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7207031 No.7207031 [Reply] [Original]

So humans are a relatively young species. We exist for maybe 10,000 years and Dinosaurs roamed the earth 63 million years ago.
Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?
Why didn't a species coevolve with us to become as intelligent as we are?
Dogs kinda coevolved with us, but they never managed to gain human speech or even remotely comparable intelligence, although it would definitely be evolutionarily beneficial to be as smart as we are or to be able to adapt intelligence of humans.

This also delves into the Fermi Paradox. Are we the only intelligent species in the universe? Is it a completely unique trait to us like the upright gait and opposable thumbs? If there have been intelligent aliens for millions of years that roam the galaxy whose intelligence even surpasses ours, why isn't the galaxy filled with intelligent radiosignals we can detect? If intelligent life exists in the milky way besides ours shouldn't finding it be as easy as finding a fish in the ocean?

Where is everyone?

>> No.7207074

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?

There are genes that give rise to human intelligence such as language. There's genes for grammar and even grammar structure. There's genes for for voice which is called Foxp29 or something like that. Those genes probably never arised in other spices.

>> No.7207087

>Those genes never arised in other spices

oh that's why pepper stays shut

>> No.7207103

I take that back. There are primates who know certain words but cannot learn some words not matter the amount of training they were given. They had a gene for some parts of the human language.

>> No.7207123

My hypothesis is that our intelligence was our primary evolutionary advantage due to the way hunter-gatherer societies are organized. More intelligent protohumans had less chance of being either killed by another animal by making specific defensive and offensive tools and constructs and had lesser chance of starving to death since their quests for food were usually more successful, and then the forces of natural selection applied.
I don't know, I am not a professional.

>> No.7207201

Intelligence in humans was an accident. It's also subjective. Lions don't need no sportscars.

>> No.7207206

I imagine there were selection pressures that were exhibited on our ancestors that favored the evolution of "intelligent" genes. Knowledge runs away from itself fairly quickly, so once we evolved writing/farming stuff sped up. And remember as a species, we're not some sort of godlike intelligence machine. If you took a human child and raised it in the wild, it wouldn't automatically know how too solve problems, parents and education are needed for that. I'm not dinosaur expert but I don't think they possessed very mobile hands/front limbs, which is greatly required for an intelligent species. I'm so expert tho so idk

>> No.7207208

Intelligence is a very complex survival strategy. Presumably, the more complicated a survival strategy is, the longer it will be before a species evolves to take advantage of it, and even longer before a species comes along that uses it to dominate to the extent that humans have. It makes sense that, even though life has been around for billions of years, it's only now that really complex survival strategies are coming into play.

You can use the same line of reasoning to explain why life was just microbes floating around in the ocean for ages before it became more complex.

>> No.7207212

Underrated post.

>> No.7207219

>Why are we the only intelligent species on earth?
Because we killed/outcompeted the others in our genus.

>Why are we the only intelligent genus on earth?
Something had to be first, and intelligence is so advantageous and self-feeding that we rose to dominate the Earth on a much faster timescale than something else could develop intelligence.

>Superman laughing
Where is his salad?

>> No.7207227

>Lions don't need no sportscars.
Says who? Lions with sportscars world be hella cool

>> No.7207231

Why doesn't Superman use time travel to defeat his enemy every time they show up.

>> No.7207252

>So humans are a relatively young species. We exist for maybe 10,000 years and Dinosaurs roamed the earth 63 million years ago.
lol no nigger thats not how it works. the whole reason we evolved to become humans is because all of those animals before us did the dirty work in the first place.

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?
We have the african grey parrot, crows, dolphins, there are plenty of intelligent species. The reason we are the first to reach our level of intelligence is because we are the smartest animals, therefore we will always be the first to reach our own level of intelligence.

>Why didn't a species coevolve with us to become as intelligent as we are?
They did but we killed them. See neanderthals.

>Dogs kinda coevolved with us, but they never managed to gain human speech or even remotely comparable intelligence, although it would definitely be evolutionarily beneficial to be as smart as we are or to be able to adapt intelligence of humans.
This is so retarded. They didn't coevolve, we trained wolves and slowly bred them to suit our needs fairly recently, you cant expect dogs to just magically become as smart as us in a short amount of time.

>This also delves into the Fermi Paradox. Are we the only intelligent species in the universe?
Maybe, there isn't nearly enough data to say one way or another right now.

Obvious troll btw.

>> No.7207269

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?
What are dolphins,orca whales,elephants?
>Why didn't a species coevolve with us to become as intelligent as we are?
What is the Homo Genus?

>> No.7207275

>Why are we the only intelligent species on earth?
are we though? what if flu viruses repeatedly conducting experiments on human immune system deductively to conquer the world once they come to a verdict in their research?

>> No.7207300

Breaking: slime mold ponders why it is the only life that can solve mazes, fermi paradox

>> No.7207484

>Why has there never in the entire history of
earth ever been an intelligent species until now?
Why didn't a species coevolve with us to become as intelligent as we are?
There was likely several species that were as smart as us, just not as capable of the same things, also our evolutionary cousins went extinct before intelligence to our level could arise

>> No.7208178

OP, I will agree that there is no obvious answer. There isn't even a definitive answer.

There is such a large intelligence gap between humans and every other animal and it is unnerving to me.

>> No.7208358

Could we breed for intelligent monkeys? Always breed for the smartest monkeys and after X generations we'd have monkeys that can talk?

>> No.7208373

Talking is the result of a gene called foxp2. They put the human version of foxp2 in mice and they had more complex vocalisations, would probably work for other great apes too

>> No.7208394

and monkey that we can fuck legally, thank god.

monkey pussy is best pussy

>> No.7208404

ey b0uzz, gibe me de p0ussi
b0ss plz

>> No.7208406


ey b0uzz, gibe me de p0ussi
b0ss plz

>> No.7208410

Of course we would define 'intelligence' from within our world-view. Anything that is not us must be dumb as fuck, right? I too enjoy being able to use my human cognition to solve problems and contemplate on issues.

But if we were to tally up the disarray that we - as a species - find ourselves in today, you will find that ants are more consistent and organized and far more capable of maintaining balance.

Sure, we might be more intelligent, but we're certainly not wise.

>> No.7208412

we killed the rest

>> No.7208434


The intelligence gap between our species and our most recent hominid ancestors, and also some co-existing human species like neanderthalians was small enough to probably be invisible to outside observers.

Neanderthalians had similar clothes and tools, and ability to control fire, for tens of thousands of years. Eventually small differences, like slightly larger groups, slightly more efficient tools, gave us advantage that compounded slowly but steadily, until the competing species died due to inbreeding and hunger.

>> No.7208449

I think "intelligence" in this context means the capacity to sustain and purposely develop memes to an extent where cultural evolution takes over as the dominant force for natural selection as opposed to genetic mutation.

It's possible that neanderthals went over that threshold and given more time would eventually have developed similar technological level where we're currently at. Or they might have regressed. We'll never know.

