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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7227512 No.7227512 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people on this board have a problem with this guy?

>> No.7227525 [DELETED] 


He's a non-white mudperson.

>> No.7227549


I'll take him over le black science man any day.

>> No.7227552

because he talks about crackpot pseudoscience like alternate universes

>> No.7227557


Because unlike any of the faggots on this board, he has actual qualifications

>> No.7227570

because everything relying on QFT is a joke ?

>> No.7227577


He backs his claims up with actual science.

He's not just saying "hey guise what if this happened", he's a fucking world renowned physicist with a real PhD working with others in his field for many many more years than anyone here has.

/sci/ is literally reddit sometimes. Fucking armchair faggots

>> No.7227618

Kuka please go.

There isn't a single physics department left on the planet that respects you.

>> No.7227627

>more than 70 physics articles published

he has more respect than you ever will, bitch.

>> No.7227631

Kuku, please I said THIS planet, you can always go to your alternative universe planet if you want, there must be one out there were you aren't a crackpot yet.

>> No.7227638

The things he's published aren't the same things he professes.
Also string theory is dead anyway.

>> No.7227654

He does a lot of TV appearances as generic science expert. Where he talks on subjects he obviously doesn't know a great deal about.

>> No.7227663
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best insult I've seen on /sci/

>> No.7227666
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>>more than 70 physics articles published
>pic related

>> No.7227667

I don't like the way he talks. His voice is disgustingly clean and well enunciated. It makes me want to puke.

>> No.7227681

LEL look at his blackboard
>schrodinger's equation in three dimensions
>writes out the entire form of the laplace operator

>> No.7227683

Guy is full of shit. He talks about shit he simply does not understand and promotes things without any scientific basis as truths and proven things (say multiple universes).

He then takes a bunch of sci-fi and blends that in with actual science and claims how this is the future or how most scientists believe this.

Michio Kaku is a book seller. He needs to espouse this pop sci bullshit in order to sell books to the rabble. He is in it for the money.

>> No.7227699

Lets be honest for a second. It's mostly a muh secret club thing. Hipster /sci/entists who want to feel superior to plebs for only knowing popular scientists. They can say "I think Lorentz work on relativity was more important than Einsteins', but he is pretty obscure, you've probably never heard of him."

Whatever, black science man macros make me laugh.

>> No.7227701

> I think Lorentz work on relativity was more important than Einsteins
I think you're referring to /pol/

>> No.7227711

LEL look at this faggot
>writes a cucked response to make him seem like he knows second year physics
>proves he is a cuck instead

>> No.7227753

You think String Theory is dead? Care to expand on that?

>> No.7227758

Why is there a black and Asian spokesperson scientist but not Latino?

>> No.7227780

Except our best models are all based on QFT.
Our Worst model still adopted is GTR which is the only one not based on QFT.

Do you mean SUSY?

>> No.7227783

If space is infinite, how come our universe isn't overcrowded by multiverse aliens? Christians 1 Atheists 0

>> No.7227786

Except Lorentz and Poincaré actually did a shitload of work in relativity and everyone agrees they deserve lots of credit

>> No.7227853

/sci/ is educated enough to see that all these pop scientists, these media physicists, are relatively shit compared to contemporaries doing actual work, and yet the general public sees them as the pinnacle of science and intellect.

>> No.7227872

Retards don't know what Lorentz & Poincare did? You claim this is political? How fucking retarded are you? Get off /sci/ right away!

>> No.7227878

The public can't understand the people doing actual work. The public NEEDS these guys to break it down into simpler, more easily digestible tidbits. Be glad they're willing to consume even this.

>> No.7227880

>Why do so many people on this board have a problem with this guy?
- Because he makes boring things more boring by citing the obvious.
- Because he's too chirpy.

>> No.7227883

He's a science fiction writer passing himself off as a physicists

>> No.7227885

> discounting Einstein's work

>> No.7227922 [DELETED] 

>Jüdische Physik

>> No.7228037

Who's the white science spokesperson? Bill Nye?

>> No.7228045

>Who's the white science spokesperson? Bill Nye?
Pretty much. The guy's a class act and he doesn't make up bullshit like Kaku and doesn't troll people like Tyrone.

Once he retires, pop-sci will be populated by pure scammers and charlatans.

>> No.7228073

Because they are jealous they don't have a phd in Theoretical Physics and helped discover string theory.

>> No.7228135


No idea, he's a dam good yodeler though.


>> No.7228182
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>> No.7228195

What's his impact factor on those 70 papers?
(Impact factor is a shit measure, but I want to know anyway)

>> No.7228581

>Also string theory is dead anyway.

>> No.7228596
File: 284 KB, 711x1080, Geordi_La_Forge_2368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back!

>> No.7229040

Because they are jealous of his job. Which is basically talk sci-fi all day and get paid big bags of money for it.

>> No.7229059


>> No.7229176

Black science guy isnt a scammer hes just an ebin troll

>> No.7229187

[autism intensifies]

>> No.7229426

ho god, yes, SUSY is such a scam.

>> No.7229427

>Except Lorentz and Poincaré actually did a shitload of work in relativity and everyone agrees they deserve lots of credit
this is why E. did not earn the Nobel prize for the relativity, but for the brownian motion

>> No.7229434
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What the fuck are you talking about m8

>> No.7229498

educate yourself.

>> No.7229534

String theory hasn't matched up with the results from the LHC in terms of the super symmetry needed for the theory to work.

>> No.7229779

SUSY has many variations, only the simplest ones have been eliminated.

>> No.7229799
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>> No.7230222

I like the guy, and recently got to see him in person at a convention, but he's so fucking full of himself.
One example is dismissing VR in the future as just a meaningless plaything, when there are ridiculous degrees of shit you can do with VR that AR just won't let you.

>> No.7230345

/sci/ browsers hate hard science and pop /sci/
Its full of biology+chem majors