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File: 55 KB, 473x324, drink-coffee-do-stupid-things-with-more-energy-funny-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7152836 No.7152836 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to know how many geniuses didnt drink caffeine in a daily basis if any when they did their major work?

Ive heard rumour that Tesla didnt drink coffee after realizing it affected his imagination, but I dont know if he continued later on.

I read:

which states: "t long-term consumption of caffeine could inhibit hippocampus-dependent learning and memory partially through inhibition of hippocampal neurogenesis."

Ive stopped drinking coffe after regular consumption for 2 weeks now, and I feel quite tired still and unmotivated with troubles to focus.

>> No.7152867


>> No.7152885

I am stopping it cold after I failed my math exam.
I am tired of being tired and tired of being unable to focus.
right now I just lowered my consumption to 2 mugs a day.

>> No.7152888

After I FAIL my math exam.
coffee is bad Mkay?

>> No.7152901

There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking it 2/3 times a day.
Drinking it every day is bad though. You'll get addicted in less than 1 month.

>> No.7152902

Ya get out while you can caffeine is seriously addictive I blame it for my liberal degree choice in environmental science.

>> No.7152911

because caffeine is inferior to amphetamines

>> No.7152938
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First thing, the study was done in rats.

Second, I don't think it was very good paper. They use words such as "significantly decreased" with no statistical calculations. For instance, the average number of neural cells for the control was about 24 and caffeine fed rats was about 17. They said it was a "significant decline" but provide no evidence.

Their fluorescent micrcoscopy is pretty bad and doesn't really match up with their conclusions in my opinion. Pic related.

>One week of exposure to caffeine (0.3 g/L) resulted in no significant difference in BrdU-positive cells between caffeine-fed and control rats in the SGZ. However by 2 weeks of treatment, a significant decline was evident. By 4 weeks of treatment, reduction of proliferation at the SGZ was more pronounced.

Maybe I'm just blind but I don't really see it.

They ran some memory and maze tests on the rats and did one immunohistochemical test, from which they draw their conclusion about neurogenesis in humans (even though the study was done in RATS).

Maybe I'm completely wrong but it just seems like a sloppy study and I wouldn't put much stock in it.

>> No.7152944
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>> No.7152960

A2aRs transactivate Wnt signaling, I don't think it's too far off.

>> No.7152981

Tesla was a mentally disturbed fraud.

>> No.7152984
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Caffeine is produced by plants as bug killer. It so happens caffeine is adenosine antagonist in men. So you feed a spider with caffeine, the effect is different, you dumb faggot.

>> No.7153012
File: 169 KB, 600x450, lethal poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's proof that antibiotics are lethally poisonous.

It even kills bacteria: one of the hardiest organisms on our planet and we give this to our children when they're sick! How terrifyingly monstrous the pharmacological industry is!

>> No.7153034


>> No.7153043

I almost never drink coffee anymore, but note that if you stop and feel tired, this is probably because you're low on energy (sugar). The caffeine held your alert even when relatively low on sugar, but now that effect is gone and you need to substitute. I drink a lot of lemonade now, which is basically sugar and water. Neurons (e.g. your brain) mainly burn sugars so for academic achievement keeping your energy up is pretty important. I eat fruit more too, bananas or mandarins. They're healthy as well as rich in sugars.

>> No.7153052

>I drink a lot of lemonade now, which is basically sugar and water.
"Your pancreas and teeth hate this one wierd trick! Click here to find out more."

>> No.7153063
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"Tired of your teeth rotting away? Get a toothbrush you filthy nigger! Click here to apply for a welfare toothbrush."

>> No.7153068

not a genius by any means, but im a grad student in math and i avoid coffee

sometimes i have to stay up all night working or studying, and at those times yeah i have coffee. but thats only when i really need it, and having very little caffeine tolerance is fucking amazing, i can drink like 1/4 of a coffee and be jittery and focused for like 2 or 3 hours, and forget about sleep, i also dont drink soda and only sometimes drink tea so i get very little caffeine in general and have almost no tolerance.

ive gone through a couple periods where i was pretty much addicted to caffeine pounding 2-3 coffees or energy drinks a day, and while that can definitely help you focus short term i feel like im a lot better at studying while not caffeinated now.

>> No.7153084


This is terrible advice. Sugar is bad for your brain. Coffee is good for your brain.