What confuses this picture is that there are significant populations of our own species which actually have seemed to stagnate or even regress behind cultural evolution threshold. Think aborigines and many indigenous cultures living in rainforests. Sometimes promising civilizations hit environmental limitations like in Easter Island and hit dead end.

Therefore it isn't enough to have cognitive capabilities to achieve "intelligence". You also need the right combination of memes that interact with our genes and respond to a favorable environment in self-reinforcing feedback loop.

Some cultures never develop this and it's possible if they fall behind the threshold where cultural evolution starts to dominate, they might eventually regress to less intelligent species if their environment punishes for having large energy-hungry brains. Think bipedal chimpanzees.

>> No.7208454

Unfortunately OP, the fact is that we cannot give any generalized answers to that question, since the evolution of any particular trait arises from complex dynamics and stochastic processes.

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?

We don't know. Perhaps because the development of CNS, which has spanned accross the entire time of existence of vertebrates wasn't sufficient enough to give rise to the intelligent species before us, or the enviroment simply didn't favore it somehow.

And you have to consider, that there are plenty random historical events at play.

>Why didn't a species coevolve with us to become as intelligent as we are?

If by coevolution you mean domestication of various animals, then the answer is - because it is abysmally short time for such changes from a wild dog to the dog with college degree.

Second, the intelligence is closely linked to the language and tool manipulating and none of the coevolved species has that.

However, you can make the case, that dogs for example have become more intelligent since the artifical selection by human masters favored ability to learn.

But as stated previously, you this is too short time period for some complex changes of brain structure and anatomy required for language (not to mention such evolutionary pressure prolly doesn't even exist in dogs), human brain has developed for some 3 millions of years and even before that, our monkey ancestors were probably pretty intelligent too (for mammalian standards). Dogs are domesticated how long? 10 000 years?

>> No.7208465


pick one.
The average human is as dumb as an ape.

>> No.7208471

It's important to remember that evolution is basically blind, mindless and random trial and error. Evolution doesn't have a long term goal, it's simply the result of successful traits persisting more than less successful traits. A lot of things would be "evolutionarily beneficial" to a lot of organisms, but a pig isn't gonna magically sprout wings just because flying is advantageous.

>> No.7208490

That's offensive, arabic, subsaharans, hindus, asians and various natives species are also intelligent.

>> No.7208506

>destroying their own environment which they rely on to live and reproducing unchecked as unintelligently as a virus

>> No.7208535

i will be dead before it gets destroyed
>why should i care?

>> No.7208536

your logic implies literally no life form is intelligent

>> No.7208539

I propose that oregano CAN speak but does not choose to do so due to fear of being vivisected in mass.

>> No.7208558


this is pretty much all it is. efficient communication/teaching and being able to use tools efficiently.

>> No.7208560


>> No.7209675


I need a bandaid. These cuts were deep man. Guys could you watch your edges please?

>> No.7209684


So in some point in the future dogs might be able to talk thanks to human breeding?

>> No.7209691


Still there are multiple species that acquired the ability to fly independently from each other. Which is a rather curious thing too if you think about it, because to be able to fly your entire body needs to follow the laws of aerodynamics. It's hard to be "inbetween" flying and "not-flying" and I actually find it pretty hard to imagine how flying has ever become a advantageous trait as if your bones and limbs become lighter to gain the ability to fly while you actually aren't able to fly it makes it easier to be eaten.
You'd think big brains and language would be more common among animals than wings because the ability to communicate is advantageous even in rudimentary forms and better communication would always be a bigger advantage.

>> No.7209838


Hands. Our thumbs and the weather changing forced evolution's hands, so to speak. Kek

>> No.7209842


Well, no. But genetic engineering to engineer a voicebox and brain improvements/upgrades? Maybe.

But it'll be the end of dogs, trust me. No one wants to fucking hear from dogs. That's why we have them.

>> No.7210044

being agile and nimble can be advantageous to escape predators and collect food from random places (like up in trees). over hundreds of millions of years, with all the variety of different species it's not that strange that some of them can/could fly.

non-humans do communicate and interact with each other, more or less.

>> No.7210046

and being agile is good for chasing down prey too, like an owl, fucking divebomb that shit.

>> No.7210180

Define intelligent. I'd put my dog up against some people from the Jersey Shores, and I bet my dog would win

>> No.7210462


Having a culture, science, civilization leaving traces of that civilization tgat you still couls find thousands if not millions of years later

>> No.7210476

>we killed them. See neanderthals.

If you want to know what happened to the Neanderthal, just look at the demographics of Japan and Europe.

You do know that all non-Negroid type peoples have some amount of Neanderthal DNA right? Western Europeans most of all.

>> No.7210480


There is no intelligent life on /sci/

>> No.7210503

>Western Europeans most of all
Actually, people from Tuscany have the most neanderthal DNA.

>> No.7210509


What about Tuscany is not western Europe?

>> No.7210573


>> No.7210983


Shut up, Jack

>> No.7210987


Just don't use the word memes in a serious manner anon. It's a word that quickly underwent a semantic change and means something completely different. Similar to the word "gay".

Use the german word "Gedankengut" which means the same thing is a word that exists far longer than meme

>> No.7211024

>Use the german word "Gedankengut" which means the same thing is a word that exists far longer than meme
Yeah no that is not an english word and is the kind of german word that sounds fucking retarded in english, that will make your post complete nonsense instead of simply allowing the majority of illiterate retards here to misinterpret it.

>> No.7211036

Depends on your definition of intelligence.
Intelligence allows domination.
No other intelligent species emerged fast enough.
Now we control and influence populations on a massive scale with our activity...we are driving many species above median intelligence toward extinction

>> No.7211038


Why not? People use the word Zeitgeist, too, don't they?

>> No.7211042


But we actually try to preserve most species and there are many animals coexisting with humans and benefitting from humans.
Shouldn't intelligent species be even more common thanks to us?

>> No.7211048


The kind of intelligence that would allow you to communicate with an alien species

>> No.7211062

Zeitgeist was assimilated into English like 120 years ago because there wasn't a proper word for it at the time.

There is already a word for memes, it's memes, it's been an English word for a very long time, there's no reason to add in another word just because some idiots on the internet think it refers to a picture with text on it.

It is indeed similar to "gay", which has a slightly different meaning from "happy" and so has a place in formal discussion, whether some 14 year old is going to read it and think "lol gay" doesn't really matter unless you are trying to have a discussion on the level of a 14 year old.

>> No.7211063
File: 48 KB, 640x427, man-puts-lion-on-ferrari-458-can-you-guess-where-photo-gallery_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citation needed

>> No.7211066


>Intelligence is subjective

Don't think so Tim

>> No.7211068

wrong lions do need sportcars

>> No.7211083

Look who we have here! Agent Smith himself!

