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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 600x396, flat-earth[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7154061 No.7154061 [Reply] [Original]

>stupid science you believed as a kid
I thought the Earth was round like pic-related.

>> No.7154103

I thought light was a transverse wave

>> No.7154105

i thought psychology was a science

>> No.7154106

I thought physics was hard.

>> No.7154114

When I was extremely young, I asked my dad what animal steak came from. He told me it came from a vicious, carnivorous, ostrich-like bird. Pretty much a velociraptor. I believed him for a while.

>> No.7154123

back when i heard that the skin had seven layers i thought once you tore through the seventh that was it. No more healing for that area, just a band-aid for the rest of your life.

>> No.7154126
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I thought OP was straight

>> No.7154182
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Same. I thought the reason why old people were so fragile was because they had like half a layer left and if you bumped them they'd split open and die.

>> No.7154183

I thought global warming was real.

>> No.7154190

I thought 0.999....=1

>> No.7154193

I used to think that traffic lights had little midgets in them who would plug in and unplug the lights for each light.

>> No.7154210


I thought God was real

>> No.7154229

They did... Until Terry Pratchett died.


>> No.7154553

i thought that math stopped after a while. like you could actually just reach the end of math

(im not the traffic anon)
oh man... that was right in the middle of my finals so i didn't know it had happened until i looked it up...

I'm really sad now

>> No.7154561

What if there 2 skinny ass ppl that had unusual strength. say they are able to lift 5 times their own weight.

and they pick each other off the ground by chokehold with one arm
wouldn't they be flying

- me as a kid. and me now.

>> No.7154925

I thought the moon had 24h orbit

>> No.7155158

As a kid I thought that everything a kids think is wrong. Today I know I was right.

>> No.7155481

I thought cars drove on magnetic rails.

>> No.7155506

Are you blind?

>> No.7155895

I used to believe that nuclei were little black kids and electrons were their fathers; you know what they do and what they're charged with but you don't know where they are, they keep moving.

>> No.7156021

I thought that Christopher Columbus discovered that the Earth was round. I suppose that's history though.

>> No.7156023

I thought Christopher Columbus was on the Mayflower.

>> No.7156032

I thought that the moon and the son took turns shining in the sky. That is, that the sun fell asleep in an iron bed under the earth and the moon slept in a heavily padded one.
-that walking on my toes for extended periods could make me evolve into a velociraptor
-that if you lost enough weight, you could weigh negative pounds and fly wherever you wanted to go.
-that grass being alive meant that walking on grass or germs meant that I was a murderer
-that if the wind stopped blowing for even a second, a cloud would fall out of the sky and destroy my house

>> No.7156055

You know how a glass of ice water accumulates condensation?
I thought that there were tiny holes in the glass letting water escape.

Also, you know those squiggly things you see in the corner of your eyes sometimes (I think they are called eye floaters)?
I thought that those were bacteria that I was seeing the inside of.

I also thought that the Jordan Curve Theorem held for n dimensional space. I was such a goof.

>> No.7156063

I thought if you ate yourself you would disappear completely. Now I know you only get twice as big.

>> No.7156066

I thought black people were the descendants of burn victims.

>> No.7156067

I used to think that you could prove anything in mathematics using finitely many assumptions. I was such a dolt.

>> No.7156081
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I thought aliens were real

>> No.7156083

Not really science-related, but I thought that the word "approximately" meant "exactly".

>> No.7156092

>sun burn victims
You were right

>> No.7156099

No. That's not how it works.

It's evolutionarily advantageous to have dark skin because it gets sunburned less easily. That's how Africans developed dark skin.
In fact, sunburned people would be less likely to survive.

Unless you don't believe in evolution, in which case you probably think black people just carry the mark of Hamm.

>> No.7156132

No. Melanin happens to both protect against skin damage and is dark, but the dark color actually works against it. Further, the lack of pigmentation is probably the trait that evolved due to a lack of vitamin b12. Skin tone is too poorly correlated with exposure to UV to really say that dark skin is an adaptation to sunny weather, but the inverse (that the trait was lost to reduce btw deficiencies) is a bit more plausible.

