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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7125840 No.7125840 [Reply] [Original]

Can a true scientist have family or should she dedicate her whole life 24/7 to science?

I have an IQ in the 99.999 percentile but assuming the people I'm competing against are only slightly less intelligent than myself and are willing to invest all their time into science (I know for a fact some of my colleagues are hardcore autists). Could I even allow myself to become pregnant or would it throw me back in my career so much that I could never become the best again?

>> No.7125847

There were many scientists at the top of their field who had families. And many who did not.

However, none of them were women :^)

>> No.7126110
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>> No.7126144

>Could I even allow myself to become pregnant or would it throw me back in my career so much that I could never become the best again?

Seems like it would depend on your field and your partner, but I'm sure it's possible if you coordinate your life properly.

>> No.7126149

Kill yourself, OP

>> No.7126152

>dedicate her whole life 24/7 to science?
Real scientists don't do this, they clock out at 5 and go have a beer. That includes the top end of the spectrum.

>> No.7126155

>women doing science
how quaint

>> No.7126161
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>true scientist

HAHAHHA, do you ever wonder why women had done almost nothing in STEM even though there is literally nothing stopping them from doing it for a long time now? Because you simply can't.

>> No.7126166

is this a meme or are you guys being unironic?

>> No.7126168

Used to work at an lab with a woman that was basically a fucking grand wizard or some shit with molecular biology and cloning. The shit she could do with DNA. Also people from most other labs in the entire building would come by often for help troubleshooting their shit.

Not only was she a titanic bitch, but she had a family and two kids. So, it is possible.


>> No.7126191


that's only "science" women could do

>> No.7126198

>or would it throw me back in my career so much that I could never become the best again?

no, you are not the best and you will never be the best because you are a woman. when was the last time women did anything of real value for science? that stupid bitch that got herself killed with radiation? and that was probably because no man was stupid enough to die for that so they let the stupid bitch try

>> No.7126205

It's either /pol/ or trolls.

Just ignore them because if you really think it's a good idea to get into a debate about women in STEM on 4chan you are dumber than they are.

>> No.7126207

what about marie curie

>> No.7126213

see >>7126198

lol 1, maybe couple more, then what? face it, you are below, now go back to the kitchen or whatever you womyn do

>> No.7126216

No that's an outlier that doesn't count because I said so.

Her husband did all the work.

She's the only one you can think of so clearly there aren't any other women.



Seriously stop responding to this shit.

>> No.7126221

>le I have no arguments for why women even though they are pandered to shit still can't match men in any field of any fucking value
>le I know it in my heart it is true, thus I am the fight knight!

>le if I show my head deep in enough up a woman's ass maybe she'll give me some attention

>maybe if I tell her what she wants to hear...

cucks, when will they learn?

>> No.7126236

If "women are dumb because statistics" is an argument then "women aren't dumb because statistics" is also an argument.

But that must be the libtard jewish marxist propaganda I've been spoonfed at college, right?

>> No.7126250

>"women aren't dumb because statistics" is also an argument.

ahahah what statistics say that? literally none, women after all the shit done for them, changing school system to fit them and everything, they still can't do STEM better than men can, not even fucking close. They can do better in elementary school where no brain is required but once it is required they all fall behind.

Also, nice strawman there, but I guess a womyn wouldn't understand that it is wrong to use logical fallacies instead of an actual argument.

>> No.7126261

Basically all statistics say that. Women don't have all their shit done for them, the school system doesn't cater to them, and they can do STEM just as well as men. They do as well (and in some cases better) then men at every level of education.

Also nice sources for your information, as you can see mine are just as reputable, but I guess as a man you wouldn't understand that it's wrong to make these claims without backing them up.

Bottomline is we're both talking out of our asses with on real argument. But at least I admit it.

>> No.7126269

>and they can do STEM just as well as men.

WOT, since when? that simply isn't the case, in any STEM class if you have 10 womyn at the start you are lucky, and 9 of those will fail before the 3rd year

>> No.7126273
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>ahahah what statistics say that?

>> No.7126274

That simply is the case, in any STEM class if you have 10 womyn at the start all 10 of them will graduate, probably with honors because womyn are better at school.

>> No.7126296

>btw I'm a gril ;)
epic, simply epic

>> No.7126300
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>uh uh it's not because we are not good enough
>no no no
>we are just not sure in the ability of our gender, you see!

jesus christ, are you womyn actually retarded? I mean, I know you are pretty stupid but this is something else.