I would elaborate, but you should really just Google it yourself. Look at actual research on humans, not some Tesla fansite, and not 4chan

>> No.7153086

I kekkled

>> No.7153087

Drinking lemonade will give you a ~20 minute sugar peak before you need to refresh. It takes 30 minutes for saliva to restore your oral pH to a level where enamel is not demineralizing.

Brushing your teeth after every sip is not an option because enamel at low pH is softer and a toothbrush can erode it, so it would do more harm than good in the long run. This is why you shouldn't drink orange juice straight before brushing your teeth either.

>> No.7153091
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>not a genius by any means
Stopped reading right there. Let me guess, you are also physically weak?

>> No.7153093
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>Sugar is bad for your brain
If I find you there is a big chance I will beat you into retardation.

>> No.7153095


It is, you idiot.

>> No.7153096

That's a pretty general statement. Caffeine can lead to both positive and negative effects on cognition and general health. It just comes down to the amount you consume.

Doesn't really phase me though because I drink coffee more out of pleasure than necessity. I mean it's the most widely consumed drug in the US at least and has been for generations I assume. It can't be that debilitating if you're drinking moderate amounts

>> No.7153099
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Whatever, kek.

>> No.7153107
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>main fuel of neurons
>is bad for neurons
ok buddy

>> No.7153108

In case you missed the memo: Glucose(aka sugar) is the only fuel your brain uses, unless you're literally starving.

>> No.7153113

Just let her be, she is now confused and angry.

>> No.7153129


Samefag, please stop. People with high sugar diets (ie, including added sugar, eg motherfucking lemonade) have significantly decreased cognitive performance. That's not scientifically controversial.

>> No.7153138
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Cite or die.

>> No.7153139
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>mfw drinking coffee and eating a cinnamon roll right now

>> No.7153141
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What a dumb faggot

>> No.7153142

>Sugar is bad for your brain.

Never go full retard.

>> No.7153147


I'm on mobile. Google it yourself.

>> No.7153148

A bit of caffeine is going to make no difference to your health.

Hell, we get so many shit in your bodies every day, pollutant nerve killing carcinogens, etc, you can't even imagine. Yet people still grow 100 year old, and other die sooner.

Coffee is a drink that's been used for centuries, just don't overuse it and you should be fine. If you like the effects and if it gives you positive results, keep using it.

>> No.7153149

>Google it yourself.
I googled it and found nothing. Now what you liar?

>> No.7153150

Amphetamine, caffeine and nicotine master race.

>> No.7153169

You so dumb you can't operate your mobile, you retarded ugly bitch?

>> No.7153171
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And BAM! Burden of Proof fallacy. Opinion permanently discarded.

>> No.7153179

>fallacy of lost contrast
>appeal to tradition
>anecdotal evidence
>confirmation bias

>> No.7153186

>fallacy fallacy

>> No.7153192

What a annoying faggot

>> No.7153194
File: 276 KB, 389x366, i kek'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7153217

>I googled it and found nothing. Now what you liar?

"High sugar diet brain"

First few results are all relevant.

Perhaps you are the liar?

>> No.7153234

>High sugar diet brain
The damage comes from taking almost all protein from the diet you super retard. You sure are a crazy bitch talking about something you know nothing at all.

>> No.7153238


Where does it say that?

>> No.7153243


So you DID find stuff then (you liar), you just didnt read any of it?

>> No.7153250
File: 52 KB, 485x339, 1427023231942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the definition of HFS diet. Are you fucked in the head?

>> No.7153255

>not mixing both and drinking to go to sleep after

>> No.7153277

In case you missed it there's more than one person here calling you an idiot.

Also you're an idiot.

You somehow derive that "sugar is bad for the brain!" from an article that says
>High fat, high sugar diets[aka known as "junk food diet"], in mice, impact certain tasks related to memory.

If this is the first time you hear the saying "the dose makes the poison" then sit down and think for it a while before you post more drivel.

>> No.7153362

>"the dose makes the poison"

No shit you fucking goal-post moving idiot. Did you really think I meant that a single glucose molecule will hurt you? No, of course not. But drinking a bunch of glasses of lemonade every day fucking will.

>> No.7153379

Don't you think you should shitpost more? kek

>> No.7153387


Don't you think you should cut back on the mountain dew, fatass?

>> No.7153399

You mad?

