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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7068194 No.7068194 [Reply] [Original]

>when laymen use the word "theory" to mean whatever fucking retarded idea they pulled out of their ass
>my facial features when

>> No.7068324

>when an elitist complains about laymen not using the technical definition of a word which has a different meaning in common speech

>> No.7068339


>too smart to communicate normally

>> No.7068341


If you call him an "elitist" then he's just going to think that means he's "elite," when in fact he's just a poseur trying to be a member of the Secret Science Club.

>> No.7068342
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>I don't know the math but here are my thoughts about quantum mechanics ...

>> No.7068372

>shit laymen say
Frankly, this would be it.

>> No.7068386
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>math a shit, gas the autists academia wars now

>> No.7068421

>Discussing a technical topic and using common definitions.
You must be great at parties.

>> No.7068428

10% of the brain

gets me every time

>> No.7068436
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"my theory is..." followed by a hypothesis.

>> No.7068441
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>alien life is a statistical certainty

As a mathematician I cringe so hard every time I hear this.

>> No.7068443

>I want to get a PhD in astrophysics, I'm in freshman mechanics.

>> No.7068503

At least he probably gets invited.

>> No.7068504

Lol I recently got into a debate about this at a sushi place with a middle aged black guy who was basically viewing Lucy as the holy bible of brain capacity.

Silly nigger...

>> No.7068506

>in math functions are stateless

>> No.7068507

How does that bother you?

>> No.7068548
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>consciousness is an illusion

>> No.7068565

Not that guy but because those people don't know shit about a specific field X and yet say "I want to to a Phd in X"

>> No.7068572

>there is no proof that humans descended from monkeys.

because they fucking didn't you dumb bastard, not from monkeys at least

>> No.7068589

I want to do a PhD in bio informatics.
First year CompSci student here :^)

>> No.7068593

You are fucking retarded. We did evolve from monkeys. Humans and modern monkeys share a common ancestor. That ancestor was taxonomically a monkey.

>> No.7068621
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>> No.7068623

i think you mean "apes"

>> No.7068627

and apes evolved from?

>> No.7068631


>> No.7068633

>anon, you know science and such, why i use all these cool terms like theory and so on, but you just use normal words?

>> No.7068635

Nsungwepithecus gunnelli
Rukwapithecus fleaglei

2 of many examples

>> No.7068645

How do you think people make it to grad school?

>> No.7068653 [DELETED] 

there was even a movie about that kek

most autistic shit i've ever seen

>> No.7068665


most autistic film ever, i cringed so hard

>> No.7068671


Its fine to want to go to graduate school but to name a small subfield as something they want to study when they have no idea what the field is in the first place is embarrassing.

I love doing integrals so I'm going to get my PhD in functional analysis. It just sounds ridiculous, and it's hard to take them seriously.

>> No.7068674

> autistic
this word doesn't mean what you think it means
> Drive
now that movie was autistic.

>> No.7068679

I appreciated the nature cutscenes, some of the soundtrack, and the CGI of cell processes.

The brain capacity thing was ludicrous, though. She was basically a sexy autist with a photogenic memory. Overall, however, I'd have to say it was a better movie than a lot of other shit in theaters; plus I will forever value Luc Besson's work after he gave us the fifth element.

>> No.7068689

>implying science isn't an elite club

>> No.7069193

quote from my sister, a poli sci alumnist from UC Berkeley:
>i was doing some pretty complex math you know, like factoring?

how can someone with so much potential end up so fucking stupid?

>> No.7069198

go for it dude i believe in you

i'm hoping to go for PhD too someday. First year EE, not sure about field of research. big world out there. something profitable.

>> No.7069266
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← mfw ignernt Murikans use words they heard from some faggot on TeeVee

>> No.7069278

you'd look like that too if everyone you trusted fucked you over.

>> No.7069280

But... Math is used to represent what people think about quantum mechanics. Just a more respectable form of communication.

>here's how I think QM works, here's the math for it

>> No.7069286

That's not really how it was developed, historically. Historically it has always been math first, interpretation afterwards.

>> No.7069527

>thinking scientists frequently use the word theory or think in terms of theories
Layman detected.

>> No.7069583

The worst is when, as a mathematician, laymen think that math at the advanced level "gets philosophical," as if all anyone thinks about are foundational problems.

I also get a lot of "so is math invented, or discovered?" Fuckin laymen.

>> No.7069593

>Here's some anecdotal evidence. To back up this anecdote, here's a "study" with 2-8 participants. This "study" now verifies this false causal link. My bullshit agenda is now proven correct.

>> No.7069624

Yeah, fucking laymen. :p

Math was definitely discovered. It's the natural laws of logic that underline all the fundamentals of reality; it looks like a useful tool we invented, but the numbers are just a representation of discovered universal truths.

>> No.7069639

So you're saying we didn't develop a system to translate these omnipresent physical laws and decide to call it mathematics?
Are you sure you're not mistaking "universal truths" with "math" right now? I mean, if we're arguing semantics, they are two separate concepts.

