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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7005703 No.7005703 [Reply] [Original]

Post the equation you think is the most beautiful.

>> No.7005712

Reddit pls go.

>> No.7005720

2+ 3 = 5

>> No.7005723

Barnett's Identity

>> No.7005725

p*e = n*i*s

>> No.7005727
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>unironically being in high school

>> No.7005736

>being this reddit
Nature is incredible

Math is not "beautiful". It's perfect. All of it. There is no beautiful equation. It's all uninteresting, completely justifiable logic. It's absolutely perfect and your romance you bring to it is fucking autistic
>inb4 autism
No your a autistic :^)

>> No.7005751

>muh logic-emotion dichotomy
So plebeian. The sign of a plebeian who is deficient both in logic and in emotion.

Beauty is a concept made of the logical architecture of your neural system. Determination of beauty is a higher algorithm and it is perfectly valid to take the concepts of logic as inputs and they often have a high output.

>> No.7005752

>implying Lenardo had emotions

>> No.7005805

Nice contribution.

>> No.7005871
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pic related

>> No.7005882

principle of least action
if you disagree you're a pleb

>> No.7006030

tfw feynmann was so obsessed with it he re-formed quantum using it
really is sexy
especially when you study why classical particles follow classical path

>> No.7006033

All I got was Feynman's hand-wavy explanation

>> No.7006035

why to which

>> No.7006036

Why not take the reciprocal of both sides... would be cleaner

>> No.7006037


>> No.7006042
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>> No.7006048

<span class="math">\frac{1}{\phi} = 1 + \phi[/spoiler]

>> No.7006057

anyone else enjoy asymptotics?

<span class="math"> n!\sim n^{n-\frac{1}{2}}e^{-n}\sqrt{2 \pi} \; \; n\rightarrow \infty [/spoiler]

>> No.7006063

you can't even get the equation right
>reddit high schooler detected

>> No.7006069

what's so great about this?

>> No.7006075

why do classical particles follow the classical path?

>> No.7006078


>> No.7006079

Nothing really. But it's solution has an interesting continued fraction:
<span class="math">\phi = 1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+...}}}[/spoiler]
Proof is super straight-forward.

>> No.7006089

<span class="math"> W=\int_{k<\Lambda}[Dg][DA][D\psi][D\Phi]exp \left \{ i\int d^4x \sqrt{-g} \left [ \frac{m^2 _p}{2}R-\frac{1}{4}F^a _{\mu \nu}F^{a \mu \nu}+i \bar{\psi}\gamma ^{\mu}D_{\mu}\psi ^{i}+\left ( \bar{\psi}^i _L V_{ij}\Phi \psi ^j _R +h.c. \right ) -|D_{\mu}\Phi |^2 -V(\Phi) \right ] \right \} [/spoiler]

Everyone else can back the fuck up

>> No.7006134

what the fuck?

>> No.7006165

Can anyone give a play by play explanation for this one??

>> No.7006171

that is some beautiful shit right there

>> No.7006177

Path integral?

>> No.7006179

dat sum quantization functional sheit white boy?

>> No.7006181

Are you asking if this is a functional integral (aka Feynman Path Integral)?
The answer is yes.

>> No.7006196


>> No.7008025


>> No.7008269
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le ebin -1/12

>> No.7008290

PV = nRT

>> No.7008307


I just cannot believe how the length of an imaginary unit is exactly 1.


>> No.7008551


>> No.7008552

this is true for very small values of 1

>> No.7008605

Cantor diagnolisation is probally my favorite

>> No.7008608

>not p = nkT

>> No.7008641

I think quadratics are beautiful. They are so practical, make lovely shapes, and the quadratic formula is just so damn good.

fuck with me I don't give a shit

>> No.7008712
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>> No.7010070

No your a plebian :^)

>> No.7010075

Phi / 1 = Phi + 1
1/phi = Phi - 1

(1/phi) *360 = golden angle in degrees

>> No.7010080


best so far

>> No.7010086

("Your Actual Penis Size Equation")

>> No.7010110

i have an alternative:
3 + 4 = 5

>> No.7010136

1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 ...