>> No.7153407


No, I'm having fun. I take sadistic pleasure from watching someone get mad, gradually realize they're wrong, try to shift goalposts, make pedantic distinctions, etc.

So anyway, drinking a bunch of sugar water is not good for your brain. Insult me all you want, fatty.

>> No.7153440

Okay, faggot.

>> No.7153489
File: 73 KB, 426x640, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, cut the crap guys.

I'll have a few intensive months in front of me and I function poorly without coffee. Today I took 2 100mg coffeine pills and drank 2 coffees. Additionally I took a theanine pill and drank some tea.

What will be the long term effect of drinking a lot of coffee? Do you recommend any substitutes?

>> No.7153492

And I need my performance to be at its best. I need to learn a lot of hard shit.

>> No.7153517

>What will be the long term effect of drinking a lot of coffee?
The world will fall out of your arse.

>> No.7153527
File: 65 KB, 593x593, 1426934149540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What will be the long term effect of drinking a lot of coffee?
>Do you recommend any substitutes?
Orange juice and carbs. This stuff kills laziness.

I can drink a lot of coffee now and the "high" is amazing. I become smarter and stronger. If I was you I would drop the pills and go for natural coffee / tea 5 days a week. If you are talking about intensive months ahead you are already lazy. Your ability to focus on Today is essential, you seem distracted and unproductive and you are probably irritated about it.

>> No.7153607

but wasn't erdos was a heavy coffee drinker?

>> No.7153608

I'm lazy when I don't drink coffee.
>Your ability to focus on Today is essential, you seem distracted and unproductive and you are probably irritated about it.
It is intensive now and it will be intensive during the next few months. I had my moment of weakness and the previous 2 weeks were unproductive but since a few days I'm back on track.

>> No.7153615


>> No.7153899

Are you me?

Nothing better than a strong cup of coffee and a nice bump of speed to get me through a report

>> No.7153915

>weed is degenerate
>speed for homework is ok

>> No.7153918
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> I had my moment of weakness and the previous 2 weeks were unproductive

Just forget it and work. I mean, really forget it.

>> No.7153923


There's nothing wrong with coffee drinking a few cups of coffee per day, but you should probably cut back a bit. You won't be groggy if you do it gradually.

>> No.7153927

>Orange juice and carbs. This stuff kills laziness.


>> No.7153969

Weed isn't degenerate, I was a massive pothead until I started getting depersonalisation symptoms.
But you can't deny the efficacy of amphetamine for working. Weed and amp are on the opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of benefit to productivity

>> No.7154656

When I was a progamer in CS I actully didnt drink caffine much, only 0.5L of coca cola per day, and some sprite and candies (i.e. sugar), mainly for focus.

And I was really good. So maybe you are on to something.

>> No.7154700

fuck no wonder my webs have sucked recently

>> No.7154709

>I was a massive pothead until I started getting depersonalisation symptoms.
I know how that feels. Whenever I mention that problem on 4chan, I get called a liar.

All drugs are OK.

Nothing except indigestion.

>> No.7154712

I smoked weed for a little over a month last year, like 4-5 times a week, I ended up with a massive psychosis at which state I jumped out of a second story window onto pavement, trying to run away from demonic spirits.
Way too sensitive to that shit, never again.

>> No.7154718

What is it with Americans and seeing demons or thinking they're god?

>> No.7154734

I'm not american.
Just because I said 'demons', doesn't mean that they have to be biblical ones. Almost every culture's folklore has demons in them in one form or another.

>> No.7154757

All of this. Aderall is by far the most motivational drug there is that is relatively safe.

>> No.7154767

those are trolls pretending to be "experienced" when they are underage and don't know how obvious they are.
just kids being bullshitty

>> No.7154774

I have the schizophrenia gene, it just started expressing itself when I smoked weed.
Just because you haven't experienced what some other people have, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
I had lots of experiences of deja vu and depersonalization after the incident, all signs of faulty temporal lobe activity.

>> No.7154808

I don't smoke or drink, but I certainly need that caffeine/sugar fix.

>> No.7154809

It's amazing. I even worked out the PK for it so I can taper off successfully and keep a nice level throughout the day without fucking up my night's sleep.

Half-life is 5.5 hours, kids! Work it out!

>> No.7154823

Well how?

