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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 152x200, dankaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6983765 No.6983765 [Reply] [Original]

How many girls are in your program?

CS guy here. A few trollish women and that's it. I do know two bangin chemical engineer chicks though. Why are the hot ones always chemical engineers.

>> No.6983766

If you want girls then major in Chem. Bitches love Chem.

>> No.6983767

Math major
I dunno about only the math but in the math/physics student facebook group 17/51 or a third are grills

>> No.6983769


That's because they're premed skanks

>> No.6983786

EE/CS double major here. No girls in both programs. Outside of liberal arts, all the hot girls here are in Bio/Bioengineering.

>> No.6983790

Mechanical Engineering
There are 5 in a class of 150

>> No.6983791

2. Only one was attractive, but she wasn't a great student. The unattractive one was a fantastic student, probably a better student than me honestly.

>> No.6983813

Pure math, pretty evenly split, but overall pretty sparse in general. Also no one has time for a social life.

Why would you restrict yourself to dating inside your major though?

>> No.6983821

psychology. 90%

>> No.6983829


I wouldn't touch the girls in my major with a 10 foot pole. I'm still tryna holla at dem chemical engineer chicks.

>> No.6983832

About 5-10% in Mech Eng, maybe 3 or 4 girls in Physics, and one in both.

Not that I'd want a girl from either of those fields, anyway.

>> No.6983866

Pure mathematics major here. I believe there's slightly more girls in my program versus guys, though I will admit its a pretty shitty program at a mostly teaching school.

There's a few I'd fuck no doubt, like 8/10s, but most of them have shitty personalities and/or are frat whores.

>> No.6983877

I'd say pretty square. Chem. More from Bio, apparently.

>> No.6983882
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Surpringly enough this girl is a biology major with me
There are other attractive girls too, a lot want to be 'marine biologists' going to a far-inland community college.

>> No.6983888

She's not that hot, but I'd still fuck her

>> No.6983891

Holy fuck what is the phenomenon. the good looking chicks dig chemistry i guess.

>> No.6983894
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Math Ed/Pure Math Double (You're doing it wrong if you're only doing pure math, and not applied/ed double)

There are maybe 11 women in math programs, and only one of them is attractive, and she's barely doing well enough to stay in the program. She's a complete nutjob though, so I wouldn't one night her at my place.

>> No.6983895

This girl is not hot. She is extremely average.

>> No.6983896

>because chemistry is a soft science

>> No.6983899
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This looks like a favorable angle. She is most likely chubby.
Right on. She's average at best.

>> No.6983900

Eh, I don't think so. I'm extremely good in my EE/CS coursework and actually had extreme trouble grasping basic General Chem, even after taking AP Chem back in high school (which I got a 3 on). I wouldn't say it's easy.

>> No.6983901

There's a few girls in my CS program, one is pretty hawt so she gets mobbed in attention. I don't talk to her much BECAUSE she is in CS because I don't want to get sucked into helping her with shit.

Then there's one other pretty attractive girl, and like one or two not so attractive ones.

So many hot biomedical engineers doe.

>> No.6983903

>going to such a shit tier school they let you double major in two different flavors of math

>> No.6983908

>Math Ed/Pure Math Double (You're doing it wrong if you're only doing pure math, and not applied/ed double)

What if you tryna go to graduate school or minoring in CS?

>> No.6983911
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Physics major. I know two or three. Trying to date one of them.

>> No.6983917
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It all depends on what you want to do, but it's very easy to double major into one of those two if you're pure math.

If you don't have the personality/skillset to teach, then I highly recommend picking up applied as well. You end up taking a couple more physics type classes than normal, but having the background is worth it.

You probably won't get much out of a CS minor unless you go to a top flight CS school. It's probably easier to study programming on your own than trying to figure out what you need from applied on your own.

tldr: It all depends on what you really want to do, but you probably won't learn much from your CS classes.

>> No.6983922

You men are sp disgusting. Women should be valued for their achievements and intellect, not their looks. I can't believe people like you still exist in 2015. No wonder you misogynists can't get a laid; you're ugly bitter virgins with small dicks.

>> No.6983924

My aim is be a professor one day, so I'd definitely like to obtain teaching skills. However, since I'm set on going to graduate school, I have a thing for CS, and being a programmer is my main fall back, I chose to go with a CS minor (I fucked around my whole first year, so double majoring isn't really in the question)

>> No.6983925

>I can't believe people like you still exist in 2015.
We're the same motherfuckers that were here yesterday (in 2014, mind you)


>> No.6983926


we're as disgusting as /sp/ you say?