It's called the Fibonacci sequence, it's one of the most important discoveries ever, it explains literally everything about the universe.

>> No.7010139


What Math level am I suppose to understand this equation?

>> No.7010141

what does that sum up 2

>> No.7010143
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>writing it like a pleb

>> No.7010146

You can see 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 +... is an alternative way of writing 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +...., so by the law of contrapositive induction, it is -1/12.

>> No.7010148


I thought pi did that.

>> No.7010149

top pleb

>> No.7010154

This is what theoretical phycisists believe

>> No.7010210

aka The Golden Ratio
It's all over art and architecture as it's regarded as aesthetically pleasing

>> No.7010232

It's a sequence not a sum
Should be 1,1,2,3,5,8,...
Also relates to phi as
(n+1)th Fibonacci / nth Fibonacci --> Phi

>> No.7010282

<span class="math"> k_{\infty} = \eta f p \varepsilon [/spoiler]

>> No.7010291
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>> No.7010299

>I don't understand the equation

>> No.7010386


>> No.7010397

1 + 69 = 420

>> No.7010508
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poynting vector in lienard-weichert field

>> No.7010660

The expression would be more complex. Summing the reciprocals would not give you the same answer ie (2+4+8)^-1 does not equal (1/2)+(1/4)+(1/8)

>> No.7010672


Simple I know, but that's the beauty of it. With it, we can calculate the total energy of a given object.

>> No.7010792

That form is more beautiful anyways because its meaning as a 180 degree rotation is manifest when writing it like that.

>> No.7010806

The summation of every single number is not infinity, but -1/12!

>> No.7010836

OP learned that the approximate speed of light is always equal to three, and that's why OP loves:


>> No.7010838
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>> No.7011398

the equation that describes everything, gravity aside

>> No.7011406

>not retarded


>> No.7011451

Because correspondence principle.

>> No.7011458

Someone post Barnett's triple integral identity.
Mechanical energy in isolated systems is constant

>> No.7011463


Barnett integrable functions:
<span class="math">\mathbb{B}={f(x) |\int \int \int f(x) d^3x < \frac{e^{\pi i}}{11.999...}}[/spoiler]

>> No.7011521

That equation is absolutely correct though... if you reciprocate both side, and substitute ad infinitum, the resulting continued fraction is precisely the golden ratio. He just gave the reciprocity rule for phi.

>> No.7011524

tip top kek m8

>> No.7011526

>not using radians
>tfw captcha is diraq

>> No.7011528

Probably just the series expansion of the exponentiation function, as well as knowledge of limits. Maybe second-year analysis?

>> No.7011530

I'm so glad this is dying.

>> No.7011532

>every single number
>what is formality?

>> No.7011533
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>> No.7011539


>> No.7011547


lol no

1/4 = 1 + 4

>> No.7011733

thats not a variable, its a constant like e

>> No.7011747

it's not
<div class="math"> \forall \phi \in \mathbb{R}: \frac{1}{\phi } = 1 + \phi </div>
<div class="math"> \exists \phi in \mathbb{R}: \frac{1}{\phi} = 1 + \phi </div>

>> No.7011791


>> No.7011808

It's the most beautiful equation because it has no solution and contains the additive and multiplicative identity.

>> No.7011831

it's not an equation is a false equivalency you faggot

>> No.7011865

Neutron transport equation. Not gonna type it out though, just google it. Or go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_transport#Neutron_Transport_Equation

>> No.7011867

only real answer ITT.

>> No.7011905

I didn't know that one, but I work with the Boltzmann equation in my physics PhD.
What do you like about that neuron transport equation?

>> No.7011978

explain yourself

>> No.7011998

tfw taking lin alg this semester and can understand this
yeah its basic as fucc

>> No.7012001
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Shit like this is cool. Physical models.

>> No.7012023


>> No.7012833

its a number with the property that 1/x = 1 + x

multiplying x on both sides, x + x^2 -1 = 0

the solution of x satisifies 1/x = 1 + x

x = golden ratio aka phi

>> No.7012841

x = golden ratio - 1

i'm sorry. its not yet the golden ratio.

