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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7091953 No.7091953 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

So since I'm taking both Physics 1 and Calc 1 at the same time, I've been staying after class about 3 days a week to get extra help. It's not that I find the concepts hard to grasp, it's the calculus. We're still on limits and just getting into derivatives, while just the other day in class, he starts writing out proofs with multiple integrals and differential equations.

Also, he does something called a "determinant" that I have never, ever learned. I'm kind of starting to grasp that, but it's weird.

It's also weird being introduced to non "plug n' chug" math. Seeing real mathematical proofing being done before me, and being given problems that don't have me solving for answers, but rather deriving equations with only variables that can be used to solve, is also extremely new to me.

It's not so much hard as it is overwhelming. For instance, in one of our help sessions, he had me solve a fairly simple problem. However, I got stuck. He asked me, "What is wrong? Is simple! Substitute hear, isolate this variable, then take equation and plug here! Done! What is wrong?"

I had absolutely NO idea you could do that. At all. I have never, ever seen a problem being done in which you literally substitute entire equations into a new problem, then isolate more variables, end up with new equations, etc.

I find it fun and get excited doing it, but I'm having a hard time.

Is it just because I'm being exposed to something new? Or am I just dumb and not suited for this field?

Also, he solving problems, I tend to either just stare at the paper and keep staring. Minor thoughts are going on but a lot of "blankness" is also happening. Sometimes I'll also just stare at the ceiling or something.

>> No.7091954

This makes him mad. Not at me really, but that I'm "trying to make the problem solve itself." He tells me to write down everything I'm thinking, everything, and then that can make connections. I've never really done it that way, typically I figure it out my remembering stuff or talking to myself. Is that bad?

Sorry if this seems like a blog. Just want some input from other physics majors.

>> No.7091970

Nope, you are doing fine. Math and physics are hard, its completely normal not to get it the first time. keep spending extra time with the professor. Don't be afraid to ask questions.

>Also, he solving problems, I tend to either just stare at the paper and keep staring. Minor thoughts are going on but a lot of "blankness" is also happening. Sometimes I'll also just stare at the ceiling or something.
Your prof is right. Write your thoughts down, even if they don't seem to make sense. Keep combining equations and simplifying until you get a new result. What I do is work the problem on scratch paper, sometimes crumpling up thepaper and starting again. When I'm finished, I copy the solution down neatly on to my solution page. a few days later I'll rework the problem again. Solution comes more naturally the second and third time.

>> No.7091989

but do you think people like newton, neumann, einstein and feynman would have gotten it the first time?

also, I had this talk with me therapist, and she seems to think I am more of a verbal, as opposed to visual, learner, and that my professor is wrong trying to teach me a visual way

I tend to solve it the way I described, given I've studied it. What do you think? Who's right here?

Is there much legitimacy to learning types?

>> No.7092005

nope man ur dumb lmao

>> No.7092018

i agree, hes dumb lmao

>> No.7092051


>> No.7092055

dum op ur dumb lol

>> No.7092062

>but do you think people like newton, neumann, einstein and feynman would have gotten it the first time?
You're only going to stress yourself out more comparing yourself to others. I can't tell you how to learn this stuff, but it's fine if you don't get it initially. If there's something that helps you understand better when you're by yourself, use that to help you until things finally start to make sense.

>> No.7092074

lmao op isnt einstein smart he is dumb

>> No.7092103

I suppose. I guess it's just because I have this "inkering" to be the next great mind in astrophysics. I want to revolutionize this field.

>> No.7092127

I don't want to insult your therapist. However, the notion of verbal vs. visual vs. whatever learning is silly. Learning is learning, and the visual/verbal/whatever are all very intertwined. If you're going to be a physics major, keep spending time with the problems.
All of those people you named worked their asses off, got lucky, and were very smart. You too can work your ass off and be very smart, but you probably won't get lucky, so don't bother comparing yourself to them.
Learn how to solve things the way he's telling you. To many of us on that board, excluding the recent influx of smug freshmen and highschoolers, that way of solving problems comes naturally. You can't live off of memorizing equations forever (unless you're Neumann).

>> No.7092136

I understand what you mean. I do it myself sometimes, but I've managed to cut down on it. It's just one of those things that, to me anyway, is more distracting and slows you down.

>> No.7092154

I like to just stare at proofs until I get them. Like look at a bunch of example proofs from things similar to what you're trying to prove, and just make sure you understand every step in them. I usually have to do this alone, doing proofs in front of a teacher is way too stressful. Also I often have to spend hours on this shit. It's not like a quick math problem, it's real logic.