>> No.7211153

Species evolve to fill a niche set for them by their DNA. Apart from this, evolution is almost entirely random based on a species figuring out what works and what doesn't over dozens of generations of trial and error. Humans evolved so as to fill a cognitive niche that was not present in any organisms before us as far as we know. That took dozens of species and subspecies of hominids to fully develop that cognition and fulfill the niche our DNA set out for us. The same can't be said for a dog, which has essentially fulfilled its niche as a domesticated pack animal to the best of its abilities. Think about why would a dogs DNA feel the need to evolve human speech and drastically change how it produces sound? It's certainly possible, just not a practical enough niche that can ever be filled given how tiny a fraction of Dogs could ever develop the potential in the first place.

>> No.7211171


None of that stops species to codevelops or develop traits independently from each other even though they don't have a commong ancestor, like wings for example.

Maybe the question is more understandable this way: Why is intelligence so rare that it only exists in one species in the billions of years earth existed?
And going further from that: How likely is it that we'll ever encounter intelligent aliens? As in really ever. End of the universe another billions of years from now will mankind ever have found an alien that has comparable intelligence to humans?

>> No.7211211

>None of that stops species to codevelops or develop traits independently from each other even though they don't have a common ancestor, like wings for example
True, but then you could also say that the species was driven toward wing development by it's environment favoring certain genes that are not only advantageous but necessary in order to fulfill their ecological niche. Wing development could be a historically reoccurring niche that overtime a species could evolve and have the potential too fill it. Once a species has enough individuals with the potential to cultivate that specific trait, it can develop into a subspecies and over time fill more niches related to that trait if the environment permits it.
>Why is intelligence so rare that it only exists in one species in the billions of years earth existed?
Getting back to what I said before, its possible that other species simply can't develop the traits to fulfill a cognitive niche because they don't have the mental capacity nor the need by the environment to prioritize cognition or recognize its potential. The probably have not cultivated most of the pre-requisite genes needed for intelligence, as their evolution has been concerned with fulfilling a role which does not lead well to intelligence.
>How likely is it that we'll ever encounter intelligent aliens?
Extremely unlikely considering both the distance and the time-frames needed to traverse the stars.
>End of the universe another billions of years from now, will mankind ever have found an alien that has comparable intelligence to humans?
Mankind will most likely become extinct or develop into something else entirely long before we find an extraterrestrial lifeform. Given how rare intelligence is and how vast the distances between planets are, I'd say that we'd be incredibly lucky to encounter a lifeform within 10,000 years of us technologically. We're talking in millionths of a decimal place at best.

>> No.7211219

Fill different niches, not more. Sorry about that.

>> No.7211231

what if things like black holes and supernovas are actually inteligent creatures who exist in another dimension?

>> No.7211250


And what intelligent things would they do?

>> No.7211257


We aren't the only intelligent species.

Get off /sci/, faggot.

>> No.7211711

>Think aborigines and many indigenous cultures living in rainforests
or murricans

>> No.7212274

Hilarious and insightful

>> No.7212292

We aren't necessarily the only intelligent species to have existed.

In fact, we might not even be the only intelligent species now. Dolphins could be just as smart as us, but without hands or other manipulators, they don't really have a way to show it off. Can't make tools if you don't have hands.

>> No.7212450
File: 570 KB, 2118x1276, 1427080879421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bonobos can learn sign language that contains over 500 different signs in its vocabulary
>crows can teach human facial recognition to their young and have highly advanced spatial recognition
>plenty of animals, like whales, dolphins and elephants, have much larger brains than we do
>Koko the gorilla proves that gorillas, in average, have a much higher IQ on average than Africans
You're right OP, animals have nothing on humans

Also, if you get the chance, you should kill yourself.

>> No.7212456

Even the smartest corvids and apes are only about the same intelligence as a 5 year old human.

>>plenty of animals, like whales, dolphins and elephants, have much larger brains than we do
Brain size has nothing to do with pure intelligence, especially when they have much larger bodies.

Also Koko the gorilla is a giant fucking scam you retard, do some research into it outside of the feelgood bullshit her owner puts out. Even if she was really smart it wouldn't prove anything about average gorilla intelligence.

Actually the more I look into your post the more you're proving yourself right, any of these animals out outsmart you easily.

>> No.7212459

>Why are we the only intelligent species on earth?
Cos that's how it is.

>Where is everyone?
We got a lot of space to explore. Remember what Sagan said, something about we have only waded ankle deep in the great cosmic ocean.

>> No.7212475

I've met plenty of idiots over the age of 5 who are dumber than a gorilla.

I'm sure if I went to Botswana or some shit, a majority of the natives would not be smarter than other great apes.

That doesn't mean that humans are out outsmarted? by animals, but I'd consider them intelligent.

Building huts out of shit and hurling spears at anything that hurts your feelings isn't intelligent.

Stay mad.

>> No.7212476
File: 74 KB, 500x372, 1416972978782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember what Sagan said,

>> No.7212480

>they had sex to produce those children

gagged as that went through my head

>> No.7212481



>> No.7212487
File: 162 KB, 322x410, 1426994643109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gut feeling and degree from the prestigious /pol/ university have just disproven all of modern anthropology and primatology, this is groundbreakng. Even your mastery of historic knowledge has just swept away all African civilizations to mere mudhuts, is there anything your intellect can't revolutionize?

>> No.7212490

>African civilizations
Can you say that again, child?

>> No.7212492

so you think the universe is tiny then? oh well, i guess we can just hop, skip and jump over to the andromeda galaxy

>> No.7212495







these were the catalyst

>> No.7212497

>tfw I desperately hope we never find anything in the universe smarter than a dolphin
>tfw I desperately hope every planet we ever land on looks like Jurassic Park
>tfw don't want aluims

>> No.7212498
File: 207 KB, 580x599, africa_kingdoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"African civilizations"

ok what's my reward?

>> No.7212500

There could have been an industrial civilization before the last glacial period and we would be hard pressed to find evidence of it.

>> No.7212504

Why have I never heard of any of those except Ethiopia and Egypt?

>> No.7212505

Why not?

They would have left too many heavy metals behind, fossils would survive. If bones-turned-to-stone can survive millions of years so can metal artifacts.

>> No.7212509

Because American education is shit, same reason you've probably only ever heard of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya civilizations for the Americas.

>> No.7212510
File: 75 KB, 640x451, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't even handle each other

Why would you think we can handle others?

>> No.7212512

B-but I've heard of all of those

Also I missed Mali

I've heard of them

>> No.7212514

They think that murica is the center of the universe

>> No.7212515


I missed Carthage as well

>> No.7212516

No I mean you've probably ONLY heard of those three, since everyone seems to think those three were the only civilizations to ever come around on the entire continent(s).

>> No.7212519
File: 277 KB, 1346x1086, 1394917397303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're watching

They're waiting :)

>> No.7212944

>social justice is strong with this one

>> No.7213388

>stating facts is muh ebil social justice boogeyman

No you're right Europeans invented everything forever and were the only people to ever figure out anything more than a sharp stick.

>> No.7213401

>Why have I never heard of any of those except Ethiopia and Egypt?
Because they were far from Europe, largely out of contact from Europe before the modern era, and didn't amount to much during it.