>> No.6983928

Biology. Only 4 guys in my class

>> No.6983932

most schools do not have the same applied/pure programs as yours you fucking dumbass. the university i graduated from didn't even offer pure/applied programs just a BS or a BA, you can take pure or applied electives if you want. the one i did my freshman year at didnt require physics it just required electives in science, CS or engineering, it also explicitly disallowed double majoring in pure and applied math or in any two majors in the same department, my alma mater did too.

and CS is not fucking programming, you need to learn to program on your own but CS classes teach computational theory which is quite valuable in its own right, admittedly most CS classes are pretty shit at most schools but the subjects are still valuable and they are not just programming.

and if you are trying to go to grad school, first of all you should figure out if you're more interested in pure or applied by the end of your junior year and pick your electives or concentration accordingly, i suck at pure math but i can personally vouch that doing a double major or a well structured minor in CS will be very useful if you want to do applied in grad school. obviously CS is pretty worthless if you are doing pure, there isn't really anything that complements pure math other than a teaching major/minor. unless youre trying to work on homotopy type theory or something bizarre like that.

>> No.6983933

I highly recommend you get some teaching experience ASAP if you want to be a professor. Not everyone can teach, and not everyone likes to do it.

Adding applied to a pure math should only be 3 or 4 classes, which are the same types you'd want to take for electives. Look into it, and see how much extra work it would be. You may be a lot closer than you think.

>> No.6983942

I think my school has two seminar courses that are required to graduate that deal with presentations (and probably something to do with teaching)

>> No.6983943
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Why are you so mad?

>doesn't allow double majoring in two majors within the same dept
That's a cash grab by the uni, and I'm sorry.

>> No.6983960


Two most underrated posts in this thread.
I'm a chem major and this is 100% accurate.

>> No.6983961

Not who you were replying to, but that made me chuckle. Ahahaha

>> No.6983963

I can confirm that chem is full of ladies. Bio is obviously the same.

Why major in something like chem when you can just minor or elective it though?

>> No.6983968
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Oh wow, I didn't even notice that gem.
>Women should be valued for their achievements and intellect, not their looks.
Why not value them for both? I mean, women only value men for their achievements and intellect, right? I mean, I guess gold diggers operate that way, but I feel most women are also into a man's look.

>you misogynists can't get a laid; you're ugly bitter virgins with small dicks.
Relatively attractive, not remotely bitter, have procreated, and above average penis (average is relatively small)

>Back on topic
Nursing students have to dip into sci/math classes and the majority of them seem to be passable.

>> No.6983975

>have procreated
I'm so sorry.

>> No.6984031

>Physics program
>grand total of ONE girl
>six feet tall hambeast
>outweighs me by a few stone
>has female version of my name
>thinks we're connected
just kill me now

>> No.6984068
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>> No.6984085


Pharmfag here (still technically science programming since it's pretty chemistry heavy)

A couple of girls doing pharmacy with me but they're average at best.

Lots of girls in chemistry though, a few cuties I banged in my 1st year, but most of the females are low-quality ham planets or weird geeky girls with no personality.

>> No.6984447

I didn't mean there was anything wrong with the girls in my major, just that it was kind of an unusual assumption to think people only date inside their major.

>> No.6984451

astrophysics here, around the same amount of both sexes. I'm the weaker one. we're all cute.

>> No.6984452

>double major in math
Are you retarded?

>> No.6984456

>CS teaches programming

>> No.6984459

Engineering freshman here. There were like 5 girls in my physics class but they represented the bottom. I doubt they get through the program.

>> No.6984484

65-70% - Library and Information "Science" bro here.

>> No.6984486
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I'm in game development - programming. We had 3 but all of them left within the first year.
Still have a gf though. Feels alright actually, I like not having any drama during school time.

>> No.6984498

In the Finance program itself there aren't a whole lot, but since I take alot of other business classes, I hang out with women quite often.

Also, for my math minor, there are a good amount of women at the lower Calculus level classes, but less as you go up.

>> No.6984520

Girls, I've heard of such creatures. But never encountered them in real life. Probably because I just solved the ABC conjecture today.

>> No.6984528

Civil Engineering here.
About 20% of chicks, a couple of them are pretty decent and not socially awkward. So more or less like you guys.

>> No.6984534

CS first year - 4 girls and they are hot as hell.