>> No.7092167

>that way of solving problems comes naturally
Writing down all of your thoughts just comes naturally when problem solving? Seriously?

I feel like I'm not wanted in this field. ;_;

>> No.7092185

u arent get out retard

>> No.7092186

Have you ever played sports? In wrestling, when I first learned the flying cradle it was weird as fuck. Eventually it came naturally (Not an engineer btw). Just practice and do as >>7092154 advises.

>> No.7092204

I can't help you without repeating what anyone else in this thread said, but your prof sounds like a real shithead for getting angry at you for not instantly grasping a concept that he's been studying/teaching for years. Especially one that most people typically find extremely difficult.

>> No.7092218

What the professor is asking for is pretty simple in all fairness, and you've identified one of the great difficulties of teaching.

>> No.7092226

You didn't do that in high school?

>> No.7092233

Angry isn't the right word. He wasn't angry at me, he just seemed puzzled/slightly upset at me doing it the way that I always have; just staring at it.

He likes me, and tells me he appreciates my enthusiasm/eagerness to learn more and get better at it, since "that is what it takes to become physicist!" he has a russian accent, that is why I am typing in broken english

>> No.7092238

Nope, all of my high school math was plug n' chug. We were never taught/exposed to deriving equations/solving variable only problems with variable only answers. Essentially, I learned calculations, from Algebra 1 to Pre Calculus.

>> No.7092242

Now that I think about it, after being exposed to "real" math, thinking back to high school, I have no idea if I ever thought about "how" these equations we were given were "invented". Maybe I just thought people had the idea and it worked.

>> No.7092253

If he's doing proofs with DEs and integrals in calc 1 it's probably simply for the sake of writing the proof as opposed to having you understand it. For the numeric vs. variable stuff just memorize the derivatives until you understand it well enough to do otherwise. If you don't understand it by the end of the course then either don't take calc 2 or change majors

>> No.7092262

I doubt it. Newton and the rest didnt really have any idea what they were doing.

Think about it like this. The problem is a room you are trapped in. There are about 100,000 ways you can approach it and only 10 or so ways that work out. Each approach is behind a door and you need to open the door and explore a bit before finding the route to the solution. Even then, you may not have found the best route.

>> No.7092297

>I have never, ever seen a problem being done in which you literally substitute entire equations into a new problem
I'm surprised you've never subbed equations into other equations. You've never solved for a system of equations before? That should have come way before calc 1

>> No.7092305

As a psych major, no bully please, I've learned there's very little evidence of certain people learning better with different sense based learning types. It's all based on what you're trying to learn and what you practice with.

>> No.7092312

I probably have, but I don't remember doing it at all. I haven't really been serious about school since around 3rd or 4th grade, when I let bullying about me being a dork/nerd negatively affect my attendance and schoolworld. Then in Junior/Senior year I kicked myself in the ass and got to work.

>> No.7092314

>I'm a faggot
>Not an engineer btw
ayy lmao

>> No.7092317

diff eq and numerical analysis is going to blow your mind.

>> No.7092324

I'm confused by your statement, considering that I'm studying those topics (on my own time, not in school) currently, and not running into any problems.

>> No.7092363

Probably meant to reply to me.

>> No.7092393

Ah, I see. That makes sense, I'm retarded.

>> No.7092418

so am I ;_;

>> No.7092433

I'm currently in high school doing dual enrollment (college classes in high school) and I'm in chem 2 and calc 2. For some reason, chem has been much more challenging than calc. Also, why does everyone refer to calc 2 as an extremely hard class? I'm about halfway through it and I'm doing fine, even better than calc 1 I might say. I'm gonna be taking physics 1 w calc and calc 3 in the fall when I start uni. Is that gonna be a lot to handle, or will I be fine?

>> No.7092452

>why does everyone refer to calc 2 as an extremely hard class?
Who does this?

>Is that gonna be a lot to handle, or will I be fine?
Some manage it, others don't. Can't say, since I know nothing about you or how you handle work.

>> No.7092492

I don't know, its just a common thing people say. I heard it's a course that makes people change their major. I heard calc 3 is the easiest of all the calcs though. Have you taken physics?