>> No.7156135

By which I mean that dark skin in and of itself (say you painted it) is bad for your skin when exposed to light.

>> No.7156139

Well damn. Guess I was talking out of my ass. That's interesting stuff though

>> No.7156147

...Le sigh.

>> No.7156612 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.7157459

I thought the earth was infinite and went on forever, and the maps only showed what we explored.

>> No.7157582


I thought of subatomic particles as solid, round, colored spheres.

>> No.7157584

Plasma was the 4th phase of matter.

>> No.7157592

The fuck kind of cartoons were you watching.
You've got to be pre-Captain planet

>> No.7157594

Apparently you don't belong here. Leave, sir.

>> No.7157595

The edge defies logic

>> No.7158425

I thought humans were superior

>> No.7158427

I thought there were no biological differences between men and women in terms of cognitive functions (as I was brainwashed by highly political schooling). Embarrassing, but it was possible to recover from.

>> No.7158430

*study performed among 74 American male and female middle-class university students between the ages of 18 and 26 (R^2 = 0.155)

>> No.7158434


16% is plenty; individual variation is of course more important. But what was p?

>> No.7158435

I thought the moon followed me.
I thought rainbows appear when you turn your back to the sun.

>> No.7158439

>16% is plenty
Average soft science tard

>> No.7158440

I once believed politicians.
I thought I lived in a democracy.
Believed politicians were honest.

>> No.7158444


Friendly reminder that psychology is, indeed, a soft science.

>> No.7158454

>taking soft sciences seriously in 2015

>> No.7158468

I used to think it was possible to turn gravity on/off on a spacecraft.

I blame ren and stimpy.

>> No.7158477

It is if you have an artificial gravitational field generator, which isnt invented yet.

>> No.7158491

I thought a cars exhaust was what pushed it

inb4 it does

>> No.7158504


I thought more exhaust pipes meant more power in a car so I was always super exited when I saw cars with a double exhaust on each side

>> No.7158584

creative kid

>> No.7158826

what the fuck were you smoking bro

>> No.7160587

I was taught creationism by my parents.

>> No.7160735
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>> No.7160838

I thought light was a beam of matter.
I thought the universe was infinite.
I thought god might exist.
I thought math was stupid (big mistake)

>> No.7161110

I thought that in 4th grade. I figured, that addition and subtraction were the only things you could really do to numbers, and that multiples and exponents were just notations so you don't have to write out a needless amount of the same number, but beyond that, nothing could be done to numbers to enhance math in any way.

>> No.7161112

I thought Ben Franklin invented gravity

>> No.7161115

>I thought that there were tiny holes in the glass letting water escape.
I thought this too, which was also the reason why after an extended period of time, there was no water left in the glass even though nobody drank it or spilled it.

>> No.7161117

I thought that smart people became either scientists or architects

>> No.7161151

Careful with that edge, friend

>> No.7161156

OP is confirmed to be raised by Amish

>> No.7161195

I thought that termites would eat black people.
And that my parents could read my mind because I used to be part of their bodies.

>> No.7161235


>> No.7161236

That's approximately correct.

>> No.7161271

I thought if i urinated into a pool, the water around me would change it's color and follow me and everyone would notice i did it. As i grew up, i imaginated it was some kind of chemical reaction and it would have been following me due to water flows. Seriously, everytime i was going to the pool i quadruple-checked my dick to ensure i didn't let a single droplet out of it. I only noticed it was not real because my dad told me so at the age of 14.

>> No.7161272

that's a real thing.
some pools put indicator in the pool that changes colors when reacting to pee

>> No.7161275

i-i'm lost anon, who should i trust

>> No.7161301

It is fiction.

>> No.7161315


>> No.7161318

Sorry, I wasn't retard like you guys.

>> No.7161320

Are you sure pool companies don't spend extra money just to embarrass little kids?

>> No.7161335

it'd be funny

but I can see people doing it on purpose because coloured water is fun

>> No.7161434

I attributed zero gravity in space to a lack of air (not just a lack of matter, but air to be precise),
then I went to rationalise planetary orbits to magnetism before knowing that gravity is a property of matter and a fundamental force in itself

>inb4 general relavitivy

>> No.7161945

I thought jet fuel could melt steel beams.

