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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7170291 No.7170291 [Reply] [Original]

What sparked your interest in science or math, /sci/?

>> No.7170292


>> No.7170295


>> No.7170297

Getting away from all the SJWs infecting the rest of campus.

>> No.7170301

An amazing Asian science teacher i currently have in high school i've had him since year 7 (Ausfag)

>> No.7170307

Just looking around and thinking about how fucking weird everything is. Is anyone else always kinda troubled that we don't even know what the fuck we are? Does anyone ever feel like we're in a video game sometimes? Like what the fuck, how are humans even a thing. How are we just seeing things and what are we even seeing.. Where are we? I donno mang.

>> No.7170308

Ever since I took an IQ test and turned out to be a genius (my score was 182) I was striving to excel. It was only natural for me to go into the field which statistically requires the highest intelligence. In my daily work I'm dealing with triple integrals. You probably never heard of them before. But neither did most PhD mathematicians.

>> No.7170313

>still posting cancer on 4chan

>> No.7170333


Along the same lines, I'd describe as a curiosity of existence. Why gravity attracts objects the way it does, why elements form into the solids liquids and gasses they do, or why life spreads and changes into all these different forms. Science is always trying to provide a purpose for the universe to run the way it does and I find that intriguing.

Most people will not have the same curiosity because the weirdness, as you described it, is explained away by religion.

>> No.7170337

Being good at it

>> No.7170348

6th grade science teacher, as well as my School's science Olympiad team

>> No.7170358
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>> No.7170411

idk sometimes i think that i genuinely love science but sometimes i feel that i am lying to myself and the only reason that i learn about it is so that i could feel smarter than other people. I feel really dishonest.

>> No.7170445

>believing in noncancer on 4chan

>> No.7170482

Those big, thin picture books about science (also had a few about ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome etc., but that's beside the point) and colored encyclopedias I had as a little kid. You could get lost for hours in those things-- it's great.

>> No.7170496

Hard to say, I've wanted to know how everything works for as long as I can remember.

>> No.7170503


I'm talking like a bit deeper than that man, like what is reality? Its such a trippy thing, I'm controlling this body and typing right now, how does that even happen. How am I moving through space, what is a space time co-ordinate? Who made all this shit?

These are very humbling thoughts and I really wish I could beam them into everyone's head. We're a bunch of monkeys floating on a rock through space, we shouldn't take everything so fucking seriously. Life's a joke in a way. No one know what we're doing here, we just popped up here and do random shit.

>> No.7170681

>Go to STEM based school
>There are more Christian conservatives than SJW

I-I guess this is okay...

>> No.7170788
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Actually I was interested in about everything when I was younger. I used to read hundreds of library books every month with varied topics like astronomy, medical science, mythology, technology, engineering, sociology, physics, chemistry, and a lot of other amazing stuff. I learned about all of the elements in chemistry to the natural existing ones to the lab created ones with unstable isotopes and half-lives shorter than a few seconds. I learned many things in Astronomy including all the 9 planets (rip pluto ;_;) and many of the stars, moons, black wholes, and pulsars/quasars in the galaxy. I learned lots of morals from children's books that had mini stories where a problem could be solved by correct thinking. I learned how motion works through different forces working in a circle or a straight line and units of the metric system. I learned the structure of an atom down to quarks and gluons and all that. I learned lots of stuff in biology dealing with the brain, digestive system, lungs, heart, immune system, arteries, veins, etc. I even eventually learned about sex at an early age (7). I saw pictures of babies being formed within the embryo overtime which really sparked my interest in the world. Literally my whole childhood was confined to my city's library (Chattanooga Public Library in Chattanooga, Tennessee).

>> No.7170813
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>quasars in the galaxy

>> No.7170815

I am double majoring in physics and philosophy, the best combination IMO

>> No.7170823
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Shit man, I know...

>> No.7170824

My high school bio teacher and chem teacher. I'm about to go to college to major in chemistry but I'm worried I'm not smart enough.

>> No.7170827


>> No.7170829

Popsci everywhere

>> No.7170832
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I had already studied programming and I wanted to progress to real computer science. Alas I only scored 680 on sat math so I am too stupid for calculus.

>> No.7170835
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Sorry, but I feel shit browsing this board and realizing everyone here lives in a first world country and either concluded higher education in a real subject like STEM (not the kind of humanities crap that a dumb person like me would study, like language or history) or is about to do so, while I spend my days being a slave at Bääbylon and wondering 1º why am I not dead yet and 2º what the fuck is electromagnetic radiation (despise days, weeks or wondering, reading, watching, listening and thinking I still can't understand - that's how retarded I actually am).