>> No.6984536
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CS Major here. Got stuck in a group project with some autistic fucks and this one girl a few months back. Girl and I were the only ones who even worked on the fucking thing.
She was very plain looking, very gaunt, looked like she had been homeschooled her entire life.
She was pretty terrible at programming. She used internet explorer, and refused to use an IDE and instead programmed in the Unix Shell using Vi. Drove me fucking crazy when she wanted to show me something.
Her work ethic was pretty fucking great though. I'd clock in like 3 hours a night but she would stay up until like 5 in the morning debugging her own shitty code. Made me laugh, but I felt sorry for her at the same time.
Don't know how far she'll go in CS.

>> No.6984538

>genetics and molecular biology
probably 50%-60% women

>> No.6984540
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>She used internet explorer, and refused to use an IDE and instead programmed in the Unix Shell using Vi.


>> No.6984545

Civil engineering. About 40 percent women.

>> No.6984548

sorry, omit that part about vi. was thinking about something else when i wrote that. but still she insisted on only programming in a window that can only see 24 lines at a time

>> No.6984550
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>their achievements and intellect
good meme

>> No.6984602
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In a class of 5:3 Male to Female. The class is of 8 people.

>> No.6984610


>> No.6984670


I was a chem major and there were hardly any girls after orgo. They're really bio majors.

>> No.6984685

Bio generally has good bitches.

>> No.6984970
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tfw no big booty QT's in cs degree.tfw only one female which is an exchange and does one module with me.

>> No.6984998

Neuroscience. At every place I've been as an undergrad, grad student, and a few different tech jobs, the hottest chicks have always been in neuroscience.
Biophysics program, ~20 - 25%.

ChemE, BME, and BioE is good for some decent girls. Math/physics doesn't have much, some cute ones in chem/biochem and cell/molecular bio. But, general bio or neuroscience is the way to go.

>> No.6984999

zero. It is so bad that event the professors make jokes about it.

>> No.6985019

I wish someone had told me that, should've done physics instead

>> No.6985475

If that would be the case they would have no value, as this thread shows

>> No.6985598

I study New Media and Communication Technology, it's somewhat like CS, just a tad more practical.

When I started in 2013 there were 200 students, of which 5 girls, I think there's 3 of them left now and they're all trolls.

I wouldn't want an IT girlfriend anyway.

>> No.6985607

>in math
>only girls are doing cs degrees except for some semi bangable hoes doing pure(only really one, the other is fat)
>meet girls in cs for MATLAB 101 (I fucking love it because some hardcore mathematicians put a lot of work into those fucking matrices)
>she seems hell bro and is wog,doing cs/mathsci but with pure major because fuck matlab scripting
>meet her again as a checkout chick (we are both working at the same place for some reason)
>we have nice chats
Girls in CS are usually either special snowflake redhair (and sort of lolsorandumb) or they are semi-hardcore mathematicians
Or they are people like this one girl I knew, she was good at maths, but only because she was a super-hardcore wrote learner. She struggled in first year because muh proofs start to surge in like a motherfucking wave modeled by some DE.
Oh god I shouldn't be writing after drinking this much.
Bitches and hoes, they come, they go, saturday through to sunday, sunday through to monday, yo.

>> No.6985610

sounds like gf material anon, you should text her or something

>> No.6985612

She's not that hot, and I have a girlfriend anyway.
Unless you're talking about the ethnically Greek girl, she was pretty solid 8/10.
Even so, I love my girlfriend almost as much as I love a good proof. Proofs be bitching, man.

>> No.6985614

Electrical Engineering here.
The class is around 10-20% girls, most of them are just ugly,short and don't take care of themselves. There are 3-4 girls that are okay looking, however most of them barely show up nowadays.

The Chem Eng department is close to mine so I often pay them a visit. The quality of chicks in there is indeed much higher.

>> No.6985616

I think a lot of STEM majors (chemistry aside, of course) aren't prepared for how little female interaction they'll get through college, social the implications from that, also combined with how consuming the fields are of a person's thinking. However, math seems to have modest amount of females as well; but, someone correct me if they of a different opinion. The odds are numerously stacked against guys once they go down the hard sciences. There is no simple way around this. No one but other people in your related fields will be able to sympathize with you. But I imagine CS majors do have more opportunity to network with a larger base outside of school.

All I know is engineering is hellish. I was not prepared for how much I needed to capitalize on my courses which weren't science related, and the rest of the social world, especially right now, is extremely hostile to our circumstance. BUT HEY, at least big bang theory is out there to help us normalize with the rest of society, amirite????

