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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 490 KB, 1024x768, engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191428 No.7191428[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys dress like this?

>> No.7191432

What's wrong with jeans?

>> No.7191433


What's wrong with jeans? Doesn't everyone wear them?

>> No.7191436

I atom coitus?

>> No.7191437

I + Adam = coitus

>> No.7191444


>> No.7191445
File: 1.08 MB, 1056x633, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i wear these shoes

>> No.7191455

They are ill-fitting Dad jeans.

Also the lame graphic tee and autism shoes. Plus optional fedora.

>> No.7191457

Will I get the large hadron collider as my tattoo?

>> No.7191467

>Ill-fitting dad jeans
what the fuck? Can someone explain this shit to me, are you saying they're too loose or too tight? Because anything more snug than that pic is nancy boy skinny jeans territory, and anything looser and you just end up looking like you're trying too hard to be ghetto.

>> No.7191470
File: 267 KB, 2046x1366, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 ;_;

>> No.7191481

Nothing. Wide jeans are not more or less aesthetic than narrow jeans. It's just retarded "trendhoppers" that believe something is law because they saw it in a newspaper.

No style is better or worse than the other. If you want to dress like Steve Jobs, then that's equally legitimate as any other outfit. And this comes from someone who's wardrobe is filled with Margiela, Cavalli, SLP, Damir Doma, McQueen, etc.

>> No.7191488
File: 6 KB, 194x160, 1417637811751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with nerds and dad jeans? Either go full relaxed-fit or full slim-fit. Dad jeans are like neither but worse than both.

>> No.7191491

they're cheap and comfy ;_;

>> No.7191493

Not on your life

>> No.7191499

>those shoes
please be bait

>> No.7191507

they're electrostatic dissipative

>> No.7191509

I usually wear t-shirts, but not that kind. I sometimes wear some math competition t-shirts though.
God, no
Different color, very similar model

Deal with it

>> No.7191511
File: 149 KB, 876x427, 10404414_1546501558938976_8844627891363037935_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lvl what OP

>> No.7191514

are you a real person?

>> No.7191516

last time I checked, yeah I am

>> No.7191519

Do you do kush with Physics or before/after?

>> No.7191526

I bet you don't see the benefits of boxer-briefs either you philistine

>slim-fit jeans
>fucking ever

>> No.7191528



>> No.7191530
File: 525 KB, 1000x834, wear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wear plain colour t-shirts or plaid collared shirts

mechanical engineering undergrad

>> No.7191532
File: 126 KB, 853x1280, 023740723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praying that everyone in this thread is trolling

>> No.7191536


please tell me you don't actually wear those shoes...

>> No.7191537

hiking shoes when it's cold
sandal things when it's warm

>> No.7191538
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>> No.7191539
File: 318 KB, 900x2400, TIf56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking thread. Everyone post your majors + /fa/shit. Everyone else hate rate their shitty taste.

>Formal (at labs with dresscodes, high-profile seminars, masters/PhD research defenses etc.)
-Slimfit dark coloured oxfords (with top button unbuttoned)
-Either dark or khaki coloured pants or chinos
-Black or brown round cap leather shoes depending colour scheme (usually Grey/Dark/Black or Navy/Khaki/Brown)
>Winter/day and summer nightwear
-Either oxfords or t-shirts or polos depending on the temperature, dark winter colours both day and night
-Slimfit dark blue or black denim jeans, in rare cases dark linen
-Less formal/shiny black/brown leather shoes
-Technical/cotton jacket when overly cold, never blazers or coats
-Plain coloured t-shirts mostly grey, black and dark blue. Rarely light summer colours matching with khaki
-Trim khaki/grey shorts
-Khaki or black rock-climbing quality sandals
-AO sunglasses

>> No.7191540

/fa/g here
invest in red wing iron rangers

>> No.7191544

it doesn't matter what the weather is, both those choices are god awful

>> No.7191547

>for shoes
how about no
I wear what is cheap and comfortable, why would I spend more money on something less comfortable?
>/sci/ the fashion experts

>> No.7191548

OP jeans are clearly too loose on the sides. Also faded denim looks like shit on everyone except blondes.

>> No.7191550

>ardrobe is filled with Margiela, Cavalli, SLP, Damir Doma, McQueen, etc.
You've spend too much time on /fa/ nigger.

