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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7175607 No.7175607 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some people better at mathematics than other people?

>> No.7175615

Genetics and background.

>> No.7175617

[citation needed]

>> No.7175622

well, I guess I'm fucked.

>> No.7175624


I've seen so many people who can do mentally and physically demanding jobs with proficiency that makes me jealous, yet when you stick them in front of a math text, they'll tug their hair and look at you like you just killed their dog. It's the same thing when you see someone who's inept with technology.

>> No.7175628

>this is what retards actually believe

>> No.7175647

>genetics has absolutely no impact on your mental capabilities
>this is what retards actually believe

>> No.7175668

My parents are both borderline mentally retarded, and I was taken away a couple times because their intelligence caused their ability to parent be called into question. Yet I'm going to a top university on a full ride for astrophysics

>> No.7175670

This doesn't prove your point at all.

>> No.7175672

> I was taken away a couple times because their intelligence caused their ability to parent be called into question.
You can't just say some vague yet compelling shit like that. What the fuck happened?

>> No.7175683

>"probability? wot's that?"
are you sure you're not also retarded?

>> No.7175715

There are deeper factors than patience.

Mathematic capability is a very specific trait, and one that arises from a special worldview and mindset. If you view the world calculatively and analytically you are going to find greater precedence in honing your mathematic ability, while those who are more emotionally and intuitively inclined will most likely be deterred from the cold, calculative world of mathematics. It is the disparity between scientists and artists.

This worldview is formed in part due to one's genetics and in part due to one's environment, and is most likely something that is solidified very early in life. Not everyone can enact enough patience to properly learn mathematics, and even if they do, will not retain such knowledge for long. Brains are just wired differently, and it's for the better, as it allows different people to fulfill different roles in society.

t. A person who is worthless at mathematics

>> No.7175733

>cold, calculative world of mathematics

>cold, calculative world of applied mathematics
Fixed it for ya

>> No.7175735

Thanks, anon.

>> No.7175737

Some people like doing math problems more than other people. Those who like them or can force themselves to push through them get better at math and those who don't spend that time don't.

>> No.7175739

What applied math are you doing? I think theoretical compsci and combinatorics are pretty compelling fields

>> No.7175768

Well, the two things that define a person are their genes and their background, so it follows that one or both of those govern their ability to do math.

>> No.7175772

>Race is a social construct!
>Genetics don't govern the makeup of ones brain or thought process in the least!
>I'm a fucking retard!
Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.7175789
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I fucking love science, I love reading about the LHC, astronomy, space exploration. You name it.

When I heard that they'd finally seen the higgs boson I got misty-eyed.

I am very scientifically literate but I don't understand a lick of anything that is actually the complex stuff.

That being said, I suck at math. I never even passed pre-calculus to be honest.

Deep down I just want to explore space, but I know it wouldn't be as romanticized like it is in sci-fi...

>> No.7175808

Differences in their brains, difference in their environment. As to what those differences are that favor math proficiency I have no idea. Going full autism and working every math book in existence probably helps.

>> No.7175812
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Same here, anon. Same here...

>> No.7175818

Do you honestly believe there's a math gene? lmao

>> No.7175821

No. I do believe that there are physical and mental factors that are directly influenced by genetic makeup, seeing as how I'm not blind to the way the world works, unlike you, seemingly.

>> No.7175918

>mfw I don't have any interest in science, exploring the universe or anything
>still studying STEM and get more than decent results in math
>dont even know why I havent dropped out yet sinve the finality doesnt interest me at all, the only things I find fun are mathematical-related algorithms and algebra

Everyone have their load of problems I guess

>> No.7175935

Please go. You can't argue that homosex is genetic yet computational ability isn't.

>> No.7175940

"I fucking love science"
you are the average popsci faggot

>> No.7175945

You're obviously stupid as fuck if you think genetics dont matter. Go ahead and get a 50 IQ retard and see if you can get him to do what the smartest mathematicians have done.

