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7200867 No.7200867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been accused of cheating before?

>Taking open book and laptop quiz
>TA walks out of class when time is up and anyone who doesn't turn in papers gets a zero
>Laptop is on top of me, in tiny rows with no room to move. Person one either side of me not getting up.
>Ask student already walking to hand in his quiz to hand mine in with him
>He takes it and says "how do you think you did?"
>I reply that I think I did well
>He says the same
>Looks at my paper and says we have comparable answers
>Continues walking, TA runs up angrily and grabs both papers
>Accuses us of cheating in front of the whole class
>Says we will learn our lessons for this
>Try to talk to him after class, angrily calls us cheaters and says he will get us expelled and that no institution will ever take us again. Our careers are over.
>Ask him to look at our papers and compare them and see we did not cheat
>Says he doesn't have to do that, he knows we cheated because we were talking
>Says the entire class knows we are cheaters now too
>Classmates coming up to us after saying "wow that was bullshit what the fuck is wrong with him"

What do I do /sci/

My entire life is about to go to waste over a misunderstanding. We did not cheat, he wasn't even sitting near me. I talked to the student after and he said he solved it a completely different way than me using graphs where I solved it using formulas. Are answers weren't even the same.

Am I fucked? Should I try e-mailing the TA and hope that he's calmed down by now and listen to reason? All I want is for him to compare our papers so he can let our work speak for itself and see we did not cheat.

>> No.7200877

stop being a cheater

>> No.7200880

He's just a TA. Go over his head and talk to a department head or whoever his boss is.

>> No.7200881


Why did you cheat? I don't believe your bullshit story. I bet you cheated like a dirty little whore.

>> No.7200885

It's just a TA. Email the professor or your dean.

Plus, if it ever goes to honor court, they'll hear that it was open everything and you were talking after the test ended and laugh the TA out of the room.

>> No.7200890

I've read and heard of a fuckton of cases where, even if the prof/TA knows you are cheating, they can't do anything about it because they don't have hard proof. It's a lot of paperwork and time spent, and that opportunity cost is higher than just letting it happen. He can't do anything to you unless you didn't tell us some important info.

Don't let him speak first. Talk to your professor immediately, let him know exactly what happened, and tell him how the TA flipped the fuck out on you and became immediately accusational. That's not cool at all and you aren't supposed to handle it like that, it's incredibly unprofessional.

>> No.7200898


It's too late to speak with the professor in person, I've left the campus already. Should I e-mail him? Next time I will be able to speak to him in person will be on Monday.

>> No.7200899

Well most exam regulations says you aren't supposed to communicate under exam conditions no matter what, so technically you are in the wrong no matter what.

Furthermore quickly comparing answers before hand in like that is bad for several reasons. Even if he doesn't quickly change his answers when he sees a mistake, the fact that you're communicating could also drop potentially hints to other students in the area.

You can try emailing the TA, but he has less power than you think. I'd email the professor instead detailing the incident.

If he goes through with it (I doubt he will, he might convince the professor to give you a slap on the wrist at most). What's going to happen is that you will be brought in front of a disciplinary committee. Depending on regulations a student representing your interests will also be on the committee (to make sure the university doesn't fuck you). If you make you make your case like you did ITT and the answers are indeed different probably nothing will come of it, at worst you'll be put on academic probation or suspension. It's not the end of your career by a long shot.

Also note that even the professor himself can't do jack shit except charge you with academic dishonestly, he can't actually get you kicked out without a trial, and no one is going to do something that serious over such a small incident. But don't do it again.

Source: TA, often threaten students with academic dishonestly charges to get them to behave, never follow through.

>> No.7200904

>open everything
Open book does not mean "team work", communication is cheating.

>> No.7200920

>>7200899 here

Yes, email him now, be as brief and concise as possible explaining your side. Emphasize why you had to give him your paper or you'd be stuck and get zero and why the TA thought you were cheating.

Like I said you won't get kicked out, but you want to regain peace of mind as fast as possible and not go through any hassles so try to get the prof to handle it internally.

>> No.7200922

I just e-mailed the TA asking him to compare our work and let the work speak for itself. If he refuses and sticks to his guns on us being cheaters I guess I'll e-mail the professor next.

This is so stressful to deal with right now. The semester is almost over this is the last thing I need.

>> No.7200935

>This is so stressful to deal with right now. The semester is almost over this is the last thing I need.
Yeah exactly, that's why I say you should email the professor as fast as possible so you know you did everything you could to convince them. Then resume your studies so you don't waste the weekend. Don't worry about getting kicked out, you won't, just focus on your studies. The TA/prof has fuckall real power over your career so don't worry about anything else they might do.