>> No.7092499

what, your calc classes are going to count towards college? you said you're doing dual enrollment.

if you're in calc 2, you've done calc 1 already.

you'll be fine then, if you know calc.

if you dont know calc i would not recommend doing it at the same time, thats just my exp

or at least teach yourself some of the basics

>> No.7092508

Yeah it counts towards college and I'm so grateful for that. I actually enjoy calc for the most part. I'm on maclaurin/taylor series right now and its just so boring. im kinda looking forward to doing calc in 3 dimensions. btw I only said that about calc 2 because im in it and its easy but Ive heard many people say its really hard. I took high school physics last year, how fucked am I for college-level physics? also gonna be taking diff equations and physics 2, so idk if i'm gonna be fucked or not.

>> No.7092511
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>I want to revolutionize this field.

>> No.7092513


Post a test/homework question.

>> No.7092517


go back to /b/

>> No.7092521

im assuming your HS physics was non calc?

fuck off

>> No.7092523

not op but could you help me with this question?
Solve the differential equation (x^2)(dy/dx) = y^2 + 3xy +2x^2
Express answer in the form of y = f(x)

>> No.7092525

I don't really need HW help, why?

>> No.7092529

yeah, pretty much basic physics. cant really say I retained much of what I learned

>> No.7092532

what is F=m

>> No.7092535

f=ma you mean?

>> No.7092537


>> No.7092540
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>> No.7092541


>> No.7092546

force equals mass x acceleration lol im sure everyone on this board knows that. does the calc make the math come easier/more naturally? im really interested in actually grasping physics

>> No.7092547

I promise myself I will never lose this ambition.

>> No.7092550

The calc lets you learn how Newton actually got that equation. Let me find my notes. It's here somewhere.

>> No.7092554

ah, im sure that's gonna be nice. my high school physics teacher said he never had to take calc. idk if he was bullshitting or not, but that's crazy to think about. would love to see your notes btw

>> No.7092561

> physics teacher said he never had to take calc
what the actual fuck.

>> No.7092566

exactly what I said! I had never even taken calc and I knew its significance in physics. he claimed it wasn't a requirement for his major. gotta love merica

>> No.7092576
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OP here, delivering my requested notes. There are lots of them and more if you want.

To start, Newtons proofs. Fun fact, he actually did his shit in Euclidean geometry. He didn't really use calculus the way we do.

>> No.7092582
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>> No.7092584
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>> No.7092587

Newton did not derive his laws this way.
This is how you derive Newton's laws from conservation laws.

>> No.7092593

Yes, I know, my professor told us that Newton did it differently. This is still the way he taught using calculus.

>> No.7092596
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>> No.7092597

Did he derive the conservation laws too?
Or did you just trust him?

>> No.7092598
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>> No.7092606

Are you a woman/low test or something OP?

>> No.7092607

Pretty sure he did, but I don't fully remember.

But yes I trust my professor, he's been teaching for 65 years. Of course he's capable of being wrong like everyone else, but I doubt he is.

Despite the fact he got mad at me for doing it a different way. ;_;

>> No.7092609

no I have a habit of using that face

>> No.7092612

might want to get your test levels checked anyway

>> No.7092614

What test levels?

>> No.7092615


>> No.7092617


I just want to see if I could do it. I too am used to plug and chug.

>> No.7092618

My test is fine dude, I have a deep voice, hair, etc. Why would you think otherwise?

>> No.7092619

WTf are you in AP or colledge?
My physics class is just getting rink Newtonian physics shit like

ĒF= (mx1 + mx2 + mxn...)a

>> No.7092620
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>> No.7092624

I'm the OP posting notes and HW, I am in college, yes.

>> No.7092627

Oh fuck I didn't see my name there. Goddamit. Welp, no way this is getting deleted with how weird it is with doing it.

laugh at me if you want ;_;

>> No.7092656

Just the ;_;, being bullied, intimidated etc.

>> No.7092661

Only time I was bullied was in elementary school.

I'm not intimidated.

>> No.7092669

HAHA you have two first names.

>> No.7092674

no I don't

my last name is Crisp

who the fuck do you know named Crisp "Surname"?

>> No.7092701

Hey Navy Seals guy, hows it going? Looking up at your future instead of down, now?

Any plans for research?

>> No.7092729


>> No.7092821

I found your fb. Your birthday is a week after mine, same year and everything.

Hey, wait a minute. I recognize those red fucking pants. And the "arab qt."

>> No.7092824


>> No.7092826

Cute cat though

>> No.7092835

thanks man

>> No.7092880

Hahaha shit had to look it up. Those fucking red pants.

