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File: 93 KB, 640x640, The amazing creation by Timothy Armstrong ( @tfarmstrong ) for the song 'As You Are' ... Tim has been my buddy since I was 16. So damn proud of his genius work! .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7172938 No.7172938 [Reply] [Original]


antidepressants don't really work
there's no cure for depression

Your thoughts /sci/?
pic unrelated

>> No.7172986

antidepressants are exactly what their name says, it was never a cure. There's a whole industry based on selling drugs like anti depressants and meth/speed derivatives like ritalin

>> No.7172993

>gawker clickbait

saged, reported, hidden, called the cops

>> No.7173239

this is true, but highly unfortunate as the public is being deceived, and depressed people are being told that there's a "cure" for their condition, when there is infact no such thing.

as a person dealing with depression, this revelation was upsetting.

>> No.7173241

>After looking at 74 studies involving 12 drugs and over 12,000 people, they discovered that 37 of 38 trials with positive results were published, while only 14 of 36 negative studies were published. Those that showed negative results were, in the words of the researchers, "published in a way that conveyed a positive outcome."

>> No.7173873

>depressed people are being told that there's a "cure" for their condition, when there is infact no such thing.
guy with depression here, I was never told this

I was told the medication is there as an umbrella to help me get started with getting in the right habits to manage my depression and when I feel up to it the medication will be lowered and discontinued.

>> No.7173890

Antidepressants and antipsychotics ruined my life. It took me two years to recover from those horrible things. Thanks mom and dad.

>> No.7173893


Yes, these are blog posts. But they're insightful blog posts from someone experienced in the field. If you want to know what's wrong with psychiatry this guy does a pretty good job of explaining it.

>> No.7175342

how did they affect you?

>> No.7175464

They housed, clothed, and fed me until I reached adulthood, and also taught me many useful things.

>> No.7175471

Ah the old Reddit switcheroo

>> No.7175472

The new word around the block is that depression is related to inflammation in some way

>> No.7176292


>> No.7176733

No shit. I fucking hate everyone who is all happy go lucky, but "I need a placebo because something in my life didn't go right, oh it worked!!! Im happy again" once they change like one aspect of their fucking lives. People who are really fucked chemically know it's horseshit.

>> No.7176738

I'm on antidepressants for anxiety. I haven't had a panic attack since being on them, but that's possibly placebo effect. If a pill just induces a placebo effect then I'm fine with taking it.

>> No.7176746

I was put on some generic prozac shit by psychiatrist. Was never told it was a cure. No (decent) psychiatrist would tell you that it's a cure. It's meant to help you get into a mindset where you can help yourself. Or it can help when paired with good therapy. The drugs made me manic and made everything colourful. Then I moved and discontinued therapy, while keeping on with the drugs. The drugs stopped working. I wasn't surprised. I'd go back to therapy before I start popping pills.

>> No.7176752

Honestly if you consider yourself as 'having depression' as if it were an illness or something you've no control over, like aids or cancer, you're probably basically retarded and I've little sympathy if you subject yourself to the scam that is psychiatry.

>> No.7176758

you ever heard of mental illness?

>> No.7176760

virgin detected.

>> No.7176843

This article is garbage. Everybody knows that depression is more complex than just serotonin levels and that SSRIs effects on the brain are way more complicated than just inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin.

>> No.7176845

Underrated post

>> No.7176866

I'm currently on Tianeptine.
It modulates glutamate and for reasons not yet discovered enhances serotonin reuptake. Feels way better than the SSRI's I took. Taking it for Hippocampus neuroplasticity boost.

>> No.7176893

Pharmacist here, they told us at the uni that this theory was old, they also taught us the newer theory, it was very clear that we still don't perfectly understand depression and that antidepressant work in clinical trials. It's the current knowledge.

But yeah, OP's article will get more clicks if we say this is a conspiracy form big pharma.

>> No.7176993

So much this

>> No.7177163

Who's the bitch in the photo

>> No.7177177

>this thread
It's like I'm really in Reddit

>> No.7177215


>> No.7177217


>> No.7177223

Depression is obvious, depressed people aren't meeting their biological needs.

If you have a dog but don't take it for a walk each day it will become depressed.

>> No.7177436

"Their investigation revealed that, in rodents, depression was usually associated with elevated serotonin levels." If it's not done by testing hormone levels, what other independent method are they using to determine whether they are depressed or not?

And how do they make them depressed in the first place? Take away their cheese and call them mean names?

>> No.7177441

No, antidepressants absolutely work, the chemical imbalance theory is simply wrong.

This is actually pretty common in pharmacology. Drugs designed to target important enzymes and pathways of disease often fail because it turns out that those enzymes and pathways aren't how the disease actually works, and drugs that DO work often turn out to not work the way we thought they did. Many drugs work with no theory behind them at all.