>1 Studies show that at an early age, girls are smarter than boys

Smarter in this case means they are way way less likely to challange any authority and basically will do anything they are told. That doesn't mean they are smarter, just that they will work what they are told to do more than boys will. And 1.5 IQ points literally means nothing, you can get an increase of 5 just by attending college, still doesn't make you a great mind. Not to mention that majority of elementary school teachers are women who aren't capable of representing an authority figure in the eyes of the boys(given how women are inferior and all, boys know this very early on, they see it in their mothers first), will get you a result where female teachers concentrate more on the girls and less on the boys because girls are easier to deal with and control.

Why? Well, as a I said schools are now made to cater to little girls and to punish boys for being boys.

>2 But girls begin to question their ability because of their gender

It's so easy to blame any of your shortcomings on other people judging you or not liking you.

>oh mom I can't do math because those pesky niggers are spreading AIDS across the world
>I can't do math and science untill we kill the niggers

-the same reasoning.
You are the only one to blame for your lack of ability, or rather your inferior nature.


HAHAHAH again wot, did you take some drugs ? Do you know data? First of all if that was the case, this bitch would be out of the job
pic related, her whole retarded campaign is made around your idiotic beliefs that are not grounded in reality in any way

>> No.7126304

not english, don't attack my spelling you silly womyn xd

>> No.7126306
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>I have an IQ in the 99.999 percentile but assuming the people I'm competing against are only slightly less intelligent than myself

>> No.7126309

Did you take some drugs? Do you know data? First of all if that wasn't the case, that bitch would be out of the job because if women were actually inferior no one would need to justify why they're underrepresented.
your pic related, her entire noble campaign is based around the belief that women are intellectual equals to men which is grounded firmly in reality.

Also I am english, so I will attack your bastardization of my language. You're bad at english.

>> No.7126316

I can't believe you fucking idiots are actually taking this b8.

>> No.7126322

>one would need to justify why they're underrepresented

But their underrepresentation IS already justified, by their lack of ability of course. But that can't be it? NO!

>even though there is LITERALLY nothing stoping us from pursuing any education that we want, we still fail in doing anything of any value and instead of blaiming our inferiority, we blame men of course

-women and their power of reason.


>intellectual equals to men which is grounded firmly in reality.

No it's not really. If it was, there would be equal number of Nobel prizes going to females as to males, but that's not the case even today. You ran out of excuses so not the problem isn't opression and lack of acces to education, no no! Now, it's that men are not chearing you up as you do the SAME fucking thing they have been doing for ages, but you are a woman, right? That means that when you do something men already do, you are basically curing cancer.

jesus fuck, I honestly can not see how some men think that women are smart.

>so I will attack your bastardization of my language. You're bad at english.


>> No.7126332


That's enough shitposting for one day anyway.

>> No.7126337

Why don't you just go to facebook and ask that question on a random atheist/white knight site.

>> No.7126349
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>le mom!
>that guy is right on the internet again!
>le son, calm down and tell him that he's a shitposter
>le womyin logic never fails, thrust me on that one, le son
>le ok mom you fucking inferior retardation in disguised as a human being

>> No.7126434

Calm down friend.
I agree with you on most points, but calm down.
You are supposed to go soft with them.

Go drink a glass of water, and pretend you are answering your daughter.
That should soften your style up.

>> No.7127377

my 2c it's that women are more likely to listen to the general opinion/authority, and being an innovative person which extends the limits of the human society usually means breaking from the authority and not agreeing with the general opinion, or in other words, being a edgy fuck

therefore, op, if you feel that what the others said till now about womans it's true even if you don't agree with, you might not be feet for this

>> No.7127399

Subtle. You /pol/lutants bring anything new?

>> No.7127404

I am>>7127377

coming with this question and having the iq stuff as your back up could mean you are not feet at the moment because you are doubting yourself and caring what others thing or what their iq is

the truth it's you didn't work enough to build up the confidence to not care about those stuff, and you do that by loving what you do, and if you are doubting if you love enough it that's good, because doubting it means you are looking for improvement

so I suppose you are going trow a crisis and looking for a boost for your work to take you out, so my advice is to find the creativity in your field and play around with things so that the work doesn't feel in vane (what was the name of that dude? siphilis? sisiphis?) and remember to alternate studding with exploring through creativity what you learn, don't just learn for the sake of learning, and like that you will feel you are making progress

>> No.7127412

Biology isn't a science, it's for women

>> No.7127418

I think you need a family or at least a significant other for mental support. Otherwise, in that cutthroat environment, it's probably more likely that you end up insane by 40 and kill yourself.

