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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 73 KB, 789x418, This is like so impossible, why are we making kids learn this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7085258 No.7085258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


The horror.

>> No.7085274
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1424647884662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she could probably figure out the answers if she had her graphing calculator
>yfw years of fast food and shit television destroyed children's imagination
>they call themselves first world

>> No.7085308

Why the reasoning is wrong? He should have multiplied by 10? I'm not sure about the phrasing of: "since there are 9 layers of cubes below the top layer."

>> No.7085314

you have to multiply by 9 again. 63x9 would only get the surface area of one face of the cube

>> No.7085318

No, the little cubes are 1x1x1. The area of the top layer is 63 cubic inches. You don't have to multiply by 9 again.

>> No.7085326

63 in. x 9 in = 567 sq. in.
63 in x 9 in x 9 in = 5103 cubic in.

>> No.7085332

No, 63*9 is the volume under the top layer. They need to add in the top layer so it's 63*(9+1)

>> No.7085334

Yes. The student didn't include the top layer in the final count. The total volume is 630 in^3

>> No.7085337

The top layer has 63 1x1x1in cubes. Therefore, it's volume is 63 cubic inches. There are 9 (or 10, I still don't know) layers in total. Therefore, the volume is 63in^3 x 9 = 567 in^3.

>> No.7085338


>> No.7085339

Oh, cool. Thanks. I wasn't sure because English is not my first language. It was kinda hard looking for the mistake.

>> No.7085341

63 is a prime number and not a square. It's impossible to have 63 in the top layer. He must have counted wrong and it has to be 8x8 = 64

>> No.7085348

63 = 7*3^2

>> No.7085349

You must be feeling pretty stupid right about... now.

>> No.7085352

>rectangular prism

>> No.7085353

>63 is a prime number
how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.7085354

No problem. I had a hard time looking for it and my primary language is English. Not including a single layer and describing it in easily overlooked language is definitely a standardized test trick.

>> No.7085397

The middle one is quite the semen demon.

>> No.7085421

the only one that was impossible was 7. the rest were fine.

>> No.7085437

That question doesn't even test math skills nor intelligence.

wtf usa

>> No.7085446
File: 56 KB, 500x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>common core


>> No.7085453

How the fuck normal, standard or whatever you want to call it math privileges white people? I fail to see the logic behind it.

>> No.7085490

Well, highschool girls are pretty dumb. What do you expect?

>> No.7085491

>I fail to see the logic behind it.
there might be a reason for that

>> No.7085493

Because whites are inherently smarter than niggers.

You're privileged because you're part of a group with a higher average IQ.

>> No.7085502

>63 is a prime number

>> No.7085505

Children are children, we can't expect to teach them anything. This is basic child psychology....

>> No.7085506

How does the common core benefit minority students?

>> No.7085509

People think that by teaching kids to think instead of calculate they will be dumbed down to black levels.

>> No.7085510

HIgh school students are not really children.

>> No.7085514

Sorry, I didn't realize that /sci/ was brimming with subhuman racist filth. I have plenty of bones to pick with Common Core but that isn't one of them.

>> No.7085520

I got 2906914.5 dollars asuming that the number of sales increased is about half from the original and then it was pretty simple. It may be flawed and you have one assumption but common, it doesn´t mean it is fucking imposible, O did it in 3 minutes

>> No.7085527

>I didn't realize that /sci/ was brimming with subhuman racist filth.
Nigger, how new are you?

Btw, he was mocking racists you stupid jigaboo. God niggers are dumb.

>> No.7085530
File: 99 KB, 944x712, 1423499179605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7085531

Where the fuck do <span class="math">you[/spoiler] get off learning math when others don't want to and end up benefiting from it as a result? You're literally worse than Hitler.

Stop privilege now! Forced equality is what our founding father, Marx, always wanted! We can not allow motivated people to be able to get ahead by learning and working harder and using that to make their children better off.

>> No.7085537

The guy I replied to was mocking them, the posters I referred to sounded like Klansmen, and you just sound like an irreverent troll

>> No.7085541

Because calculus being designed by white people is clearly incomprehensible to minority. Removing it from the curricula will undo the unfair privilege they have as whites learning calculus.

The same can be said of all math topics really...

>> No.7085542


>> No.7085545

>How does the common core benefit minority students?

Because being smart is being racist! Check your privileges:

>> No.7085551

So privilege is a double-think word for some minorities clearly doing badly in some math courses? I´m not saying there is an iherent correlation between race and intelligent like uncle /pol/, but there is a clear corellation between poverty and intelligece.