People are going to whine that you had a "eurocentric" education, but since Western civilization invented science and came to dominate the world, it's really more of a significance-centric education.

>> No.7214060

>No you're right Europeans invented everything forever and were the only people to ever figure out anything more than a sharp stick.
Anyone have that graph that shows they did indeed invent 95% of things to shut this guy up?

>> No.7214090

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an intelligent species until now?

This grinds my gears every time. No one on this board even takes the time to be modest, step back and relize, no modern homosapien lived with dinosaurs. Period.

So just who the hell do you think you people are?
Saying we're the first and only terrestrial intelligent species to have lived.

This thinking is arrogant, ignorant and nieve. It needs to stop if we are to further this world of ours.

>> No.7214112

I'm not arguing Europeans didn't become the most advanced thanks to the surplus of resources and capital the New World gave them, I'm arguing against the retarded fucking notion that they're only ones to invent, to develop things, to create civilizations, and so on. It's pathetic you have such little of an argument you have to clutch at strawmen to beat down.

>> No.7214113

I think the lack of any signs of intelligent life existing prior to us is what leads to that thinking.

If we could find even simple tools around the same time dinosaurs were last alive and kicking, it'd change everything.

>> No.7214132


Racists treat neanderthals like it was some sort of refutation to the "out of Africa" theory.


>> No.7214323

Your hypothesis would stand true assuming you ignore the obvious variable that an intelligent species would know what 'evidence' is, take this word into consideration and, just as possible as anything else, apply accordingly.

>> No.7214421


>> No.7214508

I don't believe in accidents.I kinda believe in determinism though

>> No.7214510

>doesn't believe
>not true
get a load of this guy

>> No.7214515

I read this in that microsoft voice over in my head.

>> No.7214525

>We exist for maybe 10,000 years
Try 200,000

>> No.7214543

>Some cultures never develop this and it's possible if they fall behind the threshold where cultural evolution starts to dominate, they might eventually regress to less intelligent species if their environment punishes for having large energy-hungry brains. Think bipedal chimpanzees.
fun fact: tasmanian abos forgot how to make fire

>> No.7214571

>tasmanian abos forgot how to make fire
Except that's wrong.



>> No.7214603

thank you, i didn't know it was refuted.

what about the andamanese? are they still a fun fact?

>> No.7214648

AFAIK they're the only people to genuinely lose the ability to make fire, they only passed on embers from older fires throughout the years.

>> No.7214684

>I'm arguing against the retarded fucking notion that they're only ones to invent, to develop things, to create civilizations, and so on.
They weren't the only ones, obviously, east asians and middle easterners had some input. But european genetics gave them a huge edge over everyone else regarding inventions and creativity.

Are you a creationist or something?

>> No.7214687

You mean evolutionists?

>> No.7214701

Same thing.

>> No.7214724

>They weren't the only ones, obviously, east asians and middle easterners had some input.
And the Africans and Americans mentioned upthread also developed their own civilizations and had "input". What's your point?

>But european genetics gave them a huge edge over everyone else regarding inventions and creativity.
Oh I see you're one of those people, nevermind.

>> No.7214730


You're descended from niggers. Accept it.

>> No.7214736

>But european genetics gave them a huge edge over everyone else regarding inventions and creativity.

[citation needed]

>> No.7214758

europeans and the japanese have the most neanderthal DNA you fucking idiots (PROTIP: having neanderthal DNA doesn't make you stupid)

>> No.7214760

European and Middle Eastern people have the higher Neanderthal ancestry, you stupid mong. Nanderthals never even lived in fucking Japan or East Asia in general, their ancestry becomes more and more dilute the further from Europe you go.

>> No.7214763

>europeans and the japanese have the most neanderthal DNA you fucking idiots

You forgot to give a source which connects that to their success in 'inventions and creativity'.

>> No.7214776

>implying i care to provide a source when you stubborn autistic fuck will refuse to accept it anyway
keep telling yourself that every human race is the same, dirty nigger

>> No.7214781
File: 179 KB, 850x543, 06 Brain illustration_Peter Bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(PROTIP: having neanderthal DNA doesn't make you stupid)



>> No.7214784

>make claims without source
>get asked for source
>shit no source
>i know, ill just call him a nigger!

This is a board for science, you double nigger.

>> No.7214785

>makes retarded claims
>get called out
>"y-yeah well I d-don't need to post any sources!"


>> No.7214789

pretty sure ur mums r hoes tbh

>> No.7214792

ITT: Delusional racial egalitarians get BTFO as usual.

Darwin is rolling is his grave.

Intelligence and personality traits are mostly rooted in genetics.
Sorry, you creationist marxist children.

>> No.7214793

so neanderthals have larger visual cortices? that's a GOOD thing for intelligence in case you didn't know.

>> No.7214794

Choose BOTH

>> No.7214796

>Intelligence and personality traits are mostly rooted in genetics.
Like your retardation?

>> No.7214798

OP, you treat dinosaurs as if they were all one species. No species of dinosaurs lasted more than a few million years.

>> No.7214799

100% genetic.
Any other stance is completely daft.

>> No.7214801


>> No.7214809

swallow some lead and smoke some crack and then tell me your intelligence is still 100% genetic

>> No.7214811

Your inablity to metabolise lead and crack is genetic.

>> No.7214814

>my sides

Well-memed, you fucking germans. Well-memed

>> No.7214821

your autism is genetic. being malnourished and living in a stressful environment with little positive stimulus will not make you a genius.

>> No.7214853

Being malnourished is genetic.
Or more speciafically, your parents' genetics.

>> No.7214856
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>> No.7214887

>so neanderthals have larger visual cortices? that's a GOOD thing for intelligence in case you didn't know.

>In recent humans (dated to the last approx. 200 years), larger visual systems translate into larger brains [13]. We might therefore expect that larger Neanderthal visual cortices (and somatic areas) would similarly drive overall brain enlargement in this taxon compared with AMHs. However, we have shown that this is not the case for specimens dated 27–75 ka; Neanderthals in this date group do not show significantly larger brains than contemporary AMHs. This suggests that (i) Neanderthal and AMH brains were organized differently, and, (ii) by implication, because a greater proportion of the overall brain tissue in Neanderthals was invested in visual and somatic systems, proportionally less neural tissue was left over for other brain areas in Neanderthals compared with AMHs. Note that our analysis considered only the principal visual areas in the occipital lobe: given that the visual system projects through the parietal and temporal to the frontal lobes, our case could only be strengthened if comparative data on these projection areas were available and could be included in the analysis.

There's a reason why neanderthals went extinct.

>> No.7214891
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>not destroying your environment


>> No.7214894

he makes a great point

>> No.7214900

Do you ever think that god is like a deistic version of the universe itself or created himself in the form of the universe itself and then we are elements "of" god but also not "of" god because we originated inside or on him but we are also autonomous if free will really exists? Like maybe we're these sentient microbes on god's balls and every time we contemplate the nature of his being by studying the evolutionary processes of the stars that created the elements that allowed for the conditions that created us it just tickles god's balls? Maybe all intelligent life in the universe is just god fostering a form of himself that will eventually give rise to these intelligent self-contemplators, apart but not apart, tickling his even balls as they contemplate the balls they contemplate

>> No.7214955
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>> No.7214965

What's it like having a low iq?