>> No.7069651


Don't be so quick to your certainty on this. Everything we use is inherently founded on axiomatic constructions, from this we build frameworks which are internally consistent within the logic. The chronology is important.

Not that I don't think there are universal truths but to think the answer is so trivial is naive in the context of this meta study of knowledge

>> No.7069652

but scientists do this too

>> No.7069717

>Math was definitely discovered
top fucking pleb

>> No.7069722

>they are two separate concepts
>I speak English, it's a language, and Russian isn't English, therefore it's not language
math is math is math you fucking pleb

>> No.7069733

"Evolution is just a theory."

"If the Earth is warming how come it's getting colder where I live?"
"Ah... so now you are calling it climate change... it means it's not warming!"

"Birds are not dinosaurs... "

>> No.7069735
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>You remind me of Sheldon

I don't even know who the fuck he is or watch the show.

>> No.7069835

But there's no edge, so how could it not be possible? Granted the technology to travel that far might never exist, but the life is sure to exist

>> No.7069842

its not about being to smart, its about being to fucking pretentious and quite frankly ignorant

>> No.7069849

Not him, but I have close to the same problem, and it's no that I'm angry and pretentious it's that I make jokes and they just don't get them and think I'm a weirdo, and it makes me sad.

>> No.7069852

stop making weird jokes and people won't think you're weird.

>> No.7069861

But they're simple jokes like calling our super strict Asian teacher chancler mao and the "me things you doth protest to much" from Shakespeare

>> No.7069876

God damn it, you made me reply.

6/10 I was a little disgusted

>> No.7069927
File: 31 KB, 300x422, cosmicspidey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dont believe in the theory of evolution?

>> No.7070106

so the movie had social impairments like difficulty making eye contact, speech impairments, and difficulty adjusting to changes in environment?

or are you just being an edgy 14 year old hopping on to the trend of calling everything you dislike 'autistic'?

>> No.7070120

>So... do you MAKE math?

>> No.7070357

>mfw I run a math lab out of a trailer inna woods

I got that pure structure, mane. The good shit.

>> No.7071152

I'm not the guy you responded to, but take a look at the url of the website you are posting on. "Autistic" is literally a part of the vernacular of 4chan. It's like me calling you a fag and you calling me homophobic.
Or maybe you've only been here for about 2 weeks?

>> No.7071165

Even in 4chan vernacular he's wrong.

>> No.7071170

math is invented, not discovered

>> No.7071200

see >>7068324

>throwing a tantrum because homonyms exist
Oh, and by "exist" I mean are used in language, not that <span class="math">\exists HOMONYMS (HOMONYMS = HOMONYMS)[/spoiler]

>> No.7071279

>I just need to monetize my over-unity machine
The more I listen to my roommate's theories, the more I want to transfer out of liberal arts school and grovel at the feet of STEM majors.

>> No.7071517

... are gay, and so are you, faggot

>> No.7071594

She just doesn't know any better, don't be so harsh

>> No.7071597

Perhaps she studies the factorisation of polynomials over the complex plane :^)

>> No.7071603

If factoring is so easy, why don't you factor this number for me:

Thanks in advance

>> No.7071606

Can't, prime number

>> No.7071614

Nice try, it's not a prime number.

>> No.7071650

>implying this is what is meant
>imlpying it isn't shit like 1-x^2=(1-x)(1+x) OMG SOM COMPLICATED

>> No.7071659

The problem is, you're using a common word like "monkey" which doesn't have a good scientific definition. For example, old world monkeys are more closely related to apes than other monkeys, and gibbons are more closely related to apes than they are to old world monkeys. So it doesn't make much sense to put these groups together just because they have tails.

In common speech this isn't a problem, but when specifically talking about evolution, it's a good idea to get lernt and know what you're talking about.

>> No.7072846
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1420506648173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen I was talking to my friend (deatbeat dropout drug addict) and he explained how quantum mechanics work, I don't know how nobody else has figured it out

>> No.7072853

>tfw nobody factored my number
>tfw I lost the paper on which I noted the factorisation

>> No.7072889

The earth is not warming up you tard
A couple years ago we had a temperature record in Colorado that was 1/100 of a degree over the old record, and now everyone is freaking out. Give me any human who can sense 1/100 of a degree and I will admit climate change is warming the earth. Until then, fuck off back to Greenpeace you hippie.

>> No.7072923

>colorado is the world

yeah yeah i know he's trolling

>> No.7072925

Holy shit /pol/ please fuck off

>> No.7072934

>I don't have any evidence against your bullshit agenda, so I'll call all of your evidence useless

>> No.7073135


Are these the factors with their relative powers?

My coding skills are piss-poor, and I'm not sure if I'm getting floating point errors. I'm almost certain I am when I multiply them together at the end to check.
{11161: 1, 2: 205, 907: 1, 782599001: 1}

>> No.7073252

got loads of floating point error. Gonna redo with bigfloat see if I can solve it that way

>> No.7073257

This doesn't happen. People like you would have an adrenaline rush rivaling ones first breath after nearly drowning if someone made that comparison. You know exactly who the character is.

>> No.7073262
