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File: 234 KB, 1600x1200, Mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7187480 No.7187480 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a mycology/fungi thread going? these fuckers are so mysterious and weird, I just love 'em.

>> No.7187487

>he doesn't grow cubensis for fun and profit

Why are you even in college?


>> No.7187499

How is this profitable? Do people sell it to druggies or something? It definitely does look cool, though.

>> No.7187525


Yes, let's. Which fungus had long chain complex hydrocarbons. Which fungus was discovered in northern Patagonia by that mycologist from Montana? It fed on cellulose from the Ulmo tree.

I do amateur research sometimes. But fire destroyed a lot back in 2014.

>> No.7188442

If you're interested

>> No.7188536

I agree OP, they are so fascinating.
Shame we never went in depth on them with Biology, I wish I knew more about how they work. I guess there's also quite some things to learn from them.

>> No.7188579

>Ulmo tree.
hm ulmo honey is good shit

>> No.7188837
File: 98 KB, 537x358, amanita-muscaria-mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are fucking great! <3 funguy

Inoculating the fuck out of my garden this year with symbiotic mycelium over the summer.

Also setting up a grow space for some medicinal/food shrooms.

>> No.7188942
File: 122 KB, 799x745, tongue-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I developed a white tongue yesterday. Am I being eaten alive by fungus?

>> No.7189882

FUN FACT: some fungi have nooses attached to their roots that they use to snag and suffocate ringworms and then consume its flesh. It helps them because ringworms compete with the fungi for the decomposition of plant matter.

>> No.7190024

The spores have probably infiltrated all your vital organs already. Best have your will in order.

>> No.7190164

I had a friend who took 13 grams once of magic mushrooms, afterwards he started telling me an alien was communicating with him through the, "intergalactic mycellium network," this nigga has never been the same since.

I took 5 grams once and that shit was traumatizing, any similar experiences OP?

>> No.7190168

how is it

ive never done it but maybe mushrooms contain the isolated memories of things that they decompose from

>> No.7190170


>> No.7190178

its not like pot at all, but smoking pot does enhance it. It comes in cycles its so fucking crazy: you'll be really high then youll be kinda high then youll be really high again then kinda high...this goes on for hours.

The craziest shit is I always did it with my close friends and we all sort of tripped together, you share your trips together, that shit is not earthly. Its terrifying while youre in it but its awesome when you remembr it.

>ive never done it but maybe mushrooms contain the isolated memories of things that they decompose from

That reminds me of the Hannibal episode with the fungi

>> No.7190179

why would you think what im saying is crazy?

>> No.7190208

It varies with the type of mushrooms. I took 24 grams once and just had a fairly average run-of-the-mill Escher-inspired trip.

Took 5g once and was literally scared for my life.

Ionno mate, it's not impossible. Memories do physically exist in the brain and mushrooms are heterotrophic; they feed off decomposing plant and animal matter. Not sure if it's feasible for psilocybin to fruit in this way as I haven't really studied it.

>> No.7190217

they were called B+ and he got the spores online and grew them himself, shit was kinda crazy

>> No.7190223

yea, 13 gs is a little unnecessary... id say id top at like 8 or 9.. only done like 3.5 and less though. Got me way (deeper) into phenomenology and psychology and shit. dont think thats what this post is about tho lol. what happened to your friend? is he all schizo now?

>> No.7190226

> eating something transfers their memories
got some science to back up that ridiculous claim or just some drug-induced anecdote?

>> No.7190233

There's a planar worm that does it when it cannibalizes other worms, but it's impossible for humans to do it.

>> No.7190237

It was obviously conjecture. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.7190240

It's a shitty conjecture.
Learn biology or fuck off to >>>/x/

>> No.7190243

psilocybin cubensis

are you trolling?

>> No.7190258

You learn biology, fuckface. It is not impossible. Memory transfer experiments have been conducted at reputable institutions within the last 70 years.

>> No.7190293

Well I meant fungi in nature...but I can say that I've only done drugs once: took a dab (concentrated weed) in Freshmen year, got a terrible headache but the world looked cool.

No, I'm just a retard. Seconds after posting I looked up the name and saw that it was magic mushrooms. I didn't recognize the scientific name you gave, that's all (not that it's even the official binomial nomenclature or anything).

>> No.7190296 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7190299
File: 49 KB, 357x392, 024 Mushroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190314

I sometimes trip off these, or dry the skins and smoke them

>> No.7190352

never had shrooms, but I've done acid before. shit was mind blowing.
I have been told they are similar.

>> No.7190358
File: 33 KB, 400x353, 2391064-4436741716-ngbbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are for fun, don't read too much into your trip.

>> No.7190362

> [citation needed]

>> No.7190397
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1374421701220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing a research paper on ophiocordyceps

feels good man

>> No.7190400


>hips too lewd for kids


>> No.7190405

>just realised its autumn
time for the annual mushroom hunt

>> No.7190410

Growing mushrooms is really fun and not even that hard if you're house is pretty clean altogether. I learned a lot about fungi through that.

I have heard from mycology enthusiasts that if panspermia were true then it's more likely a fungus could have jumpstarted a lot of life on our planet after coming from another on an asteroid. The way they reproduce and live is one of the most effective ever invented. It did sound pretty /x/-tier at the time though.

I enjoy mushrooms more. I've asked a lot of people and it really does come down to a 50/50 preference between the two. I like to feel connected with nature more and acid is a lot more spacey.

>> No.7190465





>> No.7190467

> humans are the same as worms

>> No.7190479

ur a worm

>> No.7190480

What do flat worms have anything to do with this?
You said eating a mushroom could possibly grant you access to the memories of long dead and decayed organisms.

>> No.7190594
File: 124 KB, 533x800, Cordyceps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more amazing fungus facts/feats?
>Pic related

>> No.7190680

did 7 once. reality MELTED

fun though but kinda scary at peak (immobile)

>> No.7192108

bump for fungi

>> No.7192656

Fungi spores in cow dung bud out into mycelia with little "caps" on top of a fruiting body. Since cows don't eat their own dung, the bodies pop and fling the caps (which are actually spore packs) away to distant grass blades. That way, a cow might eat it, so the spores can live in the other cow's food as it digests and continue the process. Of course, cows are just an example, they do this with many different herbivores.

>> No.7192678

So I just went to throw away some coffee grinds and leftover coffee that had been sitting for a week. I open the top and there is a dime sized green mold colony on the top. Thought it was pretty cool but then threw it away,

Next I take out the pot and there's also a mold colony (same size/shape/color as one on grinds) floating on the surface of about 1/2 inch of coffee.

Took a little sample to look at under my shitty microscope and it's definitely fungus.

So has anyone heard of fungus that can grow on liquid surfaces? It was literally floating in the coffee like a little raft. pretty cool. Probably going to ask my professor about it

>> No.7192682

Never heard of any specific species, but I definitely have heard that it happens. Do report back with what your professor has told you when you inquire about it.

>> No.7192840

Not a mycologist but I am a slob.

That shit happens in my house all the time.