>> No.7191551

planetary science
patagonia jacket
american apparel button ups
brown and gray dickies
dark brown suede clarks
rayban clubmaster as glasses

>> No.7191552

>why would I spend more money on something less comfortable?
because then you won't spend your undergrad looking like an autistic man child

you honestly don't have to spend that much to get something that looks good

>> No.7191553

You've never worked in Pyrotechnics lab have you?

>> No.7191554

looking good is not a top priority of mine, there is no way in hell I am spending $500 on some fucking shoes

>> No.7191556

ill-fitting is more about overall shape and the way they look when theyre on you. you can have baggy jeans that look good and fit nicely, but "dad" jeans in particular are ones that look absolute shit like youre literally wearing a minecraft skin IRL and your legs are just rectangular blocks.

>> No.7191557

>implying they are less comfortable
>spends more in the long run for lesser quality
>250 new

>> No.7191559

>Poorly matching colors and fit
>That fucking shit in his breast pocket
2/10, who the fuck does this guy think he is?

>> No.7191561

Charity shop dude here.

>> No.7191565

do u smell

>> No.7191566

listen buddy, I live in Canada
I need shoes that either hold up through our shitty winters or are cheap enough to replace
those shoes look like the stitching would come out after a year of use

>> No.7191567

>looking good is not a top priority of mine

>> No.7191569

Does anyone actually wear fedoras? I don't think I've seen any in the wild since they became a meme.

>> No.7191570

my priorities at the moment are getting my degree and having as little debt as possible by the time I graduate
spending $500 on some shoes so I can look like a hipster faggot is not important to me

>> No.7191573

I still see them...often...usually the shittier freshman STEM students who drop out to go study art or something.

This is why I only TA senior classes now.

>> No.7191575

Good clothes and looking attractive is pretty damn important to getting a good job. What do you wear to internships? I'm not the /fa/ggot, but I do recommend you at least get some comfy leather shoes.

>> No.7191577

a guy in my first year of undergrad wore a fedora and bought a cane to lectures

he had genuine autism though

>> No.7191584

In my first year when I lived in my university's residence I saw two fedora fuckers sitting together, one had a reddit pin on his hat
I wear a suit and tie, or just a dress shirt and tie to interviews, with black dress pants and shoes.
At the job I wear khacki's/dress pants, collared shirts, and black/brown dress shoes depending on the pants. I know how to dress professionally, but there's no reason to do so when I'm studying.

>> No.7191585

Ahh, that makes a lot more sense, thanks. Clearly however, I am far too autistic to have an eye for that sort of thing, and 80% of the jeans I own probably fall into that category of "definition-less mass of denim". I guess I'm doomed to be a dadrocker stereotype, but at least my shirts don't have graphics on them..

I actually see them quite often at my uni, but most of the kids that wear them are quite literally walking stereotypes, I can't think of any I've talked to who are actually aware of the whole euphoria stigma though. Anybody who is probably threw theirs away because in the world of the betas, shame is by far the most powerful motivator.

>> No.7191586
File: 14 KB, 239x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're really committed to them being $500 when they aren't. You should learn about quality shoes one day though, not even from a fashion stance. It's about like....integrating into society...man. You can wear the dad jeans. You can wear the bazinga shirts. But if you wear the boots...people will think twice about you.

Also it's nice on my part to have one shoe for casual and work wear

>> No.7191589

You've got yours shit covered then, yeah you don't need to look pretty during lectures, only art students need to worry about finding a rich husband before graduating.

>> No.7191592

>You can wear the dad jeans. You can wear the bazinga shirts.
I am not that poster, nor do I wear either of those. Are you implying I don't have dress shoes and clothes?

>> No.7191598

How fat are you? Just Levi 114s (I think?) or any dark coloured / raw denim "slim fit" jeans, it will fit properly unless you are too fat or have no muscle mass on your legs, just measure your waist and get the right size. Don't buy skinny jeans if you're not a skinny girl. You can if you're a skinny legged guy and it will good, but you don't really want to advertise that you're a fag.

>> No.7191602

yes because i thought you were that poster

>> No.7191609


>> No.7191615

>buying fancy clothes
>not donating that money too impoverished nations

billgates/10 guys, not impress

>> No.7191616

10/10 would trade in wardrobe for

>> No.7191638

Not fat at all, I'm a full-on manlet that's pretty much skinnyfat with narrow hips. I've got one of those fast metabolism ectomorph body types, I could probably pull off the skinny jeans look if I didn't think they looked so goddamn stupid (and putting my genitals in a vice grip isn't fun).

but the hard truth is I'm just a faggot who can't be arsed to care about looking nice beyond not looking like a sperg, most of my formal clothing is ill-fitted and mismatched and I can't justify spending the cash to look nice on the rare occasions they're needed.

