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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 900x668, o-BODY-EMOTIONS-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7127202 No.7127202 [Reply] [Original]

What is love /sci/

>> No.7127206

Body heat apparently

>> No.7127214

When I smoke a cigarette, my temperature is also rising

>> No.7127218

Love is like joy with colder legs, I would've imagined the opposite personally.

>> No.7127243

A social and biochemical positive-feedback loop.

>> No.7127245

baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me. No more.

>> No.7127253

Cross board shitposting?

>> No.7127260

link to the paper.
this is actually extremely interesting. Could it be that we need our bodies or at least the feeling of them(like phantom limbs) to experience certain emotions? (I haven't read the paper yet)

>> No.7127264

It's also like pride with a warmer dick. Makes sense.

>> No.7127265

Love is a powerful primitive physiological and behavioral response adjusted to bond mother and offsprings, a deep, intense and addictive affection. Which can, however, be extrapolated to relationships with other subjects.

At least this is the case in the most traditional sense of the word and differs from "passion", "pleasure" or "limerence".

>> No.7127266

People who're paralyzed from the neck down usually report becoming less emotional. Of course this can be due to the fact of them not being able to walk and stuff, but still.

The automatic nervous system is related to emotion, and there's been a lot of stuff about how increased heart rate, sweating and stuff is not as much caused by emotional response, but that rather that the emotion itself is deduced later from signals of our bodily state.

>> No.7127297

No, but it's still interesting to get answers from different point of views.

Some tasty copy pasta from /lit/:
“Love...no such thing.
Whatever it is that binds families and married couples together, that's not love. That's stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesn't exist.

Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists. But not love. Love has to be reinvented, that’s certain.”

What do you think of this now /sci/?

>> No.7127301

I think it's probably not fair to judge /lit/ from a post by a 12 year old. It's like judging /sci/ by those threads about consciousness and quantum whatever made by schizophreniacs.

>> No.7127307
File: 408 KB, 1200x1697, 1425769940842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love is an illusion and a lie. It does not exist. You are being indoctrinated by the media to chase love, only to be disappointed again and again. Women are not capable of feeling love. The closest you could ever get to "love" is by buying a dog. At least the dog is loyal and doesn't treat you with contempt.

>> No.7127310

>Love is an illusion and a lie. It does not exist.
Can you show it?
Maybe showing the definition and, then, showing evidence that implies anything that fits such can't exist.

>> No.7127311

I think you're wrong. And you're also right.
Medias are giving some fake ideas about love for sure, and I bet it has some influence.
But still, I do feel better when I wake up with a woman I like ,usually, and sex isn't needed to make me feel good with her.

Also, keep punishing a woman, give her a little reward from time to time, she'll be obcessed by you. Is this love, or just attraction. Or is love just attraction

>> No.7127313

>Women are not capable of feeling love.

Are men?

>> No.7127314

>shame is an ayy lmao

>> No.7127315

We still don't know what is love, and we see thos arguments.

>What is love?

>> No.7127316

I thought it was Spiderman.

>> No.7127317
File: 95 KB, 1500x1521, frgOnVX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The media does seem a bit obsessed with "true love", which is a bit annoying. I think it's just because people in general are obsessed with sex though.
>Women are not capable of feeling love
>pic related (it's you)

>> No.7127343

>love is an illusion

spacetime is an illusion
words and an illusion- literally they allude to things, they aren't things
thirst is an illusion
joy is an illusion
cubes are an illusion

being a virgin doesn't credit your argument with being invulnerable to making actual sense

> At least the dog is loyal and doesn't treat you with contempt.

cry some more you big baby.

>> No.7127374

Why only fault >>7127313 then?

Sci doesn't need any more angry virgins, thank you very much.

>> No.7127381

You're thinking of lust, it's a common misconception.