>> No.7154825

Oh man I had the worst trip on weed. I got loads of deja vu's after too, does that mean i have the schizophrenia gene too?

>> No.7154831

Well I'm no neuroscientist, but I believe deja vu-s are caused by overly excitable neurons in the region of the brain where memory is storaged, so sometimes the memory gets stored before you consciously experience the event, which gives you the eery feeling of familiarity.
You know that you have the possibility of becoming schizophrenic if you start believing delusional thoughts, weed causes a lot of delusional thoughts, but if you're always aware that you're just tripping and know that there isn't much more to it, then you probably don't have the schizophrenia tendency.

>> No.7154836

If you feel shit on weed just don't smoke it.

Pot amplies a lot of negative emotions too so if you already have them at a moderate-high level before smoking they'll be much worse after. You don't need any partical gene it's just about your general mindstate.

>> No.7154848

>so sometimes the memory gets stored before you consciously experience the event,
I think it may be the other way around (memory blockade), but yes it has some odd temporal effects, as THC is known for.

The first and only time I got couchlocked, I noticed that the sensation of being touched (aside from feeling like unpleasant buzzing) was smeared over time. I'd seem to feel some of the sensation a second or two BEFORE the stimulus actually touched my skin, and yet I'd still feel the stimulus just beginning to make contact for a few seconds after the stimulus was taken away. Naturally that's pretty confusing and all you can do is lie there until it dies down. It felt similar to fainting, just lasted much longer.

As for depersonalization, it's normal to get it on cannabis, not a sign of psychosis. It's awful.

>> No.7154868

Coffee (and asprin) gives you stomach olcers... SO THEN WHAT DOES IT DO TO YOUR BRAIN????????????

>> No.7154871

dont do drugs!

heal urself the way nature intended

>> No.7154885

how can jet fuel melt brains

>> No.7154886


Oh hey der

>> No.7154892

Stop comparing yourself to others. People react differently to various substances.

>> No.7154903

>Coffee (and asprin) gives you stomach olcers
Aspirin gives a predisposition, as do the vinegar you use in salads and whatnot.

Coffee, no.

>> No.7154964

ya posted it there, too, but only lame answers.

tbh. not very scientific answers here either.

Seems like nobody knows

>> No.7154968

well I know that voltaire drank shitloads of coffee while writing, apparently sometimes upwards of some ridiculous number like 20-40 a day.
some cunt said "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems"

Far more interestingly though; we could be on our way to developing a permanent dependence on caffeine/coffee for normal functioning due to its ubiquitous consumption.

>> No.7154991

yea its fucked up, i want to stop drinking it.

>> No.7155001


Enjoy your yellow teeth and cardiovascular disease

>> No.7155034
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You should have elaborated more. Direct simple sugars, and their high presence in the food consumed, has detrimental effects on everything that provides for good circulation, muscle activity, etc. Glucose is the only fuel for neurons, so it is "bad" for the brain in the same sense that O2 is. That is what everybody here is shaking their smiling butts to.

So you're right, and they're wrong. Grinning through their Mtn Dew teeth as much as they are.

>> No.7155048

210 IQ here, i recommend at least 8 cups of coffee per day to remain productive.

>> No.7155060

>med student reporting in

Id fucking die without a pot of coffee every day. Vast majority of people in health care field chug that shit.

Work is just demanding as fuck.

>> No.7155084

While I don't agree constantly drinking lemonade is a good idea/solution, surely a sip of water after the lemonade would quickly restore your oral pH?

>> No.7155107

Ok so in Europe before the Age of Englightenment, people mostly drank watered down beer. The alcohol content just high enough to kill things in the water and make it safe. You had to be really poor to just drink straight water. Then Europe discovers tea and coffee from Asia. Everyone started drinking tea and coffee all the damn time. The population went from being always slightly drunk. To always buzzed on caffeine. All those stimulants in their brain really got them thinking. Educated people with money started hanging around drinking caffeine and talking. Before you know the Age of Enlightenment has happened.

>> No.7155113
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>> No.7155131

how much did you drink coffee before medschool?

in highschool when you got good grades, or during bachelor degree?

>> No.7155188

which is why when he died the Feds confiscated all of his research notes and equipment and people to this day still smear him as a nut..

special place in hell for you lot.