>> No.7191648
File: 224 KB, 720x1280, WIN_20150413_121843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ecology undergrad at ucsd

>> No.7191673

Jeans that fit properly (form fitting but not skin tight)
Button down shirts (solid colors, mostly)
Grey sneakers (yes they are new balance)
Baseball hat when outdoors only

So, not entirely off, but with crucial differences...

>> No.7191674


>> No.7191679
File: 261 KB, 408x1217, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have Asperger's syndrome?

>dad jeans
What, regular-fitting jeans? Why should everything be a silly-looking extreme?

>> No.7191687

>science technology engineering math


>> No.7191690

Fashion is for >>>/fa/ggots

>> No.7191701


/fa/ is a board filled with insecure children with no money.

>invest in red wing iron rangers

I would pay $200 for them, but not more.

keep in mind, that guide is very dated

>> No.7191702

During, obv

>> No.7191709
File: 185 KB, 600x607, lkmnguuhjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pixies shirt
>baggie jeans
>those shoes

>> No.7191732
File: 364 KB, 585x697, best_shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wearing your best murrica shirt

It's like you guys aren't even patriotic

>> No.7191747

>being this thick
>coming to /sci/

i didnt think mathematicians/physicists would be the lifting type

>> No.7191752

Carl sagan?

>> No.7191755

>dat rounded shoulder

ugh, gotta vomit. almost looks like dislocated

>> No.7191759

I'm not in mathematics or physics.

I'm about to finish up my Master's in Kinesiology. Already certified through the ACSM and have 600 clinical hours in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.

Nigga what

>> No.7191762

How much do you deadlift though

>> No.7191769

They're not baggy.

I get the feeling the shoes are 9 years out of fashion, but that's not much of a concern.

>> No.7191873

It's missing the eagles.

>> No.7191905

Only 400 at the moment. I'm a sub-6 ft mallet though.

I think the wolves are a nice touch

>> No.7191940

ChemE undergrad. Yuropoor country.

>191 cm or 6'3'' burgerunits of length
>85 kg. or 187 burgerunits of mass

>Everyday it's dark blue or blue jeans with or without belt depending on how they fit
>T-shirts. Typically well known brand-names with bright colors
>Random white or black Adidas shoes
>Glasses because muh myopia
>Vostok Amphibia 420268 with james bond NATO strap
>Black MILTEC molle backpack just because

yeah I don't give two shits about fashion. Still look good and have hot 9.9/10 gf

>> No.7191946
File: 353 KB, 798x551, carry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step your game up fags.

>> No.7191950

>that big

lmao I'm a skelly and do 352 (160kg)

step your shit up

>> No.7191952



>> No.7191957


>> No.7191960


>> No.7191963


>> No.7191965

Oh, are you guys jealous I get more cock than you all combined?

>> No.7191970
File: 27 KB, 512x422, 1310672082321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just calling you a faggot. Faggot.

>> No.7191971


>> No.7191976

Everyone on /sci/ just wears what their mom buys from them. We don't have time to worry about clothes.

>> No.7191985

Never Khaki... At least not shorts, Khaki shorts are an abomination.

>> No.7191995

You can find nice shoes for way below 500$. You just want to think (looking good = expensive) because it would be the only solid argument.

>> No.7192000

> Expecting shoes to hold up for years

>> No.7192001

I saw a prime example on the exam I wrote last Friday. The guy had everything the stereotype is.

>> No.7192012

I occasionally spot a sad specimen of the fedora sheepishly walking around.

>> No.7192017

Loads of people wear trilbys.

>> No.7192019

The Army destroyed my lower back though

>> No.7192020

if you go to an engineering school, just about everyone lifts.

shits like prison.
>no chicks
>super structured schedule
>usually in some small suburban town with nothing to do.

what else you gonna do besides get swole and study?

>> No.7192026

theres a midget that goes to my school that wears one. he rocks it tho.

>> No.7192032


I haven't seen anybody wear a fedora unironically since high school.

>> No.7192035

Sounds shitty. I fucking love being a mathematician.

>> No.7192036

too bad that fag did something useless like kinesiology

>> No.7192037

What? Most of my shoes last about three years, more if they aren't my "main" shoes.

