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7214277 No.7214277 [Reply] [Original]

> come to /sci/
> no blood type thread

lmao, B- master race here, come at me O faggts

>> No.7214280

>not A+
Shamefur dispray.

>> No.7214284

fuck yeah, B- Bro. Fuck those AB- fags thinking they more special than us/

>> No.7214287


> inb4 O plebs shilling

>> No.7214299


> being part of 34.3%

It's like you were born a pleb already.

>> No.7214305

O+ master race coming thru. Get out of my way AB plebs.

>> No.7214311

>gets a positive nod from Asians
>not as many mosquito bites as O-

>> No.7214316


> O+ master race
> literally the plebest of plebs

just get out of here.

>> No.7214321

I bet you are an angry A or B peasant.

>> No.7214322

Only A- in the thread so far
>get on my level

>> No.7214332


> 5.7%

quite impressive for an A pleb


> Proud of being an O pleb


>> No.7214337

Let's see what the Japanese have to say about that:

Type O are self-centered, cold, doubtful, and unpredictable.

Would not hire.

>> No.7214341



>> No.7214347

Is there any type that you think isn't Pleb tier?

>> No.7214349

I am AB-. In high school I donated blood a few times and since then I get a phone call sometimes at 3 in the morning saying there is an emergency and ask if I would donate.

I thought AB- was the universal recipient. Why would they care for my donation so much?

>> No.7214350


AB- and B-

>> No.7214352

Have fun trying to get blood transfusions with that shit

>> No.7214355

Either A+ or AB+. Never been tested, but assuming no germline mutations.

AB+ is the universal recipient.

>> No.7214356

AB+ is the universal recipient. Something between 5 and 10 percent can get blood from you depending on where you live.

>> No.7214361

AB+ master race.
>Universal recipient

>Only 4% of the population
>Universal donor for blood plasma

>> No.7214363


> implying I will ever need blood transfusions

I don't live in a third world country anon, I'm healthy as well.

>> No.7214365


Ok. So why was I getting phone calls at 3 in the morning to donate blood for what I presume were car crashes?

>> No.7214367


because you are a faggot

>> No.7214370

And if some idiot loses control of his car or some shit, hitting you and causing major blood loss?

>> No.7214371

What about a car accident or some other heavily bleeding wound? That shit happens here

>> No.7214423


>> No.7214455


Meh, my car is not shit tier and has airbags all over it, also it's a big car.

top kek.

>> No.7214460

Literally 12 years old.

>> No.7214469


> 12
actually 21, and you're a faggot.

>> No.7214472

O+ i think

>> No.7214473
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>> No.7214475


> pleb
> not even sure if actually pleb

>> No.7214477

Thats not very nice

>> No.7214480

A negative master race.

>> No.7214483

>A-, B- and AB-
>master race

Enjoy dying from eternal bleeding when they don't find donors for your blood type.

>> No.7214485


at least I'll die knowing I'm better than you and I'm not a common pleb.

>> No.7214486

>mfw I have gay sex so they won't let me donate

suit yourself red cross.

>> No.7214487
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>> No.7214493

where did you get that picture of me
pls take down

>> No.7214504

truly the best blood type.
If I had a blood type this would be the one I'd choose.

>> No.7214507
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>engineers can't donate blood

>> No.7214577

AB something

>> No.7214579

Was it Abbey Normal?

>> No.7214582

A+, not even asian

>> No.7214628


Wait... You don't have a blood type? What are you?

>> No.7214631


> eternal bleeding
> implying that will ever happen to The B- master race.

Top kek

>> No.7214632

I'm O-
Athiest, donates frequently, scientist, overall badass

>> No.7214636


> O-
> can donate to everyone! (Wow sounds fun right?)
> recieves only O-

If you need a transfusion, you are most likely dead. O- is the shittiest blood type ever kek.

>> No.7214646

Will likely never need a transfusion considering I am a master race gentlesir living outside the ghetto.

>> No.7214662

>implying I don't donate to my local blood bank to create a reserve for myself

Genius B- master race>>7214280

>> No.7214663


>O- the most common blood type
>hard to get a transfusion


>> No.7214664


> shittiest blood type that is only good for other people
> master race

Die slowly from bleeding faggot.

>> No.7214667
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> not sure if b8 or real retardation

>> No.7214670

You sound like a self-centered cunt.
1/10 would not hire

>> No.7214698

>muh rarity
>muh universal recipient

>> No.7214700
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Looks like I'm the only one here, well you guys have a great day anyway.

>> No.7214713

>Donates to everyone
>Only recieves O-
Cuck blood type

>> No.7214721



>> No.7214733


O- is confirmed for the worst blood ever

>> No.7214743

A- here

>> No.7214962

AB+ bloodslut reporting.

>> No.7214968

Ma nigga

>> No.7215011

It is the rarest blood type.
I'm not a medfag, but maybe it's sometimes better to get the same blood type donated rather than a universal donation blood?

>> No.7215894

AYY- lmao here.

>> No.7215899


>> No.7215918
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 6UJc5lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw O-

>> No.7215938

pleb-tier O- fag checking in.

>> No.7216056


if only I had Asian parents

>> No.7216067


>not bowing before the glorious Type Null master race
>being this much of a disgusting peasant

>> No.7217262


what app are you using to find this?

>> No.7217265

>tfw B+

>> No.7217267
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>> No.7217283

A+ checking in ~~

>> No.7217287

AB- here lol

>> No.7217384

O-. Anyone want blood?

>> No.7217386

O-. Faggot get your positive shit outta here

>> No.7217893

>you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type >you're blood type

>> No.7217900

I don't even know my blood type, and I'm ok with that.

>> No.7217910


>> No.7217911

What a special snowflake. Faggot

>> No.7217935

Ayyy negative lmao

>> No.7217968
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O- master race

We give it to everyone including your mothers.

>> No.7218009

We are brothers

>> No.7218090
File: 61 KB, 450x571, image(52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to know one's blood type ?

>> No.7218271

Have doctor taste it.

>> No.7218377

because i am not going to share my delicious blood with anyone anyways

>> No.7218387

why isn't it just ABC and O?
what makes the Rh factor so special?
why isn't it the A or B factor?

>> No.7218424

>A+ master race
feels good being part of the top 34%

>> No.7218540


>> No.7219378

Enjoy dying from blood loss everyone.

>> No.7220235

>you're blood

Nah mang, we be crips and shit n need mo money for dem haplotypes