There is, at this point, no reasonable doubt that antidepressants help with depression.

>> No.7177467

OP's pic related is all the cure for depression I need.

Anyway, it's been known for a while that CBT is generally very effective at managing certain behavioral illnesses. Psychiatry is a relatively nascent practice, so I wouldn't expect it to have everything down already, but drugs are still shown to help with dealing with mental illness.

Still, I'd choose CBT over drugs, only because I'm terrified of the side effects of drugs. I'm planning look into therapy for my own issues, and I wanna make sure I go to a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist so that there is less chance I will be prescribed medicine.

>> No.7177469


>Not knowing this since 2000


>> No.7177609

>there's no cure for depression
Cognitive therapy > any pill.

>> No.7177666

this article might have been relevant if it was written in the 70's. but it implies scientists and doctors today think antidepressants work by simply boosting serotonin. most research in the past 20 years shows that depression is a result of extended periods of stress causing atrophy and inflammation in certain area of the brain. antidepressants can be effective in limiting these effects but its not as simple as increasing or decreasing neurotransmitters. everyone already knows this

>> No.7177679


>> No.7177687

They sure as hell worked for me. Not in a "I feel awesome" kind of way, they just stopped me from wanting to kill myself. I felt normal for once, which was weird as fuck.

>> No.7177713


So do you just mean "lol dude jus get sum pussy ;)" or do you mean something more comprehensive and less stupid?

It's also a full agonist at μ and δ opioid receptors, so you can enjoy the withdrawals of tricyclic antidepressants and opioid drugs at the same time!

Don't treat it as a daily supplement.

>> No.7177735

not that guy but,
What do you mean?
I think lots of people have given up control of their thoughts because they believe they have a disease. Truly the only way to overcome this is by believing that it doesn't have to be this way.

>> No.7177757

Any benefits come from within. Whenever I speak to a therapist I feel much worse; I realise what a hole I have sunk into and how insurmountable it is. On the other hand, a bit of your own enthusiasm can cause a positive spell. The trick is to keep up that positive spell until you're well and truly out of the miserable void.

>> No.7177874

>So do you just mean "lol dude jus get sum pussy ;)" or do you mean something more comprehensive and less stupid?

Not him but I think depression is more or less like when you're an engineer in a chemical plant and there's just shitloads of alarms going off.

>> No.7177884

So depressed people can release astonishing amounts of hydrogen cyanide in an instant?

>> No.7177886

I was put on antidepressants when I was younger. They made me freak out and want to kill myself.
They don't work, but they're certainly not placebos. They have lots of really unpleasant effects.

>> No.7177888
File: 24 KB, 414x211, mainstream media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Science + mainstream media = pic related

No exception

>> No.7177891


Fuck, let the technicians deal with it.

>> No.7177901
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, adolf-hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Pic related.

>> No.7177905
File: 62 KB, 600x508, nature04103-f1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pills are crutches. They are not a cure.

When you are in a real deep depression, you can't direct wake up and go in a therapy. You need pills for the first move.

When you are able to wake up then you can think of a long term therapy. Not when the first and the only thought all the day is " i want to kill myself "

>> No.7177972

In all honesty, you have far more control over aids than over depression.

>> No.7178003

Only if you don't know what you need or can't get it.

>> No.7178089


>> No.7178102


Add medicine and antidepressants made me waste my whole childhood-early 20s. I lost the most important socially developmental years. But psychiatrists wouldn't have jobs if they didn't give everyone drugs they don't need, and the only thing that matters is making money.

>> No.7178110

>tfw stumble on szasz works and learn how broken and greedy psychiatry is
>tfw get diagnosed with schizophrenia a year later

>> No.7178146

Stop bumping the goddamn thread ffs

>> No.7178150


After reading 5 minutes on his wiki it's pretty clear he's delusional.
"Szasz wrote: "If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead, you are a schizophrenic."

The thing is no one is actually talking to the dead/God because people are dead and God isn't real. so if you do hear from not real things then you would, in fact, be schizophrenic...

>> No.7178204

If you can't control yourself, then you could as well consider all three illnesses to occur at random.

>> No.7178214

It's a pretty big leap from physical determinism and you having no control over yourself.

Just because what you choose to do is fated, doesn't mean you're not making choices.

>> No.7178222

Hint: no determinism was implied.

>> No.7178230

kek, okay.

please do illuminate me this other mechanism for not being able to control yourself then.

>> No.7178235

a geuss

>> No.7178283

There will be no more hints, sorry.

>> No.7178451

That's a shame then, as all drugs for the purpose have been made prescription-only and therefore require visiting a therapist.

How the government doesn't see a chicken-egg situation I don't know. I wonder how many lives it costs.