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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6983191 No.6983191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Official /sci/ E-peen thread:

Post your:
1) IQ
2) education level
3) GPA
4) standardized test score (ACT or SAT and/or GRE)

Please only honest posters respond so we can average the scores.

>> No.6983196

4.0 (lol grad school)
Can't remember

>> No.6983222

ACT: 26

>> No.6983431

4.2 weighted
2180 SAT

>> No.6983446

How do so many people know their IQs? Why would an adult without a disorder have to take an official IQ test? Or are you just quoting scores you got online?

>> No.6983449

I took one as a kid to get in the school I went to.

>> No.6983453

I got into Purdue without having to take any tests HAHAHAHA

>> No.6983454

But you know that probably isn't the same as your IQ now right? Childhood IQ scores usually go way down.

>> No.6983456

>idk, 130+ from untrustable sources
>34 ACT

>> No.6983461
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1.) 208
2.) PhD from Harvard
3.) 4.0
4.) 2395

>> No.6983463

I don't know

>Education level
Graduated highschool, currently enrolled at junior college

Made a 2.4 my first semester

>SAT ACT score
Didn't take the ACT, I forgot my SAT score

Despite all the information posted, why don't you ask me how happy I am? I have a loving family that cares about me. I have a dog that loves me. I am healthy.

>> No.6983466

That thread probably exists somewhere. Go find it.

>> No.6983467

current undergrad
3.30 / 4.33
36 act, 2300 something sat

i just go to business school anyway so get fukt i'm out

>> No.6983470

> Childhood IQ scores usually go way down.
It also matches this.

>> No.6983471

>4.2 weighted
so your college gpa will be around 2.5 then

>> No.6983472

133, tested by my highschool
dropped out of college
3.75 when i was in
lel nigga

>> No.6983476
File: 410 KB, 1100x3300, Some Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have it good

IQ - Apparently 120-130
Education Level - Didn't go to school. Grew up in a religious cult.
Personality type, INTP

>pic related, math I taught myself from age 16-18
>my life = fucking waste of talents

>> No.6983477


A) The thing about childhood IQ scores going down is just a fact, so I don't know what you're shhing.

B) Estimating IQ based on GRE/SAT scores? Are you kidding?

>> No.6983482

> The thing about childhood IQ scores going down is just a fact

>> No.6983485

IQ is just a measure of academic and professional success so anyone who has a high IQ and is NEET is contributing proof to its irrelevancy

>> No.6983492


1) IQ is overrated...
2) PhD, MIT
3) 3.8 undergrad, magna cum lade
4) SAT: 1530 back in the old days.

>> No.6983495
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1) No idea.
2) Math undergrad at top 10 STEM school
3) 3.8
4) 36 ACT

>> No.6983499


SLAC or uni?

>> No.6983504


Perfect score on the ACT and you're posting on 4chan? Wake the fuck up man.

>> No.6983511

1) no idea
2) junior in undergrad studying applied math
3) 3.48
4) got a 2250 on sat in high school

so fucking pissed at my self that i don't have a 3.5

>> No.6983515

3rd year Math/CS
>implying i'm american

>> No.6983527

no idea
>Education level
2nd semester freshmen..
ACT: 17 lol

>> No.6983528

Since when MIT has class ranking and honors ? Lel

>> No.6983529

1) 150
2) Undergrad (Mechanical Eng)
3) 3.7
4) lmao, fuck SAT, I'm already in college

>> No.6983534

>you still measure your e-peen in test scores

Safe to say you're all miniature dicked maggots.

>> No.6983535

Why are C average students even allowed to graduate university?

>> No.6983536


>1) IQ
129 (9th grade)
>2) education level
B.S. Chemistry (Junior)
>3) GPA
>4) standardized test score (ACT or SAT and/or GRE)
1505 SAT

>> No.6983537

become some people dont go to shit schools with major grade inflation

>> No.6983538

because Cs aren't Fs

>> No.6983540

99th percentile (Mensa admissions test only gives percentiles)

> Education
Just finished my Math B.Sc.


captcha: extns
> General (V/Q/W)

>> No.6983547

>dont know IQ, got any decent online tests?
>undergrad Electrical Enginering
>Never took either lol

>> No.6983548

>1) IQ
Never taken an IQ test
>2) Education level
>3) GPA
Not American
>4) Standardised test score (ACT or SAT and/or GRE)
Not American

>> No.6983549


>> No.6983577


Did I say I did my undergrad there, or my PhD?

Work on those reading comprehension skills there, little guy.

>> No.6983597

Guess ill apply to burger king now

>> No.6983603

1. 143 according to IQTEST.DK
2. 3rd year math major
3. A- average
4. N/A

>> No.6983611

you cheated because the test doesn't go that high. nice try

>> No.6983628

The test actually goes to "above end 145" you absolute fucking moron. Delete your post and save yourself the shame.