>> No.7192039

>I lithium coitus

what the fuck does that mean?

>> No.7192049
File: 63 KB, 500x664, 1427634600981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192059

always good to see people of color studying STEM

>> No.7192069


>not dropping lithium after a hard day's work

grandpa please go to bed

>> No.7192079

I look like a slav trying to sell drugs.

>> No.7192114

I wear khaki shorts, Baja jackets, tie dye shirts and flip flops and so do most people here

Guess my uni

>> No.7192122

What's THAT bad about the shoes

They just look like shoes

>> No.7192136
File: 214 KB, 770x1383, nxtlvl fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying all the qt sloots dont love me

>> No.7192144


>> No.7192152
File: 302 KB, 1382x1152, muh style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck with my swag

>> No.7192158


What about for people who actually exercise (like doing heavy squats) and thus don't have skinny legs? I physically cannot fit in skinny jeans. I usually get relaxed-fit jeans.

>> No.7192159
File: 122 KB, 883x587, clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aerospace engineering

can you guess in which part of the united states I go to school?

>> No.7192161

Same situation. Fuck skinny jeans, they're for people with chicken legs.

>> No.7192164

Dont be an aspie, just get slim fitting jeans fuck

>> No.7192173

Kid in my physics class

>literal neckbeard
>ironic tie over his vidya tshirt
>shorts every fucking day
>brings his gaming laptop to class
>quotes reddit jokes during lecture, thinking he is hilarious

He is a walking stereo type. I loathe him

>> No.7192186

Hey, look on the bright side. He'll die one day.

>> No.7192232

>not wanting to be the reincarnate of benny the jet from the sandlot


>> No.7192272

/sci/ really can't into shoes... God awful.

>> No.7192276

>not having a pair of indoor soccer shoes so you're ready for a game of footykicky at a moments notice

>> No.7192279


whatever, fatso

>> No.7192297


>> No.7192307

>Do you have Asperger's syndrome?
Only slight.

>/fa/ is a board filled with insecure children with no money.
Most of us are poor students with about just as much money.

>keep in mind, that guide is very dated
It's good enough for effortless basics, better than looking completely retarded.

I'm South African, Khaki looks good in our summer colours depending on your physical features. It looks shit everywhere far enough from the equator though.

>> No.7192309

Slim-fit doesn't mean fucking skinnies you retard.

Slim fit with a taper should give enough room in the thighs while slimming toward the calves.

>> No.7192313

Because to most plebs STEM has always always "GLORIOUS ENGINEERING MASTER RACE (plus those other majors with some math in it)"

>> No.7192335

That's fucking terrible, faggot.

>> No.7192346







Rule of thumb:
Skinny: Skellyfags with no muscle
Slim: Fitfags with v-shape etc.
Regular: Fatfags

>> No.7192361

>He is a walking stereo type. I loathe him
*tips trilby*

>> No.7192378

>Rule of thumb:
>Skinny: Skellyfags with no muscle
>Slim: Fitfags with v-shape etc.
>Regular: Fatfags

Lol, thank you mr tribal rule man please tell me more about how to impress the dominant apes of this world.

>> No.7192406

>Implying that wearing this outfit to class or the lab wouldn't be sperlord/10

>> No.7192414

nicely done, anon. are you petroleum or mechanical? ps are you /fit/?

>> No.7192418

ITT: /sci/ discovers that autism and fashion are a horrible mix

>> No.7192425

EE here. Power Systems, none of that computer engineering digital bullshit.

I wear clothes that were relatively inexpensive but well-made. I have everything tailored (or sew it myself if I can) if it doesn't fit off the rack. I'm fit, not skinny, so most clothing fits okay as long as it wasn't cut for a fucking hamplanet (lots of dress shirts are fucking tents).

I have several pairs of nice denim, one kakhi colored, one grey, one maroon, and one dark blue jeans. I wear steel-toe boots if I'm going to the lab or anywhere else where I might need boots. Most of the time I wear Wallabies (Chukka boots). Plain colored t-shirts or v-necks with a colored shirt with sleeves rolled up if it's cool out.

And my formal/business attire is lacking because I'm poor and I never have to wear a suit to work or the shop floor.

Give me another year and I'll be doing allright though.

>> No.7192427

>are you /fit/?
i was until junior year

>> No.7192454

>autism and fashion are a horrible mix

They're the best mix. You don't get to be really good at fashion without having at least some autism.