>> No.7092894


>> No.7092896

theyre comfy and red is cool

>> No.7092899

Maybe the reason you're struggling with physics is spending too much time on /fa/ and your professor is noticing you judging his attire.

>> No.7092901

noooooooooooooooo, I don't go to /fa/ really, just occasionally to look at WAYWT threads, and my professor dresses pretty normal

>> No.7092902

And I wouldn't say struggling, just overwhelmed with a breadth of knowledge that has changed the way I think

>> No.7092906

Maybe that's why the prof gets frustrated.

>> No.7092908

I don't think you ever said what your major is. Is physics 1 the furthest you have to go?

>> No.7092910


you need to take math at its word.

what I mean is, when you say x = y^2 + 2 it means x EQUALS y^2 + 2 which means ANYWHERE x appears it is EQUIVILANT to plug in y^2 + 2. people, for some reason, don't grasp this and I think its because they don't exercise enough rigor early on. remember that dick teacher that required you in algebra to make sure you made everything literally correct? if not, maybe that's why you're struggling. honestly, stop trying to apply a method to everything. think of math as a puzzle and take it at its word.

>> No.7092915

Physics/Astronomy essentially, it's my passion and its what I want to do in life.

Isn't that kind of, obvious? Considering the equal sign.

>> No.7092919

Ah, here's where all the time dilation and astrophysics help questions are coming from.

>Isn't that kind of, obvious?
If it were obvious, then you wouldn't have treated subbing in equations as an epiphany. If you viewed x= this way, then it would have been the next logical progression that you can substitute. Not saying there's anything wrong with not being able to make that jump, just that you don't already view equations the way anon says to.

>> No.7092924

Huh, perhaps so.

And only one time dilation thread/astrophysics thread has been created by me the past couple of days. I'm finding its a very popular topic as I come here more and more. This is sort of becoming my home on the internet.

But I have been the one making threads about being successful in STEM, how a news article about me could affect getting into good research/published, etc etc.

>> No.7092931

Did you vocaroo?

Also, take a look at this, you might find some books to help. Free textbooks

>> No.7092933

yeah I'm the guy that in that one thread eventually just recorded a vocaroo

>> No.7092935

Ayyy, I'm the one who responded with one

>> No.7092936
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>> No.7092938

Wow, I'm retarded and only just realized I forgot the link

>> No.7093691


>> No.7093768

how's Denko doing?

>> No.7093777


>> No.7093781

just watch all of his lectures and don't be a pussy:

>> No.7093819


>> No.7094087

this guy is a crackpot

>> No.7094118

because the shitters who didn't pay attention in algebra and trig get rekt by trig sub, partial fractions, and series.

>> No.7094141

It is true. At my college all the teacher education majors who go into teaching highschool and lower literally do not have to take any science classes in their area above 100 levels and even easier math. They will do algebra, algebraic physics, and intro to chemistry and then they go onto "how to teach" classes for the rest of their 3 years. It is REALLY fucking sad.

>> No.7095086


You're therapist is wrong to say your professor is wrong. your professor is working with a class of students and cannot tailor their teaching method to a specific student. its your job to translate the information into a medium you feel comfortable with. tutoring can help with that (if you have a good one).

If you're audio, try talking with someone about the stuff you've learned in class. act like you're teaching them it and explain it. when you're working a problem, speak it out loud and slowly, and pay attention for the key details. The information can be lost for you in the text but should become clear when you say it. even on a test you can do this, just do it very quietly (perhaps even move your lips without making a real sound).

you can also try recording lectures. play back the lectures while you read your notes. look at key details from the lectures (which should be pretty easy in physics) and write out conceptual questions based on what's covered and quiz yourself.

has your therapist given some kind of varks or is she only speaking from observation?

>> No.7095091


>> No.7095102


Calc 3 just extends the principles of calculus into n-dimensions. Also some introduction on working with 3-dimensional functions.

and don't let the idea of n-dimensions spook you. its really nothing special. its mainly just more manual work.

>> No.7095107


Use exact differential form.

>> No.7095127

visual audio reading kinesthetic

>> No.7095142

Ah, speaking from observation and just what I've told her I have ease with.

But she told me there are ways I can get better at visual learning, etc.

She gave me this piece of paper, drew 9 dots on it I think it was, and told me to connect them all with 4 lines, without lifting the paper.

Visual puzzles like that can help me, and she told me because I had great difficulty and had to ask her for help, visual learning is where I struggle the most, or at least have difficulty.

>> No.7096453

That's retarded, you therapist is retarded. Why do you have a therapist anyways?