.7234838


>> No.7234840

how what?

>> No.7234841

How much MATH did they teach you to think slamming these 2 very expensive very powerful magnets together would be a good idea in ANY universe?

>> No.7234867

Calc 1: A
Calc 2: A
Discrete 1: A
Discrete 2: A
Calc 3: D+
I just did not care at all about the class. I had realized I wanted to change my major, and Calc 3 wasn't required for my new major.

>> No.7234877

That apple is like 'fuck you guys, I'm out'.

>> No.7234880

how are you allowed to take both at the same time?

>> No.7234895


bitter virgin unemployed grad student detected

>> No.7234900

No, you need the methods of integration, polar, and parametric stuff from calc 2 to do calc 3 problems.

>> No.7235000

oh this problem is easy! just multiply both sides by MY DICK

>> No.7235069

That'd be slightly homosexual

>> No.7235075
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For you

>> No.7235560

I'm not, but I think there's a flaw in the add in system at my CC.

I added calculus 2 for the summer and calculus 3 for the fall. I changed my mind dropped out of 2 and added it during the fall. The system didn't drop me, it let me add both at the same time. I did it last fall too. I added trig for summer and precal for fall but switched my mind and just took them both during the fall.
I heard calculus 3 is easier than 2... hmmm....

>> No.7235630

Ay lmao. Me too

>> No.7235637

Our prof was relatively new, so she wasn't that good at Calc 2. Though then end when we were doing applied shit it got pretty fun.

>> No.7235648

>Haha yeah f-ck these nerds
filthy casual

>> No.7235738

this so much

it's so fucking tedious in execution, i never hated a class i had an A in so much

>> No.7235757

but would you have gotten there if they had let you pass with your D ?