>> No.7192467

Jeans: Yes
Running shoes: Yes

But shut up about the fucking jeans, you can't blame anyone for wearing jeans.

>> No.7192470

I do a plain t-shirt, jeans and converse every day.

>> No.7192473
File: 1.19 MB, 200x200, 1409646325654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a proven law of academia?

Theory - Average to above-average attractiveness, well-rounded, appreciates the arts, physically fit, poor, a little crazy in the head but just the right amount.

>Applied - Ugly, socially inept, materialist, narrow-minded, has money, thinks women are out to get them, physically unhealthy, can't stop talking about science.

>> No.7192476

my penis is too big for skinny jeans

>> No.7192478

Only a true fedora would know the difference by heart.

>> No.7192485

I must wear fedoras to possibly remember the difference was pointed out 4chan a few times.

>> No.7192488

> Khakis
Ah, very good point actually. I am very far from the equator, Sweden, so I guess that's why I loathe Khakis.

>> No.7192496

Can't decipher this, so I guess you are free to call me a sperglord.

>> No.7192504

>all jeans are equal in regard to quality, fit, and color


>> No.7192505

This is literally good uni vs. shitty uni

been to both so I know

>> No.7192519

Tell us about it, does it involve Math/Physics at some point?

>> No.7192714

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.7192717

how do i dress in a way that will earn me respect from my STEM peers but still gets all of the bitches?

>> No.7192719

Only black people can wear fedoras and maybe pull it off

On pale white nerds it just looks awkward.

>> No.7192724

I get the shirt and fedora, but what do you have against jeans and sneakers?

>tfw wally world wardrobe

>> No.7192729

Sometimes I wear a shirt w/ kakis and sometimes I wear a t-shirt with kakais/jeans. I don't give a shit what other people think. I'm a STEM major not a fucking Liberal Arts major.

>> No.7192734

at my uni the EE''s that go into power systems are the ones who can't get jobs in CE but know how to wye-delta transform to death

>> No.7192779
File: 336 KB, 1180x1500, Autism_suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this was the generic me for most of the winter. Exact same build and skin tone as the shirt picture
>was AE
>wanted less math and more hands on
>now ET
yes, I'm a basic bitch
you mother fucker are you at Embry Riddle? I was there fall semester

>> No.7192789

if you are socially adept enough, you can pull anything off. I've seen some really autistic looking black kids

>> No.7192790

why autism suit that shirt and sweater are god tier

>> No.7192795

I know nothing about fashion beyond the sticky on /fa/ and usually just dress in a way that I believe not to look silly. I brace for the worst on these kinds of things, but most people say I dress ok.

>> No.7192934
File: 86 KB, 793x794, 1422341320555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Embry Riddle

God I wish. Good ole Cal State Long Beach

>> No.7193025

Just be fit and wear slim fitting clothing, everything else makes you look like an unattractive retard not worthy of respect nor pussy.

Old people and young fit people can pull it off.

>> No.7193045
File: 40 KB, 776x616, 37490219_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fug, what major? Almost done with my aerospace engineering degree at CSULB.

>> No.7193047

Shit I didn't read your previous post.

Holy shit, you're aero too? Who the fuck are you?

>> No.7193061


Haha, you lot are the exact type to wear this stuff. Get some swag bois ;)

>> No.7193080

>that pic
>those jackets
>those shoes

This is literally fedora material and I always see skinny teenagers wear this shit in public and look extremely awkward.

>> No.7193082

>skinny teenagers

Because skinny teenager shits look awkward in anything they wear.

Anyway it's standard cold weather wear for young adults anywhere in the world that isn't New York or the poor parts of third world shitholes.

>> No.7193504
File: 138 KB, 1024x1024, Bst_MmMCMAAjPaN.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how I dress, although with the addition of long chinos.

>> No.7193532

plain t-shirt , jeans, iron rangers. are you me?

>> No.7193537

The fuck man, you look like a frat, everyone hates frats, especially in academia

>> No.7193540

So you wear the voyager record as pants?

>> No.7193567


I'm not part of a frat and I absolutely despise clothes that have blatant branding (Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger etc.). It's more the general style that I like. Women appreciate it too, so that's a plus.

>> No.7193585
File: 421 KB, 700x525, 1422066822725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you as long as we start a pepe club together

>> No.7193590
File: 119 KB, 500x614, 1426037102296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone hates frats

You know those hot girls on campus? I've been fucking all of them. But I'm sure your 2D waifu is enough. U mad?

