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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 45 KB, 475x316, nikola-tesla[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7067993 No.7067993 [Reply] [Original]

Which scientist do you admire the most?

Pic related

>> No.7067998

I am quiet martial to black science man myself.
He's attainment with the Dark Lord Satan is quiet expressive, a aspiration for all us.

>> No.7068000

Tessla was not a scientist but an Engineer there is a difference.

>> No.7068020
File: 132 KB, 500x333, 1398348215021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy here. Clearly a genius ahead of his time. Science needs more people like him.

>> No.7068062

Frankly, I have no admiration for anybody. I only have admiration for their work.

>> No.7068083

Johannes Kepler. Went from Brahe's betafag to revolutionizing Physics

>> No.7068091

the feynster

I don't admire scientists for science, I usually admire somebody for their social or political bashing.

Feynman walked so much higher than everyone, his brain seemed to become confused on the verge of anger when something socially stupid arouse.

>uniforms, prizes, war, honor, etc.

the man just wanted to solve quantum physics and play the bongos. what more can you ask for?

>> No.7068099

> INB4 maymay scientist.

>> No.7068101

He also blew feminists the fuck out.

>> No.7068114

>implying Feynman ever did anything of value

He is literally only known for path integrals. Lol, path integrals are babby shit. We did this in calc 2. Guess it's amazing that someone with a low IQ could into calculus, but it's hardly a groundbreaking achievement. Face it, Feynman is only famous for having become a physicist despite his below average performance in intelligence tests.

>> No.7068121

>Newton's Three Laws are shit, we learn about that in HIGH SCHOOL! Lol, what an idiot

>> No.7068127

Indeed. Newton did what we nowadays expect every 12 year old to know. He also died as a virgin. I have no respect for him at all.

>> No.7068135

>building a hugely destructive bomb

haha yeah i guess you're american

>> No.7068149
File: 4 KB, 308x163, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alan Turing, and no not due to the HORRIBLE movie that was made about him.

His work in computability, almost periodic functions, and other areas of pure math that aren't generally associated to his name, cryptology, and push within artificial intelligence and bio/chemistry-applied mathematics was widely influential. I cannot overstate how much the movie on him pisses me off due to the injustice it does to his story. It took all I had to not say a single fucking thing when I saw a gender studies woman looking into his story wanting to use him as a poster boy for gay rights. I mean, yes, gays should have rights I don't disagree--but that isn't why Turing should be so fucking famous.

>> No.7068155

wasn't tesla a fucking lunatic

>> No.7068157

Was there any way this thread could have been anything but trolls and morons?

>> No.7068160

He was mentally ill. Allegedly he never got laid.

>> No.7068181

It's a fucking movie, grow up.

>> No.7068197

Sounds like you've got a lot in common with Tesla.

>> No.7068201


I know I need to. It's silly for such a fucking movie to make me rage so much. I bite my tongue every time some non-STEM person who never heard of Turing suddenly becomes a fanboy due to the shitty movie. People just naturally I like Turing because of the movie and not because I work in his field and have known of his intellectual work for years.

>> No.7068220


Big Bang Theory 1939

I was thinking that during the entire film.

Not catching humour or sarcasm. Check.
Pointing out that he is more intelligent than others. Check.
The smart girlfriend to which he was not sexually attracted. Check.
An engineer in the team. Check.
Hugh Alexander as Leonard. Check.
Arguing to get budget for equipment for his lab. Check.

All that was missing was an Indian guy.

>> No.7068225

When I was telling my hubby about the movie and describing Turing's personality - my husband said "oh so he was like Sheldon?"

>> No.7068230

Both scientists and engineers use the scientific method, therefore he was a scientist.

>> No.7068267
File: 1.05 MB, 3328x4992, craig-venter-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson and Crick wish they could suck his dick

>> No.7068275
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Gene Ray

>> No.7068332
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doc brown or dr. grant

>> No.7068334
File: 20 KB, 720x352, pavel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Pavel

>> No.7068337
File: 47 KB, 640x434, 640px-AliasedSpectrum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Nyquist.