I love when people find out my IQ score though and think I cheated because its so high! That's truly the best compliment I could receive.

>> No.6983638
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>> No.6983641

I got a 35 on the ACT. Does that mean I'm too good for 4chan too?

>> No.6983649

>shame on an anonymous image board

Judging by your complete lack of proficiency in English you truly are a something special.

>> No.6983653

1. 165
2. Masters degrees in Science and Music
3. 3.7
4. Not a thing in my country

>> No.6983654

Style over substance fallacy and showing a lack of common sense. Also I'm on a mobile phone.

>> No.6983657

1)145-150 (verbal), 60-67 (spacial)
(characteristic NVLD IQ scores, I'm just a special little snowflake)
2) BS ongoing
3) GPA: 3.77 (3.9 major)
4) Forgot my SAT, haven't taken GRE yet.

>> No.6983658

I would like some conclusive proof on this number

>> No.6983660

>60 spacial
Yep you're definitely an invalid.

>> No.6983662

An eloquent invalid.

Those scores don't really mean much, they just indicate characteristic IQ scores for people with my disability.

>> No.6983664

What disability would that be?

>> No.6983665

NVLD, it was in my post. It sucks having a learning/neurological disorder not popularized by TV.


>> No.6983666

It feels good to technically not be an aspie (for now).

>> No.6983670

according to iqtest.dk i have an iq of 133, nice.

>> No.6983673

IQ: Only pretentious idiots know this
Education Level: Current uni student
GPA: 3.6
SAT: don't really remember, something like 2200

>> No.6983674

*oh, EE major

>> No.6983734


My school doesn't offer many APs, and a 92 is weighted B+ 3.3.

>> No.6983737


Just googled what SLAC was

Lmfaooooo that Washington and Lee is on there. Literally nobody cares about that school here in VA and it's seen as the inferior of William and Mary that no one cares about

>> No.6983740

>professionally measured at 154 when I was like 8 years old
>first year grad student in mathematics
>3.60 undergrad, 3.625 first semester of grad school
>2390 SAT, 170Q/169V/5.5W GRE, 175 LSAT
>no friends, no gf, no social life, havent had sex in 5 years, hopelessly addicted to marijuana

>> No.6983742

> 3.625 first semester of grad school
Better get your shit together.

>> No.6983743


I got 115 even though I was professionally tested 133. The test is gay as fuck, and there's one problem that involves enlarging rectangles that's notoriously ambiguous.

>> No.6983745

>professionally measured at 154 when I was like 8 years old

IQ tests are only valid once you're an adult. Child IQ tests are notoriously in-accurate

>> No.6983748

For interest, how much research experience did you have and what is the approximate ranking of your grad school?

>> No.6983751

I'm already in grad school, why would I give a fuck about my GPA? All I'm concerned with is passing my analysis qualifier.

Guess all those standardized tests were just a fluke then. Anyway, I'm not the one who asked about IQ.

>> No.6983755
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>tfw 107

I thought I'd be around 120 or so, although I have had 5 beers. . . .

Some of the patterns I just couldn't see for some reason

>> No.6983759

1) No idea, hopefully high
2) Undergrad math and physics student
3) Not studying in a country that has such a scale but my average grade is about 83% so far
4) Not an American, not applicable but scored within top 1% in my country's standardized math test when I was 16, significantly lower in languages but I don't remember the percentage

>Official /sci/ E-peen thread for Americans

>> No.6983771

1) IQ - I have no idea, I took one with some achievement tests in elementary school. Between 115 and 125 I'd say

2) Masters degree receiving this may, hopefully PhD in 3 more years

3) 3.456 Undergrad, 3.814 Grad

4) ACT-26, SAT-1660, GRE-158 Quant, 158 Verbal, GREMath-470 topkek

I think ACT,SAT, and GRE are all complete shit. I also never say, "muh bad test taker", that is also bullshit. Acing a standardized test means fuck all towards your skill in that area or your aptitude, it just means you knew everything on that test on that day. Even the GREmath was bullshit. It was 75% pure math concepts and I'm applied :(, only one differential equation on the whole test, I've taken 7 DE classes....dafuq mane

>> No.6983779

147 (taken at age 5, not necessarily accurate)
HS senior
~4.4 weighted
35 ACT, shitty (sub-99th percentile) SAT

>> No.6983780

1) IQ = No idea. Hopefully 100+. People who brag about IQ are losers.

2) Education level = Senior in HS.

3) GPA = 4.0, my school is super easy

4) Standardized test scores = ACT: 36, SAT: 2390.
Again, people who brag about test scores are also losers. They don't really mean shit.

>> No.6983782

1. 131
>Got it tested to help out the psych dept at my university, alright?
2. BS in spring
3. 3.66
4. ACT-33 SAT-2180