>> No.7170844

Neil nye the affirmative action physicist guy

>> No.7170846

I'm insecure and use science and mathematics as a way to feel like I'm better than other people.

A lot of people nowadays struggle with math and science and I forced myself to learn it so I could be better than them and feel superior.

Deep down, I really just don't like myself and feel inadequate.

However, along the journey, I found a lot of stuff I'm interested in, so I'm actually starting to love it.

>> No.7170851

Actually I thought you were getting on to me for mentioning quasars in the galaxy even though there are none quasars in the milky way.

>> No.7170855

/sci/ - the post

>> No.7170872

I thought my high school chemistry class was really interesting. Then, shit college professors ruined chemistry, programming, and physics for me, so I got left with math.

>> No.7170879

But... you are better than everyone else if you majored in a math/science field. Doesn't matter if you had no aptitude for it going in, so long as you were able to do it.

>> No.7170888

Being good at math and the discovery channel.

>> No.7170889

>Have a PhD from Rockefeller
>Use it to justify all smugness and arrogance while ignoring all my failings

>> No.7170923

Im naturally curious and knowledge seeking since a young age I was fascinated by the wonders of science and technology.

>> No.7170985

Star Trek
I just want to see reality come closer to my dreams

>> No.7171083

Reading Cosmos back in early 90s

>> No.7171092

you in the south?

>> No.7171094

Reading the "I Fucking Love Science" Facebook page. :^)

>> No.7171206
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>Born in rural southern USA
>outdoors-y surroundings teach little anon to love animals, nature, etc.
>little anon starts watching animal planet because animals, and then moves on to discovery channel and Nat Geo (This was the late 90's and early 2000s so there were still pretty deacent shows from what I remember).
>the TV makes little anon branch out from animals and start getting interested in the usual little kid sci stuff.
>Eventually TV isn't enough anymore and little anon begin reading books that related to sci intrests
>parents support this completely.
>start to learn science in grade school and excel at it.
>eventually get to high school where I still did well in sci.
>get to uni and become remarkably average Chem major.

Not really sure how I would have turned out had there been anything to do in my hometown besides read, or had TV been as awful then as it is now.

>> No.7171239
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Triple integrals and derivatives by browsing wikipedia in middle school, for real (and actually all the symbols, I thought it looked badass and wanted to know what they meant). At first, I was just interested in the symbolic aspects ("woah I'm differentiating, no idea what I'm doing but yeah so cool"), then I was amazed by the fact that you could predict the behaviour of a curve by a simple computation. Then I actually bought a real analysis book in high school because I wanted so bad into integrals. It was hardcore as fuck and I never got to the integration part but I got to see some cool stuff which was much more interesting than just learning a few antiderivatives (Cantor's diagonal argument, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem) and some other cool stuff I didn't get (like the Heine-Borel theorem for metric spaces)

>> No.7171255

star trek duh

>> No.7171257

Dinosaurs, motherfucker

>> No.7171267


>> No.7171270


I needed a job that was employable and engineering is the current hot thing. I'm thinking of becoming either EE or CE. Both are heavy in Math, so that is why I am interested in it. I want to make enough money to be independent and leave my parents house.

>> No.7171275
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my man

>> No.7171280

When I was a junior in high school I started reading about unsolved problems in mathematics, and I would try to solve them. As you can guess, this was mostly unfruitful in the way of procuring a proof, but I spent many hours a day reading textbooks, making and proving my own conjectures, and eventually writing papers on this stuff (I was first published as a freshman). So I guess, Wikipedia got me into math.

>> No.7171283

>mother, what is the difference between a black anus and a white anus?
>neil, if you were to find the answer to that question, you would win a noble prize

>> No.7171317


They're both really horrid groups

>> No.7171321

I wanted to be superior to everyone around me with my education in the sciences and deeper understanding of the universe. By using advanced vocabulary and concepts I wanted to belittle those lesser than me, showing them that they are faced with an intellectual giant who had studied the sciences while they toiled away like the dumb sheep that they are.

>> No.7171344

The fact nobody could tell me why the sky was blue. Been asking that for 20 years. I am now doing quantum mechanical studies on large scale scattering in nitrogen oxygen mixed gases to get a better answer. I think I might be able to give a satisfactory answer in another 10 years if my research money doesn't drop before then.