>> No.7068338

John Von Neumann

>> No.7068343
File: 139 KB, 822x1023, roger-moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chances are, without this guy and his law, you would only have 1 transistor in your CPU.

>> No.7068344

Based Fermi

>> No.7068692

Reveal yourself to the world.

>> No.7068700

can't tell if bait or bad joke.

>> No.7068703

One retard's bait is another magnificent gentleman's soft chuckle.

>> No.7068704

Dr. Richard Stallman.

Not a free software autist or /g/ troll either.

>> No.7068720

It's a personal joke, my brother did a presentation for his CS degree but left his laptop unlocked. Because he had claimed that biologists don't know shit about computers, I wrote a really crappy VB script that replaced Gordon's picture with Roger's on the title page if the date was equal to or after the date and approximate time he was going to give the presentation so it looked fine when he checked it, apparently it got a laugh and he wasn't penalised.

>> No.7068728

Among other stupid things in your post:

>despite his below average performance in intelligence tests

Scoring #1 on the national Putnam exam is below average?

>> No.7068749

jacob barnett

>> No.7068756

Neil Armstrong.
He was equally a scientist as Tesla was.
Tesla was a homosexual, I mean engineer.
He didn't have anywhere near enough rigour or patience to be a scientist

>> No.7068777

> falling in love with pigeons
> a homosexual
> implying most physicists can be rigorous

>> No.7068803

Not sure what either of you mean by rigor in this context. He also wasn't an engineer. He dropped out of civil engineering and used what he learned in physics to do electricity stuff. He was an electrician who knew how to do math and then became an inventor. Also, many think he was actually a homosexual. He spent a lot of time getting close to one man and then breaking off entirely. He was severely depressed when his one 'friend' decided to marry.

>> No.7068984

You're a child.

You make him out to be some sort of noble God among men.

The truth is you just fell for all his carefully crafted anecdotes.

He was narcissistic, and completely obsessed with himself and his image. He would tell and embellish stories about himself at every opportunity and just loved people talking about him.

Feynman is undergrad babby's first rolemodel because he's all edgy.

>> No.7069009


But yes, I know all that, I still like him, because I am very similar. I also know that if he'd be alive today we wouldn't get along at all. But I don't give a shit, just like I don't give a shit about your projection.

I'm not even the guy, actually. Still, you are a judgmental idiot.

>> No.7069011

>Face it, Feynman is only famous for having become a physicist despite his below average performance in intelligence tests.
>implying IQ tests have any value

I have an IQ of 140. Does that make me special?

>> No.7069119

In what way?

>> No.7069352

Tesla worked mostly by trial and error and refused to accept any scientific theory he didn't like (ironically relativity and quantum mechanics, both of which he dismissed as fads, explain why some of his ideas don't work)

Ergo, not a scientist.

>> No.7069369

I have a hard time admiring any scientists whose works I don't understand. The main reason for this is because if I DO understand to work of someone, it makes their advances seem so much more impressive.

So, as a mathemtician, I'd have to say the scientists I admire most are:

Jack Milnor, Misha Gromov, Michael Atiyah, Simon Donaldson
Alexandre Grothendieck, JP Serre,
Dennis Sullivan, Bill Thurston, Bill Browder,
Antoni Zygmund, Eli Stein, Charlie Fefferman, Terry Tao
Ed Witten, Maxim Kontsevich
Victor Kac, Vladimir Drinfeld
Raoul Bott

Ugh, too many great mathematicians worthy of admiration. That's what I could think of off the top of my head.

>> No.7069372

Though I guess mathematicians aren't exactly scientists.

>> No.7069381

Sheldon "The Bazooper" Cooper.
He's probably the greatest mind of our time.

>> No.7069387

I like asian science man.

>> No.7069403
File: 82 KB, 960x960, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be alive 2400 years ago
>be scared kids these days are mangling the sanskrit language
>singlehandedly write a bottom-up grammar composed of ~4,000 formulae
>have nothing resembling a grammar of comparable breadth and depth until two millenia later
>have ideas that are still the gold standard today (cf. dvandva, bahuvrihi noun compounding)

>> No.7069449

It means you are smarter than feynman because IQ are very valid

>> No.7069461

Lame b8

>> No.7069466

>path integrals. Lol, path integrals are babby shit. We did this in calc 2.
Wow dude, cool "I don't know what functional integration is" maymay.