>> No.7155208
File: 89 KB, 250x250, 1424692811875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but he was brilliant
>he invented wireless, free energy!
>AND anti-gravity!
>it's all Edison's fault that his (provably wrong) ideas didn't work
>it was all a big conspiracy by the energy companies
>he was an oppressed genius who wanted nothing but sunshine and flowers for all of humanity
>wake up sheeple!

>> No.7155407

theyve actually written pretty good biographies about Tesla.
Edison was his boss at one point, and really did not like Teslas alternating current ideas, but wanted to keep pushing direct current forward.

>> No.7155415

Apparently field medalist Terrence Tao doesnt drink coffe.

He graduated college at age 16 and became a professof of mathematics at age 24 in UCLA and field medalist at age 29

>> No.7155422

>Apparently field medalist Terrence Tao doesnt drink coffe.

Lots of people don't drink coffee. Lots of people do drink coffee. So what?

>> No.7155425

im trying to see if theres a pattern with young geniuses not drinking coffee.

it is plausible.

caffeine is an unnatural drug in the end

>> No.7155444

>which is why when he died the Feds confiscated all of his research notes and equipment

Of course they did, on the off chance he had something of national security interest. We were in the middle of WW2. He made a lot of wild but vague claims throughout his life that he apparently failed to follow through on, but if even 5% of them were true, it would be important to keep them out of the hands German spies, and they couldn't take that risk. But as expected, they didn't find anything of value.

>and people to this day still smear him as a nut..

He was a nut. A brilliant nut, but not nearly as brilliant as he thought he was. And yes, also a fraud.

>special place in hell for you lot.

What, people who know what they're talking about? You ever notice how of all the Tesla obsessives and conspiracy theorists, none of them are actual scientists or engineers?

>> No.7155448

>im trying to see if theres a pattern with young geniuses not drinking coffee.

So look at statistics, i.e. actual research, not a couple of random anecdotes. There is in fact a lot of information out there on the effects of coffee and caffeine.

>> No.7155454

lel have you read any biography where they talk about his inventions and show blue prints etc?

tesla actually understood more physics than Eddison...

>> No.7155457

i cant afford coffee, take caffeine pills instead

>> No.7155461


there is actually very little research on long-term affectance on memory and hippocampus, actually thats the only one ive found.

most of the caffeine research is vague like "heavy coffee drinkers develop less skin cancer" well no shit, its not like you drink coffee at the beach.

>> No.7155501

I drank coffee for about 6 months.
It made me tired when I got home from my classes so I couldn't do homework. It also made me piss like every hour so that made me really mad, and eventually it started giving me migraines.
Also amphetamines/methylphenidates make me extremely interested in a subject for a short time and then depressed and wayward the next day. Even if I became motivated to study further into a subject through their use, once I was off them I became too tired and upset to do anything. Also, if I take amphetamines for more than 4 or 5 days I start to become malnourished, nauseous, tired and my thoughts start to disintegrate; all my studying became for naught, and I did poorly on a few exams as a result of this.
Pretty much the only way for me to be motivated is to do it without the use of drugs, and have drugs (alcohol/weed) to use when I'm finished with the work I wanted to accomplish that day. This allows me to feel healthy while I study, which is important to me.

>> No.7155525

No shit. Nobody would claim otherwise. Edison was a buisiness man with a vague understanding of electricity. Tesla was an electrical engineer with no understanding of buisiness.

>> No.7155550

>there is actually very little research on long-term affectance on memory and hippocampus, actually thats the only one ive found.

If the research doesn't exist, then you're not going to find the answer on 4chan.

But it's pretty easy to find research showing evidence that coffee consumption is associated with lower rates of senility, alzheimers, and parkinsons. So, it sounds like it helps protect against memory loss.

>> No.7155551
File: 346 KB, 400x300, steaming coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did/do you guys spend on food, during an average day of college?

>> No.7155554

40 dollars per week so 5.71 dollars a day

>> No.7155557


The fact that both of you are comparing him to Edison indicates you're getting your information from pop sci nonsense. PROTIP: Tesla and Edison were not arch-enemies. They weren't even competitors. Both of them were inventors and both of them were businessmen. And yes, they were both kind of dicks.

>> No.7155569


It will burn out your brain. I'm down to nicotine and caffine

>> No.7155584

During undergrad my food budget was $25/week, and I kept to it pretty well. It wasn't hard to do in any way. Prices are up a bit now, but I could still live quite comfortably on $30.