>> No.7161976

I was a creationist before I started tipping my fedora. Indoctrinated at a young age.

>> No.7161985

Of all the things ITT, that is the most absurd.

>> No.7161986

Its not?

>> No.7162038

>I thought rainbows appear when you turn your back to the sun.

Well, at least you noticed a connection

>> No.7162049

Did you know that certain kinds of history are actually social sciences?

When I was very young, I thought that science was true or useful. Then when I grew up I discovered it is just another knowledge-power discourse that will too be replaced in turn.

>> No.7162065
File: 71 KB, 499x440, 1394248789195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious bait is obvious.
And bait.

>> No.7162073

I thought that if I went to the space and filled an empty glass jar of nothing and then I attached the jar to a belt upside down on the earth, opening it would have made me fly

>> No.7162108

>le bash on psychology meme
Psychology is a science. It adheres to the scientific method, applies scientific principles, and attempts to explain phenomena via scientific means.

Just because it isn't astrophysics or chemistry, that doesn't mean it isn't a science.

>> No.7162111

imagine how embarrassing it was when the question came up in second grade

>> No.7162149


I have zero respect for 9/11 "truther" retards. You people are literal scum without a goddamn brain in your skull.

>inb4 it's a meme you dip
Yes, and people also legitimately believe this horseshit.

>> No.7162175

those things are applied math and barely count as science themselves.

>> No.7162179

Literally everything in science can be described as applied math + interpretations.

>> No.7162190

I thought the centrifugal force didn't exist

Thank you british education system

>> No.7162203

It doesn't exist in a inertial frame

>> No.7162237
File: 468 KB, 245x118, 1363499689552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly thought one testicle held urine and the other held semen until high school.

>> No.7162243

I thought people used to think the earth was flat

>> No.7162250 [DELETED] 

I believed in liberal marxist propaganda and thought jews were people like us, with a conscience and values until I saw them killing palestinian children in real life

>> No.7162253

I thought quantum mechanics could work without consciousness.

>> No.7162256

I thought food and drinks (or rather solid food and liquids) go through separate throats into the stomach.

I thought if someone exposed your brain to the outside environment you would immediately die.

>> No.7162385

>Just because it isn't astrophysics

Arguably psychology is more scientific than astrophysics. At least you can do experiments in psychology. In astrophysics you can't really do experiments with Supernovae and Black Holes, can you?

not to say that psychology isn't a bunch of crap, but that's because 99% of psychologists can't into science

>> No.7162405

I used to think that Neptune was completely covered in liquid water like a giant ocean world simply because it was blue.

>> No.7162406

Astrophysics is speculative science that's derived from existing knowledge of astronomy and physics.

Psychology comes from experiment, sort of.

>> No.7162410

>used to

>> No.7162412
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>> No.7162415

>used to
Pretty sure that's implied by the premise of this thread

>> No.7162418
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>> No.7162444

I thought the world was black and white until the 50's, because of old movies.

>> No.7162478

when I was little I thaught that rain is god's piss

>> No.7162488

I was told that without gravity, the Earth would fly off into space.

So I thought that there is an inherent repulsive force between the Sun and the Earth, and that gravity counteracts this force to keep the Earth at a constant distance from the Sun.

>> No.7162519


this artist is really fucked up, but I've kinda started to enjoy his work

>> No.7162538

Well colour me impressed, I knew people are morons on average, but some of you fuckers take the cake.

>> No.7162544
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I didn't understand anything about radiation or nuclear power

I thought that the only thing that could stop radiation was lead and that all radiation lasted for thousands of years

I also thought reactors could explode in a fission explosion

>> No.7162572

I thought that satellites would start floating because gravity would fade away once they reached a certain altitude

>> No.7162574

there kinda is. It's called inertia.

>> No.7162581

no, it's the centrifugal force.