>> No.7069504
File: 14 KB, 220x280, 220px-Michael_Faraday_Millikan-Gale-1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>michael faraday
>born into poverty
>became father of electronics
>pretty much sparked a new era of information

>> No.7069634

Wow kudos to this guy

>> No.7069646

Man that movie was Tumblr as hell

>quirky genius
>quirky handsome genius
>quirky handsome gay genius
>quirky handsome gay genius surrounded by other handsome geniuses
>quirky handsome gay genius surrounded by other handsome geniuses falls in love and marries a Mary Sue who's even smarter than him
even though he's gay
>quirky gay genius stands up to authority
>quirky gay genius doesn't play by the rules
>quirky gay genius bullied in school for being a quirky gay genius
>quirky gay genius has mental disorder
>quirky gay genius saves everyone but is still punished by the patriarchy

>> No.7069648

But he never published a single paper

>> No.7069672

Sparked.... I see what you did there.

>> No.7069703

No, but he did have a few "mental illnesses". Doesn't matter though, because he did shit we still can't do today. Greatest genius to ever grace this country.

>> No.7069752

>he did shit we still can't do today
Like what?

>> No.7069754

Well math generally builds on itself, that's why you learn the most basic shit so young, you need all of those base functions to do any further math. So doing those path integrals in calc 2 allows you to move a lot further now that that has been established. So really you can thank Feynman for those path integrals and kindly fuck off.

>> No.7069775

Linus Pauling, because he's the perfect proof against appeal to authority. You can mention it in any discussion where that fallacy appears and it doesn't matter how big the authority's dick is, it will rarely be bigger than Pauling's. He was a fucking genius who also supported terrible pseudo-sciency bullshit.

>> No.7069779

you think I really give a fuck of somebody is a narcissist or not?

the only people who are upset at benign narcissism are other, lesser, narcissists.

people are allowed to like themselves.

he felt an extraordinary amount of regret and depression for this, he made it very clear that the pressure on his team to build the bomb was disposed to the fear that the other country may figure it out first and strike.

It wasn't his fault he was caught up in the politics of the world, we all are.

>> No.7069781

And you believe the bullshit he said he could do? Read something about his life, if the guy really had something cool to show, he would have shown it.

>> No.7069826

My fucking nigga
I sometimes contemplate if it would be possible for someone without any formal education just to knock on a scientists door and become his apprentice, just to later on become a renowned scientist.
I mean, todays science is really fucking a lot more advanced than that of Faraday's time, but still, back then they probably regarded science as highly advanced as we do today. Pretty curious....

I'd suck his dick if he was alive today


>> No.7069889

Pic related was an engeneer not a scientist.

>> No.7069904

>Both scientists and engineers use the scientific method, therefore he was a scientist.
I use peanut butter, but that doesn't make me George Washington Carver.

Seriously though, Tesla made little if any use of scientific method, doesn't seem to have conducted any actual scientific experiments, and more or less stumbled upon implementation-specifics via trial and error.

>> No.7069955


Wirelessly powering devices from miles away?

Earthquake machine?

Fucking wardenclyffe tower or however the fuck you spell it.


I've read all about him. He did show a lot of his shit, and tried to show other stuff at times and was rebuffed.

>> No.7069996

>Wirelessly powering devices from miles away?
We can do this now, it's just quite inefficient.
>Earthquake machine?
>wardenclyffe tower
A transmission tower, we have lots of those today.

>> No.7070012

R. B. Woodward, E. J. Corey and K.C. Nicolaou

>> No.7070016

Le virgin with rage face

>> No.7070048

>>Earthquake machine?

Oh, okay.