>> No.6985621

Why is engineering universally the worst discipline?
I excluse petro/chemeng and nukeeng, of course.

>> No.6985632

I wouldn't want a girlfriend in my program anyways, because I don't shit where I eat. What happens if you break up? Shit can ruin your entire social network.

>> No.6985634

Because you're basically learning how to be a full-stack DIY guy. If it wasn't already in your close family than it's a slow, lonely mind-bending process to the opposite side of the capitalist spectrum (producer/maker) put along-side all of nature's psychopaths (managers/owners/human-resources/marketing/sales/et al.) who have no skills other than manipulating other humans like you. Meanwhile the rest of society has happy little factions in a corporation to help them be happy little consumers who must depend on other people's skills. Also, if you're the only one in your close family to be an engineer than you'll eventually learn that your entire job is to learn how to hunt down technical manuals of all sorts and learn to speak their special languages.

What math is to all the sciences, engineering is to all the product-based economics sector of the real world.

>> No.6985635

>Shit can ruin your entire social network.
How's that? You're speaking mostly to people with small to non-existent social networks.

>> No.6985636

Damn, this is a nice post.

There's nothing wrong with learning some "psychopath" skills though.

>> No.6985639

Imagine you're dating a girl from your field and you have a decent amount of mutual friends. When it inevitably goes sour, how are you going to deal with the inevitable spin that she puts on things?

>> No.6985641

>There's nothing wrong with learning some "psychopath" skills though
need them "social engineering" skills to be a real hacker I guess

>> No.6985642

"The prince" is a technical manual in its own right.

>> No.6985648

Lel at my uni chem is almost as bad as CS.

Bio is where it's at. Out of 19 students, 8 girls and like 4 of them are pretty hot

>> No.6985672


BSc Statistics, there's only like... 6 of us in my year, but we're mixed heavily with BSc Mathematics so I don't even know who is on my course.

Three others come to mind who are all girls, but I'm only 100% sure of one of them being on BSc Stats.

>> No.6985682

Why is society so angry about universal gender wage disparity, when it's obvious by looking at the university students gender ratios that women aren't interested in the harder and more rewarding professions?
Also why don't women like STEM fields, I thought we were supposed to be equal?

>> No.6985694

Pharmacy student here.

There are 8 groups in our course and each group has 4 guys and 10 girls.

Many are real cuties, though there are geeky ones too. But basically, I'm surrounded with girls.

>tfw girl from group lays her head on your shoulder and falls asleep during lecture

>> No.6985696

man who told you that, we're far from equal and I hope we always will be.

I like math and physics, I'm a student of astrophysics. Lisa Simpson is one of my inspirations, and you might think that's kinda funny and silly, but we do mostly get dumb female role models.

>> No.6985711

Math. About half.

>> No.6985776

Software Engineering (less raw maths, more data structures and algorithms, in essence).5 girls. I'm sitting next to one of them, and considering changing seats. The atmosphere is unbearable, the comments guys make around her in classes - that shit is so autistic and cringe inducing. Thank god I'm not a girl.

>> No.6985904

I think pharmacy is just as hard as STEM, and plenty of women there.

Anyway, physics undergrad here. I'd guess its about 5 to 10℅ females in my class. Only electrical science is worse at my college.

Not that I mind though, its only a distraction in class.

>> No.6986014

Math major. Had over half female, none too attractive. After the requisite analysis courses there's about 2/5 females

>> No.6986017

made me lol

>> No.6986021

I don't mean to imply anything, but are you good with theories? Really that's all chemistry was and is up until some geometric structures and more past organic. Theories and elementary algebra.

>> No.6986024

made me lol. "hambeast"

>> No.6986030

Chem Engineer.

In a class of 70 or so, there's probably 10 women. Of those, 3 are pretty hot. So 3/70 because fuck ugly chicks

>> No.6986031

I can't decide whether I want to do Mechanical Engineering or Geology. How sausage are those majors?

>> No.6986032

Ok, so then why aren't they majoring in STEM fields?

>respect muh sociology

>> No.6986037

both are a total sausage fest
go major in psychology

>> No.6986048

Can confirm this, 10 girls out of 25 students.

>> No.6986053

First year of engineering here, about 15% of women. Most of them are passable/ugly but one of them is absolutely beautiful.