>> No.7200991


Alright I e-mailed the professor too. I'm worried this power tripping TA is going to take that as an attack against him and make this personal. When I suggested he compare our papers he was very offended and took at is an offense that we were telling him what to do when we were merely asking him.

>> No.7200994

Don't email the TA. Email the professor directly, first thing.

>> No.7200997

>after the test ended

>> No.7200999


The quiz had ended, but we had not yet turned in our papers. My paper was no longer in my hand though, and the other student was no longer seated and was walking to turn in his paper and mine after I handed it to him.

>> No.7201012

>I'm worried this power tripping TA is going to take that as an attack against him and make this personal
What the fuck is he going to do? He's going to finish his degree and fuck off, don't worry about him. The guy is a dick for not hearing you out and probably autistic.

Also he shouldn't have fucking walked out of the class in the first place, that's a key indicator to the class that >we informal now, everyone start chatting.

>> No.7201048

Makes me remember a huge kerfuffle back in my undergrad days

>taking midterm
>pretty hard most people stayed until end
>for some reason only this tiny table was set up to collect all the exams and there was only one TA around that was allowed to collect the exams by the prof
>like 200 people trying to turn their shit in
>huge line forms
>silence...then..whispers..more whispers..louder and louder
>people are changing answers on each other backs
>prof comes in and flips his shit

that was good times but really his fault. He got super butthurt and made the next midterm even harder because he couldnt peg like 200 people for cheating.

>> No.7201100

Well, a German student has just filed a 'Freedom of Information' request to see his exam questions

>> No.7201107

heh, if that was my professor he would've failed the entire class. If at least 30% passed the course no one would cared either.


>> No.7201119

I was told at least 20 times in university that every kind of communication before you hand in your paper is considered cheating, you can mail the prof but you really deserve it for doing stupid things.
>Ask student already walking to hand in his quiz to hand mine in with him
Even if you didn't cheat, this can and will be interpreted as helping hi. What were you even thing, just wave the TA if you can't get out.

And what kind of shit university are you even going to that you must stand up and hand in your exams? I always thought that they are collected by the TA everywhere and never heard otherwise.

>> No.7201131

I got a hw assignment back once graded and next to the grade it said "come see me in my office." went to see the professor. i'd done the problem and answered with certain units, then put the answer in different units next to it, because in the book there were values for different materials in different units than what i'd answered the problem in, so i converted it to those units to compare it to that of other materials. apparently like 2 other people did the same thing so he though we may have copied. but i just explained it to him and it was all good

>> No.7201156
File: 26 KB, 500x500, ronald-mcdonalds-hamburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your career in mcdonalds OP!!

>> No.7201175

>mfw I become mcdonalds CEO after working from the bottom
enjoy your diluted engineering degree sperglord.

>> No.7201197

Once during an open book test, the person in fron of my knocked her book off her desk because it was too small and I picked it up since it landed in front of me and said "here you go" and the TA (who was texting and just looking up from his phone at that moment) got upset and after the test pulled us over after everybody left and started questioning us. We explained and he let it go but I was always nervous about it

>> No.7201223

I wasn't directly accused but it was heavily implied.

Was taking a spanish class online this semester, just got out of work at 11pm and had to submit my midterm by midnight.

I skipped all the video upload segments of the test cause they'd take too long to record, did the rest and turned it in for a C.

2 weeks later I see my professor manual changed my grade to a 0 the day before the drop deadline. Emailed her asking why, told me I was cheating and using online dictionaries. Told her I wasn't and she said she didn't believe me because I hadn't turned in the past 2 video assignments (I don't have a webcam and uploading with my phone camera is a pain in the ass). Decided to just drop the class.

Sent a video reply via email entirely in spanish basically proving I know spanish. She emailed back an apology and said she'd change my exam grade but by then I dropped the class.

More time to study for real classes I suppose.

>> No.7201245

>And what kind of shit university are you even going to that you must stand up and hand in your exams? I always thought that they are collected by the TA everywhere and never heard otherwise.

That's sounds terrible, can't you get up and leave when you're done?

>> No.7201266
File: 28 KB, 316x202, 1413001191475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are answers aren't even

>> No.7201364

Write a formal letter to the headmaster. Explain how the teacher misunderstood and how he blew it out of proportion. Include what you greentexted in your post, and make it clear that he can ask anyone in your class for witnesses.