>> No.7175952

>responding seriously to bait

>> No.7175963

>You can't argue that homosex is genetic yet computational ability isn't.

You see, the problem is that you, and the person you've been replying to, both took a fucking nosedive unto a topic that has a good hypotheses on both sides (its likely possible for them to both be true). You have been deluded by your political ideology and succumbed your rationalism, the logical foundation for science. You'll cowards don't even smoke crack.

>> No.7176005

i wonder the same thing.
if we could find the answer, should we exploit it?

>> No.7176042
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I'm handing you this, then I would like you to reread your post.

>> No.7176064

He wouldn't know what to do with the first two let alone an extra one.

>> No.7176072

If you find science and the real world boring then just major in math and do abstract math.

>> No.7176078


We're all reflections of our experiences and base traits.

>> No.7176079


>> No.7176086

TIL your genes dictate how your brain's neurons form, and the amount of neurotransmitters it releases into said networks. Genes matter just as much as the way you were raised and the way you nurtured your brain's growth. This argument of yours is just not very well thought out and consists mainly of poop slinging. Wanna star in my movie Congress of the Apes? I think one with drabble as idiotic as yours would be very fitting for the lead poop slinger.

>> No.7176091

you are the average edgelord with a legit taste for cock

>> No.7176114

I have a talent for math, and that's what I enjoy doing most, so I also study it. I like science, I'm a very objective and rational person, however I dislike the "academic endgame" of sciences. There is simply too much speculation and applied statistics, and even physics is full of holes. So I don't get too excited over scientific discoveries or technological improvements. Those things were bound to happen anyway.

In math we don't have this problem. Theorems are either true of false (or unprovable). You don't make experiments and hypothesize about likelihood. If a theorem is true, that's cool, if it isn't, or it's neither, it's cool also. It's very soothing doing math.

If you "suck at math" maybe you just haven't tried it properly. I don't think it's that difficult, you just have to enjoy thinking.

>> No.7176170

They spend more time thinking about it.
I did more than half of my algebraic topology homework in the shower.

>> No.7176200

>Genes matter just as much as the way you were raised and the way you nurtured your brain's growth.
I agree that both matter. However I think right now its hard to put a number on how much genes matter and how much your environment matters.

>This argument of yours is just not very well thought out and consists mainly of poop slinging
remind me again what my argument was? because my argument is that genes DO matter when it comes to intelligence.

>> No.7176650

>you just have to enjoy thinking
What you mean to say is you have to enjoy mathematical thinking. The problem with people like you is your hubris, and that's indicative of lack of thinking on your part in other matters. Everyone is an idiot in some way, and you're an idiot when it comes to emotion and interpersonal affinity. Please don't mistake the mathematical inclination of your thought process for superiority.

>> No.7176694

Math failure here, from what I understand people who are actually good at math are pretty rare, the average person that can do math well simply puts in an extended amount of effort into it compared to other topics.

Back in school all the people who were 'good' at math just had fucking private lessons

>> No.7176731
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See pic related

>> No.7176732
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Am I a math genius?

>> No.7176980


A lot of it has to do with the way it's taught.

In most schools, instructors provide little to NO motivation for the kid to learn math, and / or, the method they use to teach it sucks ass.

The shittiest teachers I had were all math teachers. NO imagination. NO fucks given.

>> No.7177014

Nice anecdotal evidence you have there.

>> No.7177015

I think it's primarily to do with the approach to the problem. I took an interest in maths early and the key thing for was always understanding the mathematical principles.

When I encountered a problem that was hard or that I didn't understand I always tried to understand how and why, knowing that there was an explanation.

Everyone else seem to just wait around until someone explained it to them, and instead of thinking and trying the understand they tended to ask for explanations and simplification.

Therefore, I was able to take my exams 2 years early and scored top marks.

I don't think I'm gifted, I just approached the problem with a different attitude. I've noticed that same bad attitude in every single person I've met who's had trouble with maths.