>> No.7070052

imma gunna say the Hawking family would be the scientist(s) i most admire, but its a hard call, there are at least a dozen that i would say are equally as awe inspiring.

professor Steven still doing science while paralyzed, still _writing_ and doing some of the most presentable pop-sci docos

and, his family also, mostly for their writing. its a rare thing to write a science book that reads like a child's story right?

on the subject, has /sci/ watched the latest movie that just came out about professor Stephen? how does it compare to the others made?

>> No.7070054

It also called the father of computer science a traitor

>> No.7070058


we kind of have earthquake machines right? with sympathetic resonance devices.. or am i wrong?

>> No.7070062

The machine wasn't designed to cause earthquakes, it was just an inefficient electricity generator.

>> No.7070066
File: 159 KB, 737x987, heavisde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have quite a few favorite mathematicians, but almost no fav scientist. Here's one of them.

>> No.7070081

Is it pronounced Heavy Side?

>> No.7070086

yeah, dude was a baller.

>> No.7070281
File: 84 KB, 685x864, Rippetoe_wrestling_a_new_trainee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has helped more ppl than any other scientist posted in this thread

>> No.7071535
File: 15 KB, 300x300, MTE5NTU2MzE2MzM5NTM3NDE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to this man you can do GOMAD without dying

>> No.7071544

yeah, bullshit.

>> No.7071553

>No grigori perelmen
Plz fuck off

>> No.7071593

Did he also invent Paninis ? That would make him the most awesome scientist ever.

>> No.7071662

>Fucking wardenclyffe tower or however the fuck you spell it.
You mean the radio transmitter that was intended to send radio telegraphy across the
Atlantic, but never transmitted a message over a few miles, despite millions (adjusted for inflation) of dollars in funding, and years of effort by an alleged "genius"?

>> No.7071670

>we kind of have earthquake machines right? with sympathetic resonance devices.. or am i wrong?
Tesla's "earthquake machine" was a sympathetic resonance device that could shake a single beam, joist or other architectural member it was attached to.
We don't exactly "have" these, even though we know how to make them, because there's really no point in making them.
Like most of Tesla's 300 patents, there's no practical use for the device, and the name "earthquake machine" is is a wild exaggeration.

>> No.7071673

So, a person is qualified to be called a scientist only if he doesn't do anything of practical use.
Thanks /sci/

>> No.7071678

>So, a person is qualified to be called a scientist only if he doesn't do anything of practical use.
>Thanks /sci/
Re-read those three posts.

All three assert he wasn't a scientist.
None of them say whether he did anything practical or not.
None of them link "practical use" with science, for or against.

But, generally no, while science does ultimately lead to practical technology, most 19th century inventors weren't scientists.
Even today, inventors are usually engineers that use knowledge gained by science.

>> No.7071679


Living? Demis Hassabis.

Dead? Probably Galileo or Newton

>> No.7071681

good taste

>> No.7071683
File: 56 KB, 400x319, Paul MacReady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as long as we're posting engineers...

>> No.7071686

I was being sarcastic.
Tesla was both a scientist and an engineer.
His work of "trial and error" does not disqualifies him as a scientist. It's not like he was throwing random shit on the wall and see what sticks.

>> No.7071693


Thanks. This definitely makes me not want to see the movie. If I were the average movie-goer I'd probably think that Turing is only know for his work in WWII and that the machines built in WWII were 'modern computers' and not the ACE machine Turing designed and built after the war which was much more sophisticated since it modified/stored programs. Additionally, I'd probably be surprised to learn he actually worked in pure math and was known and exceptionally regarded as a pure mathematician doing pure math things. I'd probably be so moved by the story and say "SEE RIGHT THERE IS THE REASON THE PATRIARCHY NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED, THEY DONE KILLED HIM CAUSE HE IS GAY!" -- ignoring the fact that Turing was well-received in the intellectual community due to his sheer fucking genius and not his sexuality.

The movie pisses me off. They could have done him more justice.

>> No.7071720

>His work of "trial and error" does not disqualifies him as a scientist.
No, but the fact that he didn't use scientific method or rigorous experiments with control groups or participate in scientific community consensus DOES disqualify him as a scientist.