>> No.7214966

Is this your butthurt way of admitting you're wrong?

>> No.7214979

>Intelligence and personality traits
>100% genetic.
bait harder nigger

>> No.7215211

>europeans have the most neanderthal DNA
>europeans made all of the major modern scientific breakthroughs, conquered the world, and built the largest modern civilizations
>hmm what a fucking coincidence

>> No.7215502

Which would explain why most of Europe spent most of history as the backwater, primitive shithole of the world?

>> No.7215533

Easy, don't forget that life has become increasingly more complex with time. We just happened to be at the point in global evolution when extreme biological complexity produced complex life. As another anon said it's an amazing and self feeding adaption that grows, even now the most intelligent have the highest access to resources. All those silicon valley nerds, no matter how autistic, are getting married and having kids because they have money.

>> No.7215569

Are you retarded by any chance? Also Europeans isn't the only ethnic to have neanderthal DNA.

>> No.7215575

Are you historically illiterate? You think Europe was the mecca of civilization and knowledge for all of history?

>Europeans isn't the only ethnic
Americans, everyone

>> No.7215593

>Which would explain why most of Europe spent most of history as the backwater, primitive shithole of the world?
pretty sure that has always been Africa, Europe was just in 2nd place for a while

>> No.7215611

>You think Europe was the mecca of civilization and knowledge for all of history?
Obviously not but neither is
>Europe spent most of history as the backwater, primitive shithole of the world?
Since that implies that other civilizations were some kind of space faring utopia for thousands of years. Every country and civilizations have been in the primitive shithole phase for a long time so why does Europe gets a special attention.

Also >Europeans isn't the only ethnic
race, populations, whatevs they aren't the only one to have neanderthal DNA. Asians and middle eastern people have them too and they have made great civilizations and contributions.

>> No.7215655

>Every country and civilizations have been in the primitive shithole phase for a long time so why does Europe gets a special attention.
That's exactly my point. Europe spent plenty of time as backwards primitives despite their "superior" genes. Civilization in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India was already old when the first ones developed in Europe.

>Asians and middle eastern people have them too and they have made great civilizations and contributions.
As do Native Americans, Polynesians, and Australian Aborigines, but you don't include them because they don't fit your narrative.

>> No.7215664

the impulse to smoke crack is genetic

>> No.7215670

More like 5th or 6th place for a long time.

>> No.7215721

Human children also spend a long time being helpless pieces of shit compared to apes, who themselves spend a long time being helpless pieces of shit compared to horses. The more complex and intelligent the organism, the longer it takes to mature.

The same goes for civilisations. Societies that peaked early in their development have remained hunter-gatherer tribes to this day. Societies that were more advanced like the Middle East peaked later. Europe and European colonies are the last to peak, and are still developing, firmly ahead of the rest of the world.

We're also in the last era where this distinction in development between continents can be made. The next phase will be global.

>> No.7215727

>The same goes for civilisations.
No, it doesn't. Not even in the slightest. By your logic the Australian and New Guinea Aboriginals will inherit the Earth because they took so long to develop. Developing complex civilizations depends entirely on the ability to share information with other groups, to create stable areas of agriculture, have reliable beasts of burden to lighten work loads, and so on. It doesn't have to do with some metaphysical magical "potential" that gets metered out by the gods over time.

And even the poorest of nations that were once at the top like Iraq or Egypt haven't reverted back to " hunter-gatherer tribes to this day"

>> No.7215746

>Europe spent plenty of time as backwards primitives despite their "superior" genes
nigga what? I made no mentions of these "superior genes" you're talking about, I was mentioning neanderthal genes which the people in those civilizations have.

>Polynesians, and Australian Aborigines,
They have Denisovan DNAs

>native americans
[Citation needeed]

>> No.7215750

You're implying Neanderthal genes are somehow vital to developing civilization when they're not.

>They have Denisovan DNAs
lel. And yes, they have both Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry thanks to population migrations.

>[Citation needeed]
You seem to really strongly believe in this despite being deeply ignorant about it. ALL non-African populations have Neanderthal DNA


>> No.7215808

>But european genetics gave them a huge edge over everyone else regarding inventions and creativity.
This is what european imbeciles actually believe

>> No.7215811

>ALL non-African populations have Neanderthal DNA

But certain populations have mixed denisovan genes in them.

Also about the native americans

>> No.7215850

>By your logic the Australian and New Guinea Aboriginals will inherit the Earth because they took so long to develop.
Actually the opposite. They reached the peak of their development very long ago. They took relatively little time to reach their peak. This hunter-gatherer shit is as good as it gets for them as a culture. They might mimic things out of other cultures, but abo innovation won't happen ever again.

> Developing complex civilizations depends entirely on the ability to share information with other groups, to create stable areas of agriculture, have reliable beasts of burden to lighten work loads, and so on. It doesn't have to do with some metaphysical magical "potential" that gets metered out by the gods over time.
This potential is determined by the factors you just mentioned, I agree. That doesn't mean that some don't develop more than others and take differing amounts of time to do so, though.

>And even the poorest of nations that were once at the top like Iraq or Egypt haven't reverted back to " hunter-gatherer tribes to this day"
I didn't claim that they would.

>> No.7215887

>But certain populations have mixed denisovan genes in them.
Including some European populations, and besides the point of arguing about "only Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Asians had Neanderthal DNA", which your own link disproves.

>They reached the peak of their development very long ago.
Good to know this book's been closed and the case has been solved, everybody go home, last one out shut the lights.

>That doesn't mean that some don't develop more than others and take differing amounts of time to do so, though.
And it also means they don't have some mandatory incubation period they have to go through, or that once they've already "reached their potential" they're spent out forever after and can never develop again. For all we know Egypt and Mesopotamia will be huge centers of innovation and civilization again hundreds or thousands of years from now.

>> No.7215901

>Good to know this book's been closed and the case has been solved, everybody go home, last one out shut the lights.
When you've been crawling through the desert in the same manner for the last 40k years and are on the verge of cultural extinction it's fair to say you won't start mattering any time soon.

>And it also means they don't have some mandatory incubation period they have to go through, or that once they've already "reached their potential" they're spent out forever after and can never develop again. For all we know Egypt and Mesopotamia will be huge centers of innovation and civilization again hundreds or thousands of years from now.
Egypt and Mesopotamia won't be the same civilisations after such a long time. If a Tunisian lad makes a scientific breakthrough in 2030 we won't say Carthage is on the verge of a renaissance.

