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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7189518 No.7189518 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of this?

>> No.7189526

>allowed to use notes, book, homework, formula sheet, and your fucking computer
is this a test or homework?

>> No.7189530

Its a stat class.

>> No.7189533

>86 out of 100

So he failed the exam? I mean anything lower than an A is a fail. He will never get into an academic career with that lack of intellect. At the same time he will never get into a career outside academia because of his social retardation, as evidenced by the drawing of memes and his approval of drug abuse.

>> No.7189537


So 86/100 is considered a fail?

>> No.7189542

Yes, definitely. Even more so, given the fact that the test allowed usage of all available tools and sources, including a fucking computer. That faggot is unemployable.

>> No.7189543

>He will never get into an academic career with that lack of intellect.

You'll never get anywhere in life with that autism.
If you're socially competent you get anywhere as long as you pass.

>> No.7189548

Anything above 70 is acceptable to me. If I actually get a 70 on an exam, it means I didn't even pay attention in lecture, as I have a natural 85% retention rate for 3 weeks, dropping to 80%-75% over 2 months. If I actually decide to study, which would generally be just a quick skim of my notes, I would get a 95%+ on any exam.

>> No.7189556
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>> No.7189562

Basically, anything above 75% is cushion for laziness.

>> No.7189582

>your computer

>> No.7189605


At my uni the highest grades are given with ~70%, and nobody ever gets 100%.

>> No.7189610


Identical to my Calc II class. The professor is abysmal and can't lecture to save his life.

>> No.7189613

i'd give a point for the drawing and the sentiment, but i'd object to the use of the work gaylord. but i only grade when i'm drunk, so... a point

>> No.7189615

Honestly as long as my average is a 60% I am happy, as this lets me move on to the next year. Mechanical Engineering student here.

>> No.7189629

Makes sense as 70% of professors aren't actually good at teaching.

>> No.7189660

>anything above 80%
>Not an A

Shit is universally observed. Cry about it

>> No.7191009


if you get 86/100 you're a retard.

Any math in high school & college is fucking simple as fuck and you should always 98-100 all your tests.

If you can't do that you probably can't do the math that is required in your future job because it will be 10 times harder.

>> No.7191023

This pic is fake as fuck, no prof/assistant uses a red crayon.

>> No.7191060


>> No.7191152

what about when exams give you enough time to answer every question, but not enough time to double check for mistakes?

>> No.7191182
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your exams must have been very easy.

were they all multiple choice or something?
this is a typical question from a second year undergraduate exam in statistics at a decent UK university (not the best, not the worst) usually about 30-40% of the marks are just bookwork i.e. regurgitating definitions and things like that.

very few people in a typical year group sitting the exam would get over 90% in this exam.

>> No.7191196

faculty here, what we do when a student does this is take off one point from another problem to add the extra one point if the student made a really good drawing. Makes shit all of a difference in the end.

Although if a student put "math is for gaylords" on one of my exams, they'd get a -5 even if they were able to draw my favorite anime character(Okuu from Touhou, same for most other nuclear engineers).

Also funny story, I once had a student offer sexual favors to improve a grade. The student was male and so am I. This was also for an engineering class, I declined.

>> No.7191226

You're not an engineering teacher if you turned down gay sex

>> No.7191242

What is this?, wow.

>> No.7191256

correct, at the time I was not, I was just a TA. I was required to direct students to the prof for this sort of stuff.

>> No.7191280

Of course you never pay any attention and thats why your grades suck so hard, amirite?

Pathetic faggots like you make me sick, stop making up excuses for your own failure gaylord.

>> No.7191310
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>I once had a student offer sexual favors to improve a grade. The student was male and so am I.
>This was also for an engineering class, I declined.
come on man

>> No.7191340
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>tfw the Based Neyman Pearson lemma

>> No.7191379

How is passing the semester a failure? My approach to live is "do nothing, get (much less than I could, but still a few, so it's fine) bitches."