>> No.7171350

I'm knocking about in undergrad classes right now trying to pick a major

I want to study bestiality, incest and rape but I'm not sure what a good major is other than Psychology

I'm thinking I want to make a career out of studying genetic defects among babies of incest so maybe I should become a geneticist

>> No.7171369

>make a career out of studying genetic defects among babies of incest
I don't think that can make a whole career

>> No.7171404

>jesus christ marie
More specifically, a chunk of petrified wood that had some prominent banding due to alternating ring minerals eroding faster.
I was mesmerized when thinking about how wood turns to stone, and why it looked more woody than any normal wood I had seen.

Started reading up on it and haven't stopped.

Many decades later I still haven't decided there is a satisfactory answer, since quantum mechanics a shit and it makes no sense to me.

>> No.7171407

I'm not sure when it all started. I've been interested in a lot of things ranging from: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Linguistics, Physics, Mathematics, and History for as long as I can remember. I reminisce and long for the time when I was just a kid and I was fascinated by all these things, it was just the satisfaction of learning and knowing that there's still more to learn and that I could possibly be one of those people who makes these discoveries that made me want to pursue a career in Theoretical Physics, my favorite field of all.

>> No.7171411

> tfw you spent your youth playing video games and reading kids fiction books

>> No.7171420

This was exactly me back in middle school. I got my mom to buy me some university level physics and calculus books. all because those letters and symbols:
1.looked amazing to me
2.made me want to learn what they meant.
Just the satisfaction of doing hardcore math and saying "I did that" was enough for me.

>> No.7171517

video games => programming => math

>> No.7171523


>> No.7171524
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My innate autism

>> No.7171527
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>> No.7171534

i used to do meth but one day i found out doing math was more fun

>> No.7171538
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Shut in introvert with good memory at things that actually interest me when not under extreme stress. Turned out science stuff really interested me, along with fantasy and shit.

That all went out the window the first year of uni. Major stress issues shut down my mind so I can barely remember 111 level Biology shit. If all I had were my major courses I'd be so chill and collected but nooooo liberal arts requirements. Eat a dick NC system.

>> No.7171547

>undergraduate edition
Useless. Make a grad version, and then it'll be some good shit.

>> No.7171588 [DELETED] 
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As a kid, conversations that didn't eventually move on to the topic of dinosaurs weren't even worth having.

I mean, how did everyone carry on with their lives as if the very ground we are standing didn't have huge dinosaurs shitting, eating, and fighting on???

>> No.7171745

Just place out of those courses. The tests are more stringent and have a lot of outliers, but it's worth it.

>> No.7171792

Ain't this is the perfect place to rustle some jimmies?

>> No.7171795

it is because it has to exist.

>> No.7171799

Orchestrated Objective Reduction

>> No.7171804

Please tell me this is a UNCG student.

>> No.7171805

Looking at the full moon through a telescope when I was 3 or 4.

>> No.7171821

Star trek. That's why I went into psychology.

>> No.7173455

What sparked my interest was when I first read Darwin's on the origin of species, which I found in a pile of books at my uncles house on a rainy day.

>> No.7173464

how can you have the quantum shit happening in your brain if you're observing it all the time cause its literally in your fucking brain. quantum decombilation or whatever

>> No.7173471

i've always been good with numbers and had a good memory. i like using my intuition and then following it to some sort of proof. still trying to find a direction though.

>> No.7173520
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The Pink Floyd song "Keep Talking."

I also read only science books when I was younger. Honestly I didn't read them I just looked at the pictures.

>> No.7173531

what the fuck

>> No.7173549

when i was very young, maybe 3 or 4, my dad would bring home books from the university library about outer space. they had nothing to do with his degree, but he thought i would enjoy looking at pictures of nebulae, the great red spot, etc.

i'm now a ph d candidate in mechanical engineering. i'd say my interest in science was sparked

>> No.7173565


SJWs are objectively worse for society.

>> No.7173576

are you kidding nigga it's raleigh scattering.

>> No.7173595
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>> No.7173678


>> No.7173717

>tfw you are me

Am I really interested in this? Or am I just l-lying to myself

>> No.7173998
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Well, I have been always good at maths but what really sparked a - should I even say - yearning for more information about maths was elementary geometry. My cousin demonstrated the cosine law to me when I was on 3rd grade, never telling me how it worked or even the name of the law, which left me quite stunned. "How did she do that, wow" was the first idea that came across my mind after I checked her result with a marked ruler. Since then I've always wanted to know more about maths.

>> No.7174076

My synesthesia made learning math more interesting.
So basically what >>7170827 said.

>> No.7174169

yeah it can be scary sometimes. My worst fear is to realize after an x amount of years that i hate what i do and that my whole life was a waste.

>> No.7174191

this but unironically