>> No.7215909
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Are you guys crazy? Humans aren't the most intelligent species
Just go down to Picador and you'll see all the other intelligent species
Last weekend I drove down there and this Frog fixed my car with a fucking spoon in 5 minutes, the human engineers said it was broken beyond repair
Humans are retarded in comparisan

>> No.7215912

>Egypt and Mesopotamia won't be the same civilisations after such a long time.
Which is why it's retarded for you to say every region or culture will have its brief pinnacle and never reach it again. There is no ultimate metaphysical "potential" to be filled.

>> No.7215924
File: 72 KB, 599x848, seriousduckisserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dinosaurs roamed the earth 63 million years ago.
I love when ingorant capeshit lovers use this cliche, you say "dinosaurs" like if they were just a big bunch of innalienable mighty creatures of the past, when there were billions of different weird, big and tiny species filling uncountable eco-niches and habitats, and also suffered by at least 3 massive extinction events while they "roamed" the earth... still they are just "THE Dinosaurs" to you, damn fedora.

But lets take this way of thinking, mammaliformes have roamed on earth since Permic period, so thats 300 Millions years of mammals shadow ruling the world, like 50 million years of advantage to "THE Dinosaur".

Also you antrhopocentric point of view is so so so weak even by Homo sapien standards... using you weak powerlevel logic lets argue this:

>Why has there never in the entire history of earth ever been an supermassive species both vegetal and animal until now? Sequoia sempervirens and Balaenoptera musculus.

>WE kinda coevolved with them, but we never managed to gain human ultra size or even remotely comparable massive gains

>This also delves into MUH GIGA ANIMULHS Derparadox. Are they the only massive species in the universe?

So where is your fucking god now,? puto.

>> No.7215967
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Well, this Japanese guy looks like he has some archaic admixture stongly.

He's a smart guy though, created a whole motoring organisation.

>> No.7215974


>Dem elf ears

>> No.7215976
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>> No.7215986
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>Dem neanderthal teeth.

Also, this guy has a very long torso, huge head, relatively short neck, as well as forearms and forelegs being shorter rather than longer as in most modern homo sapiens.

>> No.7215991

Because he's ugly, someone being ugly doesn't make them a different species.

>> No.7215998

What are some requirements for being an intelligent species besides having a large CNS? I'm thinking along the lines of having a duel circulatory system, with systemic and pulmonary, because of blood required by a large thinking organ like the brain. I think opposable thumbs or at least some manipulative digits is also required, but what about arm/limb length? Is our eyesight sufficient or would we have fared better as a species by being able too see infra-red, in terms of physics etc?

>> No.7215999


Listen to him in an interview at the end of this video.

Listen to his fucking voice, it's so.... different, so low, especially for a jap

His lower jaw also seems to meet or excede the length of his upper mandible as well. Very 'archaic' (But in this case not neccesarily archaic in mind, guy must be genius level intelligent considering his achievments)

I find it so interesting when you come across an example of a human who seems to truly stand out as being different right to the core.
There are plenty of examples of archaic peoples still around in the world but in the future we are obviously are going to become more homogenized in the future due to technology.

>> No.7216009
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>Well, this Japanese guy looks like he has some archaic admixture stongly.

No. he's just ugly.

>> No.7216015


whoops this one.

'Ugly' is defined in the genes, people arn't just different or 'ugly' by pure chance, they likely have retreived a rare mixture of genes from their parents, from a pool of peoples whose ancestry goes back untouched to ancient times.

Where they may have met with archaic humans and saved a small portion of their genes into modern times through isolation, which is quite likely to happen in a place like japan with many little islands.

I genuinely know that this happens and if you pay attention to certain people's features you can note the odd one or two that are likely to have had an ancestral line pretty close to an 'interbreeding' event in the not too distant past.

(Remember, the last actual evidence of an archaic humanoid (Very Late Homo Erectus) only dates back roughly 12,000 years to somewhere in asia, and thats just actual physical evidence.

(Who knows how late some archaic genes may have survived in a strong expressive from in some small groups of people!)

>> No.7216017


lol. Just 'ugly'. How scientific!

For example, that guy has a growth disorder that may or may not coincide with some archaic genes though a very northern russian population, that exagerates the effect further.

Which is what leads to his 'ugly' appearence.

>> No.7216033

>How scientific!
About as scientific as saying "this guy looks kinda weird, bet he's extra Neanderthal or something".

>> No.7216047

False. No civilization so advanced would destroy another civilzation in such a manner, because then all of their previously silent neighbors would realize they are too dangerous to leave alive.

>> No.7216051

And if we're deemed too dangerous by our silent neighbors once we poke our head out into the greater universe?

>> No.7216059

It's a nonfactor. The only way for civilzations to exist is peacefully. As soon as one is deemed violent, perhaps by flinging a relativistic bomb at another civilization, then the community at large will descend upon the aggressor.

Peaceful coexistence ensures continued existence within a galactic community. Aggression ensures demise.

Of course, this only works if there are more than 2 civilizations. if it's just two then whoever fires first wins.

>> No.7216061


I explained in my posts why it's always a possibility this is the case. Thats all.

People who fall on the edge of the range of features/appearence for certain things for many reasons, disease injury, growth disorders, other genetic disorders, pre-birth growth disruption, you name it, but rare/uncommon genes are also a possibility in some cases.

It's that simple, neither of us can deny this is the case, as for what causes an individual to be different, that's always up for discussion. I'm simply stating my theories on the aforementioned individuals appearence and the TRUTH in how human morpholgy and phylogeny varies though enviromental factors, genes disease and other external/internal factors.

It's fun to think about these kind of things, and the possible backgrounds behind it, consider people like Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps,

I think it's be interesting to consider their genetic backgrounds being behind part of their success in their sport, since they are both almost as genetically positioned to be as good as it is possible for a modern human to be their profession.

>> No.7216062

>having a genetic disorder makes you archaic

oh /sci/

you guys know how to put a smile on my face every day of the week :)

>> No.7216063

>As soon as one is deemed violent, perhaps by flinging a relativistic bomb at another civilization, then the community at large will descend upon the aggressor.
Exactly, what's going to happen if we're deemed violent by these alien minds?

>> No.7216066


>> No.7216078
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>People who fall on the edge of the range of features/appearence for certain things for many reasons, disease injury, growth disorders, other genetic disorders, pre-birth growth disruption, you name it, but rare/uncommon genes are also a possibility in some cases.

Baseless speculation with a heaping helping of cherry picking.

>> No.7216112

>in the future we are obviously are going to become more homogenized in the future due to technology
we'll still have diversity. almost anyone who wants to breed can do so, and are supported by our governments to do so.

>> No.7216116


I never said anything connecting genetic disorders to being archaic, just that both can be factors in someones appearance.

I also never said anything was or wasn't the case in a particular circumstance, just that there are many possibilities and I enjoy coming up with meaningful posts about them, which is more than you can speak of.

oh /sci/

Only seeing what you want to see in others posts so that you can continue your view that making posts that only pick apart other people's posts is actually fucking worthy of posting, at least I had contribution.

& you consider my thoughts to be cherrypicking? When all you do is pick apart others posts? What a meaningless waste of time!

