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File: 183 KB, 1200x999, albert-einstein-intriging-questions-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7001492 No.7001492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was just watching the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory and they said that Albert Einstein slept with Marilyn Monroe

Is that true???

>> No.7001503

Yes, they have a son together.

>> No.7001687
File: 152 KB, 494x396, But god doesn't play dice bohr-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were at a dinner party together. Marrilyn Monroe suggested they have children together saying, "With my looks and your brains they'd rule the planet" or something along those line. Einstein looked back at her incredulous, offering "Yes, but what if they had MY looks and YOUR brains?"
That being said einstein already gave his heart to Bohr

>> No.7001721

Yes that seems probable, and when Einstein said God does not play DICE, he specifically meant battlefield 1942.

>> No.7001726

If that's true, I find it bold how he's implying she's stupid.

>> No.7001728

Another very underestimated quote by Einstein is : "That was a tough equation. A coffee would be really noice now"

>> No.7001729
File: 183 KB, 400x384, 1419762633592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7001730


Nah, just alpha as fuark.
Einstein confirmed for alpha genes

>> No.7001733

Oh my god, why does this guy get so much attention. I'm so tired of him being referred. I've seen so many books whereas the sentenced started off with," Thanks to Albert Einstein 's theory of relatively." You know what? There were genius that were virtually unheard of and yet they accomplished more than him.

>> No.7001740

Yeah because they were Nazis, and this guys entire race was slaughtered by them. So yeah, he deserves some fucking praise and the Nazis deserve nothing, they deserve worse than nothing their work should be destoried

>> No.7001742

Also, she was pretty stupid.

>> No.7001750

Ahh nobody fuckin cares if those people died. Studies show that people care less about deaths if presented from a statistical perspective. The more numerous, the less they care about. People care when the story is about a single person going through a tragedy.

>> No.7001761

>I don't care about millions of innocent people being MURDERED

How edgy

>> No.7001765

>You know what? There were genius that were virtually unheard of and yet they accomplished more than him.

Like who?

>> No.7001768

Psychology proves it so

The more removed you are from those inflicted by tradgedy, such as from a numerical/statistical standpoint for example, the less empathy you will feel for them. Compare this to a single person's story, you will have more empathy/sympathy for them as it's easier to identify with a single person than an entire group of people, possibly millions in number.

We give more of a fuck about school shootings than mass genocide.

>> No.7001771

Same reason small buisnesses tend to be more moral than larger ones. When you know the name of all your employees and have to look them in the face every day it's harder to fuck them over. When there are thousands of them, and you can't be bothered to even write their initials on documents yourself you wont give a shit. They're a number not a person. That being said, people will say the larger it is the more important, but then you don't get a personal or emotional appeal on the same level.

>> No.7001775

that doesnt bar us from rational ethics

>> No.7001777

Umm if they are unheard of.. how would you know..?

>> No.7001794


1) People don't like whining.
2) It's not good for your own health to be bitter.
3) It may please people you don't like to show that it irritates you.

>> No.7001797

Joseph swan. Incandescent bulb, changed our lives, led to valve tech then transistors.

>> No.7001807

Great example. Give positive examples instead of whining about the negative ones.

>> No.7001810

But according to Wikipedia

"In 1904 Swan was knighted by King Edward VII, awarded the Royal Society's Hughes Medal, and was made an honorary member of the Pharmaceutical Society. He had already received the highest decoration in France, the Légion d'honneur, when he visited an international exhibition in Paris in 1881."

So he wasn't really a misunderstood genius of his time, he got plenty of recognition during his life.