>> No.6986084


Drowning in pussy

>> No.6986236
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>> No.6986259

That's not that far out but this is why engineers don't generally fit in with others. That's too large of a brush stroke you're making with "problem-solving" skills because it sounds like you could actually apply them outside of work. People and society aren't broken, so you shouldn't be thinking like that if you didn't go to school for it.

>> No.6986278

It went horrible and I can never go back to my lab again.

>> No.6986328
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Is that why I'm slowly becoming a bit less social? Civil Engineering here.

>> No.6986355

If I were an engineering firm hiring dude, I would snatch up any hot woman that applied regardless of intellect. Eye candy + alleviating sausagefestness. I would be the most illegally discriminatory bastard out there.

I actually heard that women fucking up the ladder is standard practice in engineering.

>> No.6986356

You don't have to "fit-in" any more than what's necessary to get people to do what you want. Basing your self-esteem off other peoples' perception of you or some in-group belonging is foolish.

>> No.6986362

>If I were an engineering firm hiring dude, I would snatch up any hot woman that applied regardless of intellect. Eye candy + alleviating sausagefestness. I would be the most illegally discriminatory bastard out there.

And that's why you're not in charge of hiring. Companies aren't nightclubs and women are more often than not liabilities.

>> No.6986382

Agreed. Pure math here, the women in math outside of math education are hideous. There was one exception, a 7/10 in analysis, but she had a boyfriend at the time. She went into consulting and didn't go to grad school. Smart move.

Most of the pure math women are 4/10s or 5/10s at best, and mostly autistic. I wouldn't be surprised in math attracts the ugliest people. I say that as a math major too

>> No.6986538

CS here. Maybe around 15 girls but half of them are hot as fuck. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.6986553

>Takes a jab at the superficialoity of apoearance

>calls us ugly

>> No.6986558

Oh shit my spelling

>> No.6986562
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>still really attractive and smart

i guess she is the statistical exception personified

>> No.6986595

>all ugly womanlets or hambeasts

>> No.6986680
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top kek

>> No.6986752

She always uses the elevator to get to our third-floor classroom, so I take the stairs. I doubt she could survive even a single flight of stairs.

>> No.6986771

I'm in geology and we are outnumbered by women. To the point there could be 4 guys and 12 women in a class. I can't complain though I don't get any of the shit would guy say of any feminazi shit with the women here.

>> No.6986838
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No pretty girl wants to do stem shit. It is a waste of good looks. Remember Tori Marshman, six foot tall Yalie (history). You look like her you go into the business world.

>> No.6986846

my field is such that it is probably advantageous for me to lie about the number of women in my field.

>> No.6986883
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>Doing Computer Science
>First day of course
>Only one attractive girl in the class
>She sits next to me
>Heart starts pounding
>Know what I say next will make or break my chance of ever getting a girlfriend
>Try to turn to her a few times, always look away at the last minute
>Eventually think of my pick up line
>Turn to her
>She smiles and says hello
>I smile back
>''h-h-h-h-aaaaeee I am anon.... I can programme in HAITCH TEE EM ELL... I wish I could programme in HOTTY FEMME FATALE''
>Felt very retarded suddenly
>She just says ''errr... what are you trying to say?''
>Say never mind
>Haven't spoken to her since
>She is a slut who fucked most guys in the class so I pretty much blew it and am still a virgin

>> No.6987149
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There's a lot of potential points of failure, but I think issues around problem-solving are going to be the most common, and perhaps there's a lot to talk about there. Part of the joy of being an engineer is solving problems and creating things. A lot of people are more than happy with many of the things around them, don't care to hear how anything could be optimized or done better, and will prefer to buy something rather than make it (just look at the trend in food). Additionally, many people can feel or see good problem-solving skills as being invasive: who is anybody to tell anybody else what to do without giving them money? However this is a cultural issue and not personal issues, and that's what I primarily see as schism causing differences in ethos. And, in the end, I see this being about a fundamental issue over how people see reliability, efficiency, novelty and prudence, but those aren't often social topics that get brought up randomly for you to see how all the people close to you think about them.

For me it's really difficult to not think in terms of interconnected systems, and acting like I don't to become a casual person means I have to throw away every module of underlying philosophy, being, and thought except for 1 or 2 'units' which is really difficult to execute. I find a quest for knowledge trumping most everything else, and most people are okay with not knowing how ANYTHING works. Is that acceptable or not? I don't know. I hope I've not been overly presumptuous or rigid thinking so far on this subject. I really don't know how to approach that last question, though.

>> No.6987321

This guy know what he is talking about.