At least I had some good mental stimulation by constructing a textual representation of my views, rather that than your masturbation of the post button.

One meaningful reply to your many, many 'Nu-uh op is a faggot'

& one good bye.
I hope you have fun wasting your life ripping on other people ideas,
rather than constructing your own.

>> No.7216121

Why are we the most intelligent species?
Because we're the only ones who would ask that.

>> No.7216130


Maybe, your view is possible. As is mine, but I will also remember yours aswell. Thanks for the input!


>> No.7216131
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>& you consider my thoughts to be cherrypicking? When all you do is pick apart others posts? What a meaningless waste of time!

>> No.7216134


Your post>my head

I don't fucking get it, you could either explain it to me or keep wasting your time posting things with no meaning whatsoever.

No doubt some kind of put down, but who cares? I don't care, I only care why you waste your fucking time with those sort of posts here on a discussion board, not a fucking chat room.

>> No.7216137

Cherrypicking data has nothing to do with picking apart flaws within a post.

>> No.7216142

I just explained to you.

We will be destroyed. And then whoever destroyed us will be destroyed. And them, and so on and so forth, because the neighbors of the neighbor of the neighbor that kills us cannot risk having someone so close by with a relativistic bomb. It's sort of a cousin theory to mutually assured destruction.

>> No.7216147

>We will be destroyed
Which is a bad thing

> And then whoever destroyed us will be destroyed. And them, and so on and so forth, because the neighbors of the neighbor of the neighbor that kills us cannot risk having someone so close by with a relativistic bomb. It's sort of a cousin theory to mutually assured destruction.
So then the image is right after all, and everyone's going to want to be quiet and hide from each other out of fear.

>> No.7216154


Nobody gets a good fruit without picking.

:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D:D :D

>> No.7216159

Well the direct source of our increased intelligence is our neocortex.

Now what evolutionary pressures caused the enlargement of the neocortex? Hard to say, but obviously something did.

My guess would be that other humans and intense environmental factors were the main driving force for explosion neocortical development. Protohumans probably got somewhere near chimps in terms of development, and then competing tribes began battling. The smarter humans were able to employ better battle tactics and weaponry, and thus continued their genetic lines.

Also, once protohumans got to a certain level of intelligence, they began to be able to artificially select for intelligence, which would accelerate the process even more. Smarter men were able to get more wives, more resources and had more children

>> No.7216166



Good Post!

A post like this cannot be denied, but it would in many circumstances', here on fourchins foureyes.

Because everyone knows it's not possible to have more than one view on the world? Is It? Of course not.... that would be an afront to my personal absolute truths!

>> No.7216169

What the hell are you rambling on about?

>My guess would be that other humans and intense environmental factors were the main driving force for explosion neocortical development. Protohumans probably got somewhere near chimps in terms of development, and then competing tribes began battling.
Chimps already compete and form into simple tribes that battle each other for territory.

>> No.7216171

This board made me realise the problem with modern science, too much denial of many possibilities, and only rebuttal of established truth, doctrine and beliefs.

No one seems to be able to align with another's view just to discuss theirs and their own anymore.

The Principia is now The Bible.......

>> No.7216174



>> No.7216175

True, chimps do battle, so obviously something set early humans apart from chimps.
We probably have to attribute some of the differences to random mutations, perhaps early humans just got lucky with a few mutations that other primates did not get.

>> No.7216180

It'd definitely run down to random chance, but I think the huge bottleneck we experienced greatly helped, as morbid as near-extinction is.

>> No.7216188


It's Bi-Pedalism you Knuckle-Draggers

>> No.7216189

Kangaroos are bipedal and are about as intelligent as a rock

>> No.7216224

Dolphins and wales are also intelligent. But it was a shitty choice when they decided to live in the sea. Some cults of dolphins commit beach suicides in regret of that choice. It is not just that homo sapiens sapiens develop intelligent, it's their ability to transfer that intelligent and share it with others and across time. That compounded their evolution rate to surpass other species. If we face another intelligent specie say from another planet we will integrate and fornicate with them until one specie or breed dominate.

>> No.7216365


So are you if you can't think further than that poorly constructed argument.

>> No.7216368

>hurr durr it's bipedalism
>what about this other bipedal creature that's stupid
>uh uh uh shut up lol u just dun unnderstand

>> No.7216394
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>this guy looks a certain way

In what kind of god forsaken trailerpark shithole does this pass as scientific evidence?

>> No.7216993


Doesn't really matter in the grand scale of things.
We are a mere blink in earth's history

>> No.7217009


That's not a reason it's a conclusion you fucktard

>> No.7217021

Dolphins, elephants, monkeys, whales, any large mammalian brain show some degree of intelligence, social behavior, and creativity. Each species evolves equally into their niche, we are biological thinking machines and not much else.

>> No.7217169

>we are biological thinking machines and not much else
tool users too

>> No.7217451
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That's a weird question, and it implies the universe cares for "why" stuff happens on specific moments of time... shit happens when they happen yo. Also, your understanding of evolution is sabotaging your thoughts.

>Are we the only intelligent species in the universe?

Probably not.

>Is it a completely unique trait to us like the upright gait and opposable thumbs?
No one knows.

>why isn't the galaxy filled with intelligent radiosignals we can detect?

This is another "why" question that makes no sense. How can one predict how intelligent being would behave on another part of the universe? They might as well just be chillin, and think bulding spaceships is dumb, cause we do it.

>If intelligent life exists in the milky way besides ours shouldn't finding it be as easy as finding a fish in the ocean?
Again, no. Life can happen in ways we don't understand. They might as well be microscopic and manipulate quantum and relativity to just exist in a higher for on time or whatever. It's IMPOSSIBLE to answer these things without looking for answers first.

>> No.7217453
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I love you

>> No.7217465

We have tool using hands, no thats literally the only reason why.

>> No.7217493


Monkeys have that too

>> No.7217526

EVERYBODY in this thread is a bunch of faggots

Check em

>> No.7217536

>Why are we the only intelligent species on earth?
Cooked meat and bread.

>> No.7218037

>But european genetics

>> No.7218078

>why isn't the galaxy filled with intelligent radiosignals we can detect?
probably because they communicate telepathically

>> No.7218081
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>> No.7218084
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starkly contrasted to

>> No.7218446

Underrated post

>> No.7218661

One theory is that intelligence developed in humans through creativity as a sort of 'peacock fan' to attract mates. Men who could sing songs, make sculptures, and draw stuff on the wall, were able to woo the ladies through their creativity and pass on their genes like pre-historic rockstars. The descendents of the former found better ways of hunting though the use of their spacial reasoning, thus providing increased nutrients and allowing the brain to develop even more. The offspring of these hunters were challenged with rapid changes to their environment, meaning only those able to adapt to the continuously changing surroundings were able to pass on their genetics to the next generation. It is also likely that humans were forced to live in increasingly large groups to survive because of these challenges, furthering the advancement of the brain in response to the increased social requirement, which in turn lead to the development of the chin (likely developed in order to facilitate the expression of emotions and language by providing an anchoring point for some of the facial muscles) again boosting our brainpower. These are just a few of the steps that led to our modern brains and there probably a hundred other chance points in our evolutionary history where increased intelligence prevailed, but the point is that it was our ancestor's ability to adapt, not through becoming more ferocious or threatening, but through creative ways of adaptation. Of course the opposable thumb was useful in the manipulation and creation of tools, but without intelligence, their chief use would likely be tools to aid in self-stimulation.

