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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7016745 No.7016745 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/, explain to me why cancer isn't cured yet.

>> No.7016746

Rats fed diets without polyunsaturated fat are strongly resistant to cancer. Rats fed diets low in methionine are strongly resistant to cancer (and live considerably longer).

However, I don't think one can patent coconut oil or gelatin, so we don't hear much about these.

>> No.7016747

because its gay

>> No.7016748


>> No.7016750

You can make more money from a sick person than a cured person

>> No.7016760

Because big pharma is suppressing the cure!!!!
Trust me.
This guy on the internet once told me he had a cure for cancer but it was destroyed by burglars when he tried to sell it.

>> No.7016762

Every single time. These people are retarded OP.

>> No.7016765

If the mayo clinic had hired me to be part of their cancer research team then wed have a cure by now.

But I guess I am not "qualified".

Your loss humanity

>> No.7016766
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Hey anon, I like your post! Got some questions.

>Rats fed diets without polyunsaturated fat are strongly resistant to cancer.

> Polyunsaturated fat can be found mostly in nuts, seeds, fish, algae, leafy greens, and krill.

So nuts are bad for you? Cereal is bad for you? Veggies are bad for you?

>Rats fed diets low in methionine are strongly resistant to cancer (and live considerably longer).
>High levels of methionine can be found in eggs, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, fish, meats and some other plant seeds; methionine is also found in cereal grains. Most fruits and vegetables contain very little of it.

Hmm.. so no more eggs? :( No more milk? No more meat?

>However, I don't think one can patent coconut oil or gelatin, so we don't hear much about these.

Please explain. I always thought that coconut oil is bad for you (causes chart disease etc). and what's the deal with gelatin? Is it good for you?

Also, what diet do you recommend? Are there any web pages or books on good diets that are low in the above?

>> No.7016780
File: 86 KB, 800x622, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest the below diet.
It maximizes nutrition while minimizing harmful substances.

Aim to get 50+% of daily carbohydrate intake from milk and fruit sugarsAllowed foods (from what should make up most of your diet to least)
>Fruit (blueberries, raspberries, bananas, watermelon, cherries, pears, peaches, mangos, pineapples)
>Pasture Raised full fat dairy (milk, cheese)
>Eggs from pasture raised chickens
>Pasture Raised ruminant meats (beef, lamb) [eat cuts high in gelatin]
>Seafood (lobster, crab, oyster, mussels, cod, sole)

You can eat these in moderation
>Saturated oils and fats (coconut oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, butter, beef fat, lamb fat)
>cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, chinese cabbage)
>above ground vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, asparagus, brussels sprouts, spinach, lettuce, cabbage)
>Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines)
>Pasture Raised non-ruminant meats (chicken, pork, turkey, duck)

Disallowed foods, throw these out
>Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, black beans, kidney beans, navy beans)
>Grains (wheat, oats, soybeans, corn, pasta, noodles, bread)
>All grain-fed meat
>PUFA oils and fats (vegetable, canola, corn, cottonseed, soybean, safflower, sunflower, peanut, grape seed, margarine)
>seeds (sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds)

>> No.7016822
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 1417737140873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, you're awesome! THANK YOU!

>> No.7016829

this diet would be ideal for animals that don't develop atherosclerosis following hypercholesteromia i.e. most animals except humans :(

>> No.7016830

This looks shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen a few shoops in my life and shit

>> No.7016850

I suggest you read

>> No.7016886

> coconut oil
> the worst oil you can consume other than the dirty shit you drain out of your car
Enjoy your premature death from heart disease.

>> No.7016898

Because it's essentially the mechanisms for sustaining and regenerating life growing out of control. It's difficult to kill cancer without killing all the living cells around it. Most modern techniques just carpet bomb the area and hope the body can regenerate the lost non-cancerous cells. To cure cancer you either need absurd precision (we're talking about sci-fi nanobot surgeons) or you need to find a biological technique to shut off or single out cancerous cells. And even though there have been some promising leads in the latter pursuit, most of them have been more dangerous than the cancer itself.

>> No.7016922

Ray Peat is a crackpot. Keep his drivel on /x/.

>> No.7016941 [DELETED] 

Those nigs sure love watermelons.

>> No.7017358

Peat has a PHD in biology and has taught at numerous universities. His research is highly respected.

Do some actual research before talking.
>le saturated fat = heart disease
Still spreading this myth eh?
Look, here's a SIMPLE video for you.

>> No.7018755

>>Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, black beans, kidney beans, navy beans)
Tell that to the Asian continent whose inhabitants have been eating it for many centuries.

>Grains (wheat, oats, soybeans, corn, pasta, noodles, bread)
Same as above

Let me guess, oxalates?

>cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, chinese cabbage)
Cooking helps, eating them raw in large quantities isn't good.
Why did you put them in moderation?
They're an excellent source of calcium, antioxidants, help reduce cancer, lots of benefits.

>fatty fish
I eat a lot of small fish (large ones = greater mercury concentration)
What's the problem?