>> No.7085556

>but there is a clear corellation between poverty and intelligece.
And since some minorities such as blacks are disproportionately poor, wherever they live in the world (America, Europe, Africa,...) this leads to the conclusion that....

>> No.7085555

>I didn't realize that /sci/ was brimming with subhuman racist filth

>If you have ever studied geometry, you remember that by a course of reasoning, Euclid proves that all the angles in a triangle are equal to two right angles. Euclid has shown you how to work it out. Now, if you undertake to disprove that proposition, and to show that it is erroneous, would you prove it to be false by calling Euclid a racist? [Political Debates Between Lincoln and Judge Douglas. Fourth Joint Debate at Charleston, 1858]

>> No.7085561

>be black male who has been in gifted programs throughout his
> lack of diversity in gifted programs
> complete trash, misrepresenting black people and basically saying that we shouldn't have gifted programs because a lot of black people aren't valuing intelligence

>> No.7085574

I also forgot to mention that I don't think that we are inherently lazy and unintelligent. I do, however, believe that current black culture will only keep it people in poverty, and that real talent will always go unnoticed in black communities because of their devaluing of formal education. It's not the kids' fault, it's the parents' and other students fault, accusing black people of "acting white" for showing intellect.

>> No.7085579

That was my point nigger. It doesn´t mean that das racist or that you don´t expect then disproportionately different results in ap courses or advanced courses. Is it a problem? Yes of course, but math is math and you cannot change that.

>> No.7085587

holy shit if I have kids they're going to private school

>> No.7085593

>That was my point nigger
So you DO acknowledge that niggers are dumber?

>> No.7085594

...they were historically mistreated and started out poor, and are still poor because of low social mobility.

>> No.7085597

>...they were historically mistreated and started out poor
Yeah, it's not like the irish, the jews or the italians suffered the same...

>low social mobility
then why are chinese americans so successful? They were also treated like dogshit.

>> No.7085605
File: 74 KB, 363x480, 1185209827964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of poor people get PhDs

Black culture embraces niggerdom
White culture rejects white/trailer trash
The results speak for themselves

>> No.7085606

Chinks weren't subjected to sharecropping/redlining/repeated attempts by the CIA to destroy the role of the man in the black household by funneling all the extra drugs they got from drug cartels in the 70s and 80s

>> No.7085608

>Plenty of poor people get PhDs
How many of them are asians?

>Black culture embraces niggerdom
>White culture rejects white/trailer trash
>The results speak for themselves
Nigger thug culture sure doesn't help, but it's not the only reason for nigger school results.

>> No.7085609

I can't speak for other countries, but in America, blacks were treated like shit much longer than any other minority (besides Native Americans of course). Social mobility is low (there's some cultural issues as well), so they stay dumber and poorer. I imagine its similar for other nations as well. Jews are an anomaly though.

>Chinese Americans
The Chinese that come over here aren't just plebs off the street you know.

>> No.7085612

>muh cia crack cocaine conspiracy
Kek, what's next? The ancient egyptians were black?

>> No.7085613

yeah i forgot about irish, italian and jewish slaves you fucking downie

prove it

>> No.7085618

Well, yes, because they are poor
Yes, I know that I never denied it. But just because that you shouldn´t shit on well stablished subjects. Shit on arts and literature if you want and leave math and science alone.
Try to be fair, the irish and the jews and the italians weren´t product of the slave trade which were 80% hardcore criminals or war captures. A chink wasn´t a slave. It is all history and there is no reason to get all mad about that, but be fair so you don´t look as the oposite side of the coin as tumbler. It sounds stupid both ways.

>> No.7085621

>I can't speak for other countries, but in America, blacks were treated like shit much longer than any other minority (besides Native Americans of course)
Not american, but I get the impression that the Irish, Italians and Jews weren't exactly treated well either.

>Social mobility is low (there's some cultural issues as well), so they stay dumber and poore
If it's so low, why have the irish, italians, chinese and jews now joined the middle class?

>I imagine its similar for other nations as well.
Not really. France has no history of racial discrimination yet french niggers still perform poorly in school.

>Jews are an anomaly though.
Yes, they have an anomalously high average IQ.

>The Chinese that come over here aren't just plebs off the street you know.
I'm not talking about the recent H1B chinese. The chinese that came to work on the railroads weren't intellectuals, yet they prospered.

>> No.7085623

There's 10. It's the top row, plus 9 below. So 630 total.

>> No.7085635

>yeah i forgot about irish, italian and jewish slaves you fucking downie
Irish were literally slaves though. Italians and jews had a much tougher life in the slums of new york than the cushy existence of blacks in the agricultural south.