The peacock fan (like a neon dinner sign to predators) takes a lot of resources to develop properly. Similarly, man in developing a needlessly overcomplicated level of intelligence is able to flaunt his IQ at the risk of mental issues as if to say: "look what I can do" with my resources.
>tl;dr: chance events+rockstar-cavemen=Intellect

>> No.7218675

We're not. Dolphins, some species of african dogs, and some other primates can be viewed as intelligent species, depending on the criteria. Certainly, we're the most intelligent species on this planet.

>> No.7218719

isn't that pic a huge spoiler, i thought it was supposed to be like he goes to a whole other planet and then in the end they show the statue of liberty and he's like mind=blown because it's earth but ruined

>> No.7218723

see >>7215211

>> No.7218733

Kinda fucking does matter scientifically, since 10,000 years is not enough time to realistically evolve to be significantly different as a race

>> No.7219105

its about 75-80%. the remaining percent is made up from things like not getting diseases during childhood and nutrition.

>> No.7219258


>> No.7219353

>hurr durr racial mixing is bad, purebred nigger masterrace

>> No.7219405

>hurr durr racial mixing is bad, purebred nigger masterrace

Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA. Asian Countries still crappier than European ones.


>> No.7219480

EAST asians. japan is more technologically advanced than any western country.

>> No.7219496
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>it has nothing to do with the neanderthal DNA, it's the white privilege, muh oppression

>> No.7219547
File: 56 KB, 450x385, Bottlenose-Dolphin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy thinks humans are the only intelligent species on earth
squeak click click

>> No.7219587

So long and thanks for all the fish.

>> No.7219635

What happened in 1986?

>> No.7219723


>tfw asians are beginning to pull out a gap.

They gonna fly away into outer space.


>> No.7219744

black people are very intelligent too

>> No.7219749

asians cheat like crazy fyi

>> No.7221017

There were other humans anon. Too bad they all died. Too bad we killed them all. Image what life would be like if there were other human species around. Would racism be even more extreme than before?

>> No.7221080

>10000 years
more like 1 million

>> No.7221140

Serious question:

If humans were perfectly capable of interbreeding with Neanderthals, Denisovans and perhaps other archaic humans to produce fertile offspring, then why are those considered to be separate species/subspecies to Homo sapiens? If people from different ethnicities are all considered to be Homo sapiens, then why aren't Neanderthals and Denisovans considered to be Homo sapiens too, or why are different ethnicities not considered to be subspecies of Homo sapiens?

>> No.7221164

What does that mean for children who are reaching puberty earlier now?

>> No.7221166

The premise is bullshit because reading the future is possible.

>> No.7221167

sexual maturity and mental maturity are very different things, so probably not much

>> No.7221168

Humans are Apes

>> No.7221175

Every species will uncontrollably encroach on the territory of other species. A species that cannot fight back the others will inevitably go extinct.

Corvids are the only animals that could potentially do anything against humans, but only potentially. They're small and mobile. They could poison food or download CP on peoples' computers to get them arrested.

>> No.7221252

especially females stop progressing in mental maturity as soon as they discover dicks. just look at today's third-wave feminists and SJW's.

>> No.7221282

Bottle nose dolphins, primates, elephants, they're pretty intelligent.

We're at an advantage not just because of our brains, but the natural tools we're given.

>opposable thumbs

etc etc

>> No.7221284


Being against SJWs and leftist ideology is bannable here on red - er I mean /sci/

>> No.7221287
File: 269 KB, 818x959, niggersaren'thuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some arbitrary bullshit draws the line.

>> No.7221289


Chinks cheat all the time. That graph is misleading.

>> No.7221291

They aren't, frankly we're a little more witty than apes.

>> No.7221293
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, fma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is everyone?

Outside the simulation probably.

>> No.7221433

>>Koko the gorilla proves that gorillas, in average, have a much higher IQ on average than Africans
Fucking /pol/ showing it's ignorance. If that were true than the average gorilla would be smarter than anyone who was born before 1940

>> No.7221437

top kek

>> No.7221459
File: 40 KB, 400x263, IQ Score Distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't blacks cheat too if they could figure out how to cheat and if they thought they could get away with it? do asians cheat on IQ tests too?

>> No.7221475

For all we knew Dinosaurs had nuclear weapons, 'murican dinosaurs and korean dinosaurs bombed each other and most other species in the world into extinction. Whats left are the retarded mutants that we now know as birds.

In another million years there will be a sad frog posting this exact question

>> No.7221479

on a more serious note, i think humans tend to categorize and organize information and that gives us an advantage. The 15 years of schooling that you and I have received are the product of some some peoples lifetime.

>> No.7221490


We pride ourselves on being an intelligent species, but we are unwilling to regulate ourselves in the name of equality at the expense of our very planet.


>> No.7221501
File: 32 KB, 512x448, 43-17962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dunno about cheating, but in high school, most of the black kids would look down on the ones that did their coursework properly. That, and they typically turned in exams faster than other kids just to get out of the classroom.

it was something to do with resenting support for authority.
An IQ test is a setting where they KNOW they've nothing directly to lose by poor performance. So how invested they are in the idea of helping others generate accurate data, proving to themselves their potential, or perhaps attempting for higher performance as a sort of 'community pride' are relevant considerations.

I'm guessing motivation to prove one's own skill to oneself, perseverance to invest time and energy to resolving difficult problems, and basic skills like concentration and capacity to delay gratification, probably load on scores along side intelligence.

Most of the Asian kids, even if they weren't much smarter, were willing to spend more energy and longer hours studying.

Some questions are not only more intellectually challenging, but may require higher investment of time, energy, and focus, if they for example have more 'parts' to pay attention to to derive the correct answer.

>> No.7221526

They weren't "perfectly capable" of interbreeding, the genetic evidence shows that viable hybrids were rare, so either most couples weren't able to reproduce, or more likely they usually only produced genetic mules who were infertile. Of course /pol/ will ignore this to try and make some retarded point.

>> No.7221527

>whites get higher scores
>proof od muh master race superior genes

>asians get even higher scores


>> No.7221619 [DELETED] 

>tfw no neanderthal gf
>cum inside erryday, never get her preggers

>> No.7221621

There is overwhelming evidence that points to their cheating, and many people from east Asia claim "If you aren't cheating you aren't trying"

>> No.7221696

how would you even cheat (en masse) on the SAT though, especially before the internet age? is it some big chinese mafia conspiracy and every asian in america is in on it? could you show me some of this overwhelming evidence of widespread cheating, because i hadn't even heard of it until now.