>> No.7201449

Harvard, actually.

>> No.7201526

>he couldnt peg like 200 people for cheating
That happened in my algebra class last semester, and they simply decided the final wouldnt count.
You could sign up to pass another final during summer( 2 months after end of semester).
Or you said fuck it, and they only graded ''success'' or ''failure'' based on your grade before the final.

>> No.7201531

He goes to Harvard, he can type how he wants to.

>> No.7201553

i'd put an emphasis on his public accusations and the carrer bullshit.
As if you took that as a personal insult and display of power.
They won't be to happy with that shit

>> No.7201600

>Be TAing for a class that we have an exam in
>One student has a laptop on his head for some reason, but I let it slide because he's not using it
>He finishes his exam but his body and fedora are too large for him to come hand it in
>He pulls over another student already walking and tells him to hand it in for him
>Before that he "whispers" (loudly, with heaving breath) if the student got the same answers as him
>I hastily walk over to take the exams to process for cheating, as is standard policy when students speak in exams
>The kid starts flipping out saying he wasn't cheating and that this is bourgeois bullshit
>Hear him mutter he's going to shank me after class
>Purposely avoid him for my own safety and explain he's made the situation worse by revealing to the whole class he cheated

What should I have done?

>> No.7201704


Our desk size is about the size of a college rule paper, so the laptop was on my lap and the fold over desk on top of that where I'd write on my paper. Calculator, formula sheets, and laptop all resting on my lap.

Also I didn't threaten the guy wtf?

>> No.7201729

it's OK anon, he just thinks he's clever for posting stale pasta

>> No.7201740

you handed your exam paper to your bro and shared information about your answers. This is cheating. I hope as a result of your imminent expulsion your life takes a sudden turn for the worse (drugs, depression, suicide attempts etc)

>> No.7201742

stab him with his own knife.

>> No.7202077

the only way out is to throw the other guy under the bus.

you handed him your paper with the expressed verbal contract that he is to turn it in. He agreed to this by taking the paper, at which point he breached said contract by looking at your test and comparing his test with yours.

he cheated, not you. stand up for yourself. he is just a guy with no common sense. not your fault.

bring up that there are no exam procedures that prohibit having someone turn in your exam for you.

>> No.7202092

at my school your conduct would be grounds for discipline. In the month leading up to exams they put up regulations everywhere - no talking, no aids, keep your eyes on your own paper, stop writing immediately when time is called. Sometimes the rules are just the rules and you cannot negotiate.

>> No.7202256

Huh, no, it's the TA's job, they're expecting him to do it, you're delusional if you think anyone will take a student's side over any discipline issue.

>> No.7202258

Do you even know what pasta means?

>> No.7202318

Once in high school chemistry. We sat at tables with two students on each side. For tests we put up two foot high partitions that split the table into four squares.

>Start test
>Work through it, no problem
>Get to a problem near the end, pause for a minute thinking about it, looking at my test with my eyes well below the partition, doing nothing suspicious whatsoever
>Suddenly the teacher booms, "Mr. Anon, come turn in your test, you've been caught cheating."
>I just look up, pause with a look like I'm considering whether she's retarded, and say, "No I didn't."
>...I saw you
>9/10 next to me says, "He didn't do anything. What are you talking about?"
>It's silent while she takes a few seconds to consider how to respond
>Take advantage and casually look back down to continue working on my test
>Everyone else continues the test
>Nothing came of it

That teacher was so fucking weird.

>> No.7202322


Everything he said and did increased his liability in a lawsuit. So tell him to fuck off or else.

Also, quit cheating.

>> No.7202325

> if you think anyone will take a student's side over any discipline issue.
that's untrue.
My friend's a TA and it was obvious that this group of kids were cheating on lab reports.
She eventually went to the professor to give them a failing grade.
They were called in where they talked to the professor and he forgave them.

>> No.7202329

Fuck off OP, everytime I hear someone make a bullshit story like that, I clearly remember them cheating. It was the same thing in high school like it is in university. Don't fucking talk to anyone when there's silence in the class.
Also your TA probably wouldn't target you if he hadn't known you we're risky.

>> No.7202334
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top kek

>> No.7202402

Because "she" overreacted as always. I obviously meant male TAs.

Do you even know how the patriarchy works?

>> No.7202405

>Everything he said and did increased his liability in a lawsuit.
What are you talking about? The TA did nothing wrong. It's not libel, the kid was quite cheating, he was doing his job, it's not like he wanted to deal with assholes breaking the rules.