>> No.7018774

>Peat has a PHD in biology and has taught at numerous universities. His research is highly respected.
When given the choice between one PhD spouting anti-status quo sensationalism with a website that he named after himself and a thousand PhDs saying the exact opposite with several research papers on the subject, I think I know which argument from authority fallacy team I'd prefer to be on.

>> No.7018784


Honestly, OP, 'cancer' is a shorthand for very complicated and numerous diseases that manifest in the same way--rampant, obtrusive cellular growth. Cancer can be caused by potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of different genetic errors, which lead to different faulty mechanisms that in turn cause the 'cancer'. Some cancers already can be cured--it's just a matter of time before we can find cures for the most common cancers and perhaps more effective treatment for similar cancers.

>> No.7018881

>Suggesting bottom-feeders
>Suggesting processed sugars
>Suggesting potatoes
Nigga what

>> No.7018894

Because fuck you we need money.
And most treatments that use the immune-system cause fuckups throughout the body due to how closely related cancer cells are to the body itself.
If it's ever going to be cured, it's going to be in the form of genetically engineered viruses that ramp up immune response to the tumor.

>> No.7018895

Recipe for pseudoscientific claims about a bullshit cancer cure (curecancerol):

>In a swiss study, 7 rats fed <curecancerol> had less tumors than 7 rats fed grain!
>Cancer cells were destroyed when put in a petri dish with <curecancerol>
>Cancer cells are created when there is a presence of X enzyme [queue video of spherical CGI cancer cells growing red], but <curecancerol> comes and destroys those enzymes [queue video of curecancerol 'green ball' molecules killing the cancer]
> <curecancerol> has been used by the Incan witchdoctors for thousands of years, but modern medicine has oppressed it
>Big Pharma has arrested and silenced the inventors of <curecancerol> so that you have to pay for their drugs
>Big Pharma has funded fake studies disputing the efficacy of <curecancerol> because they can't patent it and see it as competition
>Big Pharma's drugs cause cancer and reverse the effects of <curecancerol> to help secure more business
> <curecancerol> cured the world's cancer, but Big Pharma constructed a time machine and went back in time to stop its inventors

>> No.7018902

It's a business, that's the problem with the medical field.
At the same time, it needs regulation and standards.

what do

>> No.7018920

Closest post to what the medical community accepts as truth.

Except that cures are varied and very specific to each cancer. With variable success, too.

And even if we wipe out most detectable evidence of a cancer, no guarantee it won't come back with our current technology. Our current technology just isn't capable of ensuring that we caught every single mutated cell.

And a single surviving cancer cell may be all it takes for the cancer to return.

>> No.7018924

Ok, now explain to me why virus isn't cured yet.

>> No.7018941

>It's a business, that's the problem with the medical field.
>At the same time, it needs regulation and standards.

name one other business where more people make as many baseless conspiracy theories about (besides the US govt lol)

>> No.7018944

wall street.

>> No.7018951


>> No.7018953

Which one? Again, there are many.

And we can't actually cure viruses. We hope the body recognizes when cells are infected, if we can.

>> No.7018984


>> No.7019164


because there is no single disease called 'cancer', it's a shitload of different diseases with different underlying causes, pathology etc. There will never ba a 'cure for cancer', just like there is no single 'cure for infection'.

>> No.7019233


Where's YOUR Nobel Prize smarty-pants?


>> No.7019933

because biology sucks and isn't science

>> No.7021534
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>> No.7021563
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>yfw science is actually cancer

>> No.7021636

Cancer is, in it's more basics terms, the accumulation of genetic errors due to improper translation of the code.

Basically, as long as living beings depend on DNA-RNA-Protein transcription, errors will happen and accumulate, leading to the aberrant behavior of the affected cells.

In short, as long as life works the way it has worked for millions of years, we wont be able to prevent cancer.

>> No.7021664

>large ones = greater mercury concentration
Didn't think of this, I like fish and it's fatty goodness but I don't want to end up like Isaac Newton (i.e. mercury on the brain), thanks anon.

>> No.7021739

Sounds like the pharmaceutical biz is deteriorating since more alternative options for treating cancer are found. It also seems like it can be cured, but wouldn't be good for those who're creating the pills, injections, and certain therapy methods. All in all, cancer makes money for those who're helping treat the patients succumbing to said disease.

>> No.7021747

Not enough Jesus, AKA MONEY.

It's hardly worth it though, you just get hurting.

>> No.7021751

Cancer will never stop existing as long as there is life. We will probably be able to control it for patients of all kinds to live for decades, but we will never "cure it". It's not a virus or a bacteria.

>> No.7021753
File: 4 KB, 225x225, skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the world is run by a sadistic occult paedophile sacrifice ring who unleash advancements to the public only in order to speed up the development of their own exclusive advancements.

Ice Bucket Challenge? That's a supplemental funding drive for a 137 year old group leader on telomere extension who has developed Lou Gehrig's and they're racing for a cure.