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7095593 No.7095593 [Reply] [Original]

How do live forever?
Hi guys /b/ reporting in.
How would you guys go about obtaining biological immortality? I have a theory that I have that may be able to pull this off but wanted to listen to "experts".

>> No.7095620

If we could do that, don't you think we would have?

>> No.7095623

Whatever you have is barely a hypothesis. Please continue.

>> No.7095624


>> No.7095630

It's well-known public knowledge, feasible and cheap. We just don't do it because we prefer to live a short life and die early.

>> No.7095634

>MRI of the brain
>Method of tracing stem cell division lines to source points
>Organ cloning
>Precise 3d printer injections of stem cells to said birthing points and removal of dead tissue/organs
>Ditto for brain except alot more accuracy required.
>Stem cells made of same DNA through splicing/extraction
>People I can trust to put me under the knife/laser
>repeat process every 20 years.

Way 2:
Brain in a robot is all I see.....

>> No.7095641

Theoretically the cells of the brain should parse information like a flash drive to the new cells so long as they are purely my DNA

>> No.7095648

Are you concerned that your telomeres are shorter than those of other people?
With the newly developed Vitegra (Patent pending) you can make your telomeres LONGER in just one WEEK!
send moniez to us, and our team of qualified doctors* will handcraft a Vitegra starting kit just for you
All our products are vegan and guaranteed asbestos-free

*) not actual doctors

>> No.7095671

You can achieve immortality if you stop telomere destruction but then you have to figure out some way how to not get cancer everywhere in your body.

Either that or find some way how to make you cells stop dividing while also not dying at the same time.

The easier way is to mess with the hypothalamus to de-age the body over and over as its possible for someone to be biologically younger than their chronological age.

Another way to achieve some sort of immortality is to completely SLOW DOWN the human aging process to the point where it takes 40 years for a person to go from 20 to 25.

Perhaps finding stopping ourselves from biological aging would give us immortality.

>> No.7095696

You know I thought I'd die but I never will you gotta live this life aLOOOOOOONE.

>> No.7095697

*side affects may include diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding (external and internal), thoughts of suicide, dizziness, liver disease, heart failure, seizures, pancreatic cancer, and death

>> No.7095705


Gave me a chuckle

>> No.7095708

Yes, it's the whole lifespan vs healthspan thing.

They have already identified genes responsible for healthspan. It's just a matter of time at this point.

>> No.7095719

When people are able to live for hundreds of years, they will begin to complain that they still die psychological deaths, because "that guy from 100 years ago is dead. I'm a totally different person today." Which would be absolutely true and not just a metaphor. Hell, it's true already for a lot of people with our marginally lengthened lifespans compared with just a few centuries ago.

>> No.7095731

in a couple centuries we would have already perfected biological immortality though. Besides if we found some way how to remove the emotion of sadness out of our mental makeup then it would stop 100 year old future humans from commiting suicide after getting bored.

>> No.7097503

Killing yourself out of boredom will be the new natural selection. Only the most persistent and creative will survive.

>> No.7097561

Go fucking industrial espionage on organovo and release it to the world.

>> No.7097573

>implying the human race will ever get bored with eternal, immortal sex

>> No.7097713
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>tfw you were born too late for immortality drugs at $9.99 per script on obamacare

>> No.7097733

Except you only reside in your brain, meaning you will die and a copy of you will be alive.

>> No.7097810

Early tests on a handful of antibiotics of all things looks very promising, looking forward to a study with people.

>> No.7097967

great now everybody can have a longer working life..

well not everybody

>> No.7097969


we can probably all drive ferraris some day.

>> No.7098024


Odd's are that clinical immortality will be much farther in the future. Longevity will potentially be in a generation or two. You probably won't be alive to see it, or you will be too old to make use of it. It probably won't even be available to the public, or affordable.

On the other hand I can actually see longevity being apart of the "medical coverage" for the worlds politicians way before the peasants get to see it.

>> No.7098038

>Create biological immortality
>People's natural will to survive will cause the average person to opt in when available
>Live so long you fear death far more
>Live to see complete invulnerability

>You can get trapped somewhere forever
>Muslims/commie nihilist/occult assholes take over the world and tweak invulnerability to create a man-made hell where they can artificially increase your capacity for pain through augmentation infinitely and make you experience it until the end of time

>> No.7098063

can you imagine if the establishment never got old and died? fuck, just kill me than

>> No.7098072

Have you guys seen repo men. Surprisingly relevant to thread.

...mfw a lambo huracan just drove past

>> No.7098093

It's ok, my goal isn't to become biological immortal but become a machine bent on meatbags' extermination.
I have no desire to torture anyone, just kill, so you're safe from harm.

No offense, but you are potential hazard for my continued existence. Nothing personnel.

>> No.7098105

You need a way to replenish the telomers. Then you can do that, you can live forever, provided you do not die of something else than old age

>> No.7098119

Personally I think it's going to come about though some Ship of Theseus style gradual replacement of every part of your body. If you replaced dying neurons with artificial versions you could eventually replace the brain without worry about the moral issues behind destroying the brain you're copying.

>> No.7098122

Yeah, brain synthesis is the best possible way for immortality.

>> No.7098172


Tin man.

..welcome to the real world

>> No.7098212
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>he thinks big pharma are going to sell you immortality pills for less than the cost of anti-penile dysfunction pills

>> No.7099742
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>he doesn't realize there will be generic out eventually

>> No.7099806

The stuff would be for sale everywhere on the internet and the instructions to make it would be insanely popular. Anybody with anywhere near the skills to make it would be doing it, fuck patent law.

>> No.7099846


Yup, this too. Now you have me wondering if it's already being done, but in secret.

>> No.7100004


There more than likely wouldn't be immortality pills. Longevity treatments would probably have to be performed by specialists in gene therapy, along with specialists from other fields, like neurology.

At first, only the mega rich would be able to afford it. The "everyone else" alternative would probably be a very risky black market procedure in the same vein as back alley abortions.

If there was a pill it would probably be a carrier medium for advanced nano robots that would carry out some of the procedure at a cellular level.