>> No.7012861
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>> No.7012875


>> No.7014146


>> No.7014157

Sqrt(2)/2 = 1/Sqrt(2)
>still blows my mind, i literally didn't understand it until this very moment

>> No.7014158
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>not just posting the picture

>> No.7014164

what's W?

>> No.7014273

<div class="math">\int_S K dA=2\pi\chi (S)</div>

I like this one

>> No.7014309

I remember this one taking me sooooo long to get my sophomore year of college. Had no idea why the computer said 1/sqrt(2) when my answer was sqrt(2)/2

>> No.7014345

Lambert's W function

>> No.7014350

<span class="math">\delta s=0[\math][/spoiler]

>> No.7014366


>> No.7014367

<span class="math"> \delta s=0 [/spoiler]

>> No.7014438

W is the entire thing on the rhs.

>> No.7014735

<span class="math">\int_\Omega\nabla\times\vec{F}\cdot d\Omega=[/spoiler]<span class="math">\int_{\partial\Omega}\vec{F}\cdot ds[/spoiler]

>> No.7014755

or better,
<div class="math">\int_{\partial\Omega}\omega=\int_{\Omega}d\omega</div>

>> No.7015289

Hate to bump this shitty thread but I find cantor's diagonal argument for the uncountability of the reals to be particularly elegant.

in b4 wildassberger

>> No.7015296

I wouldn't say its my favourite. But its up there.

>> No.7015298


>> No.7015778

go to bed Joseph-Louis

>> No.7015788
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You should be able to prove this.

>> No.7015807
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>> No.7015832

Glad to see the residue theorem here

>> No.7015877

That's not an equation.

>> No.7015904

Go away!
I wasted months with this shit.

>> No.7016368

Bro do you even special relativity ?

E = sqrt ( (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2 )

You gave the formula for the rest mass...

>> No.7016373

How about
E = 3/2 KT ?
One (e.g. me) can proof that that is true for a much broader array of gasses. Even for bose einstein condensated or Fermi dirac gasses

>> No.7016603

not wasting my time on easy shit anon.

>> No.7016606
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No contest

>> No.7016607

But.. ;-;

>> No.7016609

>posts inequality
Go suck some cock.

>> No.7016615
File: 2 KB, 402x46, tmp_20455-4edcfa240a330e92c6aeff5dfcc609a6298232078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the generalized form

>> No.7016623

>>including the imaginary part
>>pls go

>> No.7016624

I would hope you'd be able to, otherwise you might want to just give up the whole STEM thing.

>> No.7016636
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pic related, then just put energy (1/2mv^2) into the boltzmann distribution function and find the volume average. <1/2mv^2> = 3/2kT for 3 dimensional case.

>> No.7016659

This. Also
<span class="math">\dot q = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\dot p = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial q}[/spoiler]

>> No.7016662

pi * fibonacci * phi = elon musks IQ in sexagesimal

>> No.7016673

You're fucking retarded

>> No.7016676

The state sum amplitude

>> No.7016703

Gaussian Function. Bell curves are by far my favorite shape made by a single line. They're so damn symmetrical AND are in basically every cycle.

>> No.7017008

that still bothers me

>> No.7017177

The Taylor series stuff is pretty cool

>> No.7017308
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Nice formula but why did you divide by n on the right side? Now it's incorrect.

>> No.7017334

Stirling's approximation. Really nice.

>> No.7017390

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

>> No.7018479
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>PhD in Functional Integration
>600k per year
>step up triple integral fags.

>> No.7018504

P = NP

>> No.7018507

how? I am a pure math phd and barely manage $300k per year with whatever job I want

also, how do you setup triple integrals?