>It's not like he was throwing random shit on the wall and see what sticks.
That's exactly what "trial and error" means.

>> No.7071723
File: 41 KB, 500x369, mad-scientist-mad-engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot pic.

>> No.7071724

oops again, linked wrong post

>> No.7071761

I don't understand people like you. The movie is about the Enigma and Turing's last years. It presents Turing as a difficult personality and explains his genius in a comprehensive way to the audience. His sterilisation is still something that sits fairly undigested in GB's history and is a nice pars-pro-toto for the inhumane treatment of homosexuals not even a hundred years ago. Yes, he did make important contributions to mathematics and other fields, but come on, there are other things and life, and (in my opinion) more important things in life. The fact that you can't see that and just project all your hatred against people that 4chan conditioned you to hate into this movie, is so absurd. But yes, judge this perfectly well made movie without having seen it, just by applying the 4chan standard model of ideologies to it. This way you'll never have to think for yourself again and can always stay just as mature as you are right now.

>> No.7071792

>Yes, he did make important contributions to mathematics and other fields, but come on, there are other things and life, and (in my opinion) more important things in life.
this is why we hate you, why every single /sci/duck hates you

science is the most important thing in life, it is infinitely more important than trivial bullshit like whether you are aroused by penises or vaginas and the idea of taking a great scientist and trivializing all his meaningful achievements and acting like the only reason he is interesting or a famous person is because he likes penises more than vaginas is absolutely disgusting, it is a slap in the face to everyone who gives a shit about science

you clearly have no place on this board if you feel the opposite way, you need to GTFO

im serious, leave

leave and never come back

>> No.7071829

The autism is strong.

>> No.7071872
File: 246 KB, 1035x754, intersellar tesseract 1418548929854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy that helped make Interstellar

>> No.7071909

Well his extreme intelligence could have been coupled with political enthusiasm of the sort which was not appreciated at the time.

That would explain any attempts at his life and also trying to shove it under the carpet as a "shameful suicide".

>> No.7071915

Turing's life is very well documented. You don't have to veer into conspiracies to explain what happened.

That said there is ambiguity surrounding his death. It's possible his cyanide overdose happened accidentally during his hobbyist electroplating sessions.

I'm curious as to what your commitment to science is, how much education you've completed, etc

>> No.7071921

Too bad I can't le upvote this comment xD

>> No.7071938


>> No.7071996

Likely explanation is he knew what he was doing and wanted plausible deniability because he knew his mother wouldn't be able to process it. Turns out it worked and thus the suspicion around his death. Furthermore, his favorite movie was snow white and his death was somewhat symbolic for him.

>> No.7072027

Or that he was a pain in the ass for political reasons and people spread rumors about him.

>> No.7072034

That too, but considering how intelligent he was it isn't too much of a stretch to think he could off himself in a way that made it look like an accident.

>> No.7072073

Euler. I know he's more of a math guy but he was still pretty visionary.

>> No.7072077

I'm not really sure what you're getting upset over. I'm sure most of us agree that someone shouldn't be judged and remembered because of something as trivial as their sexual orientation.

People are getting all worked up over Turing's persecution, not the simple fact that he was a gay scientist.

>> No.7072081

Considering how intelligent he was there was needed something extraordinary scandalous to blame his death on.

Why did you think internet porn is so readily available these days and that porn sites are never taken down because of copyright reasons?

>> No.7072145
File: 39 KB, 460x505, Francis_Crick_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not claiming Crick was GOAT at any one thing, but it wasn't until I decided to double major in Neuroscience that I learned how much he contributed to the understanding of cognition, memory, and consciousness.

>> No.7072228

why has no one mentioned laplace?

>> No.7072532

>being this new

>> No.7072879

lies. You are lying.

>> No.7072890
File: 46 KB, 475x315, kitaev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a more modern flavor, probably Alexei Kitaev

>> No.7073064

Fuck yeah, total synthesis in here. But K.C. can suck it. He hardly does anything without brute force. Just throws money and careers at the problem all for the sake of being first.
I'll take Richmond Sarpong and Roald Hoffman instead.