I was much poorer in grad school and ate a lot of rice and flour/water biscuits... I'd spend maybe $10 most weeks (just fruit and veggies) and sometimes I'd get lucky and find a couple bucks to buy a dozen eggs. Got some basic funding one year beyond what I needed for tuition and upped that to $15. That semester I got to have chicken twice a week, and even had ice cream for a while.

>> No.7155631

Switch to honey.

>> No.7155654

Tesla utilized the hypnogogic state a lot for his insights. Anyone into meditation will know there's a huge difference meditating soon after waking up with no caffeine vs after caffeine. Apparently Zen Buddhist monks were fond of tea for keeping them awake, but Zen meditation tends to discourage trance state experiences anyway.

>> No.7155748

>surely a sip of water after the lemonade would quickly restore your oral pH?

Not quite that simple but it would help. Sugar also fuels bacteria that lowers pH as part of their metabolism.
If your lemonade is without lemon(aka neutral pH) and you drink it through a straw it would also help.

Or you could just eat some more complex carbs. Or you could eat chocolate, fat lowers absorption rate of the sugar in it(which is why it's not recommended to use for bumping blood sugar in diabetics)

>> No.7155769

How many meals could you sqeeuze out of that? It's About just over £5 a day for me.

>> No.7155793

>Switch to honey.

Honey is just sugar.

>> No.7155822

There's actually a huge amount of historical literature about the impact of coffee/tea on European culture, economy, and technology upon its introduction. For example, Habermas attributes coffee (as both a conqueror of the night and providing an excuse to gather) as one of the main contributors to the formation of the Public Sphere (a major sign of Modernity) in Western Europe

>> No.7155840

I just realised that I don't get any hypnagogic hallucinations (best state) if I have consumed caffeine that day.


Beer was drunk because it was liked, not because of diseases. Various texts recovered from England in that era indicate that people had no apprehension of drinking water, it's just that they preferred the taste and mildly intoxicating effects of small beer.

>> No.7156393

Huh? Obivously you havent read any biographies about Tesla or Eddison.

Eddison was so tired of the competition of Teslas alternating current, that he took peoples pets from the streets and electrocuted them with alternating current so they died to show the people how dangerous AC was compared to DC.

>> No.7156403


Those evidence showing caffeine protects from "senility, alzheimers and parkinsons" are vague too.

They just look ask people who come to the doctors office if they drink coffee, and see in 30 years if they develop alzheimers.

We can draw the same conlcusion about having a day job protects from alzheimers, because people who dont get jobs and stop working all along tend to be more tarded and develope dementia earlier.

Only direct evidence of caffeine use are the research in the OP, and then some short-term effects that I have found, where they are giving caffeine to people who usually dont drink any and see how it effects for a day, which is obviously all positive.

>> No.7156407

Stimulants are a gift from god for anyone who uses his brain to make a living.

>> No.7156619

>pounding two coffees in one day
Watch out guys we got a badass over here

>> No.7156630

>We can draw the same conlcusion about having a day job protects from alzheimers, because people who dont get jobs and stop working all along tend to be more tarded and develope dementia earlier.

And that would also be true.

>> No.7156633


I can't tell if you're joking or not. But, uh, none of that is accurate...

>> No.7156638

>appeal to tradition
so all those billions and billions of humans who drank this stuff for their entire lives and were just fine, they got lucky right?

>> No.7156641

>I feel quite tired still and unmotivated with troubles to focus.

Stop masturbating

>> No.7157037

What are you talking about? This is actually a pretty known thing that Eddison was electrocuting animals with DC to promote AC.

>> No.7157044

lel i meants promote DC, and electrocuted with AC

>> No.7157128

Started with coffee this week and already had some muscular fasciculations. Staying the fuck away from this. 2spooky.

>> No.7157163

OP here, im starting to feel more energetic now.

Its been 2.5weeks since coffee abstinance (used to drink 2 cups per day)

Currently, I feel the same way like during drinking coffee. Ive noticed though that I have to pay attention more to eating, since coffee kept my sugar levels up due to increased stress.

Ive slept really well recently, too.

>> No.7157180

You suck, quit being a mentally feeble pussy

>> No.7157199

>OP here, im starting to feel more energetic now.
you're a delusional idiot. what you're experiencing is a self-delusion.

coffee is the greatest thing ever. it protects you brain yet it makes you alert and focused. abstaining from it is beyond moronic.

