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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6997671 No.6997671 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothesis and debate.

>> No.6997674

You should have also included "philosophy" and debate.

>> No.6997676

It's unknown/undefined.
This is a pointless thread.

>> No.6997677

Math is axiomatized, faggot.

obvious samefag

>> No.6997681

>Math is axiomatized, faggot.

your point?

>> No.6997687

In mathematics, axiomatization is the formulation of a system of statements (i.e. axioms) that relate a number of primitive terms in order that a consistent body of propositions may be derived deductively from these statements. Thereafter, the proof of any proposition should be, in principle, traceable back to these axioms.

>> No.6997688

>Math is axiomatized

I don't know what this means.

>> No.6998092


It means that the answer is undefined and it is not an opinion. There are no theories. These things have definitions, and maths rely on and rest on axioms that decide how things work. There is no opinion on what 0^something is. It is undefined. That is not up for debate.

>> No.6998098

I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but if you're gonna bable your philosphical "you cant know nuffin" please fuck off

>> No.6998105
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6/10 would read again

>> No.6998123
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A dot, then a spiral construction in spin in that, then the dot filling all the space in the middle of that: AKA a field

>> No.6998124

0 ?

>> No.6998136

= 0 / 2^2
= 0 / 4
= 0


>> No.6998146


ima retard

= 1 / 0^2
= 1 / 0
= undefined

>> No.6998171
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>> No.6998187

Is the correct answer. A negative in an exponent means that the number that is being powered is in the wrong place in regards to a fractions numerator/denominator, so it must be switched for the problem to be solved properly. Since 0 to the anything power is still 0, we get 1/0, which is undefined.

>> No.6998188
File: 208 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-01-08-19-10-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all wrong

>> No.6998195

>Is the correct answer. A negative in an exponent means that the number that is being powered is in the wrong place in regards to a fractions numerator/denominator, so it must be switched for the problem to be solved properly. Since 0 to the anything power is still 0, we get 1/0, which is undefined.


>> No.6998196

And who makes calculators? Engineers.

>> No.6998203

Are you implying conspiracy? If so, go on.

>> No.6998220

Oh dear god. Not sure if trolling but please read a math book

>> No.6998224

complex infinity

>> No.6998225

The letter engineers has 9 letters in it, with 3 syllables. Dividing them gets us 3. There are 13 letters between the e and s, 2 of which are vowels, so we add 13 to the previous 3 number and then divide it by two. Eight candles are lit on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, and there are 5 sections sections to the book of Psalms, one of the most important section of their holy book. Guess what else has 5 points? PENTAGRAMS. But it doesn't end there! 8 subtracted from 5 gives us 3, which is the number of Abrahamic religions in the world. ILLUMINATI AND JEWISH CONSPIRACY TO CONTROL PEOPLE THROUGH RELIGION CONFIRMED.

9 / 3 = 3
3+13 = 16
16 / 2 = 8
8 - 5 = 3

>> No.6998243

>learn to math, faggots
>the answer is -2
>0 and -2= ?
>0 - 2 = -2

>> No.6998256

Well 1/0 could be positive or negative infinity, but since it's squared, we know it's positive infinity.

>> No.6998339

Take the limit as x tends to zero of x^-2

Get +infinity

>> No.6998400

nobody asked you for a limit, wiseass. you were given an expression with no definition

>> No.6998412

0^any positive number is well defined

It is zero

>> No.6999010

Undefined. Stupid thread.

>> No.6999015

1/0 is neither positive nor negative infinity

>> No.6999021

It's both. But any way you look at it, limit x->0 [1/(x^2)] =infinity

Unless you're dealing in complex/imaginary numbers.

>> No.6999026

Like others said, it becomes 1/0, and is thus undefined.

But couldn't (0^-2) be also written as (0/0^3), in which it isn't undefined but indeterminate?

>> No.6999043

1/0 is not the same as lim x->0 for 1/x.
I recommend you take a calc course if that is not clear to you.

>> No.6999643

8/10, lost pace a bit at the beginning but still a spectacular kektacular.

>> No.6999650

Undefined, as anon correctly explained before. Please post something more interesting.

>> No.7001110

lim x -> +0 [x^-2] = +inf
lim x -> -0 [x^-2] = -inf

>> No.7001117

should be lim x -> -0 [x^-2] = +inf

>> No.7001131
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0^-2 = (0^-1)^2, but 0 has no multiplicative inverse

>> No.7001141

-0 and +0 french fuck.

>> No.7001143

>Math is axiomatized, faggot.

No, it isn't. That's a common misconception among philosotards who don't know shit about math. Do you even Gödel?

>> No.7001152

0^1 = 0

0^-1 = 1/0 = Complex Infinity

>> No.7001661

I remember how you deal with this shit, you use limits.

Lim (x -> 0) X^-2 = ∞

It approaches positive infinity, are you happy now?


>> No.7001684

Assuming you're working in the real numbers, this is the square of an element that is not defined, so neither is the square of the element.

>> No.7003816

anything divided by zero is infinity