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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6989351 No.6989351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, who's the absolute king of meme science? Black Science Man, or Doctor Machu "Naruto" Picchu? There can be only one

>> No.6989354
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>> No.6989361

GodKing Shane
Jacob Barnett

Who would win in a fight of pure /sci/ shitposting?

>> No.6989364
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>> No.6989367


>> No.6989368

Surprisingly I know about the first, but how did the second end up becoming a meme? Wasn't he just some random kid that got in the news?

>> No.6989370

It would end in a akward autistic mastrubation context.

>> No.6989372

What does /sci/ think of vsauce?

>> No.6989378


>> No.6989423
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Parallel universes is bullshit that cannot be proven.

Dr. Naruto should stick to eating ramen.

>> No.6989438
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Dr. Berlusconi

>> No.6989503


>> No.6989518

Winner faces EK

>> No.6989520

>believes in qualia

>> No.6989534

Unfunny shit

>> No.6990103

Barnett probably doesn't even know the logical fundementals

>> No.6990104


>> No.6990233


If you got qualia problems I feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but "No consciousness" ain't one.

>> No.6990250

Barnetts been posted here a lot since he first hit the scene. hes got some serious meme-cred here ;^)

>> No.6990251

It's 2015 now

>> No.6990329


>> No.6990341
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aryan science guy

>> No.6990348
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Dr Pavel

>> No.6990399
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I actually feel bad for Shane. He browses /sci/ often and one day thanks to his stupidity and the assumption that he understood ANYTHING at all at the time will make him look back one day and say something like „Man, I was fucking retarded.“

>> No.6990403

What does he know though?

>> No.6990425

He has nothing negative coming from it, really. Rather the opposite.
It's also hilarious how he thinks he has no emotion and that he's actually above other kids, as if recognizing the capability for self-reflection is extremely uncommon. Hard to feel "bad" for him.

>> No.6990454

Damn straight!

I dunno what it is with these sciency types. I keep telling them they'll never be able to prove that those shiny things in the night sky aren't crystal spheres sent from god, but they keep trying!

>> No.6990456

Black science man, no contest

>> No.6990458
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this cutie pie

>> No.6990473



kaku is just spewing unproven hypotesis after unproven hypotesis to sound awesome while tyson has facts to back up his words.

>> No.6990481

How do you know so much about the Godking's /sci/ browsing habits lel?

>> No.6990492

He's namefagging daily.

>> No.6990886


>> No.6991038

Maybe I'll do a strawpoll soon, what would you say are the main meme scientists out there?

What a qt. Is she into meme science too?

>> No.6991722

That's theoretical physics for you.

>> No.6993072

Official /sci/ Power List:
>GodKing Shane 'implying lenardo had emotions' Litterini
>NJW a.k.a. Dr. Wild Hamburger
>Black Science Man
>Doctor Machu "Naruto" Picchu
>Bazoople Guy

>> No.6993078

>no Jacob B

>> No.6993109

Who's Jacob B, Bazoople Guy and NJW?

>> No.6993115



>> No.6993116

lurk more

>> No.6993123

Don't listen to him, >>6993109, it's better for your mental health if you don't.

>> No.6993142

>implying mental health matters

>> No.6993158


You should ask this on /lit/, they know everything about science.

>> No.6994273


>> No.6994326


>> No.6994364


>> No.6994964

Definitely Tyson. The breeding ground for meme science/pop sci (read: pseudoscience) is reddit, and he is their messiah.

>> No.6995334

Bilbo Baggins

>> No.6995383
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I failed you /sci/
In return I remind you of the jewel in pic related

>> No.6995393

Naruto is literally saying what I have put her on /sci/ for years

>> No.6995402

Underrated post of the year.

>> No.6995413

There are much better pop sci channels
His channel isn't even about science

>> No.6995426

But Barnett acquired the logical fundamentals around 5(ish)!

>> No.6995433

But Chris Langan has transcended this plane of existence through his 200+ IQ!

>yfw he's been posting all the IQ threads here

>> No.6995435

I guess that makes you basically retarded

>> No.6995436

These are not hypotheses.
Is Kaku a scholar working on decision processes? I don't think so.
Sociologists doing quantum physics would be grotesque. Question is why people are listening to him...

I've always seen that soft-science people are more skilful at communicating than hard-science people, if that's what you meant.

>> No.6995438

>tfw barnett has sex and gets married to a cute little girl who cooks him nice warm meals everyday before you do

>> No.6995446
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So you're both talking shit then.
It's fun to intellectually rub one out now and again but it in no way constitutes and actual scientific insight unless you can back it up with facts and experimentation.

>> No.6995502

So are there any popscientists /sci/ doesn't hate?

>> No.6995514

Isn't /b/ their realm? (and FB btw)

>> No.6995549
File: 50 KB, 720x960, 10392334_785793954791752_6238784764159684925_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well only one looks this swag.

>> No.6995583


You understood literally nothing

>> No.6995584

Forgive me, I'm a little slow, but are you implying /sci/ doesn't hate popsci?

>> No.6995589

/sci/ doesn't feel hatred

>> No.6995596

Just because someone likes to ridiculize something doesn't mean he hates it, but just that he finds it silly

>> No.6995619

Hate is an emotion. Someone who mastered the fundamentals of logic at age 12(ish) doesn't feel emotions anymore.

>> No.6995671


Thought he was going to rip on BBT but it was actually quite interesting.

>> No.6995676


Who dafuq is Shane

>> No.6995683


This faggot >>6995549

>> No.6995739

>This weak, transparent attempt at reverse psychology to garner internet "fame"
And on /sci/ of all places.

>> No.6995800

Memes are born out of chance. He'd have to be some sort of mastermind to orchestrate this. People have been trying to become memes on /b/ for years to no avail.

>> No.6995827

>He'd have to be some sort of mastermind to orchestrate this
Just stop.
He isn't a meme. I saw him spamming his shit in a thread a couple of days ago. Literally all he is is a samefagging meme forcer and a failed one at that.

>> No.6995861
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>> No.6995887


>> No.6995916

I post his memes and I'm not him. Nice unfalsifiable argument, though.

>> No.6995923

>I'm not him
Yeah, ditto on that last part.

>> No.6995932

He does. He calls Sheldon & friends autismos.

>> No.6996208
File: 13 KB, 228x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it makes sense, the brain can only manifest coherent information currents by relating many parts on a wormhole/parallel spaces working on a QM level, not to mention the DNA changes that take place all across the brain everytime you learn a new type of reaction warping the fabric of space in huge fields with the just a shy amount of talent to convince

>> No.6996209
File: 156 KB, 610x525, O4aKu8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is without doubt 'Kneel "The Grass" Bison'.

>> No.6996215

>I'm not him

>> No.6996222

It's not an insult if you're trying to make an actual clinical diagnosis.

>> No.6996224
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>Dr Naruto
God fucking damn it

>> No.6996612

>implying that wasn't reverse psychology

>> No.6996634

Michio Kaku talks about dumb shit occasionally
Neil DeGrasse Tyson panders to le reddit and babby's first cosmology

But to be honest I prefer listening to Neil DeGrasse Tyson

>> No.6996637

>implying /sci/ doesn't worship its GodKing and feels deep respect for the lesser Gods
>implying /sci/ has any emotions at all

you seem to be lost

what if it were though
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little doctor?

>> No.6996640

I'm sure the fictional characters are very offended.

>> No.6996652

I'm sure too

>> No.6996754


>> No.6996760

Nothing, except the Barrett identity

>> No.6996761

>you will never triple integrate into his wife