>> No.7162582

You can formulate the laws so that's true

>> No.7162587

which is an inertial force
<span class="math"> f+f^* = 0 [/spoiler]

>> No.7162588

Yeah yeah I know that, but at the time I thought that there was some kind of inherent "anti-gravitational" force between all matter.

>> No.7162592

I used to think you could infect a computer with viruses just by typing a few secret commands or click in some hidden folder in Windows. This was because of Jurassic Park, Terminator 2 and other movies where kids could hack or infect machines in less than a minute.

>> No.7162593

It's fifth state if you count einstein - bose condensate

>> No.7162599


>> No.7162609

That isn't "science"

>stupid science you believed as a kid

>> No.7162611

I thought Mars was hot because it was red.

>> No.7162888


>> No.7162908

Tell me, what is science to you?

>> No.7162917

Astrophysics is regular physics applied to large scale problems. We can experiment at the small scale to determine large scale events; For example, redshifting in galaxies, expansion of the universe, and general relativity can all be demonstrated through experiments on earth involving light and muon decay. It uses chemistry and molecular science to determine the contents of celestial objects by the light that comes from them. Astrophysics can also prove or disprove predictions, Hawking radiation and black holes for example. These things were predicted by the science of astrophysics and were later shown to be real.

>> No.7162947

>>hard science is the only kind of science

You sound like a scientismist, someone who worships it but doesn't actually understand the basic principles.

Science isn't synonymous with STEM, it's descriptive of the process by which people do research.

>> No.7162952

what the fuck that's some crazy ass biblical shit, were you raised by cultists, or just christians?

>> No.7162964

That is major fucked up

>> No.7163249

I thought the sticky stuff in my mouth was mucus.

>> No.7163263

They are applied math, but they're sciences.

>> No.7163265

And you were absolutely right.

>> No.7163326
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>Hawking radiation
>shown to be real

>> No.7163493

I thought that the Soviets had plans to create a half ape half man race of supersoldiers. Fuck you, History Channel.

>> No.7163535


>> No.7163586


>> No.7163605

>I thought the Earth was round
Everyone thought that.
When I was in kindergarten, age four or so, I used to love to look at those astronomy books. One had that pic with a huge sun and some small planets to scale. Some girl came by and looked at that book, too. And I tried to make her aquaintance, so I said to her 'wow look at that, the sun is so huge and it's so hot, and even if we had a spaceship and went there, we would burn' and then she said 'no that's not true, only women are allowed to land their spaceships there, and that's why men burn when they attempt to land there'

>> No.7163841

I didn't think there were many planets outside of the solar system. I didn't truly understand what the "world" really was, I never gave it much thought.

>> No.7163843


Stop it with this "edge" crap.

>> No.7163847

I thought cars drove straight in the middle between two lanes, like a cartoon. I had no fucking concept of driving.

Makes me wonder if I didn't develop a consciousness until later on. I was pretty unaware and retarded until late teens.

>> No.7163863

I thought I could break my hands. Wear them out. I never really strengthened my muscles when I did things, I just did things lazily.

>> No.7163873

I thought gender and women studies were based on science.

>> No.7163877

Some of that was when I was a younger kid. Lots of boredom and no one around who can actually answer questions. sage.

>> No.7164598

she was right, but only women whose hotness is equal to that of the sun.

>I used to think oxygen deprived blood is blue

>> No.7164601

I thought computer viruses spontaneously formed from data like life from the primordial ooze.

>> No.7164605

thus, the third wave of feminism was born

>> No.7164608

some viruses dont have human creators they manifest themselves look it up

>> No.7164615

They use math as a tool but they aren't math themselves.

>> No.7164619

I hope you put them in an old people's home without cable TV and Bingo

>> No.7164817

I thought I could propel a spaceshit Perpetum-mobile- style. Good times.

>> No.7164821


>> No.7164952
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>> No.7166406

I thought the arrow-direction indicator thing in cars were someone guiding the driver where the location was.

It wasn't until my family moved into the suburbs that we actually got a family car so it was all buses and taxis for me.

>> No.7167015

Aliums are real, anon.