>prove it
prove what?

>Well, yes, because they are poor
Oh ok, I thought you meant the correlation in the other way (that dumb people are poorer than smart people)

>Try to be fair, the irish and the jews and the italians weren´t product of the slave trade which were 80% hardcore criminals or war captures.
Irish were quasi-slaves.

>A chink wasn´t a slave
He was a quasi-slave too.

>. It is all history and there is no reason to get all mad about that, but be fair so you don´t look as the oposite side of the coin as tumbler. It sounds stupid both ways.
All I know is that for the past 50 years blacks have received billions of dollars in financial compensation yet are still unable to improve their condition.

>> No.7085640
File: 59 KB, 443x340, 1422839283100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CIA did try to subvert the civil rights movement but you can't keep on blaming their continued lack of achievement on that forever. Especially when other minorities and refugees come to America every year and quickly do better than black people.

Just look at this.

>> No.7085642

>Not american, but I get the impression that the Irish, Italians and Jews weren't exactly treated well either.
Sure, there was a time in the 1800s where all of these groups were discriminated against in the US. But none of them were ever slaves and none of them ever had to deal with jim crow laws. Blacks undoubtedly had it much harder much longer.

>If it's so low, why have the irish, italians, chinese and jews now joined the middle class?
Because they had more time to pull themselves up.

>Not really. France has no history of racial discrimination yet french niggers still perform poorly in school.
Can't really say anything about that.

>The chinese that came to work on the railroads weren't intellectuals, yet they prospered.
Not sure what you mean by "prospered." They did as well as any other industrial worker, sure.

>> No.7085647

>Italians and jews had a much tougher life in the slums of new york than the cushy existence of blacks in the agricultural south.
Because blacks weren't in slums in new york doing the same shitty jobs and doing hard labour in hot weather is a cushy existence right?

>> No.7085653

The Irish and Italians formed mobs. How do you think anyone gets ahead in New York?

>> No.7085656

>>...they were historically mistreated and started out poor, and are still poor because of low social mobility

Rehashed communist lies. Countless poor people work their way up from the bottom within a generation or two. Blacks are the only ones that choose to remain in the ghetto generation after generation and blame everyone else for their own bad life choices.

>> No.7085704

Republicans today want to place pikes with the heads of Mexican children on top at the border to scare them away. And yet they still manage to make it to the middle class. Meanwhile backs get endless amount of affirmative action support and go nowhere.

>> No.7085705

some of those countless poor people are black. but the vast majority of poor people remain poor, this applies to all races.

>> No.7085711

because they are immigrants. immigrants tend to have more drive than the average person, especially illegal immigrants.

>> No.7085721

Then clearly we should ship our blacks to Africa so they can get that immigrant drive

>> No.7085747


forced immigration is not the same dickhead. someone who wants to immigrate to america legally has to jump through an enormous number of loopholes - those that manage it have high drive.

immigrating to america illegally requires putting yourself in danger, taking large risks, ponying up lots of money to unscrupulous people smugglers, etc. again, people who make it tend to have high drive.

>> No.7085759

>migrating to america illegally requires putting yourself in danger, taking large risks, ponying up lots of money to unscrupulous people smugglers,

Or getting on a plane and overstaying a visa.

>> No.7085779

gotta get the visa in the first place...

>> No.7085882

I did the whole test just now. I think it would be pretty difficult for 11 year old kids, which would be about 6th grade.

>> No.7085892

>The Irish and Italians formed mobs. How do you think anyone gets ahead in New York?

What are the bloods
What are the crips

>> No.7085920

>No Jewish slaves
>He can't think of any prominent Jewish slaves who supposedly split the Red Sea because God.

>> No.7085936
File: 1.77 MB, 320x240, 1420346141933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that really happened

most mainstream historians agree that jews were never slaves in egypt

>> No.7085948
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 1383184385311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mainstream historians
Let me guess, Jesus wasn't a person either, and everything historical in the bible never actually happened in some way?

>> No.7085961



Especially http://youtu.be/YdWCdbJ_Sw4?t=3m20s
*More* errors the earlier you go, the complete opposite
you'd expect.

>> No.7085964

"Oh yes I want to visit [famous sites] but I can't stay too long because of the business I run needs me..."

You have to be an idiot not to be able to BS your way into the country.

>> No.7085968

how many mexicans does this work for?

>> No.7085978

Yeah, no.

>> No.7086000


>Nothing written about Jesus in the 1st century
>>Sounds disparaging so it must be true!