>> No.7157204

>Ive slept really well recently, too.

Which probably explains why you're more alert.
Let me guess, previously you'd chug a large cup of coffe at 7 in the evening and then go to bed at 02:30 in the morning because you couldn't fall asleep before that. Now you instead go to bed at 00:30 but attribute everything to not drinking coffee instead of two hours of more sleep per night?

>> No.7157234

caffeine is for homos
sleep 12 hours a night and get on my level bitch

>> No.7157255

>Person stops doing X and starts doing Y
>Person has improved
>Therefore X must be detrimental, and Y must be good

Great logic there, except there are at least 2 more possibilities:
>X is very detrimental, Y is placebo
>X is placebo, Y is very good

Or it could even be:
>X is slightly detrimental, Y is placebo
>X is very detrimental, Y is slightly detrimental

The last one is what I suspect to be the case.
It's the equivalent of someone being addicted to smoking, and they switch the tobacco for doughnuts.
Their health slightly improves, so doughnuts are good for you?

>> No.7157271

How can I stave off my caffeine addiction?
How can I make the tiredness go away while handling this withdrawal?

>> No.7157331

I haven't had a cup of coffee since 2014. Is it really hard for you kids to stay awake after you wake up? Haven't any of you heard the expression "the early bird gets the worm"? Just do some jumping jacks and you will be fine.

>> No.7157349

whenever i drink coffee, i become really awake for a few hours (as if my eyes were forcibly held open), but after that i'm really tired and exhausted, so i rarely drink coffee.

i also read that the good effect on the concentration becomes smaller over time because of the habituation.
>[citation needed]

>> No.7157351

Taper. Just have a sip less per coffee per day and don't drink any more cups per day until you drink no coffee. You won't be spending any more on coffee than normal but you'll slowly drink less and less, as well as have a visual aid to remind you where you are in the process.

>> No.7158266


Good thing the human race doesnt rely on you. Since according to you, if we ran out of coffee everybody would be too lazy to hunt, farm and do anything in general.

>> No.7158273

>Just do some jumping jacks

>> No.7158392

Ok story time
>be me
>drink coffee pretty much every day
>started at age of 13 or 14 because everyone in family drinks it
>do it for years
>start having obvious tics
>get annoyed by tics and think its because of coffee
>stop drinking coffee for 1 year, no cheating
>drank water or tea instead (no caffeine or sugar in tea)
>nothing changed
>still have weeks in the year where I have a lot of tics and some where I have none
>went to neurologist
>he said its uncommon to have it at my age but I will grow out of it sooner or later
>now I'm 19

that being said, during that 1 year where I took a coffee break I felt little difference to before or after.
the only thing that bugs you is that you don't have that 1 thing you can always just drink when you feel down.

>> No.7158396


too drunk to read all but any sort of dependent stimulant is bad for your permanent comprehension

>> No.7158411

Most smart people I know drink plenty of coffee, up to and including my 150 IQ girlfriend

>> No.7158638

No Ive actually slept as long before.
But I think my sleep quality is better, and I dont feel tired in the morning.

>> No.7158641

"People who boast about their IQ are losers"

sorry but your gf is a loser for telling you her IQ

>> No.7158658

Someone should have told me that a year ago. A day without coffee feels hellish...

>> No.7158735

Uh the coffee probably depleted some mineral involved in nerve/muscle signalling. You might try supplementing some magnesium or something.

>> No.7158796

>You might try supplementing some magnesium or something.
I've tried pretty much everything my neurologist recommended me, including that. Changed nothing.
I trust him though that I'll grow out of it over the next few years and it's not like the tics are stopping me from doing anything.

>> No.7158946

what about b-vitamins or lifting weights?

my friend stopped ticking after lifting weights 5x a week at age 20

>> No.7158964

>I'm just going to make up something contrary to popular belief and say it so it looks like I know what I'm talking about

>> No.7158972

>addict rationalization

>> No.7159908

actually, your fallacy fallacy argument is a fallacy fallacy. fallacy fallacy states that the presence of fallacies among legitimate proof or good evidence doesn't negate the latter. however, the original argument consisted only of fallacies, so refuting those fallacies was the only proof that he needed. fallacy.

>> No.7159938

What the hell.
Kill yourself.