>> No.7167027

I thought that I had a limited amount of semen and if I kept having wet dreams I would eventually run out of sperm and not be able to have children

>> No.7167125

Isn't Neptune the planet with almost it's whole surface being covered in water? I heard that there are some pretty huge fucking storms there going the whole year too.

>> No.7167133

It wasn't really science, but I was raised by kind-of-religious people so I grew up taking God for granted, thought dead people were hanging out in the clouds (probably because in my language 'heaven' and 'sky' are the same word) and at some point I thought I was the son of God.

>> No.7167136

I thought orbits where certain areas around a planet where a space ship could fly, like roads, like there were only a predetermined amount of them

>> No.7167140
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Dude it's just a drink, do you have adhd

>> No.7167264

The first time I went on an air plane, I was 6, so I thought if we flew high enough we would get too close to the sun and melt. When I looked out the windows and saw clouds below and the sun still in the same place in the sky I had massive internal conflict.

>> No.7167568

>interplanetary travel is possible in a matter of Earth days.
>God is the creator all of existence

>> No.7168220
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>> No.7168237

You have to bounce around on the moon with that weird, spread legged, hopping moonwalk or else it wouldn't let you walk on it at all. The moon would just stop gravitationally attracting you.
The earth could do the same thing if you didn't walk right.

>> No.7168321


When I was told how fast the earth rotates I couldn't understand why we dont all go flying off like getting pressed up against the wall of that spinning carnival ride. This was probably second or third grade.

>> No.7168329


Other soft sciences:


>> No.7168336

Engineering and medicine is NOT a science moron. A large part of engineering has nothing to do with science.

Engineering and medical faculties never try to claim to be a science like those shitty art wannabe science degrees. We are far more prestigious than science.

>> No.7168358

Engineering is applied science, how ever, not a science itself, I'm pretty sure were not applying the scientific method to build bridges or cars lol.
>bridge collapses
>hundreds die
>engineer stokes beard as he watches the destruction
>hypothesis disproved in first trial, let us try again to eliminate any error
(except they kinda do in computer models right?)

Medicine, at least research medicine, certainly is a science, because they use the scientific method in search of new understanding
This makes sense, seeing as so far as we know, its impossible to predict human behavior. Its not math driven, or at least not yet.

Its funny that the only sciences that scientists can apply to themselves are soft sciences.

>> No.7168648

lel no, Neptune is the one that was de-classified as a planet by Neil D Tyson after they discovered Hawking radiation was making it smaller.

>> No.7168668

No one said engineering had to be science.

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.7168693

I knew she was clearly lying, but her impertinence shocked me.

>> No.7168764

Ich thought jet fuel can melt steel beams

>> No.7168784

Psychology and sociology are applied sciences inasmuch as engineering is. However, there are certain instances wherein psychology and sociology perform scientific experiments, and therefore qualify as a science.

>psychology isn't a science!! XD
What people don't understand is that a field of study can be scientific without being a science (such as neurology, engineering, and many social sciences), just like a field of study can be rigorous and stringent without being scientific (such as philosophy). Similarly, something can be valuable without even being rigorous or stringent, such as music and art.

Just because something isn't a science or even scientific, that doesn't mean it isn't useful or worthwhile as a noble pursuit. Why does it fucking matter if something is or isn't a science, outside of whether it's allowed to discuss on /sci/?

>> No.7170148

I thought that there was no such thing as a truly irrational number.
I still want to attempt to find a 'final solution' but I feel it's futile

>> No.7170155

That's too vague to look up.

>> No.7170168

I still tend to subconsciously think that. I know the world was in color, but it's hard to grasp for some reason. Whenever I see old movies or photograps, my brain has to remind me the world wasn't black and white back then. And whenever I think of the past, I think in black and white or sephia.

>> No.7170195

I always thought there was a single super-condensed molecule that was all of the universe packed in, and the big bang was when it split

>> No.7170361

But you still think of ancient Greece in colour because of history books, correct?

>> No.7172168

I thought jet fuel could melt steal beams

>> No.7172193

If you were to fall into that water, would you die?

>> No.7172383

I thought if you were standing on a falling object and you jumped up and away from the object right before it hit the ground that you could survive unharmed.

