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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7098180 No.7098180 [Reply] [Original]

What's the highest number you can create by arranging these three numbers: 1,2 and 1 again

It's not 211

>> No.7098181


>> No.7098182

2^11 shitwad.

>> No.7098191

No, just redefine 2^11 to be 2 to its own power 11 times, with parenthesis on the right. Or select any higher-order hyperoperation you want for an arbitrarily large value that fits more or less with current convention.

>> No.7098194

-1/12 obviously

>> No.7098207


>> No.7098215

What operators can we use?

Because if we can use any, then I define f(x) -> y, with y > whatever you can come up with, and create the number f(211).

>> No.7098218

Except f(x) is a function and not an operator.

>> No.7098219


>> No.7098220 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\delta(x-211)[\math][/spoiler]

>> No.7098221

<span class="math">\delta(x-211)[/spoiler]

>> No.7098252

Operators on S are functions f:S\times S\to S.

>> No.7098261

g(x, y) -> S(S(S(S...S(x)...)))), y times

Does this seem familiar?

>> No.7098266

Here's a better game: name the largest natural number you can using only a single post on /sci/. No pictures and no links.

>> No.7098269

the successor function (operator) is still a recursive function.

>> No.7098272

>not using Church numerals

>> No.7098276

<span class="math">9 \uparrow^{9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999}9[/spoiler]

This is already too big.

>> No.7098279

Too big for what?

>> No.7098281
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>> No.7098301

Let H(x,y,n)=H(x,H(x,y-1,n-1),n) where H(x,y,1)=x+y. Then H(2,2,n)=4 for all natural n and also H(2,3,999999999999999) is probably one of the bigger numbers you've ever seen. Now let G(x,y,m,n)=H(x,y,G(x,y,m,n-1)) where G(x,y,m,1)=H(x,y,m).

Now think about G(2,3,3,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999).

That is in the running for one of the biggest numbers anyone has ever expressed ever.

>> No.7098304


>> No.7098307

If we can include any symbols we want, than there is no higheset number. 211!!!!..... you can do that forever.

>> No.7098311


>> No.7098336

Let S be the set of numbers in this thread.

Let x = sup S.

>> No.7098338

Obviously if you can use as many symbols as you want, then there is no highest number.

>> No.7098342

So? If addition is just the application of the successor function, then it is itself a function. It's trivial to show it's an endomorphism even.

>> No.7098343

Meant without referencing other posts, hence a "single post".

>> No.7098367


>> No.7098374

It's a stupid question, you see.

>> No.7098380

He said natural number.

>> No.7098381

> H(x,y,n)=H(x,H(x,y-1,n-1),n)
I think you meant H(x,y,n)=H(x,H(x,y,n-1),n) but it doesn't really matter. I can do much better.

Let <span class="math">H_k(x,y,z_1,z_2,\dots, z_{k-1},z_k)= H_{k-1}(x,y,z_1, z_2,\dots,z_{k-2}, H_k(x,y,z_1,z_2, \dots,z_{k-1},z_k-1 )[/spoiler] with <span class="math">H_k(x,y,z_1,z_2, \dots,z_{k-1},1)=H_{k- 1}(x,y, z_1,z_2,\dots, z_{k-2},z_{k-1})[/spoiler] and <span class="math">H_0(x,y) = x+y[/spoiler]. That way, <span class="math">H_1(x,y,n)=H(x,y,n)[/spoiler] from your post, <span class="math">H_2(x,y,n,m)=G(x,y,n,m)[/spoiler], and <span class="math">H_3(3,3,3,3,3)[/spoiler] is already much, much larger than the number you wrote.

Then you could define <span class="math">f(n) = H_{f(n-1)} ( f(n-1), f(n-1), \dots, f(n-1), f(n-1) )[/spoiler] with <span class="math">f(-1)=3[/spoiler] so that <span class="math">f(0)=H(3,3)=6[/spoiler], <span class="math">f(1) = H_{6} (6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6)[/spoiler], and <span class="math">f(2)[/spoiler] is so ridiculously humongous compared to anything you can write with your function G that you really don't want me to look at <span class="math">f^{f(9)}(f(9))[/spoiler] or other weird combinations that I can write without redefining other functions.

I win.

>> No.7098384

No he didn't

>> No.7098386

Read >>7098266

Unless you were not answering that-.

>> No.7098431

Yeah I did fuck up, and thanks, that was nice. I hoped someone would feel compelled manufacture that sequence of operations.

>> No.7098444

No problem, that was fun.

>> No.7098493

>implying S is bounded

>> No.7098510

Threads can only have a finite amount of posts, so yes it is.

>> No.7098645

best post in this thread, thanks for the laugh

>> No.7098665

Educate yourself, fucking uncultured swine.

>> No.7098677

Legitimately lmao'd

>> No.7098909

Best today, mode pin it

>> No.7098940


The answer is infinite, since whatever function you can come up with, can be re-functioned, to wit:


>> No.7098954
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Well fucking memed

>> No.7098959

Hang on.

If H(x,y,n)=H(x,H(x,y,n-1),n) and H(x,y,1)=x+y then:
H(x,y,2) = H(x,H(x,y,1),2)=H(x,x+y,2) which would mean H(x,y,2) is independent of y.

Is that your intention?

>> No.7099194

No I made a mistake.

It should be H(x,y,n)=H(x,H(x,y-1,n),n-1).

That is, 2 raised to its own power three times with parentheses on the right is 2 to the power of two raised to its own power two times. Or more simply think of how 2^3=2*(2^2).

>> No.7099381

Ups yeah, I "fixed" his mistake incorrectly. I'm not sure how much I'd need to fix in my follow-up to be correct but it's probably possible to fix it and I'm too drunk to do it, so I'm going to be lazy and just assume there's a way to make it work.

>> No.7099403
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Well played.

>> No.7099410

There is, I know what you meant too and it can be done. The definition I last gave was correct.

>> No.7099586

I'm going through a break up with my girlfriend of 2 years and this made me smile for the first time in days

thanks anon

>> No.7099593

Still not big enough for your momma

>> No.7100622

Except sup(S) doesn't require us to have complete information of the English language, merely to be able to list all the numbers in this thread at a given point on a relatively slow-moving board. Since so far each poster has only given finitely many numbers, sup(S)=max(S)= >>7098276

The only issue would be if I was to say, "Let X be the list of powers of two"
Now S is unbounded.

>> No.7100715

Here faggots :

>> No.7100805


>> No.7102491