>> No.7191410

my philosophy on life is "put in as little effort as possible for the maximum reward"
as long as I get my degree it doesn't matter what my grades were, I just want a good job

>> No.7191431

your troll was successful

>> No.7191683

looks like red ballpoint pen that's running out of ink or smth

>> No.7191776

It's true though. I never fail anything. And if I do, it's because I lost interest in the lecture or I was simply lazy. I always put in just enough mental resources to pass the class at least.

>> No.7191787

Are you people so retarded that you actually believe that an 86 is a bad grade, or are you just so young that you don't know any better and just can't help but get trolled.

>> No.7191904

>any math in high school & college is fucking simple as fuck
Uh, you sure you don't want to qualify that?

>> No.7192223

I hate looking at exams from other countries that are much harder than the ones I took. I'm taking a course called "statistics for scientists and engineers" in the US right now and we've never covered anything that looks like that. is that a stat course for math majors or something? I feel like I'm missing out on a good education ; _ ;

>> No.7192241

>If you can't do that you probably can't do the math that is required in your future job because it will be 10 times harder.

you must go to a shit school. if the average for an exam isn't 75, the teacher made it too easy.

>> No.7192290

>statistics for scientists and engineers
With a name like that, it's not surprising that your course eschews theory in favor of application.

If you're interested in learning more about this kind of stuff, Casella and Berger is a good introduction that's both readable and comprehensive.

>> No.7192315

One of my Spanish friends that does engineering had this exam for Calculus 1 at the end of his first semester: http://imgur.com/tCkdsfd (it has question and then solution to the question, I can translate some if anyone wants to try them)

I study math in the UK at a top uni, and his engineering first semester calculus syllabus is the same as my two semester real analysis, and my exams are piss easy compared to that. So what I'm saying is, I know your feel

>> No.7192321

People are still stupid. At my school average was always in the 40s-50s. I still finished every exam in half the time and got straight 100s.

>> No.7192348

Cool story bro.

>> No.7192354

It's probably true. If the bulk of people are passing it's simple enough to get 100. Unless the prof is great at making exams and makes it so like:

50 easy points
30 medium points
20 hard points

or something.

>> No.7192546


Oh God. I can't imagine how male would offer sexual favors, especially from a engineering class.

>> No.7193541

Oh yes, don't worry, this is a statistics course for people who study maths or statistics.

If you're studying engineering or physics or something then you only need to be able to apply statistics theory and just have the tests memorised and under what conditions to use them, how errors propagate, and things like that.

I thought it would be the closest equivalent to the kind of exam that was posted in the OP.
ST208 means it's second year, right?

>> No.7193549

Did anyone miss what happened? He probably ditched math class. However, he turned in the paper with the picture and somehow, the high-school teacher passed him. He went to smoke weed rather than taking the time to pass the math class.

>> No.7193674


They haven't had the rug that is being self-sufficient pulled out from under them yet. All high-school asks of you is to regurgitate what the teacher said would be on the exam.

>> No.7193682
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>pretending to be a genius on a Mongolian cartoon website

>> No.7195881

you're just a bitter little man under alot of pressure

>> No.7195907
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>> No.7195909

>what percentage you got above the pass mark matters
Yeah if you're in high school. All that matters at the end of the day is the piece of paper that says you're qualified, nobody gives a shit that you got 95% on your discrete math exam.

>> No.7195914

>I'm in the US right now
>I feel like I'm missing out on a good education
No shit.

>> No.7195917

>turning down gay sex
Sorry mate you're no engineer

>> No.7195921
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>> No.7195926

You should put that in your resumé for McDonalds LOL

>> No.7195941

In Belgium you pass the exams on university if you have 10/20.

>> No.7196178

bitch im a nuclear fushion physiasist with 3 doctor degrees and 4 masters in various obscure sciences and I employ myself

>> No.7196246

>"put in as little effort as possible for the maximum reward"
Engineering majors detected

>> No.7197277

Software engineering count? Because I always find the laziest way to do something.