>> No.7172402

barrage of edge comments.
funny thing is, you are absolutely right.

>> No.7172413

black skin absorbs more heat, anon. Doesn't protect against sun burn.

>> No.7172423

I thought that the body got energy for movement by letting food drop against a waterwheel, which is why your mouth is higher than your asshole. I also thought this was why you weren't allowed to eat upside down. I did know that you could burn sugar but reasoned that this couldn't be happening in my body because the flame from burning sugar burnt my hand and the heat came from friction.

In my own defence, I was 6.

>> No.7172441

Applied math?
Well, math is kinda just pure physics isn't it? As in, physics that may or may not be useful/real and can't be proven via experimental evidence.

Basically, math is a self-consistent discipline that rigorously uses logic, but can only be determined as real and useful by other sciences, mainly physics.

Proofs used to create other proofs when the original proofs can't ever be tested.

>> No.7172443


Melanin is photoprotective

>> No.7172450

lay off the wikipedia articles anon.

>> No.7174158

I thought pasta was a crop plant like rice or corn. And each type came from a different plant. Like spagethi was the seed from a certain plant, the little shells from another, and so on...

>> No.7174700

Go be triggered somewhere else.
Sorry someone doesn't believe your BS.

>> No.7174726

No, you can swim around and even dive several meters down in it with no harm

>> No.7174736

When I was young I saw a childrens show about how babies were made. They explained it poorly though, something about a fish-like sperm from dad that flew into mums belly. I was confused how the sperm found mum, and not some other woman, but then concluded that the sperm must have knew who dad loved and flew to her.

>> No.7174758
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>> No.7175970

I used to think Jellsyfish had brains.

I used to think almond milk was juiced almonds.

I thought that stars were holes in space.

I thought all spiders were evil.

I fucking thought fish needed water instead of air.

I thought crystals were permanently frozen water.

>> No.7175980

I thought women got pregnant when they kissed men.

>> No.7176017

I used to think if a plane just hovered in the sky in place, the plane would be somewhere else after a few hours.

>> No.7176024

What does "edge" mean

>> No.7176026

I thought the Earth was farthest away from the sun during winter

>> No.7176030

I had a simular idea, but instead the midgets were in atms handing out the money.

>> No.7176741
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I thought 'vagina' was properly pronounced 'BAgina' and thought the vaginal opening (which Obviously is the precise exact identical opening which where females urinate) was much higher up as in closer to the belly betton like about where pubic hair begins to grow.

>> No.7176777

I thought that for something to be a liquid it had to contain water.

>> No.7176784

> saw a pic of a dick in a human anatomy book at the library
> was like 5
> asked my grandmother what it was
> she spoke spanish and my spanish is shitty
> what she explained made me think it was caused by a burn
> I used to think for the longest time I thought you grew a giant blood cylinder and random ball from getting burned

Its wonder I never asked when I got burned on my crotch

>> No.7176791

I used to think that men had one testicle for every child they were supposed to have.

Also, I believed that wind controlled sound waves. When you clap your hands outside, and hear the echo to your left per se, I thought that the wind was going in that direction..

>> No.7176793

I thought I was in charge.

>> No.7176797

...if you want to be technical, land animals dont need air either, they need oxygen. Air is actually not even half oxygen, like 18 percent last I read.

Air and watet are just delivery substanced

>> No.7176804

I used to think that female breats where more like meat bags than milk bags

Basically I knew that they got bigger when a woman was pregnant. Me not knowing about what happens how ever I got this wierd idea that when a baby is born they literally eat the breast and that the breast just regrows later for a different feeding.

I also thought that if a pregnant woman where to fall on her belly it would pop like a balloon. My personal version of falcon punch

>> No.7176812

Undulated post

>> No.7176828

So only Math is science to you?

>> No.7177022


>> No.7177047

>and me now

Seriously? The first one picked up has no grounding. All attempting to pick the second one up would be to lower the first one as the air is the only thing to support the weight. I hope you're still a kid.

>> No.7177222

My parents told me that if I watched too much TV my irises would become square

At age 10 I discovered they just wanted me to watch less TV