>> No.7018508

d^2 = 0

>> No.7018514

Pretty sure it's the correct representation

>> No.7018517

Take calculus

>> No.7018522

Currently studying the beauty (and complexity) of quantum mechanics. Here is Schrodinger's time-independent equation... [-ℏ^2/2m∂^2/(∂x)^2 + PE]ψ=[iℏ∂/∂t]ψ

>> No.7018526

>claims triple integrals are easy after undergrad calculus

oh wow

>> No.7018543
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ayy lmao

>> No.7018544

<span class="math">i \hbar \gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu} \psi - mc \psi = 0[/spoiler]

>> No.7018573

Lol hurr durr newton second law E=ma
>OP an hero

>> No.7018787
File: 39 KB, 337x428, Georg_Simon_Ohm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No based Ohm's Law

>> No.7018791

posting in ebin reddit thread

>> No.7018798


>> No.7018826

>not setting <span class="math">\hbar=c=1[/spoiler]
>not writing <span class="math">\gamma^\mu\partial_\mu =: \not\partial[/spoiler]

>> No.7018854

He didn't actually want you to do it.

>> No.7018859

The toppest of keks.

>> No.7018867


>> No.7018893

>I like long, overly complicated equations because I can show off how smart I am with them

>> No.7018897


Transport theory is actually pretty fun.

>> No.7018898

>overly complicated
not that guy, but it's literally simple as fuck
>neutrons gained = neutrons lost

>> No.7018899

Was going to post this.

>> No.7018903

>I can't into comprehension

Visually, not conceptually complicated, you dolt.

>> No.7018905

I do what I want

>> No.7019275

based ramunujan

>> No.7019294

That transport equation really doesn't fall into any definition I can think of for beauty. The fact that an equation describes something shouldn't make it particularly beautiful, since that is what an equation is supposed to do in the first place. The beauty comes from its uniqueness, cleverness and brevity. So >>7006089
is not very beautiful, it is a list of interactions. On the other hand, Feynman diagrams that succinctly describe all of those interactions are beautiful. Likewise, the beauty of the Dirac equation >>7018544 isn't in the equation itself, but in guessing the wavefunction is a spinor. Ladder operators (another Dirac invention) would also qualify as an example of mathematical beauty.

>> No.7019309


>> No.7019349

the motherfucking riemann-zeta function just destroys my mind
-1/12 my ass

>> No.7019418

ebik sci meme :)

>> No.7019460

>modulus sign
>imaginary part
u wot m8?

>> No.7021478

>not using guage covariant derivative <span class="math">D_{\mu} = \partial_{\mu} +ieA_{\mu}[/spoiler]

>> No.7021500


whats these 2

>> No.7021725


>> No.7021922

Then you'd have to add <span class="math">\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}[/spoiler] to make sense. It's just the special case for the QED lagrangian.

>> No.7022046

I think this is one of Ramanujan's discovery to calcuculate pi fast. it's amazing.

>> No.7022421

<span class="math">e^{i\frac{\tau}{2}}=-\frac{1}{12}[/spoiler]

>> No.7022430

Stokes' Theorem
Curl Theorem (which is just Stokes' theorem).

>> No.7023087
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>> No.7023119

I covered it in my second week of complex analysis, but you would probably see it before then.

>> No.7023125

See I'm math guy and I never did quantum physics but is the uncertainty principle just a specific form of this result in Functional Analysis.
If so in quantum physics do you just model momentum/position as linear operators on R^3?

>> No.7023129

They are. They're first year shit?

>> No.7023130

The momentum operator is just differentiation, which becomes self-adjoint when you restrict the domain sufficiently.

>> No.7023134

I got this 6 weeks into my first calcuclus class

>> No.7023169

new on /sci/, can someone explain how you enter mathematical symbols here?
do you add an \ in front of your symbol like you sometimes do?

>> No.7023183

Read the sticky

>> No.7023221

No, it says -1/2; should be +1/2.
The formula becomes correct if you replace the left hand side with Γ(n), which is (n-1)!

>> No.7023227

>using <span class="math">m_0[/spoiler] for rest mass like there is any other mass than rest mass.
Plus it's not really beautiful. The beautiful part of special relativity is the derivation of the Lorentz/Poincaré group from very simple assumptions.