>> No.7127383

OP there

>not virgin
>already have my own opinion
>came here to know what would come out of /sci/
>came here because boredom mostly
>I hope you feel better now anon, because you are the angry one

>> No.7127403

>what would come out of /sci/
Riddle me this: what comes out of an ass?
More annoyed, actually.

>> No.7127415
File: 180 KB, 1122x747, dont-herd-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7127489

Apparently it makes your pecker hard

>> No.7127506

a battlefield

>> No.7127518

Does depression really lower your body temp like that?

>> No.7127541

No. It's not measuring temperature, but some bullshit subjective data set where people were shown a picture or video or whatever, and then they pointed to a place on the body where they felt some twinge or emotion or something like that.

>> No.7127566

I guess the people pointing at their crotch with love where just taking the piss then.

>> No.7127714

Men are the only ones capable of feeling love. Men write love letters, love poems, whole fucking books about love. Men sacrifice their lives for love. Show me a woman who does the same. I don't know any.

>> No.7127721

Well Sara from marketing does that.

>> No.7128724

It means your body wants to fuck

>> No.7129940

That picture is fucking retarded.

>> No.7129965

>what is love
>baby don't hurt me
>dont hurt me
>no mo

>> No.7130018

>women have never written poetry or prose about love ever

>> No.7130167

mention a woman who have sacrificed her life for any other people that her children

>> No.7130180

> a mother loving their children isn't love
we really should fix this in English and separate all the different emotions that get categorized as "love"

>> No.7130226

>Love is an illusion and a lie.

>It does not exist.

>You are being indoctrinated by the media to chase love

>only to be disappointed again and again.
Stop being such a beta.

>Women are not capable of feeling love.

>The closest you could ever get to "love" is by buying a dog.

>At least the dog is loyal and doesn't treat you with contempt.
True in most cases.

>Men are the only ones capable of feeling love. Men write love letters, love poems, whole fucking books about love.
Traditionally, men are the ones that have to do most things in a relationship, such as impressing the other party.
Also, women tend to want more romance than men.

>Show me a woman who does the same. I don't know any.
Look up the etymology of the word lesbian.

Nice special pleading.
Check out firefighters, as not all are men.

Your b8ing is not working, m8.

>> No.7131052

A self-delusional state of mind that arises from a whole complex combination of psychological, chemical and environmental factors. This state can last for varying time periods and reoccur without warning.

And congratulations to those of you in long term relationships!

>> No.7131421

So, I guess, "love" in that image is probably arousal or lust then.

>> No.7131429

Love cannot be held in one's hands, so it is not really something that can be examined. While there are some biological feedbacks for love, you can also equate these things to other outside stimuli.

>> No.7131443

>love has highest groin temp
>and contempt the lowest

>> No.7131464

A word with many subjective connotations, but many people will stubbornly claim that theirs is the only right definition.

Here's my view:
I try to think back at cavemen: Men wanted to protect their women at all cost and women wanted to protect their children at all cost.

>> No.7131467

>women tend to want more romance than men.
then again, what is romance?

>> No.7132142

Tired of your smelly feet?
Aquire Depression.

>> No.7132149
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>> No.7132274

Genital anger

>> No.7133729

i came here just to type that. Well done anon

>> No.7133969

Where a baby doesn't hurt me.

>> No.7134140

Why not both?
We define words so why can't we have love that is result of stupidity or selfishness or fear?

Yeah, media and government wants you to seek for love to help economy, but it doesn't mean that love doesn't exists.

Also kinda related to topic, what is /sci/ opinion on serious waifuism? Do you think that in response of increasing feminism or other influences, men will more likely look for artificial romantic relationships?
I do have a waifu and take her really seriously, so AMA if you want.

>> No.7136133

>Also kinda related to topic, what is /sci/ opinion on serious waifuism?
I think it really can help against loneliness. imo getting a waifu is not much different from reading romance novels.

>> No.7136141

Evolutionary joke that was once needed for aurvival but now results in the opposite

>> No.7136150

What is oxytocin?