>> No.7193611

sorority girls and other frat cum dumpsters are rarely hot.

>> No.7193618
File: 14 KB, 235x250, 1423800863291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, all those girls in your math courses are so much hotter right?

>> No.7193623
File: 22 KB, 463x325, 1415308145939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay let's make a Pepe club. Are you in any of Dr. Besnard's classes?

>> No.7193627

dumb frogposter

>> No.7193630

has never stepped foot on an american college campus

>> No.7193656
File: 31 KB, 396x381, 1421205247114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm only a second year

>> No.7193671

Maybe we just have a different definition of hot, I'm far more attracted to the petite/cardio bunny figure than the busty blonde types.

>> No.7193673
File: 207 KB, 1280x960, fold1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a senior graduating next fall so I probably don't know you, although you may have seen me riding and carrying a Dahon Speed Uno around campus.

>> No.7193675

There are 3 reasons I don't wear Prep clothes:
- People used to dress like this 30 years ago, it's passé
- The branding is very obvious. I don't want to be a PRL trooper (and even pay for it)
- The collars don't work too well with buzzcut.

Also people who wear Prep, trend to wear Prep even when going out. The shirts are bland (compared to Versace), so some of them wear a tie, bow tie, or even a jacket on top. Obviously this is much more uncomfortable, will make you sweat more, and get in your way while dancing.

Lastly, I feel people who wear Prep are usually sons of lawyers who try to emulate their fathers. Since my father isn't a lawyer, Prep doesn't apply to me. And there are also poor people who think wearing Prep will make them look rich - that is obviously very silly.

>> No.7193808

I wear strictly YSL nigga.

>> No.7194056
File: 159 KB, 1000x830, 6WRPhpJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuff your jeans and burn all shoes you own please

>> No.7194068


>> No.7194083

back to r/malefashionadvice please.

>> No.7194186

Fuck off, it's from old 4chan /fa/, why not try using valid critique instead of shitposting le back to reddit maymays?

>> No.7194334
File: 680 KB, 900x900, clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a brown belt

>> No.7194383


what do you need such a fat backpack for

are you studying theology or someshit

>> No.7194390

Both pretty good

The backpack is fine. Not really about the red shirt or minimalist watch but what do I know. I mean they go the outfit at least.

>> No.7194404

it looks a lot bigger in the picture, just my computer, three notebooks, 3 folders, lunch, and laptop charger

and biology, my calc prof likes to do book problems though..

>> No.7194440
File: 381 KB, 443x622, sfdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never made one of these faggy photos but there you go.
It's actually a dark crimson colour what I have, but couldn't find it. Backpack is just a normal black bone.

>> No.7194441
File: 368 KB, 564x662, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just need small things to separate you from preppy middle eastern guys.

>> No.7194448

Forgot, Civil Engineering.

>> No.7194490
File: 52 KB, 550x285, Boxers-or-briefs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right? IMO briefs are comfy as fuck, and can look good as long as you don't pick white ones.

>> No.7194535 [DELETED] 

I'm and electrical engineer. my school is UCSC, so its in the middle of a coniferous forest. if i lived in the city, i would probably wear converse instead. if it is a little warmer out, i wear a plain bright colored t-shirt instead.

i spend a considerable amount of free time hiking in the woods, and this is usually what i wear.

also i wear one of those backpacks to class.

>> No.7194540
File: 611 KB, 756x972, EveryDay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm and electrical engineer. my school is UCSC, so its in the middle of a coniferous forest. if i lived in the city, i would probably wear converse instead. if it is a little warmer out, i wear a plain bright colored t-shirt instead.

i spend a considerable amount of free time hiking in the woods, and this is usually what i wear.

also i wear one of those backpacks to class.

>> No.7194565


I had to take a picture of the bag cause I couldn't find it online anywhere. I have no idea what it's called. It was just my dad's old bag so... I love it though

Outfits not too bad, I'm biased towards high tops for hiking boots though obviously.

>> No.7194585

I wear grey tshirts and beige pants.

>> No.7194590

>hiking with jeans

>> No.7194653

theres poison ive. if you wear shorts you can end up with a huge rash. its really shitty. so instead i just wear my more flexible, worn out jeans on those days. also the woods are like 10 degrees colder than the dorms and academic buildings.