>> No.7127422

She is probably great, but she is an outlier. On average men are far better at math and science, the only reason they are gaining on boys at the elementary and high school level is because those systems are more and more focused towards females.
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFpYj0E-yb4

in high school it is the same shit. Where I am (ausfag) doing real math class was required for physics. now there is no math requirement, and it is dumbed down as fuck. chemistry is in a similar state, everything takes twice as long because everyone has to wait for the girls (and some of the sperg boys) to finally get it. They used to tell us that "everyone learns differently," which translates to "we have to wait until the girls have taken a billion notes and memorised everything before we do the test, or they will undoubtedly fail." again, there are smart girls, but they are few and far between.

>> No.7127423

Tell me, are you some edgy, enlightened teenager or a petty, grown-ass man who's crusading for some ultimately useless agenda?
/pol/ needs to go.

>> No.7127440


>> No.7127450

don't listen to the angry virgins

but the fact the remains that for a woman is a bit more difficult to form a family, this is regardless of the field of work, pregnancy and kids will always be your top priority at least at the beginning

my advice is (I'm no scientist, yet, but I am married) that do what you love

>> No.7128517

and that's pretty much why there has been no progress in biology since discovery of DNA by two dudes.

>> No.7128519

shit, linked wrong reply, i meant

>> No.7128729

>Could I even allow myself to become pregnant
males cant be pregnant bro

>> No.7128747

List of female /sci/ figures:

1. Curie
2. Noether
3. ???

>> No.7129026
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>I have an IQ in the 99.999 percentile
>should she dedicate her whole life 24/7 to science?


>AAMODT: Females' brains develop about on average two years earlier than male brains, so you're more likely to have a late developing male brain than female

faster brain growth is inversely correlated to intelligence of an animal. dogs are trainable at age of one where as humans are not

male brains develop slower and thus are smarter than womens

go back to the kitchen OP or complain about ur feelings elsewhere

>> No.7129068

Epic /pol/raid guys! Well red-pilled. You sure are keeping that evil Jewman down while simultaneously demonstrating your clear superiority as a super-intelligent 100% Aryan male with a wonderful life full of friends, joy and fulfillment. I mean, if it wasn't for that sneaky Jewman, you guys would probably all be rich. And if they didn't promote racemixing (boo!) you guys would all have a 10/10 girlfriend. It's not your fault. Those stupid "womyn" are just to dumb to understand your advanced ways of thinking. They're probably out fucking some Chad right now LOL amiright? You guys are so cool, you probably don't even realize how cool and counter-culture you are. Two words: simply epic.

>> No.7129203

>he FOR she

>> No.7129228

>AAMODT: Females' brains develop about on average two years earlier than male brains, so you're more likely to have a late developing male brain than female
Wait! This is from a womyn syenteest! You can't trust this!

>faster brain growth is inversely correlated to intelligence of an animal. dogs are trainable at age of one where as humans are not
Key word, you moron: animal. Way to go interpreting data from studies relating different species for your le epic males are better than females durr. No link for the latter, even. Koyk fuggit.

>> No.7129234

>high iq woman
You truly are a miracle

>> No.7129382

Personally,I believe this whole fucking weemin hate came because of the post itself. Declaring yourself as a high IQ individual and asking a question that can only be amsewered from personal expirience(since this depends on how you can bare with tough decisions and multiple life choices) clearly lead to a massive rant from everyone who saw this post.
As a matter of fact, if you were a guy you would get insulted but just for being a cocky asshole and asking stupid questions.

>> No.7129414

>still taking this b8

>> No.7129491

>high IQ
>talking about IQ
top kek

>> No.7129507

everyone who spent more than one month on this website knows that >>7129382 is right.

this is basically the /sci/ version of "tits or gtfo"

>> No.7130045
File: 50 KB, 816x612, AT2Ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women have an ingrained instinct to be mothers, and thus get a lot more "feeling" brain than "thinking" brain. Men have better brain instincts when it comes to math and science

>Thinkers decide based primarily on logic, and when they do so, they consider a decision to be made. They tend to see the world in black and white and dislike fuzziness.

>Feelers decide based primarily through social considerations, listening to their heart and considering the feelings of others

You are a feeler by the basis of posting this asking for other peoples opinion

go back to the kitchen

>> No.7130185

The fact that you think the entire range of human intelligence can be accurately and meaningfully mapped to the set of integers tells a lot of us that you're probably not as intelligent as you want to think you are

>> No.7130283

You sound quite upset, maybe even a little hotheaded.