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File: 36 KB, 411x622, Dwarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7027091 No.7027091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, because I am colorblind I wondered why this little defect was not selected against and the gene gone extinct long ago. As I grew up I noticed how I relied on shape, shade and texture more than people with normal vision. I once bought 3 blue notebooks at the campus bookstore and found that because they had each been faded by the sun to a different degree I could tell them apart while no one else could.
I Learned that during WW2 they put guys with colorblindness in bomber aircraft because we are not fooled by camouflage like others. In fact they were so useful they took guys out of prison to serve and when they ran out of those tried to train dogs.
Imagine a hunting party made up of both types of eyes; very little is going to escape them.
Now consider how giantism and dwarfism are pretty common compared to other "defects". Suppose they have not disappeared because every now and then the environment changes enough to make them advantageous. If you already have the dwarf gene floating around when your species colonizes an island you are going to adapt a lot faster than some other species waiting around for the right mutation.
How many other defects or variations are just genes that remain because the species needs them now and then.

Your thoughts /sci/?

>> No.7027113


>> No.7027131


Being black is another good example because sometimes only black men can play the music necessary to uplift our spirits or kill sabertooths.

>> No.7027149

Makes a lot of sense to me. Good post.
Why are you even here?

>> No.7027151


fuck off retard

>> No.7027178

People like you are the reason anthropology is so polluted by politics.
The post is about evolutionary biology, not specifically humans.

>> No.7027295

I guess dwarfs could infiltrate child soldiers trained by ISIS.

>> No.7027303

Yeah except that's wrong. The reason we don't have more giants dwarfs and colorblinds is precisely natural/sexual selection. However the reason they keep coming back is because the gene mutation that causes them is a particularly easy mutation to have.

>> No.7027310

How is being a dwarf useful for colonizing an island?

>> No.7027321

fucking loled

>> No.7027338
File: 9 KB, 225x225, opie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opie here. I didn't properly explain up front. One, basic thing about genetic drift: "island dwarfism"
Whenever a large species gets caught in a small space (like an island) they tend to grow smaller. It's assumed this allows them to maintain larger populations.
My overall point is that what seems like a really bad phenotype today is often tomorrow's best bet.

>> No.7027340

Is that why Japanese people are short?

>> No.7027342 [DELETED] 

Dwarfism is a mutation, and dominant (meaning there's no just carrying it).
Colorblindness is recessive, and even when it gets expressed, it's not bad enough to stop people scoring. Hence bad genes really don't just "die out".

>> No.7027345

Dwarfism is a mutation, and dominant (meaning there's no just carrying it).
Colorblindness is recessive, and even when it gets expressed, it hardly stops people scoring. A trait has to be really bad to actually die out.

>> No.7027351

Thanks to Tumblr and sjws, bad genes/traits /whatever won't die out ever again
BTW, I found it funny when moot answered a question about selling out to sjws and he said "nobody really identifies with that term"

>> No.7027353

> things will always be as they are now

>> No.7027368

WOW, amazing theory!

>> No.7027375

My guess is that that's part of it.
Remember Homo Floresiensis? they were a 1 meter tall subspecies of either H. Sapiens or H. Erectus who lived on the Philippine islands.
small spaces = small critters.
Humans included.

>> No.7027381

but that's correct? SJW is mostly a pejorative term for a particular type of internet activist

>> No.7027618
File: 43 KB, 350x463, copapods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many kinds of dwarfism. The photo in the OP comes from a photographer, garyparker.com who records them in a more human/artistic than clinical way.
The reason almost identical "defects" keep happening is because certain spots on chromosomes are "weak" and keep breaking over and over again.. These may not really be accidents. Some like hemophilia seem totally useless but one thoery is that the weak spots are there for a reason. Like the safety valve on a pressurized tank is not really a weak spot; it's the place that's meant to break.
The copapods (pic related) have lots of "weak" DNA that breaks all the time. Hence, if you leave a bucket of water outside there will often be a new species of copapods in it weeks later; perfectly adapted to that bucket. The sloppier your chromosomes are the more adaptable you are.
Of course something as complex as humans can't afford to experiment that much. parental investment in each offspring is to high.

>> No.7027623

Um, sarcasm?
If this idea is as old as Darwin and already has a name please say so.
If it strikes you as absurd please say why.

>> No.7027635

Best color blind test.

>> No.7027640

OP again.
Yeah, except that's wrong. In an environment like today's modern world an 8 ft. tall guy will be covered in women. I bet even dwarfs have their freaky fans.
As far as the colorblind can say it has no measurable effect on my breeding potential. I have known people for years, men and women and it never came up. I have had two kids by two wives.
At work; in the military i had a waiver that kept me from doing some electrical work because color coded wires (I actually could tell which was which) and working at a picture frame shop later i was given black and white photos to touch-up/restore because i see more shades of grey than you do.
Again, we actually are almost camouflage-proof. In grade school I remember a video meant to demonstrate how natural camo worked by giving us pictures of animals "hidden" by it. Me and one other boy got them all before anyone else did. I explained why to the teacher (my mother whose brothers had it to had told me) and she didn't believe me either.

My dad who was a really smart guy (old school, self taught engineer) never understood it either.I finally said "Evolution is not a slot machine. it's more like the lottery; the winning combination changes all the time"
I think he got that but was still burdened by this childish idea of an Uberman.
In reality the badass who dominates the African Savannah would die on a Lapplander's steady diet of reindeer cheese. and the Nordic superdude would have heat stroke if left in Egypt.

>> No.7027643

Won't this test be really hard unless you have an IPS monitor?

>> No.7027644
File: 9 KB, 250x210, motoko-kusanagi-ghost-in-the-shell-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diversity isn't so much good as over-specialization is bad

>> No.7027675
File: 146 KB, 1044x614, homospecies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diversity isn't so much good as over-specialization is bad
well said.
Holwever, H. Sapiens is so fucking overspecialized that our femails hips can't safely pass our babies skulls.
Seriously, dat brain has tippled in size in the last two million years. They call that "catastrophic evolution" : when one trait becomes so important that a bunch of fucking cripples dominate the gene pool because having super sized X means you are better than a normal.
Consider this: suppose the guy who invented the fishhook had no legs at all. He would still be able to feed 50 kids.
Human evolution is a train wreck.,

>> No.7027681
File: 121 KB, 360x246, 1385553508676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that is not a good teory. In fact when viewed in the light of population genetics, and how color blindness is inherited and originated, it does not make a lot of sense. Colorblindness is linked to the X-chromosome of which females have 2 copies and males only have one copy. That makes it a sexually bound recessive defekt, so it will only show up if a female is monozygous (Has the same allele on both chromosomes) or if a male inherits it from his mother. A woman can carry the defekt without being affected by it, and thus the biggest selection against it is in males, but males only pass it on to their daughters, who are less likely to show the defect (Makes sense that the selection against it is rather weak). Dwarfism is quite common under some circumstances where it makes sense to have smaller individuals (An island with a small area), but then it will evolve as a general trend in the population, and preportions will be kept (see Homo floresiensis). I am sorry to say this, but there is absolutely no good reason to be colorblind.